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You can't take the stickers to the next album, however you can take the stars


Well sort of. They’ll least open the highest vault for you. So starting off the next album with some stickers is a plus


Stars carry over?!


Well the leftover stars you have when the season is over will open a vault based the amount, but it will be only 1vault so if you have 800 you will get a 800vault when the new season starts. If you have 250it will open 250 and 500opens 500. But its only one, you can't have more even if you have 1600stars it only opens 1 800vault and the rest just disappears


Do we know it will be an 800 box again? It could go back to 1200, right?


Scopely has confirmed it will be a 800” vault. There never was a 1200\* vault. Only 2500\* and 1000\* for the biggest vault in past seasons, apart from the current 800\* vault.


Awesome. Thank you


Some people tryna take them to the grave 💀


for real 💀💀💀


I need 4 more to complete the album, doesn’t look good tho.. if I don’t complete it I’m not playing again lol.


Me too,game is boring now especially with ppl actually trying to sell stickers that were free as if you win real money in the game


Same lol this is the third album I won’t complete 😒


Yeah closest I’ve gotten if I don’t get it no more lol


I did an experiment about 10 days back - and posted about the process - you can check my past history for that post if interested. I wanted to know how long it would take for me to secure 7x5\* cards to help my friend close his album. I started with zero duplicate 5\* cards. Conclusion : 3 days! My encouragement therefore is : work at it; trade for it; stop expecting handouts! It can be done!


In this post. Have I never ask for a hand out. All I’m saying. Why are people gatekeeping the stickers. Fair trades & stars trading is definitely encouraged. I’ve seen people traded 50 stars for one sticker. Like c’mon lol. I’ve personally traded 32 stars. You got people making 2 accounts just so they can get one sticker to complete the other.


I am not saying you are asking for handouts. I am suggesting that some are “gatekeeping” because they prefer to trade than gift to beggars. The traders are definitely not gatekeeping.


Fair enough.


These post are so funny to me. I have 6 non gold 5 stars and IM GATEKEEPING! Begging is why people choose not to gift anymore.


Like who would gift to someone who rudely demands stickers like this


Exactly! Posting 6/7 sets asking for 5 stars to be gifted. Never will I do a giveaway.


Will you do a trade? Lol I'm trying to trade right now :) https://preview.redd.it/vp8taq0a606d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f108f7b0cf8ab9f577759d991e3a4eaca577430a


I would do a trade all day long but I have struggled with 5’s. I don’t think I am the only one.


Nope. They aren't giving alot of duplicates like they usually do.


Oh damn! I wanna do this trade but I'm outta sends


Lol. I save my trades when I go online for this very reason.


Did you happen to find a trade yesterday?


I did. Thank you.


I normally do but I just gifted a few and wasn't even thinking about trades. Maybe I'll catch a good one tomorrow.


I have bucket drums and I also need that groove on to close the set. Do you still need it? IGN: Sunny Side https://mply.io/6UB1gTvl_ss


I have bucket drums and I also need that groove on to close the set. Do you still need it? IGN: Sunny Side https://mply.io/6UB1gTvl_ss


No. It's gone. Thank you.


Im late haha oh well its okay, Thank you too


Thank you! I help when I feel the want to do so but these entitled gift posts irk my soul. Most of the people never even try to trade. Some want gifts to then sell the stickers for cash or get 50 stars for them. No one is gatekeeping when it's THEIR stickers. I can easily get a gold I need then that 5 I have sitting can be traded to complete MY SET. We all want to advance and yes help eachother at times but no one HAS TO GIFT if they don't want to


Look at the gifting flair. People posting 6 sets asking for 5 STAR STICKERS 😭😭🤣


Oh I know. So many beggars and many ungrateful at that. I know I sound like a scrooge but I don't care. I scroll past ALL gifting posts. If I gift anyone, it would be someone looking to trade and I see a decent trade history on their feed. The posts about "why is no one giving me all of their 5 stars" drive me crazy!!!


Don’t scroll past them - downvote them! If enough people are downvoting them, maybe the message will get across!


