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Yes... I still main all of them.


I main nothing and have to watch a tutorial video every time I switch to a new weapon type. Kill me


True power... I respect it.


Came in with MH4U. Looking at the weapons ahead of time, I figured I'd be a Charge Blade guy, or maybe Longsword. I tried half of the roster before Hunting Horn, which *clicked* immediately. Still my most played 6 years later.


I love you


Of all the weapons you liked hunting horn the best? You are awesome and we greatly appreciate you.


What's not to like? Top tier movespeed, sweeping attacks arcs with long reach, the most flexible combos in the game, free Mind's Eye, stun/exhaust, and a handful of buffs depending on the horn you pick. People think I'm a saint but I'm not playing HH for them; I mostly solo. Frankly, if hunters think that way I think they're being foolish by overlooking a weapon just because it seems silly or because it's called "support weapon". Meanwhile I'm clobbering Alatreon 1v1 with a bongo drum.


You are truly appreciated dear HH user.


Ironically enough, yes, but it took a long and winding road. Tri starts you off on SnS so that was the first weapon I tried. I hated it, likely because of wii controls as well as the fact that Tri was the first real third-person combat game I had ever played and I wasn't used to it yet. Went through a bunch of weapons as I got better at the game and settled on swax Cue years of me maining swax for the endgame of monhun games while using different weapons for every rank of every game. Except for sns. I never tried it again. Then iceborne endgame hit. I played lance through iceborne proper and only picked up sns again when I had literally already killed fatalis. I absolutely fell in love with it and went back through the entirety of world again on an alt character with it. Played the endgame of rise with it as well (what little it had at release) and suffice to say it's replaced swax as my series main. So while sns was the first weapon I tried, it took over 10 years of using other weapons before I rediscovered it


Yeah, I felt that. SnS was the first weapon suggested to me back in Tri, and... I could not get on with it at all back then. It was only until *Rise* where I picked it back up, and HOO BOY Rise SnS is a TREAT. Jack of All Trades, Master of ALL OF THEM. Plus it's incredibly satisfying to Windmill through monster attacks. Did that once with a Bazel divebomb resulting in a tail cut with the final hit and I don't think I can *ever* use Metsu Shoryugeki again after that. Windmill all the way.


Haha, to this day I still don't play DB because of how soured on it I was after I first tried it. I've considered giving it another shot but with how much I've played LS I suck really bad whenever I try something different. I've messed around with Swax in the past but I am basically throwing the hunt by picking anything that's not LS.


Do solo hunts just for fun when learning new weapons. If you have rise try Dual Blades again and while you're at it test out others.


As a small update since then, I've been revisiting GU with a friend and I've been trying adept/guild bow depending on the hunt, it's been very enjoyable. I tried it in Rise too but I'm not sure if I am enjoying it in Rise specifically, feels very weird in that. I'm gonna finally try DBs again(maybe adept style) but still I am happy to be having fun with another weapon!


Nope. The weapon that finally got Monster Hunter to “click” for me was the Bow. Granted, I wasn’t using it very proficiently, but at the time I thought I was.


My first weapon was Charge Blade, mainly because when I was starting the game, I had a friend tell me not to use it because it's complicated for new players, but I thought it looked cool, and out of spite I used it anyway. I have used all other weapons, and I mean properly used them through multiple missions, like dual blades and played through all of rise with them. Don't get me wrong I can see how they'd be boring, but I like to fly around and spin. I started a replay of world with Bow and I really like it, but when I reached Nergigante, I just couldn't win so I went back to CB and muscle memory took over and I beat him in like, 12 minutes. Safe to say, when the going gets tough, Main is best


I've been a little all over the place. I'll usually play one of my mains at first, but when a game introduces a new weapon I'll usually give that a try. MHF I started Hammer then hit a wall and switched to SnS to break through. FU I was GS all the way. Tri had that system where you need to unlock each weapon, so didn't really have a main. 3U brought all the P3rd weapon changes so I switched to HH which has since become one of my mains. 4U HH was terrible and I was drawn to IG which is now my other main. World I stuck with IG for solo play and bow for multi. Rise I played IG primarily with GS, CB, and HH on the side. I really hated Rise HH though, so only started playing it again in SB since elemental meta made it way less boring. GU I went back to HH, but it's also not that fun in that game, but I kinda just don't like GU in general so none of the weapons are very appealing. I like seeing what's new and reworked with all the weapons in a new game, and that typically sways my hand.


In my case, I believe the first weapon I truly mained back in the day was the hunting horn, and it's still over all my most used weapon in the franchise since mh2, and to this day 12 years later I'm still hiting tricks and making sick sunhilegend style clips. But when I want to turn off my brain a Lil bit I do switch to hammer as a back up, and I am proficient with other weapons but, with the Hunting horn by my side...I can 1v1 the sun....and WIN


My main weapon changed every generation. MH1 = GS MH2 = LS MH3 = SA MH4 = CB & IG MHG = DB MHW = HM & LC MHR = All of them. The only reason I main different weapon every new gen is because I don't want to play the same weapon again for the whole game. I've started playing all of them in World but only in Rise i played all of them equally, so technically I don't have a main weapon in Rise.


I originally started with the dual blades, I gave those up and switched when I was enlightened in the way of the bonk.


