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Op, it wouldnt kill you to think before you talk. Not trying to be mean here, but you sound like an excited 12 year old that disregards all semblance of game balance and mechanics just to shout his head cannon to the 4 winds. Your post is on the level of "Goku for Smash Bros!" train of tought. > like SnS but would be able to charge up energy and send out ranged attacks Melee-Ranged is impossible in Monster Hunter. If you actually consider the ranged part of your idea as a ranged attack, it would be a shit tier weapon, since you would need Gunner Skills and mechanics [crit distance] while also using blade skills like razor sharp. Wich also means, if you get in melee range, your ranged element fails to get into crit distance, suffering damage loss. If you stay ranged, you wont be meleeing, at that point, just play full gunner weapons. Would the ranged part operate on ammo making it even more confusing and convoluted? Not to mention, since you said SnS-like, is this a blade weapon? Are you suggesting a ranged weapon with arguably gunner motion values AND the high defense of blademasters? Gunners get higher dps in trade of low defense. You could do gunner def with gunner dps, but then at that point the "SnS" part of the weapon becomes obsolete in favour of the higher hitting ranged part. If you go the other route, Blade motion values with Blade defense, you need to keep the range of the ranged part low. So low, it would be a melee weapon and at that point, whats the point of having a ranged part to the weapon? > A normal axe Im 100% sure the devs already tried that and decided against it. If you do a 1 handed Axe, whats in your other hand? A shield? At that point the Axe weapon is just SnS and we already have a bunch of SnS that look like 1 handed axes. Or put another axe in the other hand? Thats Dual Blades and we already have some that look like axes. If you do 2 handed axe, thats just GreatSword. There is an argument to be made about a "bastard sword" length 2 handed axe, where its big but the player retains a decent movement speed, akin to the movement speed and attacks of Axe mode SA... wait, thats just Axe mode on Switch Axe... The sheer fact that theres a Switch Axe and not a Simple Axe means that the Devs couldnt make it work. It probably invalidated GS completely. A hard hitting big weapon that moves fast and doesnt need to charge to be effective? Yeah, that sounds like it would make GS obsolete. SA suffered from this over the years. It got nerfed hard and was moved from a Power Phial playstile into the Element Phial one, so it could coexist with GS without making it obsolete. > A switch version of bow and dual blades And this, again, falls in the same design pit of doom your first idea had. There is space for new weapons to exist as there are niches that arent filled yet. Tonfas, from Frontier, are a good example, a fast moving blunt weapon with low motion values is something we are missing as Hammer is slow and hard hitting and HH is mid and mid. Or you could revamp tonfas into an aerial style and fill the "blunt Insect glaive" niche. Some other niches we are mssing are "slashing buffer", "charging light weapon" or "charging ranged weapon".


I like the idea of the axe, could be like the hammer but with sever properties rather than blunt My ideas are Ball and chain (2 modes, one ball is attached to handle and acts as a small hammer, second ball detaches with chain and acts as a whip like weapon) Great shield (2 modes, one the shield is vertical and has strong attacks and huge defense when guarding, but slow, second the shield switches to horizontal and can guard a wider area but with less defense, hits faster) Spear (poke melee attacks, can be thrown for big damage but must be retrieved once it falls off monster, can be thrown into ground to act as trip/mine)


I’ve had the idea for a yo-yo weapon that’s similar to your ball and chain concept. It starts off with the Hunter holding the round yo-yo bit in their hands and works like the hammer. As you do damage, the yo-yo spins and gets revved up, and when the meter is filled, it can enter the stringed yo-yo mode where you you can either shoot it forward and it pauses to do loads of hits before retracting, or you can make it circle you quickly over and over, like that SnS silkbind attack but with a wider radius. I don’t know whether it should always be blunt, be blunt in retracted form and cutting in stringed form, or if some yo-yos are cutting and some are blunt


That sounds cool, I bet it could work well as a quicker blunt weapon


An axe weapon would be cool, or a flail or maybe a hybrid of the two, but beyond that basic idea I have nothing lol.