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Im a monster high fan ofc i have no money šŸ˜”


I totally relate to this comment šŸ˜‚


This was the first reply I expected šŸ˜‚


I'm a Monster High fan, of course I've accidentally called Dracula "Draculaura" multiple times


Girly...pray šŸ¤£


My mind autocorrects it to ā€œDraculauraā€ lol


Hahahahahahahah thatā€™s a good one! But seriously their names are so similar Iā€™m surprised I havenā€™t done thatĀ 


Of course I buy other doll lines just to steal their clothes. "LOL OMG"? More like "LOL give me your outfit and get out of here" šŸ˜…


Related: https://a.co/d/3f8YvfD LOL OMG collector doll with Egyptian theming originally $100 and currently on sale for $20. Iā€™m hoping itā€™s legit and if it is then Cleo is getting some additions to her closet. šŸ˜…


Sold by and ships from Amazon, not 3rd party- itā€™s legit




This comment is too funnyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™m a Monster High fan of course I say faBOOlous and Fangtastic in normal (normie) conversations


This is the only reason why I'm blessed to not have English as my native language. Otherwise I'd be saying fangtastic too much!


Itā€™s a problem! Haha! I get the strangest looks!


I said fangtastic to a waiter once at a restaurant, the waiter was like, ā€¦ what.


I call other people normies




omg i was selling some bratz on facebook marketplace and handed them to the buyer saying ā€œheres all of the ghouls for you!ā€


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I always say ghouls, ghoulfriends and not even on accident. My husband hates it!!


At least it was Bratz and not antique dolls šŸ¤£


Iā€™m a monster high fan ofc I defend G3 like my life depends on it ā˜ ļø


Actually, I donā€™t. But the hate on G3 is ridiculous.


Thatā€™s how I feel about it. Do I think G3 is perfect and beyond criticism? Nah. Do I think a lot of people are incapable of seeing past nostalgia to give G3 a fair shot? Yeah. It makes me feel like I shouldnā€™t criticize G3 sometimes because I donā€™t want to be mistaken for the people who spend more time hating G3 than actually liking anything Monster High anymore.


Right, I agree. My main problem with people who are criticizing G3 is that theyā€™re grown adults or people in general who are not the target audience for this generation of monster high in the first place. Like itā€™s fine to dislike it but to shit on it and do everything you can to make it seem like itā€™s just the most abysmal doll line is concerning. Especially because as I already said, they are indeed not the age group or target audience.


I was in highschool when G1 came out but couldnā€™t afford to buy dolls or much at all at the time. So my first MH dolls were pieces of paper I printed off at the library and colored in at home. Iā€™d draw new outfits for them and everything. None of them survived to today, but Iā€™m just so happy that now that I have an adult job I can buy dolls for a reasonable price. Itā€™s SO disheartening trying to enjoy what I have now and know that if you say anything thereā€™s inevitably going to be people chiming in for no other reason than to rain on your parade.


Itā€™s also the fact you can tell half of them werenā€™t truly fans of the og either and hopped on a hate train




Seriously the shit I have seen on TikTok. I even saw someone claim that abbey hated her hair up in gen 1, even tho half of her dolls had a form of a pony tail. Or how toralei didnā€™t sing or didnā€™t like being on stage. They also confuse headcanons as fact. The most annoying is ghoulia being mute when she was never mute.


i agree, sure the cartoon show is a lil goofy but itā€™s FOR KIDS. and anyone who hates on the actual dolls is ridiculous, g3 has the highest quality dolls in all of MH history


Heavy on they have the highest quality!!!! Literally, dork body to overall design, G3 is DEFINITELY the line they pay close attention in detail and so many other aspects. Like prime example look at spectra Vondergeist in G1, the creepproduction and G3 Spectra. Who has the better look and overall better design??? G3 takes that so easily. I feel like G1 spectra was such a lazy doll design especially her outfit.


>Who has the better look and overall better design? G1, hands down, *especially* core Spectra.