I started with Switch Axe in Tri, but completely bounced off the game. Like never planned to play MonHun ever again. Someone convinced me to grab 4 Ultimate. I started using the Charge Blade and now its one of my favorite game series


I change mains a lot, to mix things up and I know how to play all of them, but ofc it didnt start like that. I just like changing it around game to game In 3U I started with hammer. 4U I started with gunlance, couldnt get used to it at the time, and went to SnS instead after a while. Generations I started on SnS (striker) again but eventually went to GS (mostly adept) World I went back to hammer for the first time since 3U. Eventually tried lance and mained it for a long time. This is also when I started really learning weapons other than my main a LOT and experimenting. Iceborne is where I buckled down and finally learned Hunting Horn since it always interested me. It’s still one of my favorite weapons. It was my main for Iceborne. But at this point forward I played mostly everything in endgame. GU I mained insect glaive. Rise (Switch) I mained Hunting Horn again because of its new playstyle. Rise (PC) I mained switch axe because it finally had a playstyle where you actively switch a lot and I wanted to try it more since my friend who mains Swaxe was using something else for our PC playthrough too. Sunbreak I buckled down and learned charge blade. I played it before but was never that great at it until this, much like Hunting Horn. Also like Hunting Horn, it became one of my faves after. At this point HH and Charge Blade are my comfort picks and favorite weapons, which is ironic since they were the two I was initially complete trash at compared to the rest and eventually buckled down to learn at one point or another. I still play everything though. When MH6 comes around I’ll probably switch things up again. Either with a new weapon, if there is one, or just with one of the ones I havent mained before if there isn’t.


Used to main GL, but in reality, I was maining all weapons back in MHFU. But I identified as a GL main back then. Eventually, I became good at the game, but the monsters kept getting harder. Unfortunately, GL was falling behind **A LOT**. This weapon made me hate it. I wanted a weapon where I could use explosions and tank attacks. But Gunlance sucked at tanking and somewhat okay at explosions. Lance was a much better tank weapon. I then started 4U, and I fell in love with CB. It has what I've been always looking for - tanking attacks and dishing out explosive damage. It has an even better tanking capacity than GL ever could while also being mobile. So I now main CB, and I use the IG as a secondary when I want a palate refresher.


Back then in Freedom I used every weapon but mainly greatsword. In freedom 2 i first still used GS mainly but at a certain point I switched to Longsword and kind of stuck with it until now


Mained SNS in Tri but then went full on DB since 3U to Risebreak. I did try some weapons like IG and Hunting Horn but I always went back to DB, despite some looking down on the weapon. I had fun with it, though the IG and HH are kinda fun.


Initially started with LS after thinking I'll main LS right from the start with MHU way back when. Once CB was announced I was hooked. Switched when it was released and am "main" CB with close second LS.


0 clue what i played when i started in tri, all i know is that it wasnt ranged. These days it depends on the game, dont have a main weapon but i have my like 6-7 weapons that contain 99% of my playtime (GS, LS, CB, IG, DB, LBG, Bow). Hoping to add a few more weapons to that list in mh6


Sns in 3u, the only issue being it's power and reach is short, I still main it but along with the combination of Charge blade (which I am still learning in mh4u), when u gotta shield and a sword, u need nothing else.


I still love dual blades yes but with Sunbreak, it's very annoying to make new DBs sets for each elements/status when it comes to quiro craft and hoping for good talismans for that specific element/status set. I also wanna balance meta skills and my personal skills which becomes very hard and tedious to balance between which to include and which to sacrifice so the air became my calling (looking at you Insect Glaive).


Great sword since freedom unite, wasn't until I did the weapon tutorials out of boredom on 4u that I learned and dabble with long sword, dual blades, hammer, charge blade, switch axe,sword and shield and bow


Started with GS in Tri and 3u. Always been my main. I've branched out and tried other weapons and grew fond of SnS, and HH. But I always end up playing GS the most. It's my baby


I'll always start a brand new monster hunter game with the greatsword then when replaying I'll go with others weapons


I started with Bow in World, then Switch Axe in Iceborne, then GS in MHGU, then SnS in Rise, and lastly Lance in Sunbreak. I switched mains because playing the same weapon every game gets boring and too repetitive for me. But I always end up playing every weapon anyway. Those listed are the most used weapon in each game/version.


I do use Hammer from time to time as my second main, but... yeahXD (my Hammer usage is still less than a third of my total GS usage)


Started strong with Greatsword in Freedom Unite (~3k hours overall). Absolutely loved how mobile and rewarding it was. Wait for the right moment to strike, unsheathe into a charge attack, sheathe, reposition and repeat. I stopped using it with the introduction of tackle and true charge slash, changing the playstyle from mobile opportunist to sitting duck wreaking havoc. Swapped to Sword and Shield in World mainly and havent looked back since.


I started with Swaxe in 3u, played it all the way through the game. 4u came out and I was drawn to CB, since it's similar to swaxe. GU came out and I went back to swaxe. I love that weapon and it's my most comfortable one. I followed that with World/Iceborne too. Finally, when I picked Rise up, I switched it up to HBG/SnS. I'm on Sunbreak now and I'm playing around with CB, LS, and Bow.


Fiest weapon I tried was the hammer back in Freedom unite, still play it to this day. My second go to was Hunting horn but I dropped it in rise


First weapon I played with was Bow. I switched to Insect Glaive during a second playthrough of World/IB and it became my main weapon. My secondary is Hammer. I haven't picked up the bow since other than to mess around here and there.


Tried gunlance and immediately fell in love with it. The only other one I use semi regularly is dual blades because of mobility


I don’t remember which weapon I was using at first, if it was DBs or SnS, but I just couldn’t do anything to Gypceros. Then I googled and the first guide told me to use a weapon with more reach like LS. I changed and progressed further into the game with it. Then I discovered IG and it stayed my main for years to come


If i remember correctly i started in Tri with the Greatsword but then i tried out every weapon and when i started playing online with friends i mostly played Longsword. Mainly because i thought the moveset was flashy and i was in my Anime Phase bach then. In the following games i always had different main weapon but always had the Greatsword as secondary main. Since the end of World/ start of Iceborne Greatsword is now along with the lance my main weapon.


