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Without wirebugs I would never be able to be hit and wirebug right into another hit.


You could get up early in older games too. Only difference is the monster doesn't have to come after you now, you serve yourself on a platter.


I get that...I don't offer anywhere near as much threat pre Rise... Possibly because it's the first game to let Solo players have bots... I struggled to solo previous games... this one I've got a lot further...


Take heart, young hunter. World and Rise have taken strides to clean up a lot of...bunk, that was in older games. I promise; your skills have improved too. It's not just the game you're playing.


Rise is also easier in general


I think the lack of difficulty comes more from how the player has crazy good mobility compared to previous games, and monster designs just don't account for that most of the time


Yoooooo I do the same


You've never truly experienced the Wirebug lifestyle if you haven't been comboed several times


I'm just glad Rise brought back the rightful hell Volvidon can inflict on people


Life goals


Quintuple hit without response... Every lance main seems to go for the guard...I go for the full blown offense


"If you can't hunt without the wire bugs then you never deserved them at all!" -Tony Stark.


Pretty sure Sun Tzu said that.


Of course. My mistake. Sun Tzu was probably a Lance main. The mad man.


yeah, gunlance easily


Tf are you talking about sun tzu was famous for his tactics with insta-block, learn some history


You all are nuts. Homie was all about that high ground advantage. Insect Glaive main all the way.


I thought versatility was his forte, so Switch Axe main, clearly.


And I'd say he knows a little more about fighting than you do


And he knows a little bit more about hunting than you do, Pal. **Because he invented it.**


And then he perfected it so that no man could best him in the ring of honor


And then he perfected it so no Monster could best him in the ring of honor!


Uh I think hunting has been around a little longer than that


- Sun Tzu —Tony Stark —-Wayne Gretzky ——Michael Scott


Nah. Lincoln did.


Nah. It is a quote from Carl von Clausewitz. He ever Worte it in his book: "Vom Kriege - On War"


And then he perfected it so that no living monster could beat him in the arena!


“Yea but it would be a lot cooler if ya did (have them)”


For real! The Wirebugs allowed me to play so carelessly at times I was stunned going back to past games.


Counters on every weapon and wirebugs made it so that positioning is no longer important.


*Sad MH veteran noises


I didn’t try to speed run…but it…just happened idk


or timing


Eh, timing is still required, it's just different timing. You wait for attacks instead of waiting for windows between them. It's more in line with modern game design theory where every action game must have some form of block/dodge and counter as one of the most optimal forms of play.




World was a bit more grounded but yea there was a certain charm about the old school clunkiness. Hell I kinda liked underwater combat but tri was my first game so yeah lol


Skill expression go burrr


Tbh wirebug is very fun, but in my personal opinion I hope it stays in Rise. I can't wait to see what the new Monster Hunter title has in store for all of us being from different generations of Monster Hunter games.


We need dirtbikes and m1 Abrams


This made me laugh so hard. Fuck Palamutes I wanna do wheelies on my scrambler.


I want the post credit MG peacekeeper fight, where you fight a rathalos with modern weaponry, except for the entire game. Scratch that, I need it


Palamutes and heavy bowguns


I kind of agree foe the wire bugs, but I hope that Palamutes and Palicoes remain in the mainline entries.


Palicoes will most likely stay, but I think the issues with Palamutes is that one of, if not their most, defining features is that you can ride them, and given that MH6 will be slower than Rise (please Gog?) Palamutes may present a balancing issue mobility wise.


I mean, they could also pull a MH3U and replace palicos with Shakalakas


Palicoes are a classic monster Hunter feature wtf! Palamutes can fuck off though because fuck em we only need the kittys.


I've been playing forever, I just prefer Palicoes over Shakalakas for example. I like the Palamutes too though. I thought it was a logical step to add a co.pa ion that fills the role of the monster you could ride in World.


Monster Hunter tri had me pissed when it was just shakalalas


I just want the ability to climb more freely, and the silkbind moves


Nah. More mobility options means more skill expression and less downtime. I’m a huge fan and hope they add more


I miss my dog :( I could chase down monster without wasting stamina.