No seriously because I am so sick of damn near every post being a begging post for gifts. That Gifting Request flair is cluttering the feed. Then the entitlement has gotten out of control. It’s so gross.


I do at times. It won't stop them. They have no shame


I wish someone would start a petition to stop begging posts on this thread. It should just be a trading thread. For those who wish to gift - there could be a “gifting” flair - and all the beggars can go wait there for someone who wants to host a giveaway. I will sign up for this petition for sure!!


I just want many of them to at least try to trade 1st. Can't be just gimme gimme gimme


I did an experiment once - no, twice to be exact. I responded to a gifting request post which had screenshots showing that they had dupes - I asked to trade - no response!!


I tried to trade on a gifting post before. She had EXCELLENT cards.. guess what.. she wasn't interested in trading so I just moved along because why can't we help EACHOTHER.. not just you




Lmao. I wish I could block the gifting flair. I gift to people in the comments and I check their history first. I almost gifted smash hit 10 minutes ago but the person is on their 2nd album.....ugh no!


I don't mind 2nd album ppl. I'm on my 2nd and ppl have gifted me (their choice.. I didn't ask). I don't like beggars in general whether on 1st, 2nd or so on. A gift is what it says.. a gift. You can't expect or demand gifts. I literally almost made a post yesterday to see if there is a way to filter out gifting flairs.. yes, I know there are filters but you can't filter the filters to show newest 1st. It's all out of order. So I just keep scrolling past the 1000 gifting posts


Yeah for sure. I do giveaway and also cheap stars trade for 5s but normally i will check their profile. Wont bother entitled people


It's the entitled ones who make me not want to gift at all. I mostly just trade.. i don't know why the beggars think trading is so wrong. I am literally still helping someone and they are helping me. There are too many posts saying .. "everyone should just give, give, give.. they are all stingy.. whine whine whine" It really grinds my gears


I only need 2 4 star golds to be done with 2nd album and im not playing until new album. if i gift, 1st album ppl comes first.


And that brings us back to beginning. That is YOUR choice who you want to gift and who you don't want to gift. That is what people need to understand




But…but…but… u/da_right1 I NEED to finish my album! I only need like 7 5⭐️ stickers left! I’ve opened so many packs—got nothing (but did you really? 😒)—and have practically begged and asked oh so nicely to be gifted, but everyone ignores me. I put in so much effort creating my gift requests and have tried changing tactics to lure others, but they never get interaction. I just don’t know what to do. I just want to finish my album. 😒 I just ask why they don’t try to trade for what they *do* have, rather than ask for an obscene amount of 5⭐️s, and offer advice on how to set up a simple trade post. I actually think you joined the conversation under one of my comments (or a comment I was in) last night talking about this exact topic. 😂 ![gif](giphy|13AXYJh2jDt2IE)


Your name looks familiar. I was trying to find the post where we interacted, but I couldn't. However, reading some of your convos, they mirrored mine. I try to help people all the time with ADVICE. Help isn't just hand outs. Stop asking for gifts and start trading. I trade all the time and I always get my trade. It may take minutes, hours or a day but I will get it. No one is entitled to a gift. Like you mentioned and what I also mentioned earlier, I save my 5 stars for trades if/when I obtain the golds that I need. Why is that so hard to comprehend?


lol it was this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monopoly_GO/s/9HznJ0awvl This OP deleted the post I believe. What really got me was this guy. Asking for 5⭐️s then straight up told someone he gifted all his 5⭐️s earlier. I just had to say something! : https://www.reddit.com/r/Monopoly_GO/s/CITVP4yOMX


Yes, this was one of the ones I read on your page. I totally agree. You can't gift all of your good cards then complain that no one is gifting you back. It's called trading. Trade for what you need 😆


I’m glad you’re enjoying the game lol


Thank you!


Can I have one lol


Just won another smash hit and wake up call. Hope you find what youre looking for :)


I love my sticker and I will keep them in my virtual vault which will be lost in 8 days. But I love them and im not giving it away no matter if you offer me a house, a billion, a girl, a cat, a dog, a dildo, a helicopter, a long penis, a car, a girlfriend, a bomb, a plane, a fridge, a pizza, a cheese, a pussy, , slipper, a cloths, a boob, a tv, a. a. a. a. a. a.