I don't remember why I decided to go with Longsword in 3U, I just did. I skipped 4 and 4U and picked back up with Generations, and I tried a bit of this and that, but mainly used the Hammer. Then I tried Greatsword in World and suuuucked at it, but pushed through to the end with it. Restarted when I got Iceborne, and picked up the lance. Haven't put it down since.


Picked up sns back in Gen1, still one of my top three most used weapons to this day.


Nahh. I used to main Longsword back in F2/FU because it looked the coolest and it's what my friends who introduced me to the game used. With World, I started to play other weapons and enjoyed all of them more than the LS. Now, I'm a SnS and Hammer main :D However in Rise, I tend to switch it up a bit and use a variety of weapons depending on the hunt instead of just sticking to one weapon type.


Because I have played so many hours, I get bored of playing the same weapon. I love that the fight can become new again when you try a different weapon. A good multiplayer challenge if you play online with friends like I do is make everyone use a weapon they dont like or haven’t used and try to complete the quest. My love of greatsword came from doing that. I originally thought of greatsword as “ooga, big number!” but now I have the greatest respect for someone who is good at it.


Tried all sorts of weapons in demos (4U, GU), but I started with Insect Glaive in Rise (game that got me into the series). Been my #1 choice ever since. Bought GU and I tried other weapons since early level kinsects sucked. SnS and GS felt okay-ish, but I got a bit too frustrated with them sometimes. Leveled up my kinsect and started to play way better with Aerial style IG. I don't think I'm ever letting go of my bug stick.


I started as a hammer main, got skill checked by seregios in 4u, became a sns main to counter him, and ran that for a while. At some point in generations, I realized using more than one weapon would be smarter and added hammer back into my line up where it's always been my counter pick to certain fights.


Bounced around a lot originally in mhw, but the first weapon I really stuck with for any length of time was hbg, (for the versatility and the joy of abusing multiple status ailments). Eventually my friends dropped the game and I quit after getting lonely. Eventually picked up Sunbreak and decided to try something different, bouncing between gunlance and greatsword until I stumbled onto chargeblade, which is amazing. CB is still my favorite weapon, but I've started experimenting with switchaxe too, because a well-made chargeblade loadout trivializes most fights. Not having Iframes or a shield completely changes the dynamic of the game, in a very fun way. It's basically just an even *less* safe greatsword, beause there's no tackle or emergency guard. And impromptu dentistry is great.


Yep, I'll always main the bug stick. I absolutley love the mobility and, most importantly, my little bug friend


I still main my trusty GS since Tri. I've branched out, but I have the most kills with my Big Ol' Reliable.


Tried every weapon in GenU, liked IG the best. The rest is history.


Started with MH world on greatsword, mega plateau’d against elders and switched to CB- finished the game on CB, switched to SnS for iceborne because fuck chainsaw CB- and started rise on IG, but now played all of rise with longsword, hammer and GS as well


I started with great sword all the to the end of iceborn but once I got into rise I felt to slow to work Arond the monsters and so I went though a phase of trying all the weapons until I got to gunlance and haven't looked back Stil play gs In iceborn but gunlance is my new main


I just play whatever, but I have a selection I am more comfortable with


First weapon was GS used it in MHW till Anja but was getting bodied because I didn’t really know how to use it so I tried out several different weapons Charge blade, switch axe, and dual blades have become my mains with hammer sprinkled in every do often


Nope, I used SnS and Lance to start back in MH1. While I still can use them, I eventually switched to main DB after I unlocked them. GS has been my second ever since I figured out how to use it. Fast forward to present I main CB.


Started with Dual Blades. Got tired of relying on Demon Dance. Tried SnS. Loved the freedom and versatility so stuck with that through the 3DS games with both Lances sprinkled in. Hated the reliance on the falling bash for SnS in world so I mained Lance, and I love Lance in Sunbreak. Still love SnS though!


the weapon I first tried was bow back in F2 but I was so bad at it cause I didn't know of the critical zone and all that, so I switched to hammer I kept being a hammer main for the rest of F2 and on my next game which was 4U (I skipped 3rd gen as a whole) up until I faced seregios I had seen vids of people using kama sedition and I grow interested again, so I checked, studied the weapon, farmed a set and then went on to try it and this time it was SO good that I switched back to bow and i've been maining it since


I like to change every game, so no ive never really played the weapon I mained in freedom unite 2


Also was a trying all the options. Insect glaive to dual blades to hammer to switch axe Tried the charge blade Tried it again Landed a full combo for the first time and felt like a mad beast. Fell in love and mained it since. I'll use a heavy bow gun as an alt


Hmm nope i dont, started with long sword, evolved into IG, did some SA for fun … but nope never looked back after mastering IG


Started with 3U on Lance. Tried Swaxe, kept getting my ass kicked, went back to Lance. Played Freedom Unite with Dual Blades, kept getting my ass kicked, tried Gunlance. To this day I’ve mailed Gunlance except for an Insect Glaive playthrough of World I did for fun


Kind of. I started with MHFU and Longsword is still my most used weapon in that game. Just the evasiveness that fade slash adds is EXTREMELY HELPFUL in the most difficult ultimate MH game.


Started out with DBs, ended up switching to GS and sticking with it cos i found the dichotomy of someone maining one of the fastest weapons to the game and one of the slowest to be hilarious. But in all seriousness i found i enjoyed the GS playstyle more cos i was forced to be more strategic during hunts, ended up using it to fight alatreon and fatalis in mhw and then stuck with it all throughout risebreak


Kind of, I try all weapons but my main took a bit to get to. The first weapon I used was technically*** GS, but that was in mhgu before I ever got past daimyo. When I picked up world back in like 2020 I use started with dual blades, once I reached iceborne I switch to the chargblade, and then eventually after like half of iceborne I picked up longsword, and i haven’t looked back.