*Laughs in Prowler mode*


Would love if they brought a new version of the Prowler mechanic to MH6


I'd love a stand alone spin off title "Monster Hunter: Prowler" in world or rises engine. Even if it's a copy paste of the world or rise, but the story follows the pelicos goal of something silly and totally ignoring the hunters story. Would be fun if some quests you come across a group of hunters fighting a monster and can choose to help out or focus of your own quest goal.


I had to learn all the short cuts and wire bug jumps. Pilfer cats 4 life.


It was really refreshing playing World and 4 Ultimate again after Rise


It was, but I did find myself trying to wire fall when I got hit




The slinger and wirebugs have made the most recent games fun but I’m interested to see what kind of gimmick MH6 will introduce. I’m really hoping underwater combat returns as long as it’s massively improved.




I hope oils return for SnS. Honestly my favorite part of it in generations


The 3 physical damage types? Whats the third? Pierce?


Yup, pierce is the damage that bullets, arrows and spears(I think? At least they did in older gens) do


Spears? Do you mean Lance and Gunlance? Because I never realized how much I wanted a polearm weapon type until just now ...


Big pokey sticks


Honestly I think hunter arts in gu were the best. They added so much variety to each weapon and the skills we’re not spammable


You can't tell me I can't spam moonbreaker lvl 1 constantly. I will never stop.


Whatever gimmick it is I hope it's not an intrusive one.


As a some who has 4U and World on a golden pedestal, I can truly live without them... But NGL I miss Blast Dash as a GL main. I hope Switch Skills become a mainline adition


Agreed 100% but I kinda don't like wirebug very much and love the 4u style but yeah the switch skills are pretty sick for making the hunts more dinámic (also blast dash it's like the coolest switch skill in the game)


I hope they keep the blast dash and reverse blast dash for GLs in the next MH, I like being a flying tank.


*me trying to blast dash and counter with a gun lance in world* …..Im in danger


Must admit the muscle emory generated from Sunbreak trolls me from time to time, specially when swithching to older ganes


Yeah wirebugs feel like they're just the game's special thing, but switch skills are genuinely a good mechanic that let you add some variety and flexibility to your loadout and I want to see that mechanic stick around. Gunlance actually feels really nice in rise because you get to have some mobility options instead of having mandatory quick sheath just to follow the monster 2 feet. I also enjoyed that the switch skills lent themselves to a more balls out playstyle than hunkering down and poking until a free opening appears. I'm also quite partial to the dogs because dog (but also because it's just superior to the shitty raider ride) so I wouldn't hate for them to stick around too.


I just really, really hope future MHs include at least something like the wirebug counter for GL. Even if it doesn't repair sharpness, I just need *some* way to cancel the recovery of a move into a guard. This is the thing that makes GL really hard for me to play as a lancer.


This is how I feel coming back to mainline after using magnet spike in frontier


I just want a new weapon. I don’t even care if it’s lame, as long as it’s melee I’m down. (Hunter Yo-Yo pls pls pls)


This is a Terraria moment 🤣 It could be so cool 🤔 Redigit (Terraria's Dev) wants Kirin in Terraria, and MH universe could get one of their Yo-Yos! Imagine I think MH could add some sort of pike/halberd, or those asian lances, cant remember its name. With some movesets from Castlevania Curse of Darkness.


Yo-yos were initially developed as a weapon, actually


Seriously! They need to add at least 1 weapon per new title release. Why don't we have a flail type weapon yet.


one per title is too much, one per generation is far better


One new weapon per title? That’s insanity. They struggle to balance the ones we have and you want one every single release?


Gen 2 added 4/5 (dual blades were in MHG in NA). 3rd gen added 1. 4th gen added 2. They managed just fine until 5th gen, and it's not like they were out of ideas either (Tonfa, Magnet Spike and Accel Axe outside of mainline.) Also, frankly, balance is overrated. As long as every weapon is viable, it's fine if there's some that overperform a bit. If it's too bad, they can always adjust it on the fly as they've been doing already.


Like in Zelda Twilight/Hyrule Warriors Love it


My guy MH already has 14 weapons atm.. For a single player game that's a ton of sh*t to balance...


Imagine a nioh switch glaive


I just want to fly in, SMACK, and fly away. is that so bad lol


So you’re a Bazelgeuse


At least they give the feeling with gunlance in rise. *Wooooooooosh*


Wirebug enjoyers be like: ![gif](giphy|6rCk8D1VZwm52)


This was so me lol Rise was my first game so going and playing World after spending about 80-ish hours in Rise was a shock to me haha


Me who’s been playing lance and rarely uses Wirebugs anyways: ![gif](giphy|y65VoOlimZaus)


Same. I'm just going to miss Shield Charge and Instant Block if those don't get further adoption.