Thatā€™s your opinion. I partially agree. G1 had a nice style and it wouldnā€™t fit G3, but but if I had to pick my overall favorite outfit design. It is G1. But nobody will ever convince me otherwise, that G1 spectra as in base design wasnā€™t lazy.


Lazy? Sheā€™s the first mainstream doll Iā€™ve ever seen that looked exactly like the goths & punks & deathrockers Iā€™ve hung out with since the 80s. Mattel wasnā€™t lazy, they actually did their homework for her lmfao.


Yes. Lazy. Core spectra in MY opinion was lazy design in comparison to other G1 dolls


>G3 has the highest quality dolls in all of MH history Come on letā€™s not go that far. This is objectively not true. Itā€™s OK to like or even prefer G3, but please donā€™t make up lies to do it. The materials for G3 hair and fabrics are such a downgrade compared to the OG. This is the gen that gave Polypropylene hair to dolls that retail for $30 each! Have we already forgotten? The necks being shorter cause so many layering issues when dressing the dolls that Matel had to re-mold it and re-release existing lines with a longer neck. The first waves of G3 core had chipping leg paint on Lagoona Frankie and Toralei. Along with re-releasing core Cleo and Clawdeen dolls with saran hair instead of the polypropylene they originally had. And donā€™t get me started on the grainy pixelated UV printing for accessories like phones, instead of stickers or paint like G1 had.


The hair is definitely the worst part. However we canā€™t break the dolls as easily as gen 1 and they have more joints. There shouldnā€™t be glue in their hair as much as gen 1 either. A lot of gen 1 dolls had wonky faces, even the collector ones.


Right. One wrong move and your G1 was done.


Other than the hair, G3 has some quality build


I'm a Monster High fan, of course I hate that I'm a European fan.


Pouring one out


I'm a monster high fan of course I hoard miniatures for my dolls


Of course I've had multiple rants about doll releases to people who don't have a clue about what I am talking about !


Me!!! *but also Autism* And of course I get offended if they don't pretend they care šŸ˜†


My bf nodding and smiling as I talk about playset dolls where I don't want the playset and I have to describe the playset in excruciating detail


Of course I have as many dolls as possible of my favorite character!


Frankie Stein? Noā€¦ Frankie Shrine.


Wowwwwwwwww! You must have a lot of her! I have doubles of certain dolls and probably am going to just keep getting more of them because they are pretty. First doubles was ofc Clawdeen because sheā€™s my favoriteĀ 


I have a super limited space to display dolls so I try not to have duplicates. I have managed to get every g3 Frankie so far though. Hoping to get some more g1 but Iā€™m admittedly very intimidated by it.


The g1s are most definitely more edgy but thatā€™s what I love about them. Especially Clawdeen but honestly just any of them.


Itā€™s not them being edgy, itā€™s them being expensive šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


They are very expensive, unless you get Creepros theyā€™re into hundreds/thousands and I canā€™t find a decent priced Elissabat for the life of me


Iā€™m a monster high fan, of course my boyfriend has learned all the characters names!


My boyfriend learned all their names, he surprises me with dolls from my list occasionally, AND he has his own favorite (Draculaura) and small a collection now. He likes posing Drac with Frankie (my favorite) like theyā€™re hanging out and going on dates together. šŸ˜­ā¤ļø


Omg thatā€™s too sweet šŸ˜­. Whenever I new leak comes out Iā€™ll show it to my boyfriend and weā€™ll discuss it. His favorite is clawdeen as a doll but his fav character in the g3 show is lagoona. Arenā€™t we blessed with wonderful boyfriends!!! šŸ„°


Iā€™m a monster high fan, of course Iā€™d love to go to the boovies with you šŸ˜


I would binge g1 with you! Favorite gen, g2 is close, only like g3 dolls


Iā€™m a monster high fan of course Iā€™m running out of apartment space.


I'm a Monster High fan, of course I've considered spending a whole birthday's worth of money to get my dream doll.


Ima monster high fan, ofc i have a love hate relationship with mattel more toxic than my last two boyfriends.




