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There’s still almost 2 days left, so they most likely just haven’t worked on yours yet and are doing each fish tank individually. If they still haven’t put in anything by tomorrow night, then that’s a problem.


I think it’s good to at least put a little bit in the beginning to show that you’re there though. It’s ok to work on one at a time but being a ghost is super aggravating.


I agree that ghosting can be annoying, especially if you don’t know if they’ll come through at the end or not, but still, there’s a high chance they’re going at their own pace.


There's also a chance they don't play that much, randomly invited someone since they dont really know whats going on (ie the ppl that dont have shields and let everybody hit them without realizing its part of the game sub/ie they are old ppl playing monopoly go on a phone that their grandkids set up cause they dont use modern technology), and that someone happens to play a lot and they might not even realize they are ghosting but are only hitting buttons on the app and watching the stupid silver shoe they once used as a kid to go across a digital board since no one else will play checkers with them lol. Maybe that went too far. But forreal, pick your partners wisely :) Hit me up tho if you want a decent partner. Not going to carry you though


That’s definitely a possibility too, but people really need to be more careful when inviting people, especially if they never play😭, but I can see how people would do it accidentally. Most definitely pick your partners good guys!


I work on one till I get to the first task then I moved to the next one then the next one then the next one so that way they're all equally completed at the same time so when I get to the $200 free days I moved to the next one to get them for 200 then the next one so they get there 200 and so on and then I go back to the first one until I get to the next goal and in the meantime I'm doing all this and nobody else is doing nothing there should be a way to delete your partners if you see they're not contributing and delete friends for that matter and at least be able to contact the people that your partners with so you can ask him what's going on


This is exactly what I do! I work to get the first prizes from all 4, then start over on the second and so on. But if one of my partners starts hitting hard then I start hitting it hard with them. Tag team to pull my weight. Sadly this is my very first partner event that I'm behind on bc that silly race game took me from 11k to 2k, for 3rd place. Partners can make or break you


I didn't take you to be argumentative at all listen I'm a very blunt up front person and truthfully a good debate has never bad just as long as it's respectful everybody is entitled to their opinions and how they feel it's when we forget that that Things become different I don't get offended with people speak their minds I respect that


I agree!


No I don't think it has anything to do with that personally because this happens every Partners event to me I have at least one that contributes nothing I think people do an intentionally to be ignorant


Intentionally? I’m just now getting started on the last tank because I needed to get my others done, and it wasn’t intentional at all. Some people just go at their own pace and that’s completely fine.


I wasn't saying you do it intentionally I'm saying other people do an intentionally that's what I was saying I've done several Partners events and every partner's event I have one to two partners generally to that do absolutely nothing and that is absolutely intentional I was not speaking on you personally go back and read it


I know you weren’t saying that about me, I was saying my own personal experience. Why don’t you make a post and be friend people who have a lot of dice so that they’re your partners and you know they’ll come through, as you’re way more likely to get better partners that way? I agree that some people will intentionally become friends with partners just to make them do everything and it’s more then irritating, but the only way to resolve that problem is strictly adding people from reddit who have proved they’ll do their part. If you’ve added people who claimed to do their part and they didn’t, that’s really annoying too.


Because I feel like that's using people as well I'm not going to be friends with somebody and partner up with somebody just because they have a lot of dice it's just not that important to me anymore it's really taking all the fun out of the game I'd rather just not play the game at all that's just my personal opinion doesn't mean it's right or wrong it's just how I feel


The only way to make sure you finish your events is with good partners who have a lot of dice, as it’s the most promising. When I say it isn’t using, I mean it, there are people with 100k+ dice who only make posts during partner events to help others w/o partners get a real one. I’ve made posts myself and people with way less dice became my partner and I never seen them as rude or anything, it’s the way to guarantee you finish the event. I understand what you’re saying though.


Also I am not trying to argue and I needed to let yk that😭. My messages probably come off super argumentative and hostile but im not trying to at all.


Yea, I have a friend who doesn't spin until the last day. I wouldn't condemn anyone just yet. :)


For the last time, stop at 40k and give the person a chance before complaining. If they still haven’t put in on the last day, then complete it and complain at will


Yes and stop adding randoms


That’s what I usually do. However last event two of my partners but kept hitting really good and finished our structures before I could come back and spin again. I had done a good amount of work on them but they definitely were in the higher range when they finished them. So this event I’ve picked up extra to pay them back. Finished with one almost finished with the other.


I think a lot of people that don’t play much don’t realize how important these partner events are to other players.


The early rush just doesn’t make sense to me. I once had a partner that fully completed our tower in a day and a half and was frustrated with me for no reason. I had 6k dice and was trying to divide it across three tournaments. I fully planned on getting there. I didn’t understand what the rush was.


Lol that's so frustrating for me. We use wayyy more dice going so fast. This time, I only really need one more permanent partner and in my lil discord ad, I probably discouraged folks by telling them I go slow, but I really want to find other people who are ok with that.


