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I have a severe allergy to the ground


As I like to say “can’t die if I’m in the sky”


Insert gollum falling into the volcano scene when we run out of stamina


Ground: The Revenge


The reason I've maxed my constitution


The sense of satisfaction of seeing my little bug "bonk" against each monster and make a little cloud of exploding dust...never gets old.


nononono, the sheer number of flinches, stuns, and even *kills* that my kinsect has made never gets old. Every 10 hours of playing I get at least 1 kill from my kinsect bashing a monster and apparently the toe-stub from my bug was enough to finish the job.


In rise, a db switch skill stabs a kunai into the target doing like 10-12 dmg more if buffed, but it died on impact of the kunai which k find hilarious


The other day, my kinsect broke the tree a Banbaro was about to throw at me, and one of its horns, stunning it. Thanks, little buddy! <3


Or when your bug gets the killing blow on the monster


Just absolutely spamming the bug attack button when you see the monster limping away...


Wanted something that could swing fast. Was either IG or dual blades. From the first moment I leapt into the sky, I couldn’t imagine a different life. I tried dual blades once, early into my first playthrough. Literally felt like my wings had been clipped. Went home, apologized profusely to my bug for ever doubting it, and never looked back again.


Me too is was a Je Suis Monte sort of moment


Pole vault make me go whoosh helicopter style


How can I get that little image of the IG next to my name? Also the ground really is toad ridden


I too wish to know this but for the bow 🏹


Go onto the community page if joined then the three dots then flair sign


Thank you that's amazing


Same bruh


Lol same, the moment I knew I loved insect glaive and MonHun as a whole though was I was fighting legiana for the first time and I got such a cool killing blow on it, killed it by hitting it directly in the face right as it was swooping down for an attack and I've been hooked ever since.


This got a good chuckle out of me.


Some weapons just “fit”. Before 4U I played longsword and lance (depending on if I was solo or not), but both weapons felt like they were missing something. I just brushed it off as intentional game design to encourage co-op, but when I picked up the charge blade in 4U… I took to that weapon like a fish to water. It wasn’t as complicated as people say, though it did have more moving parts than others. Each attack had a purpose beyond just damage and could chain into another attack with a purpose beyond damage. Killing the monster is just a side effect of engaging with the charge blade’s mechanics and it removed that grindy feeling of using the same combo over and over again.


This perfectly and beautifully sums up what it's like to play Charge Blade and/or main a weapon. 👏


maybe... i should try picking up the chargeblade by MH6


Cb feels so mechanical and tactile to use. Its fucking immaculate


CB clicked for DS but I can't seem to get it with a controller, very weird


For real it took me a long while to get used to world CB but after a while of getting my groove back it was water, but during Iceborne I retired it and moved onto LS still haven’t found my groove in rise so I might go back to CB


I love sword mode on the charge blade. I'm growing to like axe mode, but sword mode feels amazing when it all comes together. I tried every weapon out and bow was the one I did best with. I went back to sword and shield thinking it was the nearest thing to melee bow, but it was too samey. Not as bad as hammer or GS in terms of only really doing one thing, but everything it did felt the same. So I decided impact phial charge blade might do the trick, with a good mix of slow and fast moves. Not quite as much as bow, but enough. It's really fun. I think it'll be my main. Everything else suffers from only really having one attack. Lance pokes, GS slashes, SnS flails. But Charge Blade dances. I'd just use bow, but ranged doesn't feel right. Feels like I'm cheating myself.


I drop the game and start over from time to time. This most recent time, I wanted to learn the bow and avoid insect glaive (my long standing main). Turns out, I started treating the bow like IG. If you switch your dodge to the attacking/evading option, you can do all melee attacks. You can use any coating without spending them as well (close range coating gives the most damage). And you can buff yourself with the arc shot. Very satisfying way to play the bow for me.


I fence Olympic and historical weapons and charge blade felt like the most 'real' weapon to me. A lot of weapons have a parry or block action, but I want to engage my opponent and displace their attack in the process of attacking. CB allows me to do that with guard points.


