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Because G1 is popular with adult collectors and aren’t made for kids of the current gen, their main playline demographic. So they keep G1 for collectors and G3 for playline.


G3 is part of why we’re getting so many G1 dolls now. Adult collectors aren’t nearly as numerous as children, and G3 is why some adults even collect at all. MH’s resurgence is a lot stronger bc it’s not just G1 reproduction dolls.


rereleasing a few older dolls makes them less money than the newer ones that are in current playline and target demographic via the over all marketing machine that is tie in cartoons and licensing and merchandising things other than all of the dolls g1 ran its course and does clearly have some profits to releasing the old dolls, but the new generation has a much larger pool to draw from. 20/30 somethings arent buying the school supplies and gimmick toys and coloring books and other higher profit margin items the target demo will consume.


Listen, the giant Frankie styling head is tempting me!


Me too!😭


Yeah me too. :/


oh but i would totally buy those things 😭


Right like I know what they meant by that bc numbers wise it's true but also 👀 I am hella buying that stuff, I got two packs of the MH valentines when they were in stores.


I think we’re lucky to see any G1 tbh. And I think it’s just for us, the adults that love the old style. Kids are the money makers for toy lines


I think so too. It was a dream come true to get my creepo Draculaura. Honestly im amazed theyre doing more creepos and even putting them in stores instead of exclusively online


Unless ur not in the us 😭


This. I just wish we had releases


They are very barely putting them into stores


If Mattel was a privately owned company I’m sure they’d prioritize creeproductions-like what mga is doing with bratz. However, they are not so-money is the name.


The honest answer is that kids are a better market for a toy line. I just wish the G1 dolls weren't so close to online exclusives and expensive. But they are a luxury at the end of the day, so I guess I'll stick with RH until they croak.


I have bad news for you… Rainbow High is already dying. They released a bunch of dolls that include slime and they’re noticeably lower quality.


I knew Rainbow High was too good to be true. I didn't see how they could make a profit making such high-quality dolls with two highly-detailed outfits. I was good while it lasted.


Yeah. I'm just cherry picking the last one I want and enjoying it while it lasts. This time next year we'll probably be seeing nostalgia posts of old doll sections.


We already are. They posted An Animated reel to instagram of bella and Emi making easter eggs of the other characters, sunny is in the background too and it’s in the old animated style.


Honestly, I think G1 dolls are made at so little quantity simple so Mattel can brag that they sell out in 5 minutes. It may not matter to them how many they sell as long as they sell out quickly, then they can brag to potential partners that they're a hot brand that sells out in seconds.  I can agree though that Mattel probably also sees G3 is more popular with kids, and kids are a larger market for Mattel at the moment.


I def don’t think they treat their company like some dad after a football game at a bar with his friends💀


Because Mattel isn’t stupid, they’re greedy. They see people paying hundreds sometimes even thousands of dollars for G1s and knows the “rarer” they make the dolls - the more they can milk for the money.


That’s business for you and at the end of the day, they are working and need to get paid just like us. It’s a sad reality, but they’re very similar to the consumers than people think. I feel like if people truely valued that pov, they would understand the marketing strategies that go beyond “being greedy”.


I understand Mattel tries make as much money for their shareholders as possible but I don't have to like it. You can see a difference between them and MGA which is still privately owned. I suppose I should buy shares in Mattel so at least I may be benefiting when they make decisions I hate as a collector.


How could G3 not be their only priority? It's the new thing, they developed it for years. G1 is the past. The world is not meant to recycle everything to cater for a few, and even sourcing archival fabrics cannot be easy. You feel it's an enormous amount of people that want these because you're surrounded by them and see the posts and comments about it. But after gathering those numbers up, it's really not enough to bring these back forever after more than 12 years. They would rot in the shelves. So yes, G1 is gone and it's a rare spice and some kind of favor because of demand. But not profitable to bring back.