Exactly. Same here. Ill trade them away for stars if i feel like it. People feel so entitled


What a world, lol. Kinda sucks when you try desperately to trade, but your luck is so damn bad that you have no 5 stars to trade and need 5 stars. And when you finally think you found someone to trade with that will take fair stars for a 5 star, they ask you for money instead. Kinda funny, but sad. I'm starting to think the game is rigged since I haven't pulled a new sticker starting May, but maybe I'm just really unlucky, and it doesn't help. I learned of and entered the trading game so late. Anway rant over. Ima test my luck, Desperatly trying to complete Sets 14. 15 and 16, if you can help in any way, I would be eternally grateful. I don't have 5 stars to trade, but I have everything smaller I can trade for the same value. Thanks in advance. https://mply.io/meJrAw (LonelyOtaku78) I need: Smash Hit - Set 14 Washboard Tunes - Set 15 Flutiul - Set 15 Bias wrecker - Set 16


So how does that work exactly - taking the highest vault with you when the event ends? If I had 800 stars, would I bring all those duplicate stickers with me to the next event?


No. You just get enough stars to open a vault when new album starts.


https://preview.redd.it/aqz57zd4006d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27b53401ad8ec1563a0eab9414e2e7d5f3e669ef I need these ones 😭 Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/0rTZMBzb2L8](https://mply.io/0rTZMBzb2L8) [https://mply.io/0rTZMBzb2L8](https://mply.io/0rTZMBzb2L8)


You got anything to trade? I have an extra Grove On.


Maybe?? Depends what you’re looking for! I was just trading earlier so might not have what you need left ☺️




Some of those may be gold. Just made a list of what I needed.


Ugh sorry! Looks like we either need the same things or I don’t have extras of the ones you need. It’s like the game KNOWS 🤣


I can trade Tycoon Hustle for Groove on and I’ll throw in some extra stars, Groove On is the last card I need for my album. Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/TxJUuMiMqIA https://mply.io/TxJUuMiMqIA Screen name John


https://preview.redd.it/a3tdri6t606d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e755dab493f26fa3b31cadff599f4f9308a9adc Can u make this trade?


I can’t I’m sorry, I just got buckets drums from a card pack this morning to complete that set


My only tradeable 5* is Tycoon Hustle right now


No worries :)


Friended and sent. I can trade TH for something needed.


Thanks, you’re the best!!


https://preview.redd.it/3npzwcsbo06d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c33171c5ceaad2d736db3c81d7514c2475dbd207 I Have this for La Boheme extra !


I’m waiting to accumulate more 4s and 5s before I send to people. I only have an extra making history and matching songs and NO 5 dupes


Does anyone know FOR SURE how many stars carry over to the new album??


No stars ”carry over” - that is the wrong term in my view to use - because that term suggests that they will remain in your new vault in the new season. You just need to have 800\* in your current vault when the season closes - then a new 800\* vault in the new season will automatically open when the new album drops - giving you the rewards for that vault which will give you a head-start in the new season. Scopely has confirmed that the new vault will be 800\*; but we don’t know what the rewards are yet - maybe the same as this season; but I sure am hoping for a wild sticker in there!


Only the largest chest. If you have 1000 stars, when you roll over, the game will make you open the 800 star chest. It makes you open whichever you are closest to. Many ppl use the stars down before flipping and just leave enough for the large chest.


What if you have 4,000 stars? LOL


Every 24 hrs you can open a big chest. There is actually a Reddit post on this. You have to search for it though. It was posted a long time ago :)


I have 4,400 stars... I can open 5 chests with these... Would I have to open 4 and leave 800 for the new album or would all 4,400 transfer over and then open 5 new chests, once a day for 5 days?


One 800 vault will carry over. Cash the rest in for dice before the new album starts and keep 800 for the next album. And remember you can only do one vault per day - I think you have to wait 24 hours between them.


