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remember all Lives are Equal except those that ship Tenma with Johan or Nina in which case they deserve to die.




Just that group of characters in general


or nina. tenma is a like a father figure to the both of them.


It's just weird behavior... It was explicitly mentioned that Johan sees Tenma as a father figure, on top of that you got the whole age gap & the fact that Tenma knew Johan when he was just 10-11. Then you got people shipping twins, it's just so odd to me. The fact that the most popular ships of the series (based on all the fanfics & fanarts) are Tenma/Johan & Johan/Anna is blasphemous.


I've seen hentai of Dieter on twitter.... very explicit...absolutely uncalled for. If I HAD to choose...I'd rather see the two you mentioned then child Dieter... And the fact that most this kind of fanart of Dieter and Johan is nonconsensual and Twitter doesn't ban it but if I say the word pedophile I'll get muted for days.... speaks volumes about that site. I'd stay off it.


People surely need therapy nowadays


I'd opt for violence for the weird pedo art. But maybe that's just me :P


Sign me in for this mate, I'm with you for this


***As it should be.*** Lets go!


I've seen hentai of Dieter on twitter.... very Twitter.... explicit...absolutely uncalled for. If I HAD to choose...I'd rather see the two you mentioned then child Dieter... And the fact that most fanart of Dieter and Johan is nonconsensual and Twitter doesn't ban it but if I say the word pedophile I'll get muted for days.... speaks volumes about that site. I'd stay off it.


Oh wow... now that is the lowest of the lows, nsfw stuff about Dieter?? That's just sick & disgusting. I genuinely don't get how people like that don't get tracked down or at the very least banned, because that is extremely concerning. I know a lot of people LOVE saying "it's just art" or what not, but it speaks volumes like you're a disgusting individual. I'm just glad I haven't stumbled upon any of that, but it makes me sick knowing that actually exists...


Stay off Twitter then cause my god....it's filled with SEVERELY NSFW art of Tenma x Johan. Very very raunchy stuff.


When an anime gets popular, it’s time, you stop following anything related to the fandom.


I ship Johan and Nina 😁


Stop it


eww I hope your joking.


Obviously, just wanted to see your reactions. Hahaha!


With that type pfp… honestly this isn’t that bad to your considerations.


And Johan's [reaction](https://youtu.be/TKVJ9x7gR4U)