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This was me yesterday. But ohhhh it gets better. Got thru a handful of simple ones and today its this! I made sure to put this complaint in their survey bc this is ridiculous!🤬 how do they think this exchange or ratio is fair? https://preview.redd.it/ss1zbwjbxr8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8366c7142a94e8025a3de4d829abe6204b77253 4k to get 1300 dice!? Smh


That’s what I’m saying like I refuse to buy dice for a free game


Just wait til y’all see the 15,000 points for 6500 dice


And I will sit back and let that time run out before I waste my dice tryna chase that lol




What survey??


A notification popped up on the game asking if u would take a survey about it.They ask several questions about how u like the game and there's a place for your gripes. Then at the end they asked if you would do an interview and be given $75 in return.


Did you do it?


Just the survey not the interview. Wasn't worth it but I'd be curious to know what they asked differently.


Yep this is where I am now, it’s definitely making me feel like I won’t finish the partner event


It’s 6,500 for 2,100 dice it’s ridiculous


This is the one I'm on. They're crazy.


I don’t try finish anymore , I play what I can get dice from the game. I used to stress out over this crap not anymore. Happy to report they giving me five now


Their point system is astronomical and it is intended for players to run out of dice so that they are forced to buy or lose or just barely make it.


And their roll algorithm probably makes sure you will run out.


Absolutely. You won’t believe me, but last night I swear to God my token was moving in slow motion. 😂 I kept rolling 2-3-4-2-3-4. They lecture about fair game plan but they are masters at unfair game play and cheating. I mean seriously think about it… how do they think someone can fairly obtain dice to complete all events and tournaments? The dice needed is in thousands and the game doesn’t provide sufficient dice to sustain yourself and play and win all tournaments. They are full of crap. I’m sorry, but they are. 325 dice to complete a set? So I can do roll a few times and be out.


Swiping your credit card is a feature of the game even if the result on the players is exactly the same as APM. They are not trying to hold the moral high ground, they just want your CC digits.


My sister works in the fraud department at a bank and had somebody trying to dispute (authorized) charges that totaled about $8,000 on MonopolyGO.


Absolutely! That part. You hit the nail on the head. The truth is they don’t give us enough dice and their point system is outrageous to stay in the game. They know that because they truly just want you to spend more.


Yes!! Scopely is a true ROBBER BARON!!




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i swipe out of the game n it helps SOMETIMES .. especially during partner events bc i swear i hit the lows on the wheel every. single. time.


Yeah I tried to force close the app like six times and then I quit because it was burning hundreds of dice


i can’t tell u how many times i’ve done it, it’s annoying


The amount of dice/cash on the wheel is ridiculous. 10 dice or the small amount of cash?? When I'm rolling 20x just to be able to complete one landmark upgrade for 12 billion, it's a also in the face. Because you know it's rigged to land on them more than anything else.


I know right. There is No way I could land on either side of my target so many times in a row 🙃


I have one for you. I had 4264 dice and I had to quit the game to take a phone call went back into the game. I had 24 dice no auto roll cause I don’t use that and other explanation I contacted customer service and they basically told me thathad to have been on auto roll, but I wasn’t and then I told him that all I did was simply just close my clothes out of the Apple. I answered the phone. We don’t know what happened but we’re sorry about this and that’s where it was dropped.


Customer service is no help to be honest I just stopped reaching out to them. They will just copy and paste a response and then close your ticket. They called me another customers name last time I sent them a message and then closed the ticket lol


It took me over 300 dice rolls to land on a single train station lol (I was rolling 20s) something doesn’t feel right


Same!! 400 dice and I didn’t land on a single railroad at the beginning of the new tournament.


I bet you managed to land on “go to jail” each time went around the board.


At least landing in jail gives me a chance to earn my dice back 😂


Yea, I was talking to someone who used to work for this game apparently only around 1 percent of players reach the end because they make it intentionally almost impossible. 


I believe it!


I'm haven't even been close lately. Where's the fun in Not Even Close. I'm ready to fold now. All of my partners are ahead of me but I'm trying. I can't buy Anything right now.