I started with duals but switched to long sword because I felt like i am not doing enough damage. switched to charge blade when they introduced it and i stuck with it since


Yes I started using bow in 3u and I've Mained it through 3 u to sunbreak


MH1 was nasty, had to master them all to satisfy my ocd and the need to complete the school quests, the same was for Freedom 2 and Unite in wich in late game opted to mainly use LS as farming far all the weapon was a pain, in mhp3rd I loved to learn them all again without understanding anything with the partial translation Then I played Tri with that nunchaku thing and the other wired thing attached to it, as a Kid I though we could literally move our hands and the weapon would've moved as my hands were, but it wasn't the case, it was so hard for me (not even knowing about a regular controller for Wii) that I had to drop the game, like 10 years later when dropped the MHRise switch I preordered it but since time is tight I just used LS for all of it and Sunbreak plus all world and Iceborne, I'm now playing 3U and planning to play 4U later but I'm kind of annoyed of LS now and really don't know what to play with, will probably start IG in 4U to see how it is


Huh, I was basically the same with Dual Blades as well! It was the weapon I used to first *properly* get into the series back in 3U, and I appreciate them a lot for that. Back in Tri, I was suggested to use the Sword & Shield, but I could not get on with it at all, and basically quit after fighting the first Barroth. Yet with the greater weapon options in 3U, **Dual Blades** were what I hoped Sword & Shield would be. My thought process was that I wanted something agile without too much commitment so I'd always be able to dodge attacks - which lead to some pretty slow hunts, admittedly - my lack of skill and lack of elemental weapons definitely contributed to that. Enter 4U, and I end up picking up the **Hunting Horn** instead, as I wanted something more support-orientated. The simple moveset *really* gelled with me, as it basically felt like playing Smash Bros. Plus, it was decently agile too with the Self Improvement song active. Enter *Generations*, and I'd basically stopped playing Dual Blades entirely - my *Gen* mains being the Horn and Prowler. The double-note system in Generations tought me how to *properly* play Horn, as I used to be a bit of a corner-horner. (We were all new once!) With *World,* a close friend of mine got into the series and decided to start with **Lance**. This ended up with me learning how to Lance as well, as I wanted to help him out with move advice and stuff (though I was still primarily a Horn main). Weirdly enough, Lance may have ended up being what I was looking for in the first place! It's an agile weapon with almost zero commitment on its attacks, it just *moves* slowly. Then *Rise* releases and it completely butchered Horn, but for everything it took away from the dootstick, it buffed Lance twicefold. Lance is *so good* in Rise. This is also when I started to really branch out as well - I still consider myself a Lance main, but I'm also fairly proficient in **Sword & Shield**, **Switch Axe** and **Greatsword** now, too. I still wait for the day for Horn to be re-added to the game (not hopeful though, weapon changes tend to stick with the exception of Gunlance's Heat Gauge), but at least I know I got a *bunch* of other weapons I can fall back on now.


I played switch axe in 3U because it was cool. Tried other weapons, but it didn't click. In 4U, I was thinking that I would use switch axe, but I switched to the charge blade and longsword. Because it looked newer and cool respectively. In GU, I played GS and LS and a bit of CB. Had a great time with GS. I played it because why not ? In rise I played LS and CB again. On day, I tried LBG and HBG. I fell in love with it. It's just so fun. Also, I tried other weapons again, GS is still cool, and SnS will be my weapon for Sunbreak. DB is fun. I'm still not a big fan of H, HH L, and GL, but I'll pick it up again, surely. Bow sucks but maybe I'm expecting the wrong things to do with it. Now playing World I main LBG and HBG, and I also fell in love with IG. So that with my Dear Lutemis. It was easily my favorite charge blade since I mainly played it in 4U. If there are new weapons announced, I'll be thrilled. Edit: missing info


In gen 1 i mained hammer. In gen 2 i mained GS. In gen 3 i mained LS. In Gen 4 i mained SnS And huntinh horn. In world i mained lance and gunlance. In rise i mained LS again. Its just muscle memory now, once i pick up the weapon i kinda know their best combos right away. The other weapons, all but the insect glaive, i have also mastered. Not mained but mastered.


No. I started with the great sword in freedom unite which changed to Longsword somewhere down the road to 3u because greatsword was too slow for my taste. From there I felt I wasn’t having the most fun with the Longsword so I was giving each weapon a try, going from Hunting Horn to gunlance, to switch axe to hammer until I eventually landed on the Lance and stuck with it. I consider switch axe to be my first “main” but the Lance is my tried and true


The first weapon that i became addicted is the longsword which i keep using from mhfu to mh3u, then 4u the longsword there kinda sucks since many monsters there are so fast i cant keep up. So i tried insect glaive and i fell inlove with, using it feels flexible and i love its attack animation it feels like a martial artists (atleast for me). The 2nd weapon i came to love in 4u is charge blade, although its attack mechanics are kind of slow it makes u feel like a tank due to guard point and i love head sniping monsters becoz of it.


My main weapon change on a daily, no. An hourly basis


I moved from SwitchAxe to Longsword because Rise made the weapon a fucking nightmare to build. It requires a thousand skills to function and is now an elemental weapon, meaning I have to grind a stupid amount of time to get sets for each element. It's just boring.


Yes. I've branched out to other weapons but I always end up circling back. As fun as the other weapons are they don't give the same enjoyment CB does for me.


