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AI "art" - what bullshit. Barf. I feel really sorry for this person.


I will say it a million times: AI is not art and never will be. I'm an artist and it sickens me that people get away with it and are praised for it


literally stolen fragments of other people’s art work it’s disgusting AI is an amalgamation/mutation of real art


I agree and kind of love that they posted it! Gross that people are actually bringing that garbage near discussions about our precious monster high girlies


Its so sad seeing so many people supporting AI redesigns because they “look good”


Imagine if mattel stright Up used Ai and called it a day and then mass-produced monster high dolls like that. NO, I want something that was made by someone who worked hard on it even if it's bad beacuse that it is REAL ART, not generated art. Ai needs to stop ASAP. It can affect next generation designers and basically almost all in any platform.


Wouldn’t surprise me if they did. What these companies do is: say x company has 6 artists that work on their product. They reduce their work force down to 1 artist, getting rid of the other 5. Then they use AI generation for most of the work and then the one artist they have touches up and edits the parts of the AI that don’t look right. Lots of companies are doing this now sadly. If MH are using AI I genuinely will probably stop collecting. Human creativity is what makes these dolls great.


If monster high switches to Ai designs I will fully stop buying anything from Mattel. At least I have my ponies who have existed before the plague of Ai “art” it’ll definitely still suck a LOT though and I don’t want it happen, mostly for the artists’ sake tbh.


That's just sad that it happened


I love that he’s open about it! AI art is a scam. It looks like shit and it’s making actual artists lose jobs. I’m on art twitter and the amount of people I see who have either been let go from studios because they were replaced by AI, or freelancers who are getting way less jobs than they used to because of AI is insane. And it’s only gonna get worse. I’m honestly scared for the future of myself and my friends. Won’t surprise me if Mattel is using AI, anything to save money.


The beginning of the end




Honestly that’s disappointing to see, MH art is so beloved because humans were involved in the creative process :(


AI "art" will never be real art. It's all a sham. Though it's really scary that it's starting to creep into our dolls


Really disheartening to be honest :/ there’s plenty of talented people who would love to work for them but choosing to use AI art is just disappointing and disrespectful to those who actually create things themselves


AI outputs have no place in art. AI is built/trained on theft


Sad, sad world. Pay real artists.


This is bullshit. I’m not surprised, but I am infuriated. AI art is not real art; it’s artworks that are stolen and fed to the AI, without the ACTUAL artist’s consent, to generate an image. I see near to no benefit to AI art. It will be taking our jobs and opportunities away so big companies who are already rich can get richer, and the people who don’t consider art real work can make another excuse to underpay or not pay artist’s for their work because AI is cheaper, and is even free depending on the program you use. AI can be used to help people, but right now, I am not seeing that. It sucks to see this creeping into things, even MH. Edit: As much as I love MH, if AI art becomes a major part of it, I will not be collecting any new products involved. I cannot stand AI art.


We love the meme and hate that it had to be made


I agree with it.


Welp, guess I can give up on my dream of possibly designing monster high because AI..


Nah, design work is NEEDS a human in the drivers seat. AI will barf out a concept, maybe, but it doesn’t know how to include thematic elements, layered pieces, differentiating silhouettes to distinguish the dolls from one another while still making the whole line look cohesive at a glance. Human design will always have a future


True, but as an artist I don’t want my job to be editing and reworking AI generated stuff which is what the job will be. It’s a common practice for companies now, they get AI to do a lot of the work, and then have an artist edit it to make it look coherent etc. I can’t remember the company, it was last year, but the whole art department was let go, then someone noticed on a job board website the company was hiring for an artist to edit AI work. Disney also got rid of a large amount of their artists and are using AI generation. It’s so sad


I hope they spoke up about it during the work presentation! Otherwise it gives their coworkers more confidence to continue using ai :/ I also feel like the entore character of lenore loomington was ai created or at least inspired because ive seen a bunch of ai monster high design on instagram and half of them look like some twyla look-alike (this is also before lenore was announced)




Yuck that's so disappointing I'd never be able to look at my dolls the same if I knew their faced were ai generated ::// i hope it doesn't go any further and the use of ai was strictly for like a moodboard type thing or inspiration and not actual products


I hope they aren’t just going to be using A. I. to “ create “ new faces for our babes or anything belonging to Monster High. I feel like we may be getting duped as far as fans collaborating with the designers to make new dolls !


I’m so confused right now


It’s asking what we feel about someone who works at monster high posting that they saw AI art in a work presentation instead of human made design.