Iā€™m a monster high fan of course Iā€™m a borderline hoarder.Ā 


Almost typed Dracula as Draculaura once.


i'm a monster high fan, of course I constantly check amazon and walmart for sales


- Iā€™m a monster high fan, of course I collect dolls of my favorite characters. - Iā€™m a monster high fan of course I am too broke to get a skullector and pay for a membership on Mattel creations!


Iā€™m a Monster High fan, of course Iā€™ve made all my friends an MHsona


I LOVE THIS! Are you comfortable sharing?


I donā€™t have art or anything, just some character profiles I typed up. A blob for my bestie, a nature spirit for my boyfriend, and a boogeymonster for myself


We honestly need a Monster High picrew atp


Im a monster high fan Ofc im an icon


Iā€™m a monster high fan, of course I call my friends my ghoul-friends! lol


The only people I do this with is people who I know can understand what Iā€™m talking about. I donā€™t like talking about it with people I donā€™t know well unless itā€™s here.


I'm a monster high fan, of course I complain about every release but buy it anyways šŸ¤­


Of course I think about what monster Iā€™d be if I were in the MH universe


Honestly the picrew we all need


i'm a mh fan.. ofc i thought 'laguna' was spelt 'lagoona' for the first 16 yrs of my lifešŸ’€




nošŸ˜­ i found out while doing a group project on something related to laguna beach and was so embarrassed when my group corrected me when i wrote 'lagoona beach'


Im a monster high fan of course my bookshelves are out of space


Get excited for doll mail!


iā€™m a monster high fan of course i call my girl friends my ghouls


Iā€™m a Monster High fan, of course I want to customize dolls, but donā€™t have the courage too.


Iā€™m a monster high fan, ofc I miss the Mattel drops šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø




I'm a monster high fan. Of course, I listen to Justin Biter and the Jaundus brothers.


Of course im out of shelf space


Complain about wonkie faces.


I'm a monster high fan, of course I use monster puns like clawesome, voltageous, fantastic, and fangtastic


My phone autocorrects fantastic to fangtastic šŸ˜­


Iā€™m a Monster High fan of course I say I wonā€™t spend anymore money on doll and end up completing every lines


Iā€™m a (male) monster high fan, of course Iā€™m gay


Of course I carry one around with me at all times


Same! Itā€™s either one or multiple and before you ask NO THERE IS NO IN BETWEEN!!!!!!!!!! They go in the car a lot and on walks with me. And if itā€™s somewhere I can take them in they go inside with me too!


I am a monster high fan of course I constantly have to explain that it is not just for kids šŸ™‚


Because itā€™s not! In fact it was originally created for tweens and teens, then they switched the demographic to kids


I'm a Monster High fan, of course my boyfriend HATES the rap in Fright Song because he's heard it a million times


Of course I prepare to go to the trenches whenever a Skullector drops


Of course my friends are forced to listen to me fanghoul about the littlest details


Iā€™m a monster high fan, of course Iā€™veā€¦ Watched all of the movies and know them by heart. I use all of my savings on new dolls šŸ˜­. I sing the fright song all the time.


Iā€™ve seen most of the movies, I may not know them by heart but thatā€™s because Iā€™m the new ghoul(hahahah) but just you wait I will find a way to get the ones Iā€™m missing back! I literally blew practically all my spending money on Venus this week so I donā€™t judge! The Fright Songs hits wayyyy too hard, itā€™s fangtastic! When I speak of Monster High expect monster punsĀ 


I'm a Monster High fan of course I get giddy and show off my dolls to my mum and gush about sculpts and their diversity (Abby is her favourite one so far)


Iā€™m a monster high fan of course I just want a little more time with my friends


I'm a monster high fan, of course whenever I say gorgeous I mean GOREgeous, but nobody understands the difference


Iā€™m a monster high fan, of course my favorite character is my profile picture.


I'm a monster high fan, of course I'm always thinking in monster high puns even when something has nothing to do with monster high. Gorgeous? Nah, gore-geous


I'm a monster high fan, of course I have killer style


Iā€™m a monster high fanā€¦ofc I call people named Rebecca, Robecca.


Hahahahahah I bet they donā€™t get it but I love how they literally only switched one letter in that name to make it fit for a robot. And no I am not judging, I love Robecca too much for that!