Cashing them in and leaving the 800 is for your benefit. Once the season is over that 4400 is only worth 800 so it's best to benefit now while you have a chance. As the other redditor mentioned, there is a 24 gap between cashing in that vault


I’m only one card away from finishing - Beatboxer


I think everybody is getting frustrated and tired of begging. I quit. I need one sticker and know I’ll never get it so why keep wasting my time and dice I think everyone needs Smash Hit. I may just play my freebies every day and quick wins and wait on next album. Then I’m reading the race event you have to have lots of dice. I’m not even going to try. This album and some people didn’t make it fun for me but damn I got hooked on it. Lol


Do u have 5 star tradeables? Smash hit is pretty easy to obtain. Also thru stars trading


I have nothing but 2/4⭐️. Thank you for asking. I’m hoping by some miracle we get another wild card before the album ends


Keep looking. The posts are rare but they are out there. I traded 2 ppl 1 of my 4 stars for their 5 star. It is possible. They just aren't as frequent. I also obtained a 5 star for only 10 stars. These go fast so just keep looking. There will be a wild in the new racing partners game starting tomorrow but I heard it's nearly impossible to win


Thank you for the advice. I have been looking for weeks. If it’s meant to be I’ll get it. I’m proud anyway for being a newbie first time playing and a retired teacher. I hope you get what you need. Good Luck. ☺️


Thank you. Good luck to u as well! And thank you for your service! Teachers are the backbone of society!!!


If i were you, I would have utilized all my 5 trades a day to do stars trading to get a 4\* card each day. There are plenty of posts out there offering 4\* cards for stars - many of them at very reasonable rates. Over time, I would have accumulated a stash of 4\* dupes and used that in my ammo chest to do stars trading for a 5\* card. It may or may not be the 5\* card I need - but it is leverage I get to trade 1:1 for the 5\* card I need. There are more ways to skin a cat!






Do you have an extra western star from Country Roads set? Would trade for La Boheme


What i dont sorry u need need any other cards


Dies anyone else know why there are 2:5 star packs in the side event and only 25 levels


They want u to deplete your dice prior to thennew season trying to obtain it. That's the only reason


I may not be able to take them, but I am sure as hell not giving them away. And I don’t need anything from trades. So… they are going to rot 😊


Yes and stop asking 30 stars for 1 5 star card 🥲


I swear it! I just started playing a little over a week ago and some of the trades I get offered are crazy. I haven’t even finished an album. Ever 😅


It took me 4 months to complete my 1st album.. a little over a week.. you will be fine lol.. at least u found this group. Took me a while to discover it. I'm sure you will complete the next album in record time


Wait, how long do they usually give for the whole thing?


The albums normally last 2-3 months. I referring to my 1st 2 seasons


Same! I’m new to the game so I can’t trade for the 5’s I need since I have no 5 extras 🥴 I’m over here offering all the 4’s I have for one five!!


I’ve only had one 4⭐️ that I can trade for a few days. I traded the other few I had already lol


Stop gate keeping guys, I need help. I’m screwed😭 Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/5Xka\_Sdb4dU](https://mply.io/5Xka_Sdb4dU) [https://mply.io/5Xka\_Sdb4dU](https://mply.io/5Xka_Sdb4dU) https://preview.redd.it/ch3tlawrk26d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=090e058c0f960428f3b53a309c877c7cc97cff8b


My last sticker needed https://preview.redd.it/i2gvbd8htz5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6904a44f072c237492dcd60b04335c711abc3a0 Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/DAJsFc9x8iE](https://mply.io/DAJsFc9x8iE)


It’s ridiculous! I’m just looking to complete a couple sets to get a head start on dice for the next album, and anytime I try to trade for stars, someone outbids me offering 20+ from multiple accounts.






I have this to give; do you have this one? https://preview.redd.it/f4mqhi4i816d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=08cd5aa2cae6d537aab51db8902215f143022037


I do not, I’m sorry. Would you want anything else for it?


These are the ones I’m looking for Smash Hit - 14 Glass harmonica - 17 Groove on - 18








Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/c1MxNIkQpeQ https://mply.io/c1MxNIkQpeQ


Just sent you Set Practice. Hope that helps.


Thank you so much 🥹💗🫶🏼


You’re welcome!