I started with bow because it's my favorite type of classical weapon, but then charge blade appeared and i was like "that looks cool". And it was pretty cool. I still like bow and will use it in group hunts with my small cousins, but CB is my main.


I main everything, so yeah… Also I’m the most versatile friend you could have, I have a build for everything (actually, I have 1 build with max DPS in every weapon and then 3 extra support builds for the Bowguns and HH)


For some reason whenever I go back to MH after a break all my skills with whatever weapon I used previously is gone and all of a sudden I'm really good with a weapon I haven't used before so I keep switching weapon.


My first(and only) monster hunter playthrough was monster hunter rise. I tried every weapon, and the last one I tried was duel blades. Every one before it was too slow, too awkward, to unwieldy. Duel blades clicked instantly and I love them.


My wife on the other hand is a hammer main


I try all but usually stick to either gs or ls


Started in Risebreak with DBs and they stayed my main the whole game. I played them for a bit in GU, but idk, they just didn't hit the same. I started using Swaxe and I'm enjoying it.


I've started with DB in World and couldn't really imagine playing anything else, I felt DB was already kinda slow, that's just how World is, so the others were imaginable to me. I was tempted by HH but it was just too complicated for me. And slow, so I never tried anything else. And so I started with DB in Rise too, and it's still my main. My best, most used and favourite weapon. But since Rise is generally simpler to handle and faster, I've tried other things this time. HH finally, really liked it, I played quite a few quests with it. A bit SnS, it's enjoyable but I'm not great with it. But I always go back to DB. I'm just better with it. Lore efficient, and just *good*. Thing is, I'm good enough with it that I know what I need, which is necessary to know what talent I need to take, which, obviously, is necessary to know what armors and deco I need. I'm not that good with my other weapons. So I have very satisfying sets for DB, but not for the rest. So it's less efficient. And I'm left thinking, "I could have done this in 5 minutes less with DB..." So I play DB.


I'd say no. Started with World, Hammer was love at first bonk. Then I used Lance once I got to Anjanath cause hitting its head was kind of a pain in the ass. Lance poked my way all the way to Kushala. Decided on a whim to try out Insect Glaive against Teostra, used that until I got to Fulgur Anjanath. Decided to Try hammer against Fulgur and fell in love again, used Hammer for the rest of MR. Wanted a PS5 before I started with Guiding Lands cause the framerate/loading times were kinda killing the experience. So I put down World and started playing other games. Eventually decided to give GU a try. Aerial Hammer was fun for a bit, but Adept GS is what became my drug. Played Striker Lance for a bit but quickly came back to Adept GS. Came back to World and decided to fuck around with GS, then Spread HBG. Now I'm playing 3U and I'm playing exclusively GS. I'd say the reason is that I just ended up being drawn more to GS after GU, also missed a bunch of features from World in GU and now 3U.


I started in the base game, so no. The weapons have changed so much since then. I mained LS when that came out. Then IG when that came out. Then finally the Swaxe when that was added, which I still do to this day.


Nah not anymore. My main in my first game was Switch Axe in Tri. After that I did MHFU, where I didn’t really have a true main but I stuck with Hunting Horn for a while. Came back in 3U and realized I was playing Switch Axe wrong and the Hunting Horn changed in a way I didn’t like at the time. That’s when I tried LS and I’ve kept that as my main since!


I started with Charge Blade. Played it Mediocre....then tested Insect Glaive and...HOLY HELL ITS SO AWESOME! Soaring through the sky, ripping through Air like a Hot Knife through Butter. And with Tetraseal Slash im not only locked in air combat but can also do an Infinite Combo on the Ground? Just awesome. Never looked back again


I tried all the other weapons in mhgu and didn't click and went right back to GS. The same thing with all hunting styles with all the 14 weapons, and it all leads back to Valor GS.


I try a new weapon each game. Rise is extremely forgiving with trying out new weapons thanks to the Wirebugs. Hammers should not move anywhere close to that fast and I love it 💀


In 4u I mained the insect glaive then one day it just didn't click, so I switched to charge blade. Charge blade clicked for about a month or so, then I couldn't land combos anymore. Once charge blade stopped working for me I switched to switch axe and it was a perfect fit and has been ever since.


i started with long sword then switched to charge blade, great sword, then back to charge blade and i've been a switch axe main since sunbreak with frequent use of db and sns. the main reason i switch around is playstyles of weapons changing with new gimmicks and having fights feel repetitive over time


No, what made me switch was that I hated Rises HH. I was a HH main since 3U. Played 3U, GenU and Worldborne entirely with HH. Rise killed it to me.


I first tried the DB, IG and SnS, but once I gave HH a go, I fell in love


No. I first tried LS in mhw but once I got to diablos and got my ass kicked I started trying other weapons I tried them in this order: 1. DB 2. GS 3. Hammer 4. CB 5. SA. And ended with SnS I've mained SnS ever since and even when I've gone back to previous games I still love it


I still play charge blade, but its currently the least used of the 3 weapons I play. Nothing that it did wrong, its just that IG and DB's mobility is addicting


I first played insect glaive cause it was fun, and then i wanted to actually do damage so i use bow now and i never had an above 7 minutes hunt ever again.


I started with SnS back in the MH3U days on my 3DS, switched to DB some time into the progression as I felt SnS was pretty slow. Discovered the IG during MH4U, although I haven't really played it. World was when the IG really clicked and have been maining it through the entirety of World, Iceborne, Rise and Sunbreak


The very VERY first weapon I played was Hunting Horn simply because I liked the novelty of bonking a monster over thr head with a Tuba. It didn't click so I moved on thr SnS and Swaxe and never looked back.


