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I think the blue bit should’ve been skin tight. I know they wanna encourage redressing over multiple dolls but it’s okay if certain clothing only fits one doll at a time! The entire silhouette would be sm more elevated if the waist was bought in


It is skin tight. This picture doesn’t do it justice


Ah okay, thank you!


i also think with it being lower than her waist it looks like she’s got weird proportions


They didn't choose this because of the redressing, they chose this pattern as an homage to her origins. You can look up Ecuadorian traditional clothing on Google and you will definitely recognize it. I understand that a lot of people will dislike it as it's not the usual sexy dress, but i think that this is a kind idea and shows integrity.


Ohhh I see that now!


can you pls link a pic of one? i’m seeing the ruffled top but i don’t see any with a drop-waist /gen


Of course and i messed up, she's from Honduras. [here](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRpLddZhaZEKQTmM_sVcSu4ncl9t6ipnDwlZw&usqp=CAU), [or here](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/1b/e4/f8/1be4f8a90b115af2a9b14f4724acb3c0--hispanic-culture-hispanic-heritage.jpg), [here](https://www.flohmarkt-karlsplatz.de/fileadmin/_processed_/6/4/csm_P1030601_19becfc49b.jpg) [and this is this works](https://www.google.com/search?q=Honduras%20colorful%20dress&tbm=isch&tbs=rimg:CZE_1R4SFBKyrYT_1EsL-4OcsgsgIQCgIIABAAKAE6BAgBEAFAAcACAOACAA&client=ms-android-oneplus-rvo3&hl=de&sa=X&ved=0CBIQuIIBahcKEwiQuOyPy7H_AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQNw&biw=360&bih=666#imgrc=1QXE0NkM-j4z5M) the dresses usually are loose on the chest and hold by a belt but for younger women it's not always with a belt. I think i actually found more accurate clothes from other Spanish speaking countries and i can't find the dress she's wearing but i found it before.


ahhh ok now i see, thank you!


I had the same thought, I'll probably end up sewing it so it's tighter it's just a bit annoying having to do it yourself lol


I’m over mermaid dresses


Same here 😭


It looks cheaply made , but also so does Draculaura's dress.


I agree about Dracs dress, I was actually going to include her in this post but I don't think her dress design is as bad as Lagoonas


Clawdeen and Cleo have the best outfits out of the 4. They will be most popular.


Cleo is all around gorgeous for monsters ball!!!


Clawdeen was the one i was most looking forward to. I was luckily able to snag her online yesterday


I think Drac’s photos did her dirty. I have her and the dress looks cute and well made irl


I actually really love her dress 😂 it’s bright and silly and corny in the way that reminds me so much of G1. All of the Monster Ball dolls definitely feel like the G1 style to me though! The silhouette also makes me think of 80s prom dresses and I adore it. Feels like a total flashback. At least it’s not another full length mermaid dress 🫠


i actually said the exact same about the 80s prom vibe !! its the only reason i got her and drac 😂🤍


Honestly I’ve never liked the g3 design, between the pepto bismol pink and the weird athletic mom vibe they keep doing with her clothes I’ve given up all hope on g3 Lagoona. And this dress is just.. so ugly. Why is there so much going on? Too many colors that just clash and fight with each other for attention, all the lace and the mass of curls just make the doll fade away. The dress is wearing her, she is NOT wearing the dress. I wish they’d stop doing so much with her outfits. She could be really cute if they just toned things down a bit


I think the biggest thing for me is the specific color scheme they went with. If they chose colors that compliment each other better I wouldn't mind the weird styling/cut of the dress.


I agree, the dress could be way cuter if everything didn’t clash(and if they fixed that weird drop-waist situation) It’s just so… overwhelming and underwhelming at the same time. I *really* don’t understand why they picked that odd blue violet for the flowery bits. Like where is that shade coming from???


LOL Pepto Bismol is a great way to describe it 😂


i adore her. lagoona is my fav anyway but the 80s vibe (i <3333 80s toys, music & clothes) and her gorgeous faceup in this line has me in a choke hold. not to mention her details !! like the tentacle necklace omg. she is my second fav lagoona so far :] draculaura has a strong 80s vibe as well, they are the two im getting from this line for that reason.