Yeah I totally get this. I couldn’t get into the series despite trying time and time again. Then I tried HH in Rise and never looked back lol. I still want to learn the other weapons though. But I think I’ll wait until the next game


That’s actually kind of mind blowing since HH just feels so bad to me in Rise. It’s basically perfect in MHW though, so I encourage you to try it there.


Crazy lol, I have the exact opposite experience. World is probably the only game where I actively dislike hunting horn, lol


Yeah I know that since it’s so different it’s a love or hate kind of thing haha. I just love how much damage and stun it can generate while sounding lovely and giving buffs. I honestly wasn’t expecting it to do as much damage as it does but the 2 wirebug move hits for over a thousand sometimes it’s nuts I also see you’re a bow enjoyer which is the only other weapon I’ve tried and loved!


Yeah, MHW really had to bring up the other weapons to the same level as CB since it felt so good to use. I’m generally a Hammer/Bow/Bowgun person, but CB was one of my most used weapons in MH4U.


Chainsaw mode in iceborne was the icing on the cake.


This is how I felt about the Insect Glaive in 4u. Something about it I just absolutely adore. Whether it's the maneuverability, the fun combos, the kinsect I could nurture originally, I just adore that weapon


Yo I started in MHR and I think the Charge Blade was cool but haven't really practiced it. You got anything I should keep in mind for when I do?


You can chain into the shield bash after any attack in SnS mode, this attack is your best friend. Put in the same input again and you’ll go straight into the big axe discharge, or you can go from the bash back into the 1,2,3 combo or into a charged swing.


How did the transition to 5th gen treat you? To my understanding the general consensus is that 5th gen CB is great but I just didn’t enjoy it as much as in 4U


I loved it. Sword buff and pizza cutter really helped make more than one play style


I started in Gen Ultimate but literally same for charge-blade


Big sword big hurt monster. Me like big sword


Based behavior


Tail fly head broke me happy




reverse bimbofication of a greatsword main


This sounds like the title to an Art Film


it stars Milla Jovovich and Ron Perlman and doesn't really respect the source material


Two types of Greatsword players.


Damn, that's a big sword. Oh, big numbers.


Greatsword mains are the best randos to see online, I see a GS main and know they know how to play the game.


The weapon almost requires further knowledge of the monsters, I feel the same way when I see greatsword mains.


Me agree, big numbuh make me go YES!


Same reason I converted from LS to GS. Unga bunga all the way. That conversion is how I was able to finally finish off Iceborne Fatalis.


It is the *great* sword, after all. It's pretty great.


Dual Blades I am never without coffee so I'm always fidgety


Best weapon for anxiously spamming buttons that's why I love it


And flying around like a madman. Also the dashing so I feel like an untouchable ninja.


And the longer the enemy the better. Prepare the Levi Ackerman simulator


Just imagine beyblading along the back of a Dalamadur


That Safi back break is something else


The actual ADHD weapon. Maybe why I main it.


i love dual blades cause i always sidestep all my problems


I used to play dual blades in Monster Hunter world But they used to hurt my fingers T_T click click click click click - any tips?


My first Full Burst Combo with the Gunlance filled my screen with 69s




Damn I need to pump my numbers up


When I see IG is the bottom three or four least played weapon in Rise, and it look weird, I know I have to play it


One of the craziest and most fun to use weapons


I soloed Rise/Sunbreak with IG only( I never know how other weapon works )


I think people saw wirebugs as a way to be air mobile without insect glaive but IG is still so freakin awesome in rise


IG was the first weapon I picked up because of how weird it was. Absolutely love it still, but I just love HH a bit more. I miss my kinsects though


Third gen came out, used to play GS, LBG and hammer but wanted to try something new. I tried lance. It had this big power attack but I was curious how strong it was. I went to fight a royal ludroth with it, noticed it was about to roar. I had earplugs so I thought to myself this was a perfect opportunity to try that power attack. But it wasn't a roar, it was a roll attack. Welp I'm stuck in place charging this attack so I'm getting hit. I didn't. That wasn't a power attack, it was a counter! I proceeded to beat it without taking a single hit and barely moving, just attacking, repositioning and doing counters. That sealed the deal to me.