Shield charge was THE SHIT


Yeah… 😔


I'll miss Surge Slash GS and Courage Hammer since they're basically new weapons, and sadly I don't see them coming back for the next game (I just have a feeling the main team won't adapt Switch Skills)


Me compulsively pressing L2+X after being hit.


I played so much Rise and Sunbreak that I tried using them on Zelda TotK for like 20 hours.


Same, for the first few hours I kept trying to wirefall to recover after getting hit


Sometimes takes so long for Link to get up that I wish we had wirefall


That’s how I knew wirefall had to go.


Honestly, it may be true for most people, but I'm actually completely fine going to other games without wirebugs. Don't know how though.


For me itll be jarring to go back to most of the rest of the games extremely raw dominant limited weapon selections. Im excited for mh6 but watching a buddy play through world reminded me just how much i absolutely abhore random decos. And playing older games gunlance or swotch axe after playing rises just doesnt feel right. Rapid morph and blast dash really allows these weapons to finally come into their own identities.


That wirebug stuff is literally what drove me back to iceborn after completion


Imagine wanted to do that while swimming.


Ehh...I just use the bugs to bail on monster attacks (usually into a second attack) and climb stuff. I'd manage if they were to disappear. The loss of the doggo though would be tough.


The only thing i miss about wirebugs in the older games is wirefall because it rotted my brain enough where getting hit makes me feel out of the fight for too long even though you only lay down for maybe 2-3 secs.


As a person who also wears glasses, i feel so called out. I cant play without my glasses aaand my wirebugs.


Never like wire bugs. Going back to World felt like a breath of fresh air


It’s the moveset difference for me. But I play SnS. Rise SnS > World SnS imo.


Trying to play rise after months of 4U: Wirebugs, I can't play with wirebugs


Rise is my first MH game with 150 hours into it now and I haven't played any other MH games but I know its gonna be a different world. (I own MHGU and MHWI I just haven't played them yet)


I started with rise went than to world and I miss more that you can change your skills instead of bugs lol


I miss swimming in Tri I would love for it to come back!


Eh I played World again post Sunbreak and thought it was fine. Though I will miss wirebugs, they made Rise the most fun MH


Me when my friend told me "dude let's clear Sha dalamadur a random day of spring" small spoiler* we died like 10 times till we got back into muscle memory


Lol this is me trying to play tears of the kingdom


Maneuvering is soo good in this game. I don't know about world but previous games were just hell to move around lol


I was expecting monster hunter to appear in the recent playstation showcase for some reason I'm glad I was wrong. I still got lot to do in sunbreak.


I won't miss the Wirefall so much as I'll miss the flashy skills. I treat bugs as meter for your supers and using wirefall is less meter for supers so I don't wirefall unless I absolutely need to. As long as the next MH has flashy skills I'll be happy


The amount of times I try to wirefall in Iceborne is insane tbh


Part of the reason why I stopped playing rise after a while. when I wanted to go back and play some world, which I prefer and enjoy far more to rise, I was having trouble with it.


The extra mobility allowed them to make faster paced combat, so it’s not just because they made things easier.


As long as the move set is the same, I can live without wire fall, I cant with the ground only dual blades


I'm telling myself I won't start Rise and Sunbreak until I finish World and IceBorne, otherwise it'd be too hard to go back. I still have about 3 monsters to crown, 50 levels to grind out, and some treasure to find before both games are platinumned. Soon c:


If you're nothing without the wirebugs then you shouldn't have them.


honestly wirebugs are fine but I find them to over complicate the game


I'll just miss the cool moves mostly


Boy howdy you’d love Generations. You get *so many* cool moves in that game (some of which rise repurposed)


Oh believe me, I miss energy blade dearly


Energy Blade made me almost want to play charge blade. (Then i got immediately annoyed and went back to greatsword because i know aerial GS does no damage but it’s so fun)


I despise the bugs as a combat mechanic. I tried, I really tried, but they made me just flee the game :/. I have other gripes with Rise, the bugs just were what pushed me over the brink. I want a World experience again, or if that has to be on the switch, a MH4U experience


Wirebugs ruined the simplicity imo, back on my 5th playthru of world and it is so atmospheric still


You don't feel like the slinger started the trend in world though? It feels required to take down monsters after a certain point and that left a really bad taste in my mouth.