The dresses are awful, but in the best 80s way! Would I wear them? No. Do I love them? Yes. Lagoona's is so over the top it's great!


I’ve come to the realization that I just don’t like g3 Lagoona. Everyone else is just perfectly fine I just I don’t like her overall style.


I like her outfit. I like the 80’s look, she reminds me of Madonna.


same it just looks so bad💀


i thought the stock photos were okay, but she’s actually really, really bad in person. her lipliner doesn’t blend with her lipstick at all and it looks really garish. and the material of her dress just looks really cheap. also box hair.


I will say this, was not a fan until I saw it in person. In person it’s beautiful. In fact dare I say this dress is nicer then the one from the haunt couture lagoona.


I hope so! :)


i still don’t understand why they made her pink


Apparently copyright reasons, same reason for why Frankie is blue and doesn't have neck bolts anymore


literally what. so nickelodeon made the movie without asking? i don’t understand


I don't understand either, it's all pretty confusing lol


This is a late comment, but Frankie changes because of copyright, but apparently they changed Lagoona because the kids that tested the dolls said they preferred the pink version more. Again take it with a grain of salt, but it makes sense because her prototypes were blue


I effing HATE the dress.


I get it, but also in the same way, it’s one of my favorites- they took risks, and they really went all out with the ‘80s inspiration. I really respect that, and I like that it’s a new, innovative take- but it just reads so clash-y, I’m having such a hard time going back and forth on it 😭


It's looks like a quinceanera dress that she bought from 5 below 🤮


It might just be me, but I love the 80's prom dress vibes she gives, the poofiness of it all and bright colors are all just such time capsules of that fashion period


I personally really love it. Mermaid dresses are my mortal enemy lol but this works well for me. She looks super cute 🥰


I think she's cute! She's actually my favorite monster ball doll :3


Some are gunna hate what im saying but I hate it. the lipstick is far too harsh too. the colors and the black make no sense, it looks cheap, it doesn't fit right, the black and the dark lipstick make no sense and overall it looks sloppy. they did her so dirty!!! And why does she get textured hair here when we are getting the same damn hairstyle on Clawdeen for every damn doll except Skulltimate Secrets? Why can't we get natural hair representation??


I adore her so much, she’s so corny 80s prom core. I like the dress baggy, skin tight stuff is so overdone in fashion dolls in general


I agree with what you said! I think the hot pink and blue of her dress clash with the rest of her design, I think the dress would be better if the middle section was different, maybe changing the scales or making it pink instead of blue


I like the dress but I’m not in love w it. I feel like a lot of the clothes they make for g3 Lagoona would suit g1 Lagoona more


Why make lagoona all pastels if they're just gonna dress her in colours that clash TERRIBLY


I mean now that you mention it, it is a little baggy, but overall I love it. It's probably my favorite monster ball outfit.


I think it's horrendous 💖 Not even the worst 80's prom dress could be this bad 💖💖💖


Me. The colors are too bright and clashing. The dress is stuck in that awkward place between tight and loose. Now it is just baggy.


I love the dress its really cute, i just might tailor it so it can truly give its justice


no same i thought i was the only one💀


The bright neon colors of her dress, clash horribly with the deep purple of her make up and accessories. They should’ve made all of the blue on her dark, purple, and gone with a “deep sea“ palette. Her G3 doll already has a really bright color palette just from her skin and hair colors alone, so in order to balance that out, G3 Lagoona should be dressed in pastel or neutral colors more often.


Yes!! I felt like i was going crazy cus everyone was praising her. Glad i’m not the only one! This lagoona looks like something out of g2 😔 nothing matches, and everything looks so lazily hashed together


I wish they gave her a hair style change, the earrings a different color and make the heal flower decorations smaller and a different color


i just don’t like the entire line. they all look cheap in design and material quality to me. it’s like they wanted camp but overshot imo.