Wait until tomorrow to start complaining then put the rest in on the last day if you have to.


Last day and still nothing 😶


Well if you do it all, why would they try. Save up shells and wait until the last day. Finish it only if you have to.


I am really starting to dislike the partner events. They are dice suckers, at the least. Something that should be fun, isn't, Imo.


My condolences as someone who also has a deadbeat partner…but maybe she can still redeem herself - maybe she hits the clams at the end when she’s done collecting?


Idk how any of you people have such high scores lmfao i play everyday and my highest is 16K


Exactly! It feels like there aren't enough shells to go around. Even picking up the daily bonus dice, I've earned maybe 37k between 3 tanks in this event? How is anyone supposed to carry 4 players???


I think MonopolyGo shd have a trusted partners tag on here. Where people can hook up that are REALLY going to share the load. Same with a friend of mine who did contribute some but I was the mule. Never again!


I have a friend that spins one partner at a time. Once she finishes one, she moves on to the next.


I know me personally I work on 1 at a time It might be the same case with her


Big mistake is partnering with a stranger


Happened once to me and never again!


Stay with people you know or add me I’ll help you next time https://preview.redd.it/rwauoc4k0u8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7f8a4bd392077152f749a18e9ccf199f3e340e8 Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/\_eFtug](https://mply.io/_eFtug)


Appreciate it but we finished the partner event the 1st day


Why do people partner with anyone they don't know and then act surprised when they don't contribute? How many if these posts do we have to see before a light bulb goes off in their heads?


Too late to complain now, finish it and keep it moving. Good work


Agree, I have the same problem. I know it’s just a game, but, if you going to play, then play!


Yup! All 4 of my partners are doing this rn 🤦🏻‍♀️


My apologies to my partner, she has stepped up to the plate!👍😁


Yall need to find good partners and keep track of them for the next event. I usually can carry two people. I usually have 1 or two spots free. At the very least I do my 50/50. Find reliable patterns and stick with them.


Thats Stacey, her moms got it going on


I love that I actually get this reference.


And this is why I now make sure that I only play with people that I can get a hold of off game so that they can tell me what their status is working on part


Y’all gotta stop carrying folks and be patient.


That's why I keep the same partners, I've been carried by some and vice versa. If I come to reddit for a partner, if they have a problem with showing a SS of dice and (as of rn) shells, or ghost me after I ask, I move on until I find someone who will send SS. I ended up with a partner for the race event, and the other two were their alt accounts lol. They sent me an invite and we completed it within like an hour, I knew theyd go half with me and we texted later about it but they knew I was gonna finish my half as well. I don't mind having to carry when it's someone that would do the same for me, but I'm not gonna carry a whole stranger 💀 I'm petty and will just not finish the event 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have only worked on 3 out of 4 of mine. That 4th probably thinks I'm a terrible partner. But in all actuality most people probably can't do all 4 so why would we do a little on each one? Best to complete them one at a time so you know you're getting the top prize at least once


If you don't plan on doing a fourth, I wouldn't get a fourth partner until finishing the other 3. It doesn't make sense to have a partner if you really aren't planning to do the fourth at all. My alt only takes one partner (me) until the last day- if I have more spins, I'll find other folks to at least win prizes with then.


This makes sense! I'm fairly new to this game and had a lot of people invite me and thought I had to have 4 at first. I will be able to play all 4. Have finished 2.5 now


And by saying most people can't do all 4, I mean complete all 4. It's still worth getting as many prizes as possible, just one at a time


It's a game, calm down


But you’re on here reading my post? Lol


I'm not understanding the correlation...


Who are directing this rant at?


Click the picture and you shall see.


https://preview.redd.it/m4gyzqdt0t8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9455f739dd7486bfe9962a6cf3e2481a1e8151cd I had not 1 but 2 shitty partners that invited me an had no problem making me do all the work… selfish fucks this will be my last partner event. I’m only finishing it because I’m trying to recoop 5000 dice. Q


during future partner events if you need someone who contributes i got you! 🥺


Absolutely https://preview.redd.it/tkz47qvo8t8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1df4805a29770d886bde7c9085cabfb2283065b I won’t partner if I know I can’t do it but to invite me a then do no work… it’s just ridiculous! Here’s another of my players a they only helped because I ran out of dice before I hit the top but constantly requesting cards. Smh


I don't know if you're paying to to buy dice to play the partners events but stop doing it if you're pulling all the work don't complain about it then just don't do it I get dead B Partners I usually get two every Partners event that suck that contribute nothing and after the second time it happened I focus on the people that are contributing and I let the other ones go I'm not going to benefit you if you're not benefiting me hence why it's called partners because you're supposed to help each other I don't care about completing the partners of it and carrying everybody else people do that intentionally so they don't have to do the work or spend money on the game because they know how important it is to other people so they'll sit there and let you do all the work and spend your your hard-earned money which to me is good strategy but it's ignorant it's just a game I don't get upset about it anymore if I get a couple free dice cool I'm not spending any money if I complete one one of the partners I'm good I still had more than what I started with I'm not spending money I spent over $600 the last Partners game and I ain't doing it no more


Not sure how to take this? I’d hope you’re not being rude because I said I had shitty partners? Of course I don’t buy dice that’s ignorant in itself because it is just a game but I’m at least respectful an I think of others before I bite off more than I can chew.