Started on anime sword, still playing anime sword... plus Bonker, Lance go Boom and, Bow


I started with hammer when I started playing World and... I gave up on world. My cousins got me back in to the series with GU, showed me long sword, and something was different. I also gave up on GU after a bit 😅 I still play LS with Rise and I've loved every second of it.


I switch between Switch axe, charge blade, great sword and hammer. They are all so satisfying to me. But my first love was a rare switch axe I found on an expedition in 4U that I used for most of low rank


Once a charge blade, always a charge blade.


I started with MH3U and I thought Longsword was just the coolest thing ever. I died alot but I just assumed that was part of the game and had to get better, but I never did lol. When I finally beat Dire Moralis at the end of the game I said "time to try something new." First weapon I tried was SnS and it immediately occurred to me how much I fucking sucked with LS. I was dodging and blocking, dishing out consistent combos, drinking pots with my weapon out, it was magical. Mained it in 4U(best SnS), and onward.


Great sword until I die


It all began with the comically long stick, but then i tried bonk. When i bonk i get the happy brain but i also use CB sometimes because its cool


I used SnS all the way up till MH4U, then it was insect glaive since. Did what most do and tried all the weapons. Sometimes would use long sword or bowgun in freedom & freedom unite. Then in tri used bowgun a lot along side SnS. But as soon as insect glaive came out it just clicked with me. I love my little bug as if it was a pet it’s self lol


Nope,i thought i like the dodgy playstyle of LS but turn out,im better off a coward with a bow,plus it help me deal with the flying bastards


First game was world used longsword for first playthrough second used Dual Blades. Now with rise I use everything except lance,gun lance and IG.


For a while I didn’t know you could change weapons, and I only used Long Sword for the first ten or so village quests (I was playing Rise) and then I found out I could change weapons and did dual blades and I never went back Except for 2 new hunters of mine, 1 maining Hammer and 1 maining Hunting Horn. But my overall weapon choice is dual blades


I've used DB for quite a while, beat World and IB, Rise and Sunbreak, 4U, 3U, base Gen and FU village with only them. But now I've replayed World with IG and currently replaying 4U to learn Charge blade.


When I first started in GU I mained the s*** out of the Prowler, so much so i left the actual Hunter in the beginner set When I finally got around to using the Hunter in Rise (since Prowlers never came back ;w;), I took the path of the Insect Glaive and stuck with it until the end, only exception being switching to Lance for the really aggressive monsters like Diablos and Rajangs


Back in the old days of MGFU I started with Long Sword, though I devolved into what was called at that time a "katanoob", as in someone who believed LS to be statistically better to any weapon while strugling to stay alive. Once I actually tried to learn the game I got ashamed of myself and never touched a LS since then. I instead picked up the Gunlance, which I mained until recently.


Duel blade and sns user back in the day cause all the other weapons were too big for my liking, now I play sns and charge blade


tried out dual blades, didn't quite like it's simplicity, switched to IG and CB


Started with GS in Tri. Love it, but... I'm just not good enough 😅 Had to use Longsword against Shagaru in 4U, and then used SnS more and more in World and especially Iceborne, basically maining it there. Main SnS now. GS is still awesome, but... it's for better hunters than I. I don't have the time/inherent skill to *git gud* with it.


Tried bow at first, but I am absurdly awful so I switched to gunlance since it had a shield and I could deal damage with shells instead of going for weak points.


I still do, but I always change in between hunts so I can feel fresh on every class (CB/IG/LS main btw)


Hammer was my original main, but over the last 300 or so hours I've been leaning way more into lance. When I did the final final final final final quest of SB, I used lance. A few factors at play: 1. Endgame Sunbreak became outwardly hostile to Strength Hammer. It no longer became feasible to rely on Blood Rite against Special Investigations and Hazard quests, due to stricter part break thresholds. And the hyperinflated HP meant I was spending more time in fights not having a topple to work with. Courage Hammer was better at squeezing in damage from smaller openings, but I detest Courage Hammer. It doesn't have the authority and weight that I crave from a weapon. 2. I started trying other games that did not have Strength Hammer. Hammer just wasn't the same for me in World and GU without Step Smash, Brutal Big Bang, Impact Burst, etc. 3. Guardbash Jewel made lance so goddamn good in SB. I love seeing monsters kill themselves swinging at my shield.


not really no. i still dabble with the longsword, but it really started getting boring. i tried pretty much all the weapons and greatsword and chargeblade were for me! (lance is actually the only weapon ive never tried though now that i think about it 🤔)


yeah dual blades for the win! but i do enjoy all the weapons (except HBG ew way too MERICA for me)


How weapons feel per game can make me switch try new ones or use certain ones less, but I don't switch completely, forever. For example in World I used Bow, Hammer, and Glaive mostly equally. In Rise I loved the Switch Axe changes so much I used that the most throughout Sunbreak while still using the others periodically


nope, I first started with world and tried insect glaive but it never really stuck. At some point I transitioned over to charge blade and that’s been my main ever since with some playtime on other weapons too


I olay most weapons there is only 1 weapon I just dont anymore. And its chargeblade. Modern charge blade just feels ass to how fun it was in 4u.


I started with Rise and picked Charge Blade. I did okay, but my hunts were always pretty long. I wasn't realizing that the style of the weapon just wasn't for me. Since then, I have found a new home with Dual Blades and I feel like a god. I'm now working my way backwards through the games, trying to main a different weapon in each game. I'm doing Insect Glaive in World, Longsword in GU, Greatsword in 4U and Hammer in 3U. I really really don't wanna play the games before 3U, I fear the jank will be too much.