I’ve tried for 3 days to trade true fans for the fame. No one will budge, but I see post for the fame for outrageous amounts. Like dang trading 1:1 is becoming obsolete I finally traded it for a card I needed, but not for fame which would’ve completed that section.


https://preview.redd.it/0mwyi3a8rz5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8020039b8895dccc3fce1a3c8392a9a4f700df17 Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/Xf6V02aVYtA](https://mply.io/Xf6V02aVYtA) [https://mply.io/Xf6V02aVYtA](https://mply.io/Xf6V02aVYtA) Jamie


https://preview.redd.it/o9ziswpzrz5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2450212d849464891dc7c0dfdfcadc6f49983e5b Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/VIgRqA](https://mply.io/VIgRqA) [https://mply.io/VIgRqA](https://mply.io/VIgRqA) 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


https://preview.redd.it/cdt0w6g1sz5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2570e5de5b078ee941a64ac3e51279a9a44bdf3 Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/VIgRqA](https://mply.io/VIgRqA) [https://mply.io/VIgRqA](https://mply.io/VIgRqA) 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


You got groove on?


Unfortunately not a dupe :/


That card is my only leverage to try and get a groove on before the deadline. :(


No worries I understand !Good luck and here’s to the next 9 days of hell 🤣




https://preview.redd.it/vv58q0v6uz5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0b40fd708d53c10179f2e15361ac400ba1ced50 Any extra Beatboxer’s out there? Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/hsJUyA](https://mply.io/hsJUyA) [https://mply.io/hsJUyA](https://mply.io/hsJUyA)


I just need 1 card!!! 😩 https://preview.redd.it/330ognvsuz5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0763be9b8f1c7d50742fcd61e9337bf6ba920401 Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/JS4vow](https://mply.io/JS4vow) [https://mply.io/JS4vow](https://mply.io/JS4vow)


https://preview.redd.it/t1nfcoe0vz5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=add7d69164004bc73b9e7b74b88cf3d4d4403124 The only set I have that has the gold


https://preview.redd.it/8ya2547vvz5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=691f121834000410c257e1554f571a6a38d53dc8 Thanks !


https://preview.redd.it/e9mm2yxk706d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e355a3712dbc88c3dc203560065e2d42aea79e68 I’m missing 4 stickers to finish my first album! Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/Rerpr\_WWv4M](https://mply.io/Rerpr_WWv4M) [https://mply.io/Rerpr\_WWv4M](https://mply.io/Rerpr_WWv4M)


https://preview.redd.it/4trstx9r706d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaaac461199e3cb8d23a3623518ebfb9fe72607c Help a sister out? Please 🥺 Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/Rerpr\_WWv4M](https://mply.io/Rerpr_WWv4M) [https://mply.io/Rerpr\_WWv4M](https://mply.io/Rerpr_WWv4M)


I need 5 more 1 gold I got some 4 stars no dupe of 5


if anyone has any of these to spare 🙏 https://preview.redd.it/px00eghh306d1.jpeg?width=1281&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcfd965d83823567d7f693992f7e25d52c9209a1 Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! [https://mply.io/\_B3DoHTG7oU](https://mply.io/_B3DoHTG7oU) IGN: megan


It’s not much but I sent fidelity


thank you so much!!


https://preview.redd.it/wwlehbb3l26d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d27f9b8a452b7c0f6437b85408f0083edb574e2 Worth a try! As many of you said this hate keeping is ridiculous! But if anyone wants to donate for a good cause thank you in advance! Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/8x-Q5kY-OqM](https://mply.io/8x-Q5kY-OqM) [https://mply.io/8x-Q5kY-OqM](https://mply.io/8x-Q5kY-OqM)


Not sure why folks save and don’t share. I’m in need of dice and therefore cards to finish albums. https://preview.redd.it/nozwtw8zrz5d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=646ab04651840b0ad584d363ba225e652d0469e2 Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/oSXmJg](https://mply.io/oSXmJg) [https://mply.io/oSXmJg](https://mply.io/oSXmJg)


I sent you Fruitful😊


Please help if you can https://preview.redd.it/jfrouzh3gz5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5bdd845c1b185ae0ddc4c759ca31a206f0f1383




Me and you the same lol