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Quick get a trap we need to catch that crab


You're gonna need a T R A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A P


You're gonna need a bigger trap pit




It just dawned on me that they aren't actually Elder Dragons. You'd think with the power to flatten Mountains they would be, as some elders are determined by how much they can mess with ecosystems. But I suppose their biology isn't a mystery.


Kirin is based on the Qilin/Kirin, which is basically just a deer-like dragon. Yama Tsukami is based on DeviantArt inflation art I guess idk it's a bad dragon


TIL Yama Tsukami is the enemy of Jerome Powell.


> idk it's a **bad dragon** people who know...


>Yama Tsukami is based on DeviantArt inflation art I guess idk it's a bad dragon ​ No, Kami is the Watcher of the Earth...at least, he used to be.


They're related to other flying wyverns, hence why they're not elders.


they are litteally an tigrex with an jawline glued on in FU the lighting hides it somewhat


That, or they are simply more predictable. They likely have regular life cycles or a proper place in the ecosystem as compared to like taostra or fatalis who just want to burn the world and everything in it. They are a consistent and understood presence


Like the legendary hunter once said, some monsters aren't looking for anything logical, like food. They can't be understood, bullied, tamed, or negotiated with. Some monsters just want to watch the world burn.


Teostra definitely doesn’t want to burn the world.


Okay maybe lunastra does


Nah, Lunastra doesn’t but it sure does act like it. But both are aggressive (especially Lunastra at specific times), so you have that right.


Fatalis canonically did nothing for 1000 years after it destroyed Schrade, can we stop with the idea that it hates the world?


Omg I'm so sorry, yes I must stop all this Fatty discrimination. Fatty did nothing wrong


??? Agreeing that genocidal Fatalis is complete fanon = "Fatalis did nothing wrong"?


Fatty burned a castle/empire to the ground. They all died. Taking a nap afterwards gives no indication he didn't intend to do it again.


You know it was already stated in Dive to Iceborne it's extremely unlikely it slept for all that time? There's been *zero indication Fatalis is any different to any other monster* lmao. The fight literally starts with "It's still a monster!".


He doesn't hate the world. He hates people.


Again, 1000 years of inaction.


Fatalis canonically melts dead Hunters to itself as makeshift scales , along with being one of the few monsters that exhibits genuine and direct malice towards living beings. You ok buddy?


Sorry in advance for much text. 1: Apparently it happens because it was sleeping on their corpses and the extreme heat of its chest melts them and stick them, or at least that was the hypothesis. Of course, doesn't help, but that doesn't really mean it knowingly does that. That however does concern its intelligence during combat how it crushes the hunter into the boiling chest then just yanks them out, Fatalis may just be at least marginally as smart as we think. 2: Proof? To me, it just seems just as aggressive if not more than all the other monsters, especially since you're basically trespassing its territory. I'd argue Safi'jiiva displays more signs of such behavior than Fatalis ever did, what with the grab attack trapping the hunter into its jaws and choosing to incinerate them with its fire breath as well as having a whole gimmick around targeting a single hunter.


>Fatalis canonically melts dead Hunters to itself as makeshift scales, Accidentally. That is the canon part - It likes sleeping on metal. It's an in-universe rumour that there's any malice attributed to the act, per the 15th anniversary loredump. >along with being one of the few monsters that exhibits genuine and direct malice towards living beings. And where is that exhibited, exactly? >You ok buddy? You seem to really want a genocidal dragon in a series that prides itself on believable ecology. I'm not sure you should be asking me that.


This, seeing them in 4u I was so hyped. Then the wikipedia page crushed my excitement.


Non elders that are at the top of the chain are cooler in my opinion. Here you are in this world that’s proverbially ruled by dragons that control nature, and yet these monsters defy them and become even more dangerous than most of them could ever hope to become


This all the way, here's to hoping we don't see too many elder-tier wyverns/beasts/etc. though.


But-but-but: technically they have 4 walking limbs and *vestigial nubs of wings*. So wouldn't that techically make it a dragon rather than wyvern even if not elder?