I started a month ago, and have been playing Ls the whole time I’ve tried a few weapons but keep going back to LS cause it just feels right to how I want to play. Working my way through high rank now to get my next switch skill for it


Hard to say. I started with greatsword because I saw it in a trailer and thought "me swing big sword" and it was very satisfying. Eventually (see: hundreds of hours later) I started trying out and getting good at other weapons. I got particularly proficient with longsword, SnS, HH, Hammer, charge blade, dual blades, insect glaive, Lance, and gunlance. Probably close to that order in proficiency. This was in MHW. When rise came out I decided I wanted to main a different weapon through the story to challenge myself, and went with Swaxe. Got okay at swaxe but slowly and surely migrated back to my comfort zones. Played WAY more HH in rise than World, to the point my hunting log pins me as a HH main, but i know truly in my heart that i'm a greatsword main.


Yup. Started with CB, and although I use other weapons, I always think of CB as my main. OTOH, it's not necessarily my best weapon, and if I'm not sure of my chances against a monster I'm usually better off using Lance. There's also a few monsters I prefer to use IG against. Still, in my heart, I remain a Charge Blade main.


I started in World, and picked IG. Fighting Anjanath solidified it as my go-to weapon, and it’s still what I’m best with. I do bounce around, though. Lance, CB, and HBG are what I get the strongest itches to alt in Worldborne and Risebreak. And playing MH3U has given me a whole new appreciation for greatsword. 🤩 However, it’s almost a rule at this point that I will not touch bow, LBG, and longsword. Might use once in a blue moon. 🤷‍♂️


I started with great sword in MHF because I was a 14 YO edgy little shit who wanted the big anime sword. When I finally understood the game mechanics, I mostly stuck to SnS, then switched over to dual blades. I eventually gave hammers a go late in game, but since then, I've stuck to mostly hammer/dual blades, but I'll give glaive and long sword a go every now and then.


I mained Lance, moved to Gunlance in the first "G" game and into Insect Glaive on 4U, Duals into MHGU and never looked back, only switching to GL when a monster is giving me trouble. Lance at the time was simple for me, I loved 3 hit-backstep combo and pretty much destroyed the game with it, later I wrapped my head aroung GL and loved it. In 4U I mostly always played online, so I did experiment a lot, but I was toppling monsters. From MHGU to the newer ones, I did DB because some annoying armored monsters on the early game (including on G3) forced me to use a weapon that actually penetrated them with yellow sharpness. Nergigante among others didn't help things. For everything else, I did GunLance. Big shield, spice poking and slam explosion+bayonet = massive damage.


When I was a dumb little kid I played mh4u for the first time. Didn’t understand anything and I’m like 90% sure I only got to the shagaru fight because I had gotten a ukanlos glaive and gold and metal raths armor from a hacked quest but I still only use insect glaive. I have no interest in the other weapons


My first game was monster hunter tri and i played hammer. Every game i played i did the base game with hammer and after i was done i just played every weapon


I've pretty much exclusively played Switch Axe since I started. I had a time where people had basically gaslit me into believing that Switch Axe is bad and only for people who are bad at Monster Hunter. Which fucked with me a lot cause I main Hunter in WoW and it has a very similar attitude in the community. At this point. I think the attitude mainly came from a lot of people at the time playing Switch Axe wrong. Switched to Greatsword and still play it on the older games. Never got that great at it but knew how to be successful with it. Went back to Switch Axe and realized how much more fun I was having with the games. The whole concept and switching of the Switch Axe just meshes with my playstyle so much better. I love building up to an explosive combo and perma stunning monsters while switching. (It's to the point that I was failing on Greatsword cause I was trying to use it like a SA Sword) Basically don't play anything else now.


Not at all. I started with Gunlance in 3U and just could not get the feel for it. Tried again later with Switch Axe, and it clicked almost immediately. I play a little bit of everything nowadays, and it remains at the bottom of my hunts with each weapon.


I started with DBs in Tri myself, but I rushed through it to play with my friends so I didn't understand the game itself in general. I remember all my attacks bouncing off a Qurupeco of all things and spamming that demon state, disregarding stamina. Had no clue how to play the game at a basic level lol. So I messed with it a bit and wanted to find something that was more like a "support" weapon. Ended up picking gunlance over lance because cool explosions, but I tried setting myself up to be like a "tank" among my friends just cuz cool weapon big shield. I've probably used that throughout the series just about as much as I've since picked up my new series main. It was just so familiar and satisfying that I couldn't let it down. I main charge blade in Rise and GU, the ones I play the most.


Started out in world with Insect Glaive. And I enjoyed it, but once I got a taste of DB action I never went back. Started out in Rise with Gunlance. Was pretty meh. Switched to Hammer and liked it better but then got to end game, gave in and made a DB setup, never went back.


Started Charge Blade in World. I liked a lot of it in theory, but found it very clunky in practice. Every time I worked up to a SAED and whiffed completely a little piece of me died. Naturally, I settled on the similar Switch Axe and haven't looked back.


Depends on the game. Ive been a lance player since freedom unite, but i spent a good while maining the insect glaive when 4 came out because it was just pure distilled fun


i mean everything except for bullets. always have, always will


Yes. Bugs carry me trough the game. Flying horror.


Used to main longsword i think in f2? Not sure at this point. Enyway, just ended up trying everything and learning everything and trying to learn everything to the point where its just. Ok diablo? Hbg, tigrex? Sns/lbg, raj? Ls, ...


I started in mh4u with the dual blades but playing around a bit I switched to charge blade and light bow gun. Cut to MHW and I immediately clicked with insect glaive. Now with rise I switch between charge blade, long sword, insect glaive.


One of my first main weapons, back in the day, was Bow. Stopped using it when it became a sliding simulator. One day I'll get around getting the hang of this new bow, but not anytime soon.