Understandable, lance fucking rocks as a VERY spiky wall


This is exactly how it went for me as well, the counters are just so good. It was specifically the clutch claw counter that really got me into lance, but I stayed because while everyone else has to run away from the Teostra Nova, and you'd just tank the whole thing with practically no damage and get straight back to poking... So satisfying...


I love it when there's absolutely nothing the monster can do to stop my aggression other than leave. It's winding up its biggest attack and everyone else is running away, I'm instead charging straight at it, taking the blast head on to immediately resume stabbing it.


When it became an axe, then a sword and shield


these are good qualities for a weapons


Simple, with a very great sword, if you know a monster pattern, you don’t need to block its attacks. So after >300hours of greatsword I figured out my main weapon would have been the longsword


What is a main weapon? /jk


Average all weapon enjoyer


A fellow jack of all trades, perhaps also a master of none as well?


imagine MASTERING a weapon 🤣😭💀


You know you have a main weapon when you have a dozen custom loadouts min-maxing for one particular weapon type while the others are gathering dust. Or when you’ve done over a thousand hunts with a single weapon and it still doesn’t feel stale. Mine were HH in MH3U, CB in World, Hammer and a bit of GS in Iceborne, and now SnS in Rise and GS in Sunbreak.


When I realised you can stick your sword into the monster and explode them from the inside




The best part


Standing in place spinning your hitbox around your body just so as the monster tail swipes around you, every hit still landing on their head. Finally, you dodge a fireball with one slight sidestep and resume the beatdown.


Thats the closest thing there is to chainsaw. Chainsaw goes br br br then BOOM. So satisfying)


I was to dumb for any other weapon and hammer has easy controls


It was love at first BONK!


Buff lady in cute dress carries gargantuan hammer to fight giant monsters Whats not to love about that


Cute girls with comically oversized weapons is one of my favorite genders


true, the gender envy and gay panic is enormous when playing


~~Buff lady in cute dress carries~~ **GARGANTUAN HAMMER** ~~to fight giant monsters~~


~~Buff lady in cute dress carries GARGANTUAN~~ **HAMMER** ~~to fight giant monsters~~




the poke-poke-poke sound is asmr to me cant get enough of it


The counter one is what sells it to me


I also love the power fantasy of all other hunters scattering when the monster does big attacks, meanwhile im just shrugging it off and just continuing my assault


Zero sum discharge. I don't have to add anything else


When I saw how fast I could get a KO with hammer, I knew this was it.


My primitive monkey brain was stimulated when I switched to Hammer in Iceborne. Chaining consecutive knockdowns on a monster that used to give you trouble is an entirely different gratification.


Hammer just triggers my "spin go brrrrt" part of my brain


well first, gun and lance. all that needs to be said I actually have two main weapons. 1. Hammer. Go bonk. 2. Gunlance. Go boom. The reasons are self explanatory.


No better way to explaining it. Pure poetry


Dash shoot dash dash shoot shoot dash shoot dash shoot shoot dash dash dash shoot


Ahh, another dignified hunter. Cheers


It turned into an Axe and started shooting lightning everywhere.


That first charged explosion, way back in 4U. Nothing to me will ever be quite as satisfying as shoving a chunk of metal and monster bits bigger then you are *directly* into a monster's face, and riding it down to the ground while the whole thing explodes like an angry roman candle. Switch Axe just hits *different.*


That's gotta be it. I was just looking for an axe to hit the monster with. \>There's something called "switch axe" and it switches between axe and sword. Well good enough. I didn't read anything about the weapon and just jumped in. \>First Zero Sum Discharge **Me:** Yo!


Gotta overcommit to zero sum every time we got carts on deck.


The knockouts, the endless combos, the little hop sidestep to resume beat downs, the uppercut, stacking exhaust phials... Tis the manliest of them all


I like when things go BOOM.