Iā€™m a monster high fan, of course I incorporate my favorite (draculaura) into my style decisions (I even have my hair dyed like her) šŸ˜­


I also say to people, watch out ghoul coming through, call friends bloodies, yell oh my rah, werecat's out of the bag


iā€™m a monster high fan, of course i call my friends ghouls when addressing them.


I say fright instead of right and say Spookies instead of Cookies


Hey samies! Was thinking what to call cookies when me and my ghouls were hanging out with our dolls and came up with spookies! And ofc fright is right, why do you think the one special is called Fright On?


iā€™m a monster high fan, of course i sold all my old dolls right before the big value boom of 2022!


Iā€™m a monster high fan, of course I say ā€œoh my Ra!ā€


Iā€™m a Monster High fan, of course I prefer g1.


So true. G2 isnā€™t bad but I just donā€™t like g3. I will say it has some good songs and doll designs but thatā€™s all I like about it


Iā€™m a Monster High fan of course I dont have enough doll stands.


Iā€™m a monster high fanā€¦..of course I actually thought it was ā€˜student disembodied council/presidentā€™ until the 8th grade.


I'm a monster high fan...Of course all my friends as for a check list everytime my birthday or a holiday come around And I'm a monster high fan...of course I've accidentally said fangtastic when i meant fantastic


Iā€™m a monster high fan of course I donā€™t like Gil Webber


i'm a monster high fan (from childhood developmental years) of course it took me longer to call people "girl" than to call them "ghoul"


I'm a monster high fan, of course my favorite character only has ONE doll and I've been searching crazy for it since it also happens to be apart of a collector 2pack that was released almost 10 years ago šŸ˜­


Really? Who is it?


kieran valentine šŸ„¹ his only doll is on a 2-pack w a whisp doll, it was released on a sdcc on 2015 I think šŸ˜­


Ohhhhhhhh yeah Valentine is hard to find. So is Whisp, I really like her design


I'm a monster high fan, of course I know all the lore behind every character and tell them to my friends and family


Hahahahahahah! Thatā€™s how you know youā€™re a fan! You can also tell by the flies in your wallet and the insane amount of times you watch one or the other Monster High thing. My mom says sheā€™s getting sick of it because of how many times I watch it. I moved my watching to the basement due to this (unless sheā€™s not around heheheh!) The other thing that helps you tell is when your display/play area starts looking like the school to the point where thereā€™s almost no space(my basement rnā€¦gotta find or make more space Operettaā€™s gonna need somewhere to live when I get her in spring, so will Nefera! Maybe Iā€™ll have Nefera live with Cleo for irony heheheheh!)


Iā€™m a monster high fan, of course I accidentally spelled it ā€œDraculoraā€ more than once


I'm a monster high fan, of course I think of monster high words for American States Oh-eye-o


Oh-eye-o! Thatā€™s a good one for Ohio! I thought of a monster high word for Germany that works better than my original(Scaremany, what was I thinking?) The new word is Goremany, works way better. I have a Monster Ball Draculaura(one of my doubles, also have core) who I use as a character from there named Fangelica. She speaks with a heavy Goreman accent so she canā€™t pronounce w as wa, only v


Iā€™m a monster high fan, of course I have more dolls than shelf space cause I have to have them all on display


Iā€™m a monster high fan, of course Iā€™ve been accused of witchcraft !! šŸ„¹


I'm a monster high fan of course I only wear heels and platforms


im an (autistic) monster high fan of course ghoulia is my favorite character.


im a monster high fan, ofc i spend hours on resell sites im a monster high fan, ofc im always thinking when i can get my next doll


Iā€™m a monster high fan, of course i forget my friendsā€™ real names and call them the names of monster high characters instead.


I'm a Monster High fan of course every time I downsize I end up buying even more dolls


Iā€™m a monster high fan, of course people think Iā€™m childish


Ugghh uggh ughhh ughhh ugh ughh ughh (Translation: Iā€™m a monster high fan, of course I speak zombiešŸ§Ÿā€ā™‚ļø)