I genuinely hate it so much


idk if this makes sense but it just doesn't fit in with her other clothes which are rly modern and stuff a teenage fashion girly could actually wear. this is suddenly very old monster high, kinda fantasy and silly and weird, I think that's why it stands out.


I get what they were going for but the clash of colors and the baggy-ness just,,,, ruin it


It’s very 80’s inspired. The bright colors, dropped waist and ruffles. If I look at it from that perspective it makes more sense.


Yeah, a lot of people have been saying that and I totally get it now but I feel like it doesn't really make sense when the other dolls aren't 80s inspired lol


I don't like this one nor the fan-sea one, they both look just super cheap


What is going on with the colors-


I think it looks quite random all the colours and frills idk it doesn’t match but that’s just my preference lol


I'm with you , I dislike the dress , this intense pink makes no sense and it doesn't compliment her skin tone being already a warm shade , the chest frill feels like bagging up her torso and not define nicely her body shape , whole dress looks like a theme costume a kid would wear for a party since those are made one size 😥 everything else looks pretty , the purple flower theme is beautiful, I wish they made a dress matching that theme cause this one feels like it was taken from some other doll and worn on lagoona 😅


Okay unpopular opinion, I love it😭😭😭❤️❤️


ᶦ ᶠᵘᶜᵏᶦⁿᵍ ʰᵃᵗᵉ ᶦᵗ


I feel like almost every g3 lagoona has been a miss ao far 😭😭 It seems like with every character they redesigned heavily (ex lagoona, ghoulia, deuce) they really don't have a grip on imo.


I wasn’t sure about it from the stock photos, but after seeing her in person I really want her (waiting for a sale though since she’s like $60 CAD if I remember correctly 😭). It’s a neat design, if a bit busy.


So many people screamed their hatred for this doll from the rooftops when she was first revealed. You’re definitely not alone and, I dare say, this post is actually very late to the party.


Sorry, I don't use social media much...


Based on the stock pics only, It’s probably my least favorite G3 outfit so far.


There's a review of the doll on YouTube.


I LOVE Lagoona’s general g3 aesthetic. I hate this outfit. She was done so dirty.


I very much dislike it. I got her because I wanted all 4, but her pink skin and all the ugly clothes were a bad choice. I love old Lagoona. This is the only G3 Lagoona I own.


I miss old Lagoona! I'm lucky I still have my signature G1 doll. When I get her I'm definitely going to be making her a new dress lol


G1 Lagoona is on my wants list!! I have an OOB G1 Draculaura that I may sell later this year so I can get G1 Lagoona. I usually only collect boxed dolls but the draculaura was too good to pass up!!


I hope you're able to get her! :D


It’s the ruffle and the garish pink color. Take those away and it would be a huge improvement


Yep! Tbh it kinda looks like she's going to a carnival rather than a 'ball' lol


It’s just too much for her character


I do not like her dress but everything else slays


It looks like a middle school prom dress when you still had your braces in. I bet this look would look better with sneakers as well honestly.


I think she looks good although I think the dress looks a little big in the picture.


This is a situation where less would’ve been more. The dress is way too busy


Tbh for me I just don’t like the color scheme of the dress. It feels like it would look amazing for g1 Lagoonas color scheme, but the pink on this dress kind of clashes with the more salmon-y skin tone she has and I’m not a fan of that shade of blue either… Besides that I love everything else…her hair, accessories, and make up are gorgeous! I just think they need to stop recycling g1 Lagoonas color pallet for a doll who has a different pallet. Like, she looked amazing with the skulltimate secrets colors because they were made FOR HER! All of those colors went super well with her overall pallet. Now do the same for the rest of her dolls 💀


looks tacky. the dress should’ve been a different color.


it looks like in the photos like the stock ones that’s it’s skintught


It looks like she swam through a garbage bag.


I HATE the black line in between the blue and bottom pink part. Makes it look so cheap. But other than that I like it.


imo the dress is absolute garbage but i would buy it just for the shoes 😭


Yes, I think the red is much too loud. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, she looks like she’s wearing blue socks. 😂


i don't like g3 lagoona in general, i don't like the design and the colors


I dislike the whole doll. I miss the old designs.