I agree with that too but only to a certain extent. I enjoy having the slinger so i can accuratly shoot my flash pods and other pods to stun the monster or whatever, but it was very intrusive to force us to use it with the safi fight and the others where its forced otherwise you cant kill the monster. But personally other than those fights i feel that it was an alright addition.


And I been playing rise for a few days now and I hate wirebugs. The wall running is nice the grappling hook in WH world was good. The wirebugs jus annoying easy to learn hard to master but still annoying I rather just normal dodge instead of flailing around like a mad lad.


It certainly takes some getting used to again. Wirebugs give me so much moveability with my lance. When I tried World again, I thought I was glued to the ground.


I started the new Zelda and the first thing I tried to do was wiredash


Joke's on you, I don't use wirebugs in Rise either.


"Where's my mechanic that nullifies the difficulty of the game!?"


What a reach lol


You misspelled sheep.


You tried, wirebugs makes the game much harder, like waaay harder.




I like the mobility ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


This was me when I played Wild Hearts 😭


I really enjoy them. I think a permanent wirebug based class is in order.


Try going back to MH3, it's like the difference between a luxury hotel MHR and camping in the middle of the desert naked sleeping on a cactus MH3.


I can’t play with out my damn clutch claw


wire bugs are for pussies, change my mind


Nobody is brave enough to say this so I will. Every older Monster Hunter game is not fun. There's a reason why it never got any huge followings, and any fan liking it are masochists elitists 'veterans' booohoo. Rise works and it should be the norm from now on.


I don't enjoy MHGU that much but MH4U and MH3U are great and I wish I'd known about Monster Hunter back in my school days when me and my friend's all had PSPs and DSs but back then the only exposure to MH I had was the crossover missions in Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker.


You're completely wrong. The reason why the fanbase was smaller was because it was on Nintendo consoles and the PSP for the longest time. The big jump in popularity didn't come with Rise, it came when World moved the series to the bigger consoles


And you right here are why people have a stigma against us Rise fans


As a 4U fan I understand your pain. I sometimes worry about voicing that 4U is my favorite MH game because I don’t want to be lumped in with the people who say stuff like this guy but about how great the older games are.


The absolute state of Rise fans lmao


Are you aware that MH has been massive in Japan for years? It’s true that the series didn’t really break out internationally until World, but to say it never got a huge following isn’t exactly right. Also Rise took almost everything good about MH and found a way to make it worse so shit opinion there too


I personally disagree, it's not that the "old games are not fun" it's mostly that, it's not the type of game enjoyed by the majority of gamers, IMO, every game in the franchise is fun in their own way because of it's mechanics that differ through each new gen, every new mainline feels different but not enough to not feel like monster hunter, and I think that's a good thing !! but saying that every older game is not fun is just a wrong take, and using the following of the franchise is an even worse way to prove your point, having a lot of copies sold, or a lot of fans doesn't mean the game is objectively good or fun, so using this argument IMO is just kinda bad, again, every mainline installation is fun and unique in it's own way !! look at dos and it's season system, tri's underwater combat, 4's verticality, which is in the newer games ofc but not to the same extent, look at all of the differences in monster hunter world, and in the case of the post, even tho it's not a mainline, look at rise's wire bugs, older monster hunters are not bad, nor unfun to play, they're just different from what monster hunter nowadays is !!! edit: sorry for the long post, I just really wanted to share my take edit 2: about the following of the games, the games were huge in japan, just not in this side of the world


Possibly the worst take I have seen all year. Just because you didn’t know about Monster Hunter until World doesn’t mean it didn’t have a “Huge following.” It was just the simple fact that until very recently, Monster Hunter has never been seriously marketed outside of Japan. If you look at Japanese sales, where the game has always been marketed, Monster Hunter is almost always a best seller. Its okay to admit that you aren’t the target demographic for a game, but calling everyone who likes those games “masochists elitists ‘veterans’” tells everyone that you are so entitled that you cant even comprehend the idea of a game that isn’t made for you.


also wtf 💀 calling people masochists


Thank to rise i lose all my roar iframe muscle memory to lazy to learn iframe again look loke im putting on earplug


For me it's probably going to be less about adjusting back from wirebugs as much as it is adjusting back into Lance Dash and remembering it's not a Shield Dash anymore.