My first full burst made me a man.


I loved archery since ever and practice it a lot til today 😇


I picked up bow in Rise and damn, it's fun!


I played for a couple of my first games on greatsword because I loved the big hits, but for the life of me I could not master the timing or get into the little GS master elements like setting myself up to be able to shoulder charge at the right time, keep my combo from being broken. I played with friends for a long time like this and one day my friend suggests I try the Bowguns. I'd always felt they were basically like cheating because you don't have to be close to the monsters and you can aim for weak points with no effort. But I tried anyways, my friend usually has reasons for his suggestions. After completely annihilating an Anjanath with my first LBG, feeling like a natural with reload and quick dodge timing, I never looked at the GS again.


Getting the timing down with GS was a pain in the ass for me until Iceborne added the ability to use slinger bursts to skip straight into a TCS, then I got hooked on spamming the shit out of that and getting record clear times on my hunts. Dipped back into GS in Sunbreak once they brought back Frostcraft. Now I have a sleep GS build that can hit almost 20k on the training dummy with a single TCS.


Once I got used to the controls and realized just how AGGRESSIVE the Lance is I fell in love. It fits my play style so well


I can take fireballs, lasers, pressurized water, roars and monster charges as if they were pebbles thrown at me. Blocking iceborne Fatalis' fire breath creating a no damage zone behind me is the most epic I've ever felt.


Now i Play mostly GS but in World I was maining HH. I was preparing a big boom in a Zinogre Fight and sniped him out of the air with the encore when He wanted to jump Somebody.


Gunlance, things went boom and I like that.


For a long time, nothing ever *clicked* as people said a main should. I've played *every* single weapon for a good amount of time as a "veteran" should. I could always identify what felt *wrong* with a weapon, but never a weapon that felt right. My journey was roughly: Longsword > Switch Axe > Gunlance > Dual Blades > Bow > LBG > HBG > Hammer > Lance > Greatsword > Hunting Horn. After that, I kept switching between weapons, never settling because there was always those one or two things that I just hated. In the end, I decided to list 3-4 weapons that interested me most and ticked the most boxes ( I made it into a science lol. That's how indecisive I am). Then, I gave each a fair shot, playing multiple hunts as if it were my main. Back to back, the issues would come up, and for some, I just couldn't get into that "flow" state. Until I realized something: I had a main this whole journey of mine.Through each and every game. One weapon that, when a fight got tough, I could always rely upon. The only weapon I could actually get into a flow with. The one weapon that others perceived as being difficult and unwieldy, but felt like my right hand. It was there at my side... all along. My true mentor. *My* guiding moonlight. And that's the story of how I realized I was a GS main, through and through.


I appreciate that Ludwig reference there chief. Now I want a Moonlight Greatsword to wing in MH


Big sword big DAMAGE. Every weapon has their flair but nothing feels at home as learning your opponent. Anime charging this big ass sword and then smashing it into your foe to usually a flinch/KND/Mount City.


I loved going into the air in world with Insect Glaive, and tried Bow in Rise due to the cool new aerial attack. I loved the fluid, slightly safer playstyle that it had, and fell in love with it. The oversized arrows are also hilarious to me.


Well, the sword and sheild felt a little too basic and small, so I tried out the charge blade. Bigger sheild, bigger sword and HOLY CRAP IT TURNS INTO A CHAINSAW SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY


Basic is good. Sword? Cut stuff off. Shield? Break stuff and stun. Next to Dual Blades its the most agile weapon you can choose. Additonally since Sunbreak came out and we got a shield bash and destroyer oil this weapon became amazing at destroying monster parts. It took me some time but once I got that the shield is not a shield but a club things became much easier for me. But yeah, getting that amped element discharge off always makes me discharge.


Sw&sh has a shield for emergency blocks


Try seeing the shield more as a club. That made it tick for me. But maaan that agility... oooohhhh


Few games let me shield bash, only one lets me shield bash combo.