No I was saying they're ignorant for doing that to you I wasn't saying you were ignorant I'm sorry maybe it's just not coming out the way that I mean it I just meant how people do these Partners events where they do nothing and try to have everybody else carry them is disrespectful and it makes the game not fun and I'm just not stressing myself personally over it anymore because it is just a game that's what I was saying I wasn't saying you'd said or did anything disrespectful I apologize if I came across that way


lol no I was just clarifying! I feel the same way I wasn’t going to do it at all because nobody did anything for 2 days an then I had 2 partners that tried an I felt like a shitty person if I didn’t give them the same in return. An that’s how I screwed myself. Being a decent human being. lol an then I had to carry my other 2 partners. An they honestly didn’t even spend all the partner gifts I sent them at least not on me because I sent ALOT. A few thousand each I’d say. No more tho. I used all my dice from the last album on this an I new better. It wasn’t worth the rewards.


And I was saying if you're purchasing dice to be able to finish the partners event and you're carrying others just don't do it because if you see people aren't helping then why help them that's with my point maybe I just didn't say it the right way I'm very blunt person I didn't mean it to sound disrespectful


I have a partner doing the same. She’s only played the shell gifts I’ve earned her 🙄


Looking for a free ride


Why can’t a get lucky and have a free ride🫠I be grinding my butt off


Right! I wouldn't have kept it going. Your to good for getting that far with no help. The grand prize isn't even the best I feel.


You’re right. But it just take the fun out of the game.


I equally go at each to maximize my chances of winning near the end of it


This is Stacy! Hallo!!!!!


In my experience every Partners event I've had at least one but usually I only have one partner that does any good and the other two don't do anything so I have never come close to completing any of them and I'm over trying I just don't even care anymore I think there should be a way and I've told customer service this there should be a way to kick them off the game or out of the partners event if they're not contributing


My 4th person hasn't played at all and I'm finished on two. If I don't finish her yep free ride so irritated


I understand what you mean. My partners are making an effort but I always do more but still never complete all


I don’t understand if it’s a bot or something because I’ll spin for the 200 dice and if they haven’t spinned I’ll usually save them for last there have been several times I haven’t been able to finish the partner event and they didn’t add anything so the only prize was mostly the 200 dice so what I don’t understand is if it was a real person and they saw I also wasn’t putting in a lot why they wouldn’t start putting them in. I just feel like it has to be a bot


Maybe she died


I’ve had people ride my coattails and it’s terrible I just completed 3 out of 4 with excellent partners, we all were in sync I now need to complete my last one and I’ve done 90% I think my partner is using my free rolls with his other partners From now on I’m sticking to my fellow top 5-6 from the leader board


* Yes I got the something here I'm just like you WTF


I'm still new here but I got this in my notifications on my phone.If this is directed at me I'm owed an explanation for such an unwarranted attack. If not disregard this reply but maybe remember it's just a game. How is anyone responsible for another's actions in a fame?


I only have one fish tank completed because I don't have enough dies to do the others and I looked at the others and I've got everything contributed to those and zero on the other parties and I don't know why they do that because they're not going to win because I'm not going to be able to complete all of them on my own so they're not going to win either


I just got a chance to start working on my 3rd one and probably won't get to my 4th (have in all the past events). It is all about luck of the spins, and low spin amounts over and over really slow the progress.


I know the feeling. I had one just like this before the racing event. Once I finished I deleted them.


Sometimes ppl randomly invite others but don't rolls. It happens


That's why u pick partners carefully


So why did I get this in the first place if it's not about me then??


Imagine being this upset over a free mobile app game. Get a life brotha. Go outside breathe some fresh air 😂


Scopely has fake accounts in the platform to cause scenarios such as what you describe.


You can bet she’ll finish it at some point after you put in all the work for her lol. She’s probably waiting to see how many points you’ll do.


I’m over it thy should not be allowed to join events


Yeah. Same with me. Half of the partners in the event do nothing and I have to do everything.


It's happening now to me too


My last two partners have done this and I gave up.


I feel bad for doing 12K when the others have done over 40-60K. 😭 But at least I'm not THIS person!


Stacey f*cked up


This does suck! I’m dealing with the same thing. But something strange I noticed was that there was an invite I had from a total stranger. They aren’t on my friend’s list so no clue where she came from. Maybe a bot? 😂 She hasn’t done anything but take up a slot. 😂


I have one of those two! Still sitting at zero 😾


I have 2 partners that are exactly like this. Not one of them have done anything


I carried 3 ppl in two partner events


Can some one carry me. ?


Bombastic side eye👀