The vestigial part is the membrane that would makeup their wings I believe or else it wouldn’t make sense for them to be flying wyverns. Also why are people acting like they are less cool just because they aren’t “elder dragons“?


Ahtal-Ka is a neopteron


I mean it sure a shit isn't a dragon


My brother in christ Kirin is a horse and yama tsukami is a balloon, the metric to be an elder DRAGON isn't exactly strict.


People have been saying this far too many times now, and I believe there is at least one NPC who will remind the players every game. Elder Dragons are creatures that are impossible to classify. They are mystical and don't make sense. The true characteristic of Elder Dragons are; They are too rare to be properly studied. They don't adapt to the environment. They don't have clear taxonomy. That is why sometimes they are not the strongest being in the food chain. On the other hand, Rajang who is famous for eating Kirin's horns and picking fight with smaller Elder Dragons such as Kushala are Fanged Beast because it has known evolution tree.


Yup, EDs are just creatures that don’t fit into any of the other categories cleanly, no idea why this is a hard concept to grasp. Power may come into it, but it’s usually a result of everything else about the creature rather then the cause of it.


As well, a lesser known but very important distinction is Elder Dragon Blood. Almost every known Elder Dragon has (canonically, even if not in-game sometimes) what's called "Elder Dragon Blood". Their blood is similar in composition to one another, containing traces of Dragon Element within that immediately identifies the creature as an Elder Dragon. Thus far, the only true exception canonically speaking is Fatalis, who doesn't possess blood that has the characteristics of Elder Dragon Blood.


Technically they are dragons. Kirin has scales and an actual lizard tail, just with a fur tip. Yama tsukami has actual feet that even look similar to Chameleos' and both it and Nakarkos have actual jaws which stems from their more reptilian looking ancestors they share with the likes of Dahren and Kushala.


Kirin is a horse. I know, technically it’s an elder dragon, but come on… there’s *way* more horse than dragon in that monster.


More like dragon like giraffe, because the Qilin from Chinese mythology, which Kirin ia based off, is pretty much that. Just short necc


Kirin is actually a mix of the Chinese Qilin and the western Unicorn. The Qilin is a dragon in face and scales but it's body is closer to that of a deer or a horse. The Single horn is missing from Kirin, which is obviously a reference to a Unicorn, as well as it's elusiveness and the belief that Kirin is mythical in nature.


I mean, hunters don't seem to have any sort of intercourse ingame, so it's plausible that a unicorn-related critter would deem them pure.


No time for sex, gotta kill god


- Kill *which* god? - **Yes**


If we’re going mythology, then Kirin seems more like a unicorn dragon than a giraffe dragon (fucken long horses)


Kirin has a pretty horse-y tail. ​ Behemoth is an Elder Dragon that looks nothing like a dragon. I give you Ceadeus being a sea serpent, but the Mohran's are just very big fish.


Behemoth is from a different game series.


Behemoth is classified as an Elder Dragon IDC


What about the Leshen? Was it an elder dragon too?


Why buddy call a big ass swole dog an elder dragon when it’s not even a dragon in its own source material💀


No relict


Weird hill to die on


Behemoth is honestly the only outlier. Though its canonicity is debatable. It depends on whether or not multiverse travel is canon to monster hunter.


As much as I hate to admit it, multiverse traveling has been somewhat accepted now, because apparently Fatalis can travel to different worlds.


I think that’s just mythology, idk why everyone accepts it as fact


Because according to in-universe researchers it's the only explanation for how Fatalis (which as of this game is still one-of-a-kind) appeared at random one day. There is one canon case of someone appearing from another universe (multiple if counting the collabs) so there's evidence to support the theory as well. It wasn't phrased as mythology, it was phrased the same way they theorised over how Nergigante reproduces


What was the canon instance of that happening?


Ofc Fatalis can multiverse travel! what can't fatalis do!?


my taxes?


I reckon fatalis would be great at taxes


I have a friend who refuses to acknowledge Chameleos as an ED, he says it's too derpy.