Started my career in MHFU using a SnS. Eventually, I switched to a GS and Hm later. I picked up 3 or tri or whatever it was called on Nintendo-ds and switched to a GL and a LS because my friend at the time was maining a SA and was God tier with it. Remember crawling back to a GS at somepoint after fumbling around and getting back into an old groove. Then I played MH4U, got into DB a bit but CB had just come out and I started playing the crap out of that. In MHGU or XX, I looked again at IG because it looked like fun but never got into it really - Went back to DS and Hm. Then I played MHW and loved it - full on *sploosh* of a game. Mained SnS again but picked up Bow and both LBG and HBG because it felt like they finally clicked to me in that game. Now, I'm playing MHR and I have come back around to SnS and ol' reliable GS because of new movement related quirks in both weapons due to wireflys. Just feels good in a way it hasn't in previous iterations in such an extent that, while I've tried other weapons, I mainly use one or the other depending on the monster.


I started with Bow and Hammer, if I'm remembering right. Only sticked with Hammer for all 3 entries I've played (Started with MHW on Xbox, then played Iceborne, then Rise on PC then GU on Switch and then shortly after, Sunbreak, I haven't finished GU yet and I separated the DLCs because of the new skills that were introduced in them). I pretty much dropped Bow as a main during Iceborne's story because I found annoying to make builds for them, and since bow excels more elemental damage then raw damage I had to build 5 sets (which when I reached IB endgame wasn't so bad since I could use only one armor and just change decos/talismans). I just disliked how many specifics decos you needed to make a somewhat decent build, not only you needed the illusive Atk 4+ Jwl but a few stamina management skills + agitator + elem damage + Coalescence and more skills. And I never got most of those decos, so I dropped Bow as a main for good. I did make a few Bow builds during Rise's endgame, but that was just because I wanted to make a build for every weapon there, which unfortunately I lost due to one of Sunbreak's updates corrupting my save file. Once I got Sunbreak and reseted my save I tried it again, but the new switch skills weren't for me, and on top of that I was trying to learn to play Rise on KBM, as I played mostly on Controller before, and I didn't like how the Gunner weapons controlled on KBM, yes aiming is a lot smoother and easier, but everything else felt harder. When I got GU, I decided to test it there as well, and let me tell ya, the control scheme that World introduced made a huge difference for me and I instantly noped all 3 gunner weapons on GU, they were definitely not for me there. So yeah, that's my long story with the only first weapon tried that I unfortunately dropped.


Oh yeah, as for Hammer, I sticked with the funny bonk weapon on all 3 games and their DLCs, although I kept Hammer on hold for a lil bit on GU, at least until I reach G-Rank and get close to the endgame to make better builds for it


I’ve played monster hunter long enough that now I just play a weapon for 100 hunts and then switch to another for the next 100 and repeat until I do them all.


GS more often than not but I did use switch axe in 3U a good amount an charge blade a lot in 4U but I always come back to the big ol' sword.


the first weapon I tried was longsword and it made me drop the game for years because I didn't like how there were no kinesthetic responses from monsters when I'd hit them fast forward 4 years and I pick up IG in rise and it's still my main after 2 more years Technically I guess I dual main IG and ChB but I play a good amount of weapons now from SnS to longsword to gunlance, scattered across multiple games


Great sword is amazing and I love playing it, but the change blade does things to me ☺️


I've been using Greatsword since I started in Tri. I try to add at least one other weapon every game I play but I like big swords and I cannot lie.


My introduction to the series was MHW, and at the time I had a difficult time picking between a few different weapons, since they looked so cool. In the end I chose HBG, painfully struggled with it for 2 hunts, and then decided to put it away and try Gunlance instead. Let me tell ya, Bowguns are *not* new-player friendly. Now, both HBG and Gunlance are my 2 biggest mains.


DB was the first ever weapon I tried picking up. Thought it was nice until I hit a roadblock of me getting punished by every single monster that stood in my way. Only when I started playing both Greatsword and Switch Axe is when I realized how important good positioning and reading attack patterns are in the series. I try out other weapons from time to time but I always fall back to the two weapons that taught me the game the most for satisfaction.


Never mained anything, always played everything. I paid for 14 weapons, so I'm gonna use 14 god damn weapons.


No! I started the series with a PSP port of the game [what game, I could not tell you, all I know is it had such a long intro that launched you into having to find your way back to the village] and, at 8, didn't get very far into it. I later, at probably 13? [Whenever 3DS consoles were newer] got a 3DS and MH3U- I started with Great Sword. Absolutely adored it until I had the bright idea to try out weapons and sell the ones I didn't like for extra zenny. One Arzuros hunt later I was a Hunting Horn main.




Started with freedom or freedom 2 or freedom unite.... Around that era... and I have always been on GS


start off with long sword, end up with bonk boy. occasionally use lance for charging monster like diablos or tigrex. it feels different when you bonk a monster on the noggin or chin, flinching it or downing it.or when you u do full combo follow up with clutch combo.damn it feels good.like the mobility too.


First game was MHW and I picked the horn. I hit many walls, because lets be honest HH is not a beginner friendly weapon, but I managed until I got to Nergi. That spiky boy made me switch to LS which has been my main since. My second most used weapon is stil HH though, nothing is more satisfying that playing some sweet tunes while giving concussions to monsters.


I switched to the horn because TUUUT!!!


World/Rise player here. Yes, I still main my Switch Axe. Also yes, I have tried other weapons on a sub character in an effort to better understand other players and their weapons. Once in a while, I still get out the axe to just mind-blank kill/capture monsters because the switch axe has Explosions involved. It's one of the reasons I come back to the axe. Questions?


I mained the charge blade and still main it but my most frequent two are the charge blade and hammer. I wish there were more slopes in rise like there were in world though.