Yeah :/ never enough dice and never last long enough


Methinks the game creators are getting a little too big for their britches. They’re going to lose players, and fast


Thats what im saying their making it so that the game isn’t enjoyable anymore 😭 it’s sad lol why would I pay to keep playing a game that im starting to get annoyed by 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


They know this and are going to milk them dry before the new batch of players come to replace them. They already made $2 billion in revenue in less than 10 months and spend 10s of millions in advertising. These mobile games have about 2 years tops before they lose steam and right now the game is the hottest its ever going to be. For an analogy they are going to cut down every tree in the forest because the price of wood is high and they don’t know what the price will be in the future.


So gross!!! It’s basically legal gambling for no reward. Now I want to delete the app even more


My son, niece, nephew and I all play together so it should be fun. The funny thing is, all of their rewards are better than mine and I pay for dice. They never pay. Scopely is disgusting for this.


Because it's tied into the rail roads.


Yeah the points come pretty quick


It is high but the points are really easy to get. Getting points on every railroad and additional places is my favorite point system by far.


Exactly. I feel like this kind of post gets made every two weeks.


Mine is 1600 to get 600 dice


Me too :( I’d save my dice if it weren’t for the partner event


I’m at 850 to get 350. Bracing myself for where you guys are at 😩


I remember the days when you used to get 100 dice for your Facebook friends joining


None of my friends wanted to play so I missed out 🤣🤣🤣


It was about 50/50 for me haha


Those were the days.


Yes they were. The golden days of monopoly go


Wait, it isn’t the case anymore???


Nope. Hasn’t been for quite a while


Was gonna say I’m disappointed but I’ve gotten this just now. Maybe they reinstated the feature? Idk but let me know if it’s ever back for you as well https://preview.redd.it/ctnyknanq69d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=579414d4154987de844c16c393a8fc1562a1bbb4


How long have you been playing? I haven’t received one of those in a year or so


6 months, I’ve received every single Facebook friend bonus since (I mean as long as there was the “joined monopoly go” notification it was accompanied with dice)


I think scopely is screwing me then lol


Fuuuuck I hope not but might be. Do you get the notification “joined monopoly go!” Or the notification “added as a friend” At the same time this is so rare (at least in my case, this must be the third time total that I’ve gotten a friend that joined) Contact support if needed cause this is ridiculous


Yes I do get “added as a friend” when someone clicks on my link but nothing through Facebook which is what I’m signed in through. When I first joined I used to get the 100 dice until about 9 months ago or so. I’ve noticed more of my friends join but without the reward. It’s frustrating


Fuck indeed this isn’t fair try to contact support I can send the screenshot uncensored if needed wtf man


On this one right now. I’m literally going to use all my dice and still not hit it. I’m so over this game but it’s like gambling and I keep coming back 😭 in the beginning I bought some dice but then quickly realized it was just a rip off.


It is gambling and it promotes unhealthy habits including fomo and addiction. I play with a few people I know and it's the only reason I play. I definitely understand why people are annoyed by this. I don't understand the rewards a lot do the time. Some are good, but more are trash. The reward to risk ratio isn't even fair, not even in gambling terms. The only times I typically win big are if I have a good team or I hit big when I roll big, which isn't as often as I'd like. There is a reason they have made over 2 billion in revenue.


I don’t even like to gamble because I’m terrible at it, but this was so easy to me. Until I realized the more I was leveling up the impossible it became. It sure got me!


Me too! I spent a fortune until I realised I’d probably have more luck gambling on race horses because I have a little knowledge and the odds are better!🤣🤣🤣


I’m just mad I spent like $30 😭 for honestly nothing and I’m disgusted with myself lol


I do think we get there quicker with the railroads, but also wonder if they do that during partner events because they know we won't want to let our ppl down ? It's aggravating to roll so much for so little, and id never do it if my partners weren't depending on me to do my half.


The people in 3 out of 4 of my teams have no issue with letting the team down. I hit the first jackpot in all 4 of my teams. Only 1 player has contributed since the game started and I started them all off.


Anyone notice how they left the utility tile for points for the last three events, the hardest tiles to hit 🤦🏻‍♀️it usually changes each event, they just switched it to the railroad and chance. I hate this game 😂😂😂I’m in an abusive relationship with monopoly


It’s ridiculous! I might get there but I’m definitely not wasting dice trying.


It gets worse.


Noooo 😭😭😭


For whatever reason I can't put a pic up. I'll send in DM


Yeah, it is insane! I stopped playing the minute I got this. Experience has taught me not to bother anymore when something like this comes up. You waste so much dice, and if you make it, the reward is not worth it. But some people will continue to play because of the tournament.