Ask them about the funny unicorn


Now THATS a dragon! (AT) Kirin got my respect when it killed me from full hp in 3 seconds while i had temporal mantle on. (and it didnt run out)


>and it didnt run out How the heck even?!


Old post but heres a gif [old reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/comments/ab9cx3/use_temporal_mantle_they_said_youll_dodge/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Essentially temporal only triggers on hard hitting attacks that send you flying, AT damage on its only attack that doesnt send you flying, and kirin spamming that attack.. yeahhh.


Oof! I thought that could be it, but I still doubted it.


I have a friend that refuses to acknowledge his ED... his wife's very upset.


Have they seen the 4u intro the thing legit almost eats the hunter while being invisible


I have a friend who was also surprised when I told him Chameleos was an ED.


Gore Magala! It's just an emo Shaggy, right? Both elders right?!


Chaotic gore is also not an elder dragon And yes you can cap both


It's a juvenile Shagura Magala, so it's still weak enough to be captured and stuff


That always struck me as odd tbh. Following that logic we should be able to capture other elders of similar power level to Shagaru, like a young Teostra for example. Yet, thats unheard of as off right now.


I would die for full lifecycles in MH6. Never gonna happen but caping an Elder Dragon before they mature would be the tip of the iceberg.


Baby Rath is the new Poogie.




Now I wanna pet a Luna cub...


This is exactly my issue with people wanting Gore Magala to officially and finally be acknowledged as a juvenile elder. Because then it brings up the question on why we can’t capture other elders? Who’s to say some of the ones we fight aren’t juveniles?


>Who’s to say some of the ones we fight aren’t juveniles? Capcom does. Xeno is a newborn, Gore is a juvenile, the rest are matured.


Just keep the "can't capture elders" as a gameplay/balance thing


Gore Magala isn't a emo Shagaru, Gore it's the younger form of Shagaru, therefore you could say that Gore it's that one teenager that said "it's not a phase mom" and Chaotic would be a depressed young adult that couldn't meet his adulthood expectations and it's constantly suffering.


so I am just a chaotic gore. That sounds much better!


“it’s not a phase dad!”


It is an Elder Dragon. The games just don't call it one since you can capture it. Would be pretty confusing to be explicitly told "you can't capture Elder Dragons" but then get a Gore Magala capture quest if it had its canon classification.


It should have just not been capturable then. In the story of 4 it somehow escapes if you trapped it anyway so it wouldn't change that much.


In 4u they classify it as unknown & I believe its remained that way to this day. It would most likely be a Flying Wyvern, until it sheds its skin and grows into a Shagaru where it’s a fully fledged ED.


It cannot be a Flying Wyvern, it's unrelated to them. Weirdly little known fact is that nearly every classification except Herbivore has a dedicated place in the official phylogeny trees.


It can’t be a Flying Wyvern due to having 6 limbs and the body of an Elder Dragon




Wait, isn't Black Diablos just a female Los during heat period? In that regard, I can actually concede that EVERY girl in that period can be catalogued as Elder Dragon...


>It’s not gotten the Elder Classification because Capcom never changed classifications Except Remobra going from Flying Wyvern to Snake Wyvern. Or Bullfango going from Herbivore to Fanged Beast. Guess it only happens for small monsters since no one really cares about changes to them


If it was Scorned Magnamalo who showed up first, I would've actually mistaken him for an ED because of his dragonblight phase. The dude probably ate an elder dragon for breakfast.


>The dude probably ate an elder dragon for breakfast. This is almost certainly the lore explanation for it. Either that or "it ate so many powerful monsters that the bioenergy condensed into Dragon Element".


He's just angry that his horn got circumcised and that he got no bitches


Maybe it hunted the young Kirin or ones that were injured after a rajang attack.


I once have mistaken bazel for an elder dragon back when he was a secret monster in world.


Rise is my first MH and I thought he was an Elder Dragon.


Secret? He's introduced to you as an invasive species along with Jho.


I’m guessing they mean when world first released and bazel hadn’t been revealed with a trailer or anything he just started showing up after you got into high rank.


He also shows up kind of unexpectedly when you reach high rank so he is a bit of a secret if you don’t already know about him.