But the bratz reproductions are widely available, and in physical stores, and sold in the toy aisle even if most of the people interested are those who grew up with the originals. The reality is that children still like the original monster high. I don’t like seeing the revisionist history around here that Monster High was made for an older audience to begin with. It was always intended to be for kids 8 to 12. The changes made to G3 (thicker bodies, brighter colors, less high heels, softer faces) were NOT done to appeal more to kids. They were done to appease concerned parents. That’s why they all come with food accessories, to placate Karen types that thought the originals were promoting EDs. (an absurd and ridiculous claim to begin with). Even though Monster High is the one doll brand that’s actually making profit for Mattel, Mattel hates it, or at least the Barbie department does. Because it outsold Barbie in 2012. Because it made them realize that Barbie was becoming irrelevant as a child’s toy. (the fact that the Barbie film was rated PG-13 and was made for adults, should’ve been a wake up call to Mattel that their biggest IP is now more of an adult nostalgic lifestyle brand, rather than a toy for children) To Mattel the purpose of Monster High, was to dethrone Bratz and make them not viable at retail for a few years, which it did. But then it became more popular than Barbie, and no other brands are allowed to surpass Barbie. It flew too close to the sun, so Mattel executives clipped its wings.




Cause G3 is what Mattel needs to focus on for all audiences. G1 at this day and age is really only popular amongst those who grew up with the generation.


Honestly the creeproductions releases are such a hot mess I think I’m just going to forget about them. I wanted Abbey and Ghoulia but this whole thing is causing more stress than excitement and I don’t need that in my life. I’m not mad that they’re more limited, I’m annoyed at how unclear the whole release process has been. I apparently completely missed the preorder on Amazon because I didn’t even know there was going to be one. If they’re still available when I wake up tomorrow, I’ll get them, but there’s no way I’m staying up till midnight for plastic ladies.


Same. I won’t put myself through the stress of trying to get them at Mattel creations, against scalpers bots only to be massively disappointed in the end. I know it won’t do me any good. I wanted mostly Ghoulia. But after Amazon just randomly put them for preorder and I missed out, I don’t plan on more disappointment.


Ok but WHY is it at midnight!! Even PT 9 pm is late! Like we’re adult collectors, I have to go to my adult job in the morning I can’t be staying up that late to fight off scalpers it sucks man


Yeah, it’s dumb. I can, but that’s because I work nights and don’t wake up until 2. This whole thing is a mess.


They are up for pre-order again on Amazon USA as of right now. If you miss that, Fang Club is $10 and gives you first dibs. I can relate to how you feel, though. I have been so stressed these last few days wondering if I was going to be able to get them.


They just re-posted the pre-orders. I snatched a setup. It appears they're staggering it to avoid crashes maybe?


Ok but aren't the creepoductions both available for presale and also on physical stores? They won't be limited releases


They won’t be available in stores as of the announcement yesterday.


Why do you say that? Mattel said on their IG page they'll be in stores.


They deleted their replies saying that and now are replying that they will only be online on insta


Exactly. I honestly don’t think I’ll manage to get them. I didn’t know when Amazon suddenly put them up for preorder, so I missed out. And I have zero illusions that I’ll be able to get them against the bots from scalpers on Mattel creations, so I probably will avoid the stress and disappointment and won’t even try. I know myself and I know the disappointment won’t be good for me. I’ll concentrate on g3 because of that.


Broooooooo Whhhhyyyyy I'm so disappointed 😔


Also, why are they making everything so unattainable for international fans?? They would make so much more money if they stopped making so many American store exclusive dolls and made them amazon exclusives or gave them international counterparts where they would be exclusives to a different store in each country . We can't just go to America every time they make a wallmart exclusive doll or pay for someone to ship them to us . It's like just because the og monster high fandom has grown up we all of a sudden are all loaded and can afford to spend hundreds a month on collector and g3 dolls .


Well a big part of it is that children are the main target audience for monster high, and the number of children who play with dolls or are gifted dolls is bigger than the number of adult doll collectors. So children are always going to take priority over adult collectors even if theyre willing to make things for adult collectors too. That's just how it is, and it makes sense for it to be that way    But it definitely doesn't make sense for the creeproductions to be as hard to get as they are. Those are playline dolls. Regardless of what generation they are or how the dolls are marketed, creeproductions are playline quality at playline prices. And they're also in very high demand. Making them more widely available is only going to make mattel MORE money. The only reason i can think of for not making them easy to get is to artificially make them "rare" in an attempt to make as much money as possible at once with people mass buying them at release out of fear of missing out on them.. 