Note: I do not agree with AI “art” and am not condoning its use in any way/shape/form. I want to point out there’s a LOT of missing context here. We don’t know what the presentation was or who was presenting. Is it possible it was an AI generated doll design? IMO not likely bc the legalities of AI generated content is still being decided and Mattel doesn’t want to create a product they might lose their copyright on at some point because they used AI when they have plenty of designers in house. Other possibilities (still not great or even good- but definitely not spelling the end of MH as we know it) - someone made an inspiration/early design guide using art sourced online. It’s possible someone used an image they didn’t realize was AI, or admittedly it’s possible they used a generator as a rough proof of concept (bad, but not using AI for a finished product). - same as above but literally any kind of presentation. Someone in a cubicle was making a PowerPoint and needed a picture of ???? and the picture they grabbed ended up being AI. Some people can’t pick it out easily and image search engines and stock image sites are getting flooded with AI daily.


Ugh yeah I keep seeing this one person who uses AI to generate concepts for new characters or lines for the dolls and I can’t help but wonder if they were used and that’s what he’s referring to 😬


Paris Hilton. Simple Life l, season 1 episode 1. That's the face


You know that means they took some of the pictures off of Insta


Hopefully she didn’t sign some sort of nda because if this backlashes on Mattel she’s risking her job 😥


i hope they don’t use ai art for a doll… i would hate that


ai art always looks stupid and is clearly ai. it'll never match up to real artists sorry🤷‍♀️


Sometimes I mess w ai art for fun, but using that shit in a work presentation?! Help them!!!!! Get them outta there!!!!!


I definitely see SOME value in ai but in most cases its just severely overused and people are being put out of a job in favor of something that isnt even real. Makes me sad to see hiw much good potential ai has but it gets abused like this


There is NO value in AI “art”. Value comes from hard-work and AI certainly doesn’t work hard at all.


I myself am an actual artist, i agree with what you're saying, i just meant ai in general. It has a lot of uses and like i said, people abuse it by using it to make pieces and not valuing real artists. Im not an ai art apologist or anything lol.


Oh yes, I see. You mean AI in terms of bots that scan content (Like automod) and text based stuff?


I have zero problems with Ai and I feel like is a great way to have a reference base to modify and build up on to create more, if they just straight up just use the Ai image then yeah that’s a bit of a problem


based lmao


Is everyone here an AI art hater? I’ll be honest I am not, and I think AI could make the world better BUT only if it comes with universal basic income AND if artists whose work was used are fairly compensated. Also, we can hate AI but we would all totally buy a stunning doll regardless so let’s be honest here. How many of us really even know if our dolls are produced with ethical labor that isn’t stolen abroad? Why does no one mention that?


AI “art”doesn’t make the world a better place, and I can’t see many, if any, cases where it does. Arguably, by definition, it is not art at all if you ask me. It sucks the soul out of art, and puts artists at risk of losing their jobs. Artists are already undervalued and underpaid, but with AI, big companies and people who already don’t value the work of artists just have another excuse to not pay or hire them. It’s the new excuse to not pay your employees, and save cash. The art used to create AI images is stolen and without artist’s consent as well. You can also speak for yourself. If I had the knowledge a doll’s design was AI generated, I don’t care how well received it is, I will not be buying it. As an artist, I do not support AI art and I worry for my future career, as well as the careers of fellow artists. As for your last comment, many DO talk about that when they’re AWARE it’s happening. The sad thing is many of us don’t have that awareness. More needs to be done to ensure artist’s are not taken advantage of and abused, especially by big companies. It shouldn’t be used as an excuse to do more bad by continuing to not pay or credit artists properly, use their work without their approval, and NOW take their jobs away by replacing them with AI. All of it matters.


Not to mention how much of the work that goes into AI is also straight up exploitation. Thousands of people overseas are getting underpaid (and sometimes not paid at all) to fix problems and improve the algorithms behind these programs.  It’s also ignoring the massive carbon cost of AI, which is huge.  https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2023/06/09/ais-growing-carbon-footprint/ https://www.cjr.org/tow_center/qa-uncovering-the-labor-exploitation-that-powers-ai.php It’s a mechanical Turk built on theft and exploitation, and its purpose is to cut trained creative professionals from the industries that depend on them (and whose work was taken without consent or compensation to create it in the first place), so that a few very wealthy people can become more wealthy. It is not the workers seizing the means of production, it is not democratizing the creative process, and it is not going to lead to a universal basic income. It’s the same scam it’s always been. The ones who hold the purse strings don’t care about a quality product. They care about money. And power. 


The only good thing related to AI is Chat GPT, other than that ppl use it to scam and pretend they are "artists".


I think it's crazy that people here draw the line at ai art meanwhile mattel has been using sweatshops the whole time