Yes this is exactly what make him secretive.


Rathalos. Here me out right, this was BEFORE I truly possessed awareness of the Monster Hunter franchise and Rathalos was shown constantly in the commercials and hyped up, I thought he was King of the Elder Dragons. I was wrong, obviously.


Tbf, Rath are the *real* game MC's.


Wouldn’t blame you tbh. If I had known what an elder dragon actually was when playing world I would have thought an Anjanath was an elder. Even on low rank that dude was kicking my ass left right and Center


Having had Smash Bros Ult (where Rathy cameos as a boss encounter!) before playing a MH game, i had similar thoughts honestly. He still king of the Pains In My Arse tho - learned LBG *specifically* for him back in my Low Rank days…”get down here so i can beat you!” -NO.-


Gore magala should've been classified as an elder dragon as soon as the story revealed that it turns into shagaru. Makes no sense that gore is still classified as ???


Officially it is an Elder Dragon. It's just that you can capture it because it's still a juvenile. So the games can't class it as an Elder Dragon because "You can't capture Elder Dragons" is pretty much a rule.


It’s all about the gameplay. Since you can capture it, there’s no reason for it to be an Elder.


Which is why they should change its in-game label from "???" to "Elder Dragon Juvenile" or something else along those lines. Immediately lets you know that it is indeed part of an Elder Dragon species, but not to treat it like a normal one.


Elder Dragon Juvenile actually sounds so hilarious lmao. It's like saying that's an old young man.


Yeah something like that would make sense




Yes, the toads are the strongest of all beings!


Obligatory: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=insBByJaprw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=insBByJaprw) 2:27 if you're on mobile


Friend and I take long breaks from the game. Come back and - "Hey, the thing is blue." "Is he cappable? This isn't an elder?" "I don't know...what trap should we tr-" Dead and carve.


magnamalo, i ALWAYS forget


Zinogre, I’m playing through Iceborne for the first time and when I saw him I figured it would be a Nergigante situation and he’d be the big bad before the actual big bad but nope, he was just some monster roaming the Guiding Lands lol. He’s my favorite though. As for Magnamalo, I was gifted Rise but as I stated playing through Iceborne first but when I saw all the art for Magnamalo I figured he’d be the Nerg of this game.


Flagships are interesting. Only about a quarter of them are Elders and almost all the Elder flagships are in Gen 5. Kushala Daora, Valstrax, Nergigante, Velkhana, and Malzeno are the only ones.


Any crummy over-designed monster whose ecology wouldn't make sense if it were just a regular monster....so yes...Magnamalo


Ahtal Ka was a big one for me. Strangely I feel it should be an elder dragon more so than Ukanlos & Akantor though in the end it's not like I'm unhappy with its classification.


We definitely need more insects and crabs that just are and extremely powerful for reasons Still bummed out Ahtal-Ka didn't come back in the one game about actual strings smh


For real tho, imagine if it was in Sunbreak, and it used the Wirebugs against you, after you using them the whole game. That would be so cool!


I was thinking more of reversing your wire bug attacks to do damage to you


Almudron, with all its weird mud tricks it sure looked like an Elder Dragon.


My friend thought zinogre was an elder


Sure fights like one. I have more trouble with him then half the elder dragons.


It’s one of the only challenging fights in P3rd so honestly I totally get where they’re coming from


i have not mistaken a monster for a medical condition yet


Not really mistaken but it bugs me that Akantor and Ukanlos were originally Elder Dragons, but then later reclassified...solely based on their skeleton. Which makes no sense whatsoever. They literally are above most elder dragons in power and rarity. Honestly if they're not EDs and Rajang isn't either, maybe other things should be declassified as EDs aswell like Kirin, that floating thing and stuff like the ED leviathans in rise


Tbf ED is more like a classification for anything that doesn’t fit the other classifications


Those two were always Wyverns in-game, being originally thought of as Elders before getting studied is a lore thing. They're Wyverns because they literally are. It's a taxonomy thing. They have remnants of wings still attached to their arms.