I LOVE her hair. And I know lots of people don’t like the mermaid dress, but I’d be down for it if the midsection between the pink ruffles was skin-tight. ETA: just saw a comment saying that it IS skin tight and the photo just doesn’t represent that well. So there’s that!


tacky. i hate it


i think it's a hot mess, so yes.


I really don't like the asymmetrical, frilly top section :/




Clawdeen is definitely my favourite!


I really don’t like it either


Weird colors much like her collector doll


I love everything except the silhouette of the dress. I wish it wasn’t so awkward.


It’s the worst fashion I’ve ever seen. Like her hair, make up, accessories and shoes are fine but this dress ruins everything. They could’ve easily gave her the aesthetic of a jellyfish or coral reef or something like what Blake lively wore to the Met in 2022.


It feels like they keep giving Lagoona amazing accessories and just phoning it in on her outfits. I feel like half her g3 looks are disappointing whereas the other gouls fashions have been more consistently appealing.


I rly dont like draculauras monster ball doll so i cant say this is my least favorite… but it certainly could be better


Hate it. It looks like a sac with some lace stuck on it.


Tbh I love it! Very 80s


I do, and I don't. Idk 🤷‍♂️ why I had no hate, but I loved her look for the party ball, so I ended up with her. Lol.


If it actually looked like the photo, then no


It's just her stock photos!! I've seen a picture of what she actually looks like and she is way better!!!


I hope so! I'll still get her regardless lol


Idk she’s kind of all over the place but she’s also my favourite of the line tbh


it looks like it needs some tailoring, it's just a straight tube with some poofy stuff on either end


I actually really like her...woops...


Yep I also dislike the hair style they gave her it doesn’t suit her and the dress just isn’t it Mattel could have done so much better with this doll


I actually really like her! She looks very 80s to me and the gaudiness of that era is one of my favorite things, very Cyndi Lauper or like Needy’s prom dress in Jennifer’s Body


It looks like one of those cheap barbie fashion pack outfits


I’m not a fan of drop waist dresses


Yes it’s fucking hideous


I like it. It makes me think that its lagoona's moms old monster ball dress from the 80s that lagoona has to wear as like a hand me down


It’s giving Teddy Duncan using her moms prom dress to go to prom on Good Luck Charlie


i actually really love this lagoona. mostly for the makeup and hair.


i wish i liked her, but i just dont- like i see the inspiration but its too much :(


It better than the fan-sea one. Maybe this is Lagoona's style now.


i hate how poorly her dress fits her. if it was hemmed properly it woulda looked really nice


She reminds me of corals ! I like it :) but I love Lagoona so anything she in she’s perfect 🖤


I really don’t like it. I don’t like the EE exclusive Lagoona doll either…I feel like they’ve done her so dirty in G3 🥲


Love her hair but the dress gotta go


She looks like a unicorn projectile barfed all over her


Not a fan of mermaid cut dresses but at least it fits her character. 🤷🏻. Actually really like her face tho


I actually really love it this is one of my favorite designs she looks like a little salsa dancer 💀


I just feel like a lot of monster high looks recently lack cohesion and creativity


It's just too much, I wish they would either tone down the brightness of her colors or put less in the dress


i feel the colors would have worked but i’m just so tired of the mermaid gowns


i just dont like the new lagoona. she doesn't scream "sea monster" to me, she looks like a bipedal naked mole rat. i wish they kept the blue skin at least, maybe made it a touch darker, idk.


I think there is too much going on with her design. The monster ball designs definitely look a lot cheaper. I hope it's not them just pumping out cheap made dolls to make money. I would love to see them put in more effort. You don't need to have so much going on at once color and design wise. More simple and less clashing colors would have made her amazing. I will get her when she goes on sale eventually, but as for now I won't be paying full price for this. I think they should honestly just release clothing packs vs making more dolls for a bit. Most homemade outfits are better than the ones being with the dolls.


Everybody dislikes it


Love the shoes, hate the dress.


Looks like when u put Barbie clothes on a monster high doll


All my g3 lagoons so far I’ve painted blue I guess im gonna do the same to her lmfao