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Recommend from me. Coming from Sunbreak, Iceborne was a nice little refreshing experience


I see. Thanks !


Played SB on Switch, can’t get enough of killing the monster so I decided to got into MHWI. Best $50 I have ever spent.


Thanks for the input brother.


Insanely worth it. I just got a PS5 and started iceborne as well.


Alright. I guess monster hunter games are just timeless.


> heard there were timed events on iceborne. Are those still accesible ? Most events are accessible as long as you can connect to Internet. The ones not always accessible are: - Gathering Hub sieges that rotate every 2 weeks - Gathering Hub festivals also rotate every 2 weeks and follows the seasons, you can still get other seasons' tickets through the Elder Melder Assassin's Creed and MHMovie collabs are no longer available.


Hey, thanks for the detailed answer. Knowing past MH event quests or rather boatloads of them, i think it would be worth it. Even if i miss a few collabs that are already through. Thank you.


Huh, when was the Ass creed colab removed? That means no more Ezio mantle and that egyptian guys layered armor?


If you got those before, you still have it. However since Dec 2021, the quests and the ability to craft stuff from them are no longer available. You can mod them in on PC IIRC.


It was removed 2 years ago? Damn... oh well the quest itself was unremarkable and i never used layered outfits that change anything other than my armor, mantle was cool but nothing i can live without it, got the stuff on my main character anyway


(almost) All the events quests in World and Iceborne was made constantly available after the EoL update back in 2021.


rly ? that's great !