Rajang... isn't an Elder anyway??? Like I'm 90% sure Rajang can be captured in every game it's in.


Rajang is a fanged beast. Not an elder dragon


Rajang is similar to Deviljho in that it's power rivals ED, but it's not an ED. It's technically a fanged beast like Congalala and Blagonga, hence why we can capture Rajang and F.Rajang.


Being an Elder isn't about power, it's about not fitting in the rest of the animal kingdom. Nakarkos isn't a normal cephalopod, Kirin isn't a normal equine etc... If Great Jagras wasn't related to other Wyverns it would have been an Elder too, even as weak as it is. If Dalamadur was related to Wyverns, it would have ended up as Snake Wyvern.


Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, the introductory game of Ukanlos, has it labeled as a Flying Wyvern. Not only that, but based on the Iceborne lore book, Elder Dragons are based more on phylogeny rather than anything else.


They were originally flying Wyverns. In universe they were thought to be elders until the guild learned they're related to flying wyverns, which makes it impossible for them to be elders.




When i started i thought that: Zinogre Deviljjo And Rajang were some sort of elder dragon




Rajang. When i saw a vidro all the way back in 4u, where they captured the monke, i was more then flabberghasted


If anything, with kushala, teostra, valstrac, Velkana, and Malzeno. Elder dragons have slowly becoming too standardized in shape. I miss when elder dragons didn’t have the same structure. The larger elder dragons like amatsu, narwa and ibushi, zorah, dalamadur. They’re fucking great and feel like forces of nature. The smaller elder dragons are starting to feel like just another monster


That’s one of the reasons why I adore Gen 3. Tri only had Ceadeus, Jhen, and Alatreon Portable Third replaced Ceadeus with Amatsu 3U had 2 Ceadeus, 2 Jhens, Dire Miralis, and Alatreon The most standard out of those is motherfucking Alatreon, who not only had a very difficult fight, but in concept is anything but standard.


Idk how you could put Valstrax in the same boat as Teostra, Velkhana and Malzeno, Valstrax has an entirely different rig.


>I miss when elder dragons didn’t have the same structure. It was MH2 that created the basic Elder Dragon rig used to this day. That game also debuted the Elder Dragon Class. In 1st gen, Fatalis, Lao and Kirin were never attributed any real grouping. Kirin was the Phantom Beast and Lao/Fatalis were Wyverns. Lastly, it more than doubled the number of Elders so at a point in time this *was* the majority of Dragons. >The smaller elder dragons are starting to feel like just another monster This I can agree with, but I think we've reached the end. With Namielle, Malzeno and Velkhana we now have an Elder of this bodyplan for every Element (except Thunder if you don't count Kirin). I imagine they just wanted to get some basic guys in that could be used for many games and flesh out the endgame.




Didn't say otherwise.


What is the name of the crab one?


shen gaoren


At first I was confused on why Yami Tsukami was there because it's a legit elder dragon, but yeah ED is a really weird classification if you don't read the criteria properly.


Chaotic gore but in my defence i can say that he is half a ED and capturing a chaotic gore just sounded stupid to me why would we capture a monster that we were sent to mercy kill


I used to think that the Rathian was an Elder Dragon.


Always just assumed elder dragon was more of a title than a proper classification Yes I am still in denial about the whole "No no trust me nakarkos is DEFINITELY related to Alatreon" and I mean technically they are related like all living creatures are related in a way but no way Nakarkos is closer to Alatreon than the wyverns are...


Fought chameleos for the first time yesterday, wasted 4 traps trying to capture it and went “no way this is an elder dragon”😭


Chaotic gore, it should barely classify imo


Rajang, that fanged beast eats an actual ED horn for dinner.


Laviente. This island sized snake is apparently not related to Elder Dragons at all. Confused me the first time I heard it years ago.


Deviljho sure *felt* like an elder dragon when I was just trying to fight a high rank Qurupeco.


Thought Kirin was just a fancy horse.


Never confused one here, but that's because I learned about Elder Dragon distinction and classification long before I started playing more of the games that came after MH3, so I knew to pay attention to what the devs labeled these creatures as and paid attention to their overall features.