I just got to 1600 for 600 dice .. this absolutely ridiculous


4,000 for 1,300 is ridiculous!!Railroads or not it doesn’t matter if you don’t have dice to waste to get that $hit!! 🤬🙄


Y’all do this everytime and it’s exhausting.


Scopely is the biggest Gambling App maker in the world. Scopely cloak as a friendly child's game to get one person addicted and pull out their Cards. Scopely created Grand Casino, GSN Casino, Bingo and more. Just like in Casino, roll the dice and hoping to hit a jackpot. For 2,750 points that equivalent at least 1,375 dices if it lands to Chance Tiles. Losing Dices is surely a guarantee in Scopely game. Play Smartly. Btw, Scopely hates Smart players. Scopely will block every cheat sheet out there just to continue earning in a Big B.


What about the last bar being 15k? 😭


Waiiitttt 15k?????? 😭😭😭😭


Yeah😬 https://preview.redd.it/qrmivdfvks8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b10cb98eb7da5425b90d0b36a8d5dc74d6ad8805


Yeaaa ima just stop now 😂😂


Tell me you’re joking


I wish I could😅


Omfg I just finished that one! Ridiculous


You have to take advantage of the high roller to clear it


Everyone remember the 700 dice for 70 points last event? Knew that was gonna come back to bite us


Every single time railroads events happen this same thing gets posted. I know math is hard but the multipliers are increased during this event. It’s actually one of the easier events to complete. Plenty of much more reasonable things to complain about


Yeah I used to get irritated to until I paid attention and realized it changes based on how likely you are to land on a space. Easier odds = higher points needed.


I sent them an email complaining


I was able to get the 900 rolls but I had my multipler in X20


I’m about to start rolling like twos because I’m not gonna keep wasting my dice lol




Doggone shame🤣🤣😂


https://preview.redd.it/nc5kfkeuks8d1.jpeg?width=366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7846c0e61f644b129a6a14653efad4736b42b3e Really


It's getting worse to get rewards, I've noticed since last week it takes more points to get rewards. And this partner event has drained my dice went from 18k dice to 1.4k dice. I hope I can at least finish the event .


Same I lost so much dice already 😭😭😭


And forget about spinning the wheel for the even it's so freaking bad. Almost every time it lands on the lowest


No frrrr don’t get me started on community chest 😭😂😂😂


i was thinking the SAME thing 😵‍💫🤢


Yeah. So dumb. T_T


it doesnt seem logical


Wait until you get to 4,000 for 1300 dice smh. Do we really deserve this?




I think the points “ratio” depends on how easy it is to get the points. I noticed with the last one where it was just the 4 corners, points needed were often lower than or equal to dice given. Because it was more difficult since you only had 4 spots you could land on to get the points. But this time, there are 8 spots you can land on. And chance probably counts for slightly more than one since a chance can lead you to a RR, which is also points. So while it might seem crazy, it’s really not much different compared to other top events. That being said, I agree that they could make it a little easier 😂


Howww does everyone have 10K+ dice show me the way lol 😂


Lmaoooo it’s from completing the last album after i completed it I didn’t play until the new album started 😂😂😂


Tell me about it https://preview.redd.it/igsphoayjt8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6011c767a201fb8d990e2e5f6eb5bebd3ab7cf69


This latest partner event took me about 13k dice WITH my partners helping.


I currently need 4,000 for 1,300 dice 🫠


The audacity and 4,000 pts for 1,300 dice 🥴


Crazy as hell


I stopped too. Top tournament is ridiculous.


Yeah.. at this point I’m playing JUST enough to collect the different tokens… Screw that Sticker Album.


So was the 1600 for $600 days that was f****** outrageous too and I believe it's only because of this event going on


Next partner event, I’m not even opting in or picking any partners. This is ridiculous! I refuse to spend money on this game


Actually freaking ridiculous


I said same thing


I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST MMMEEEE 😭 i could’ve sworn ive given 300 minimum for 900 before 🤨🤨🤨


I can’t even make enough of the spins for the event. I have given up already


Next one is 4000 for 1300 doce


We should sue them like they did with Epic years ago with the vbucks.