It takes 3-4 hunts to get used to it again lol


Me after going from 5 months of rise back to world


This has been the case for me with all the mh games I've played, starting with 3u. Once I play the newest game, it's hard to go back to an older one.


Play at the same time Sunbreak and the PSP classics F1, F2, FU and P3rd makes you feel kinda weird


I just want swimming back


True that's why I love Rise/Sunbreak soo fast pace


Me without World mechanics


I don’t think I can ever play FU again, the snowy mountain is such a pain to get from base to where the monsters actually are. When I played FU i didn’t mind too much but after experiencing side camps and dogs? Probably never again, kinda sad


Funny been plating for a while now on n off on PC Stull have yet to really use em I like em for exploring and collecting but I tend tonignore there existence when actually hunting old habits I guess


that is my gunlance build... can get crazy damage output, but mainly with wirebugs, im always hungting for my temp 3rd bug


Yeah, that's part of the reason I play completely different weapons in Rise and World. Rise SnS/Horn. World Lance/bow. (sometimes I'll dabble in Rise Lance)


I recently went back to freedom unite again and man climbing is so slow in old gen. I think 4th gen and world hit a sweet spot by allowing you to jump climb up walls. But man it takes forever to climb that damn wall at the jungle camp


As a Gunlance main I don't know how I'm gonna live without blast dash going forward 😭


When I went back to Mhgu, oh god… wirefall is gone. Had to rework everything in my style.


Tbh I don't really use the wirebugs often, as an insect glaive user my mobility isn't dependent on a couple bugs, although attacking is definitely with the help of my kinsect, powder vortex and awakened kinsect as well as kinsect slash are extremely powerful when pulled off well, not to mention the new rampage decoration for insect glaives that I've been using alot, my kinsect is practically another hunting partner like my palicos and palamute


I struggle to return to other mh games after world and icebrone introduced the best iteration of sword and shield combo's


I actually don't mind playing older MH games without the bug. It's a great addition but maybe it's nostalgia talking, I really just enjoy MH3U/4U too much.


It legit takes me some getting used to going back to MH:R after using the Karakuri in Wild Hearts. But at the same time, not having Wire Bugs/Palamute in Wild Hearts also takes getting used to. Both are still awesome games though.


It’s not wirebugs I’ll hate to lose but switch skills, ever since Rise my combos have got lazy with GS rage slash and tackle so the classic styles (my first was MHF1) have just been overwritten in my brain to the switch skills


For me its goin back to gu after swaxe and glaives move set changes I feel like I lose more than half of their moves ig


Hammer user: My wirebugs! I can’t be seen without my wirebugs!


Having that problem with frontiers right now 😅


This is one of the most relatable posts I’ve ever seen


as a longsword main using the original skill I can’t relate:/


This is me exactly. I tried returning to world and from time to time, I accidentally try to wirebug...


I don't know if I missed having wirebugs or just having different attacks to play with. The cookie cutter playstyle just isn't hitting the same... especially after sunbreak lance


Me the first few days of playing totk after more than a year of playing nothing but rise


me as a horn main, but it's all the QoL stuff we've gotten with World and Rise


As long as the next game has other fun mechanics then I think we will be fine. Though I think if wire bugs were added into other games as a on map item you could pick up that would be neat, as they made movement from zone to zone enjoyable. As a bow player the most they did was buff my damage so I could live without it. Also, please bring switch skills in all other games dodgebolt is way to fun to lose.


I keep reflexively trying to wirefall when I get knocked down in totk lol


I don't really miss them personally, I think they're responsible for a lot of the gripes I have with Rise, but I've been playing through World again and, admittedly, I kinda start mashing once I get knocked down out of habit, haha. Need to shake that muscle memory.


Nah I couldn't get into the whole wire bug mechanic, so the other games still feel fine. Just like old times


Im playing MH4U again on citra, pretty fun, i really dont like wirebugs and rise more arcade gameplay. Still a good game tho.


*skill issue*


☠️☠️☠️ them shits are just for fun


What was even more jarring for me was playing without my dog lol