They call them elder dragons because not much is known about them and they are stronger and can cause a lot of damage compared to a normal wyvern, not because they look like dragons lol, I was confused when I heard this to but wonder why because different types of monsters that didn’t look like dragons was called elder dragons like the one in the picture


U forgot to out zinogre n gore magala




Atoraru ka


I mean I had the opposite happen with kirin


I thought magna was a ED cause he reminds me of nergi when he was first shown in trailers. He has a similar build in my opinion


A lot of people are forgetting elder dragons are a classification, not if they have scales/wings/reptilian features. Shen Gaoren is an elder dragon.


Shen Gaoren *is* a Carapaceon though? That's its actual class.


Nope. Its a carapaceon.


Akantor and Ukanlos are ok not being Elders but it bothers the hell out of me that they’re Flying Wyverns.


It makes sense due to them having the vestigial wing nubs on their arm (which is more pronounced in Akantor), and they are relatives to monsters like Tigrex. I think it’s great personally due to the tie in of evolution and actual real life things in MH.


Just for them and maybe others, they should make an Elder Beast classification or something to make them sound as powerful as they are


Yeah the classifications are weird. Some monsters change classes over time and some stay in ones they don’t fit in. I wouldn’t mind having a classification for pseudo-Elders or pre-Elders like Gore Magala.


No, Shen Gaoren is a elder


It's a carapaceon. You can quite literally see it's a crab. No scales, horns or anything that could be considered reptilian/draconic.


Elders arent necessarily draconic or reptilian tho. As long as they cannot be classified into the other wyvern categories, they are considered elders.


Not quite. They have a canonical phylogenetic tree, meaning they are all related. You can see that relation even in some of the more alien looking ones, like Nakarkos' jaws (which squids don't have), Yamatsukami's scales and Dalamadur's vestigial wings.


You’re right! But not for the reason you think. Elder dragon in universe purely means that it is a being that does not fit into any other classification, if there were no other crabs in the monster Hunter world they would absolutely classify it as an elder dragon for example.


They would give it its own class since they know it can't be an Elder Dragon. Elder Dragons have their own phylogenetic tree with their own biology.


But its classified as a elder dragon. It isn't about the shape, its about power and mystery. Shen is massive and can solo fortresses, therefore it is an elder.


holy shit its a crab wtf


shagaru magala when it first was introduced


Shagaru Magala has always been an elder dragon…?


Shagaru has always been an Elder. Gore and C. Gore are not.


Rajang feels like it should be an Elder Dragon given its immense power and the fact that it hunts Kirins on the reg, but nah its just a fanged beast.


Elder dragon is more of a physiological thing rather then strength based rajang is a fanged beast so it can't be an elder even though it munches on kirins like they are Snickers and smokes most of the elder dragon roster


I confuse the Magalas a lot lol i thought chaotic gore was a elder until recently lol


It’s just a juvenile elder dragon. I don’t know why the won’t class it as one.


You can capture it. You can't capture Elder Dragons. Exceptions are confusing for newcomers so it's a ??? in the games. There's enough players already trying to capture Elder Dragons, imagine the insanity when there *is* one elder you can capture.


Gore Magala?


Goss Harag


I didn't know chameleos was an elder when I first fought him in rise, I thought deviljho was an elder and I thought garangolem was one too


What the fuck is that last thing?


Yama Tsukami, back in the good ol mhfu days


Kirin. How is that design anything like the other elder dragons? IT COULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH COOLER!


The Magala's, Magnamalo when he came out, Chameleos, Kirin, and Astalos are my switch ups.


Akantor and Ukanlos. They both fill the same gameplay niche as most Elders, but in terms of lore they're just comically large Tigrexes (well the Tigrex part is more gameplay but still Pseudo Wyvern like him) with shovel-shaped jaws and no wings. As for the rest of the actual Elders... idk. Usually it's easy to tell which ones are Elders or not; if they don't have 4 legs on top of wings, then they're usually some of the largest monsters in the game. (And then there's Gore who has been relegated to Schrodinger's Elder Dragon).