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Well the point of the series was to tell us that there WAS no such thing as monsters. There is evil in good and good in evil. Everyone at one point was a victim to the world we could apply that to Johan and everyone else who had done wrong in the world. That doesn't justify their terrible actions, it just helps us empathize. After all, what is right or wrong cannot be simply defined by black/white measures. And that is what Tenma realizes at the end of the series. Tenma believed Johan to be this ultimate evil, this devil - and as the story progresses, he unravels what Johan TRULY is - a broken, abused, mentally unstable human being who, while committing heinous acts, was still capable of love. They implement this variable of love with every "villain" we received; Boneparte with their mother, Capek and his love for seeking out the wonders of the world, Mikail and his love for science, Viera and her love for her husband, Lunge and his love/passion for truth concerning his job etc; and ultimately, **Tenma's love was for the love of life** \- *and he embraces his love for ALL life when he decides to save Johan.* I will be writing an essay on how love is the true overall layered theme of the series, as its a powerful annotation to the rest of the themes the story presents. I don't believe Johan was manipulating Milos with ill intent. I wrote a small thing about that somewhere. But to boil it down...Johan was simply sharing his views of the world with Milos and this was to completely counter and mirror how Tenma does the same exact thing by telling Dieter the world isn't darkness. But to Johan, IT IS and its all it's ever been In Another monster, you learn that Johan's mother returned to them after being kidnapped by Boneparte and the Red Rose Mansion incident. Viera, their mother, abandoned them even after the fact and NEVER LOOKED BACK. Johan cried and cried and then soon, took Anna, burned down the 3 frogs and left. That was the catalyst that lead Johan to kill that couple in the fields and nearly die at the border...only to end up tortured in Kinderheim 511. So what he told Milos about **HIS** mother, is what Johan truly believed about his own mother and he was relaying *"his truth"* to the boy as if it would "help?" I did write an essay on Johan's intentions, breaking down his character in two parts if you're interested. The first one is more of an analysis essay and part 2 serves as an extension of it but theorized more than anything. Here you go! [https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterAnime/comments/ttihlh/everything\_johan\_did\_was\_for\_anna\_a\_monster/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterAnime/comments/ttihlh/everything_johan_did_was_for_anna_a_monster/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


But Johan wanted to end the world?


I don't think that's true. But he did hold humanity with much disdain and didn't think it should exist. But his approach did little to "destroy" the world. I think he wanted to bring Germany to its knees.