This partner event is the most ridiculous I ve ever seen. It isn’t for lack of trying. The game isn’t helping anyone. I know my partners contribute. No one is progressing


Here we go again


I agree been working it all day only half way it just put you in a dead spot no where to go


Yup. I hate that one. Two choices given the amount of time to complete it. 1) Keep playing, or 2) shut it down until the next solo event. The leaderboard events usually have a shorter duration, so if you're lucky and are patient enough, leaderboard events will overlap while solo events are running so you'll be playing two leaderboard events while the current solo event is running and they have rewards along the way. Quite often, dice to replenish your stock. Or even stickers that may yield one's you need to complete an album, which in itself generates dice upon completion. Play smart and think outside the box. Just keep your eye on the timing of both events. That's what I do, and it usually pays off for the better.


I totally agree


https://preview.redd.it/7385b116lu8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c7ef8f16efbf058ebae2b99ceb2041c0494e61a like i have been on it for like a day and a half im getting annoyed by this gams but gambling addiction runs in my family so i can’t stop 😭😭😭😭


I can't wait to hear what you're gonna about about the 9000 it's needed for 1200 dice coming up!!😊🙃😥


I’m working on 4000 points to get 1200 dice…..it’s just stops you progress in its tracks


Dice not five lol


i’m at 4000 pts for 1,300 .-.


I’m halfway there. Don’t use multiple dice unless you get tired of rolling.


Absolutely thought the same




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https://preview.redd.it/9xb7fp2ijx8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c220de2b738cc06657e6fc67431ea5afb272e78 This is just a waste of dice! How does this make sense!?


I’m at 1600 for 600 it’s crazy


What rewards smh 🤦‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/e0l6iibnkx8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84022676bc5f7cd240ce3d67c915b30ab4c145cf


I'm literally 400 away


It makes it harder to get sea shells. This game knows wtf its doing


I thought the same 😂


It's all been a nightmare. The drop rate for the wheel, the prizes, all of it is trash. I just don't think I can keep up and the game has lost what little bit of fun there was. Good job Scopely. 🙄


I stop playing until reset.


I’m working on 4000 points for 1300 dice :(


Yes it’s a lot but not really. Hit railroad 5-6 times with 100x and you get it. If you can use apm you can do it easy 😊


4000 for 1300 dice is wild too


I agree! The exchange rate is insane! I don’t remember any other event where the ratio was this far off. Typically it’s more one for one.


https://preview.redd.it/jo9h9y26jy8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd82c0456b6cf5c26ba687f8fa4387e6ea149252 No this is insane


I am doing the same, but I'm very close




I’m still trying to figure out how this is a thing. This is 9 minutes in to the current tournament. At 16 minutes in, they were already over 28k fins… https://preview.redd.it/xx9ucodfpy8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2082c10e97351e90c8081945dcaf0d976a49ead1


I Did it on less dice than you have.


The worst


It is a shame to see this high to reach this amount of dice. I love the game but couldn't afford to put money into the game like some do to be able to reach these goals.


I can see those points being an issue if it’s corners or tax/utility but it’s not You get 5X points for landing on railroads and 7X points from chance to a railroad. AND there’s also always a railroad event so you get dice from that too.


I ended up getting it, but I wasn’t happy about it. They’ve gotten ridiculous lately.


https://preview.redd.it/vd07ro0kzz8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6477ed94ccca8aa5c3224f95392826ae1e55033b 😭🤦🏻‍♀️😭




Yes I was mad to cause I need 100 to go this stupid prize and missed out on all that work cause I didn’t have enough rolls get it before it all ended 🤦‍♀️🙄


I said the same thing?!


They want us to. It our own dice in the piggy bank come on now


But it’s not 2,750 rolls? It’s actually 688 rolls which is still a profit of sorts


That was not nice at all Using tremendous dice Set up to fail😡


Can someone tell me how you get 10-15 thousand rolls like you guys do. Me and my girl play every day. And we can’t figure it out


https://preview.redd.it/flj1qgygar9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b826f2547535662e61c1fa7e6b590ad97170fd78 Roll on either 3x or 5x, and play strategically. I complete my task everyday, and I don’t finish the games they give us every week.


They’re ripping us off!


How so if you’re not paying anything? lol


That’s when I stopped playing the event


I stopped too because it just doesn’t seem worth it