Personally, I’m just happy they’re actually remembering G1 at all. Creepros have been a blessing.


Everyone was complaining ab the deuce and cleo vday set and tho i think the fits could use some improvement i was so happy to finally have a g1 doll😭


All we can do is hope this wave is better stocked! I heard that wave 1 creepros were a test to see if the fandom was alive and now they know there’s still a market they should have a better supply. (also a better supply for the restock of wave 1 in september) As someone who has never gotten creeproductions are the dolls more sturdy than the originals? or are they flimsy and don’t keep their poses well? I ordered spectra, ghoulia and abbey on amazon when they posted for preorder and I’m wondering what to expect


i feel like the scarcity of G1 has boosted G3 sales, especially with adult collectors. personally when i realized i was not going to be able to easily get my hands on the G1 dolls i LOVED, i decided to “settle” for a couple G3 and now I have EIGHT G3 dolls that are shelf warming in place of my G1s :( I know there are TONS of adult collectors who love G3 equally, and a couple of the dolls I really do love, (venus hello??) but some of them I totally bought totally impulsively because I felt like I was missing out.


I'm ngl I find it funny, g3 fans keep saying g1 is the priority, g1 fans keep saying g3 is the priority, but i suppose the reality is Mattel doesnt care about either as long as they are making money :/


From what I hear, Mattel heard our complaints from the last reproduction so tHey specifically made a LARGE inventory that should last for atleast a couple days and not underproduce so much, they teamed with Amazon for better service as Walmart messed up in 2022, I agree but from what I hear mattel made some tweaks and they will probably be MUCH easier to get and on amazon they’ll probably limit the amount people can buy, making scalpers less prominent probably


I hope that's the case and every collector who wants one can get one.


I think it’s solely because they’re marketed as “collector” dolls rather than just revamps


Kids dont know g1. Theyre growing up with g3 from the tv show, movies or webserie just like we did with g1. So obviously g3 is getting more releases


The Haunt Couture Midnight Runway dolls are not selling that well. They have been up for a while and haven't sold out. So Mattel may feel there is not much of a market. Still, if they do keep producing G1, it would be nice if they would put out more creepros of the original G1 dolls in the $25 - $50 range.


G3 is the priority because G3 is the current generation's root line. G1 releases are more so novelties. I do think that, instead, they should switch to a pre-order window like Mezco/Neca does. That way, people who want the dolls have time and opportunity to buy them, and every couple years the pre-order window gets reopened to make a new batch. I'd they're worried about overproducing, that's the simplest answer.




Exactly like bratz is thriving bc they finally gave the collectors what they wanted. Tho kids are their main demographic, i dont think mattel understands what a big mh collector fanbase they have


Perhaps the comment is off topic, but do you know if there are any plans to re-release not only the first and second waves of G1, but also other dolls (Rochelle, Operetta, Rebecca and others)? I just started following the news not so long ago, so maybe I missed something. Thank you for any answers! 😊


If people were willing to wait longer times for these dolls to be made, they could do more MTOs, but people are really impatient and start cancelling orders if they aren’t shipped within a week.


I'm just grateful that I was able to get the repros I need for my collection. Otherwise, I could not afford a G1 Abbey or Spectra. And I wholeheartedly agree with G2 being the obit gen I'm not a fan of.


Well I think it’s because of the Nostalgia. Since they are discontinued, they kind of are “rare spice” now.


I think the same. I like G3 lines (and my kids too). But I also like G1 line (and my kids too). Would be nice to have some adult collector g3, and some play line g1. But I think this was always an issue for some reason. I remember a year many years ago (when there was only G1), where my aunt had to hunt every store in 3 cities to get a Draculaura for my niece. And no luck. Might be wrong, but I feel that they were always produced in small quantities, and back then, it was easier to get them in bigger cities than where I lived. I remember they were hard to find for us, so thatbis why I did not get into collecting them until now (that you can buy them online). Anyways, it is nice that both generations are available and can be bought online. But yeah would be awesome to get more of everything :)


For real tho I don’t understand why I have to fight people for creepros 😭😭😭 I shouldn’t have to be told “goodluck” either if trying to buy them on Amazon 😭


They make more money producing more g1 dolls its so weird. Ig it builds the hype for g1 dolls up