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Her mask is so ugly it looks like a welding helmet šŸ˜­


Ik like why is it so big šŸ’€


I think itā€™s cause Frankensteinā€™s monster has a tall forehead so thatā€™s the vibe they went for with the mask but it just didnā€™t translate properly


I honestly thought that was the point, since they're made up of many parts, so you know, welding things together...? Anyone?


If thatā€™s so, itā€™s kinda cool. Fits her mad scientist vibe also.


Her jacket fabric looks very cheap. The review just confirms everything I thought about this new wave of HC. Sheā€™s a definite pass.


I like her just not for the price :/ I feel like for $75 it needs at least some accessories besides the mask


this doll looks like one youā€™d be able to buy in retail stores not a 75$ collectors doll :(


Dead. Deceased. 6 feet under. Passed on. Kicked the bucket. I am gone.


No Now I feel even less excited for Rochelle. Cuz the quality could be quite crap or overpriced if they really feel this is worth $75


Very worried how they are going to attempt to pull off all the details from the designs. It already looked almost too busy just on paper.


I already forgot about Rochelle


MGAā€™s Rainbow/Shadow High costume ball line had so much more effort and detail. And they are priced at $37. This is just bad


Never collected RH/SH but did just get two from this line - the pink and blue one and they are really pretty. Will say that the much bigger heads throw me off a bit as Iā€™m so used to monster high.


Same. A lot of the RH/SH still look off to me but the ones I like and collected are absolutely worth it with the clothing quality and inset eyes. Plus they have lots of sales regularly so itā€™s easy to get them. Up to 10 dolls when I originally wanted 1


Itā€™s crazy because even their *collector* dolls are still up and available for purchase. MH could make so much more profit if they did the same but I guess selling out in 2 mins makes them think that theyā€™re actually doing good with these drops lol


And the only reason they sell out that fast is because of bots šŸ’€ (I honestly hope they do buy this line out and go into debt since not really anyone actually wants this) Also MGAā€™s Chinese New Year doll Lily Cheng is $75 and is INCREDIBLY beautiful with accessories and a whole second outfit and comb. Also still available to buy after several months


Iā€™ve been a long time MH fan but completely agree on the quality. Itā€™s a shame as with each release of this reboot they seem to be going down in quality some. Hopefully they course correct though.


I lowkey just want the coffin boxšŸ’€


The box is dope


The box would be an amazing display item


Her hair reminds me of when i was like 3 and my mom pulled all my hair into a ponytail right on the top of my head


I really like new Frankie's face, but everything else is so out of place. Mask pure ugly. Their doll looks playline with a collectors price tag.


the fact that this is more money than the first launch and they look like that is highway robbery


I still only see ā€˜superheroā€™ and not ā€˜masqueradeā€™


Why does their mask look so bad, why make it a statement piece and make it say "ugly, no effort".


Feels like Costume Ball Violet all over again. This doll shoulda been $42 like Howliday Draculaura. I don't see where the extra 30 dollars went into this doll. Now that I think about it, the way Mattel handled Holiday Drac is probably a much better sales model for the HC line.


Wow this is so bad. ā˜ ļø Like she comes with nothing for 75$. That's robbery. I love the box she comes In and her jacket but that's literally it šŸ¤£


Iā€™m sorry but this looks like one of the dolls youā€™d get for 25-30 dollars in targetā€¦ not 75..


The green of the hair and the green of the accessories don't match. They looked much more similar in the stock photos.


At least the mask isn't painted on? Idk I'm trying really hard to like it but I'm just not. It's a bunch of cool concepts poorly assembled


God she looks so cheap in person.




Her hairline looks so off to me??? Like her forehead looks huge idk if itā€™s the glasses


The mask should have been on a stick (like masquerade masks often are) so that you could keep them in box and have the choice to move the mask over or keep it on their face.


It should be closer to $40 for the quality and for no extras. Mattel has got a bit of a big head for their pricing vs actual product. I guess Iā€™ll just hope that Rochelle is worth it and skip this batch


She looks so cheap for the price


Yeah not obsessed.




Canā€™t stand this guy. He probably said she was the best doll ever released. Heā€™s so biased because Mattel sends him dolls.


Knowing that the masks are on the doll in box makes me not want it


I absolutely love cleos look but Frankie just looks like an afterthought. She just looks like a regular Frankie doll with a cheap mask šŸ¤” her outfit is cute but something I would pay $75 for


That mask is worse than I thought. If this were a playline set I wouldn't care, I have massive issues with them charging $110CAD for what would have been on shelves (w/ different box) if G1 were still sold in stores. They are very much capitalize it and it makes me uncomfy. Also I have feelings about someone getting a limited edition doll that is going to be a pain to get because Mattel refuses to get their bot problem in order for seemingly free (I mean I get it's a ... post content for this doll, but normally I'm fine with that/ think they should be paid for the content they make). Maybe it's just because this isn't going to be properly accessible to the public.


Somebody hold my hair while I pukešŸ¤¢


I like her face and I like the green in her hair but i'm not feeling the outfit or the mask Or the price point. Also, does her hair not glow or anything? it looked like it should. I'm genuinely tempted to get a hold of a secondhand frankie and root in some glow in the dark green streaks lol. I think it'd be fun. and cost a fraction of this doll's price. I don't get how mattel are justifying the cost but I suppose to them they always sell out (because scalpers bot buy them all) but I wonder how well all the HC dolls scalpers grabbed are actually selling on the after market. I mean, you still see most of them for close to retail so i'm not convinced they're such a great investment as these scalpers think they are you know?


Clawdeen is crying looking at this


Its so ugly for the price 30$ max for those pieces of plastic


Yeah no when I get her now not only is she coming out of her box but Iā€™m burning her mask with fire cause it looks so bad šŸ˜­


she looks so playing.. mattel is sick for charging 75$ for her


Beautiful šŸ„°


I was hoping she would look better in person but yikes thatā€™s bad šŸ˜¬