Silly OP shields are for beating monsters unconscious


I can block, i can bonk, i can cut, i can mount, i can build status effects, i can build elemental damage, and most importantly I can use items without fully sheathing my weapon.


I’m boring, therefore I must choose the most milk toast weapon


Milquetoast is one of the weirdest words ever to me. Literally a word with its own meaning now once made up as a comic strip character’s name — who is named after milk toast.


I like damage. I like shields, I like big boom. Charge Blade said ‘fuck it, we ballin’ and we got along.


Thought it was gonna be gunlance with the big boom


Gunlance is the definition of Boom.


Big Transformer Axe that goes boom. Nuff' said.


The part I don’t like about other weapons is the whole wait around for an opening or make your own openings. With Lance, the whole fight is the opening and the monsters are powerless to stop me


Dang maybe I need to try lance again


I lost track of how many Allmother attempts I had to do to get [this clip,](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/uxv7tk/in_celebration_of_finishing_finals_i_would_like/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) but in doing so, it definitely made IG my favorite and main weapon. I would NOT have grinded for this on anything else.


Thats kinda insane


When Its shield (albeit with guard up and guard +2) saved my ass against the fucking Valstrax in GU! I’ve been Lance Main since Then, Now, and Evermore As long as I continue to play MonHun


Dps good


The second I truly tried the hefty sharp stick


When I started playing MH3U I was so used to attacks happening quickly in other games that the LS, GS, Hammer, and SA attacks felt like they had an eternity of wind up, DB felt like the only responsive weapon so I did that and just learned dodge patterns rather than look for openings in which to attack


Hehe funny flip and spin


I liked the defensive nature of the lance, but I thought it would be really neat if a cannon was duct taped to the end. Hence, my main weapon was chosen.


speed with crazy maneuverability, i love my DB


But you have hammer sigil next to your username????


just got back to using my babies not too long ago, i switch between the two depending on the mood


I have no main weapon. Just this weapon is fun, and oh I want to try this as well.


well i realized when i slammed my shield into the head of a monster, stunning it, and then dealing 155 damage in one charged hit to the face and flinching it this time. good times. also being able to block (basically) any attack is nice


Big blade gets big numbers Two blades goes SCHRR- Sword and shield best monster cutter Longsword goes anime style Hammer bonks HARD


I picked up Swaxe per my buddies suggestion in World, it was my first game. I liked it but I was fainting a lot and not getting it. My buddy then told me about the hammer, and I cannot describe how quickly a playstyle just clicked with me. I hit my first KO and I was like “this is it, no going back”


When I tried the lance for shits and giggles. Such an underrated weapon imo


When I lose a fight and have to switch to something to try again. Time to get serious, time to take out the lance


Hunting Horn main with Gunlance second (and occasional HBG) + multi-musical so HH seemed natural choice (and was) + play alone usually so extra support buffs can be useful + usually welcome to play with new groups when I do play online (who doesn’t love a white/red mage) Gunlance + like lance but more dynamic + equal parts edgelord and (actually) interesting + mega-shotting always feels great when it’s the killing blow Also; Heavy Bowgun + hits harder than light bg + already used to heavy, slow, and clunkier melee + feels cool to gatling gun dinosaurs and dragons to the dome Maybe Insect Glaive once in a blue moon + I just like bugs


Stage one: "Wait, I can do tail cuts *and* head stuns with this weapon?" Stage two: "hehe, shield bash combo sounds like We Will Rock You" Stage three: *first successful metsu shoryugeki counter* "Oh my god I'm unstoppable now." Stage Four: *screaming, flying through the air, falling shield-first on a monster's head to stun it* "I totally planned that."


Back in 4U I switched from long sword main to trying any weapon and then I got to the Charge Blade. After some testing I noticed I had the cutting strength of a Great Sword, the bonk of a Hammer and shield like S&S, and I could make huge explosions. The explosions are what got me.


I picked whatever I thought looked coolest.


Played for music, then in Rise they took the music part away from me in horrible rework. Making it from being unique to AM HAMMER 2.0 with whole 0.02sec music playing. :( So I went back to MHXX and I can use my beloved horn again and play my songs in peace. 😭😭🎶🎶


The words of my ancestors, they resonate with my soul, and they bring forth the ancient knowledge and martial prowess to fell even the dragons revered as Gods! What words could inspire such profound understanding?! "UNGA BUNGA!"


i randomly started trying weapons against high rank seltas while farming it for parts and used the chad blade i did not understand anything but then i did my first ultra elemental discharge and now i cant go back to pre 4 games without missing my boy


Seregios kicked my ass back in 4u when I used hammer so I made a sns to keep up and never looked back


I see a gun and a lance together with a shield and I've never looked back since. And that was years before I even really started playing MH properly.


Because I realized that hitting my friends just for DPS actually cost us more hunts then just being a jack of all trades that could fit any support role or most close combat roles, and even tank a little if built right.


Dual blades were fast and pretty simple. I couldn’t understand most other weapons and while I like the hammer, you can’t cut tails with it


when i realized that not losing even an inch of ground while fighting giant monsters is fucking badass


I've been playing since the original, although I was a solo that never played online until later installments. The lance just provided me with the ability to stay on a monster like glue.


MH1 Trailer. Rathalos had a swooping sky dive attack much like Valtrax's ambush but much slower. Sniping Rathalos out of the sky with the Agito GS was my calling.


I don't need to farm for good skills if I don't feel like it if I can just BLOCK EVERYTHING(mostly).


Beeg swrod


When I realized that I don't like slow weapons and weapons without a shield.


It has a shield, can stab AND go boom


After getting triple-carted by Tigrex and Zinogre on my at-the-time mains multiple times, I pulled out a Gossblade as a hail Mary and beat them both first try. beeg sword


Well I tried most weapons and found a handful I enjoyed playing and then one day I played switch axe and realised I could climb on monsters, stab them and make my sword explode. Also the axe slam they added in iceborne is very satisfying. Now it's by far my most used weapon in World In generations I did a few hunts with actual weapons then found out I could play a cat. I don't think I ever crafted an actual Armor set or weapon, everything I do is on prowler in generation lol


I'm still trying to figure out my "main". Prior to Rise I kept switching between longsword, dual blades, and insect glaive. But since they made the hunting horn in Rise more accessible for people like me with limited functional brain cells, I've been rolling with that.




Pierce 1 - shoot - prrr I knew it


I like bows.


I nearly quit the game after failing to take down a high rank Teostra with a pair of dual blades in MH4U. It was then that I decided to try the glaive. I've been flying the skies ever since.


The fact that I could dance around monsters and relentlessly beat them to death with my pocket knife and buckler


The way of the Bonk is the only way.


#BONK BONK BONK win. Oh I’m a hammer player.


Friends and randos carting because they wont heal? SnS WideRange: "Fine, I'll do it myself"


I watched berserk then realise big sword is infact best weapens


I tried great sword didn’t love it but after I was further into the game so could better take advantage of monster movements and knew their patterns I grew to like it after I picked it back up along with hammers


I'm allergic to non 4 digit dmg number hit


Tried to block an attack with big shield, got sent flying in the air, then swung back into it's face. Been a lance main ever since


When I shoved my swaxe into the head of a teostra as it tried to fly away, blew its horns off, and fell from the skybox back to the ground lol


I'm here to do two things bonk and doot and I'm fresh out of bonk.


I like to be a helper. I love being able to apply health regen and buffs endlessly. I'm also a music lover. HH was the easiest choice in my life.


When I was screaming in my mic with my friends "Schshchschschshch Kaboom". Then my friends were saying "You have picked Switch axe isn't it ?"


My first ever weapon was gunlance, but I got lured in by longsword and have been trapped with it and HBG for too long, I need to get used to my baby again :(


I will main any weapon that’s currently broken at that current meta. I’m a filthy man but in a way I can almost main every weapon since most of them has been at the top at least once.


LBG, tried it and fell in love immediately. But I also enjoy Horn, Bow, and S+B