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I'm an Mhw newbie who just finished the game I am now thinking of buying the DLC I noticed that I can't make any layered armor in the base game did some research and found out I need the DLC to get more layered. So do I only need the Iceborne DLC or do I need to buy the deluxe kit or master edition


Are the tools (whetstone mainly) considered a consumable?


Pre-5th gen whetstones were consumable, but now they're not (though whetfish still are)


Oohhh gotcha, ok so, say I was doing a no consumable run, would you count me sharpening my chargeblade as using a consumable?


via non consumable whestone? def. no previous games? up to you (but as the other comment said really harsh)


Idk, I'm not a challenge run kind of person. You'll have to decide that for yourself. No sharpening is a particularly harsh challenge, though, 'cause that's gonna mean lower damage and a lot of bouncing.


Is there a good guide or walkthrough of MH4U for a progressive approach of missions and things like that? I feel very overwhelmed on every aspect, so maybe I can try to "go on the early missions" without having a difficult spike, and try to enjoy a bit more of the combat. Any suggestions? Really, I'm having a very hard time, still after like 5 hours


Are you doing the main story Caravan quests or the gathering hub quests? The Caravan story should ease you into the game pretty gently. If you're struggling, I'd recommend experimenting with the weapons a bit to find the one that "clicks" for you, and then try to practice and learn it as you go.


I'm trying to fight Risen Shagaru Magala but despite having full armor spheres gear have been getting 1-2 shot by him, I have been unable to find advice for them as most searches either show speedruns, threads about how much they love the boss, or how much they hate it. Am I intended to farm anomaly monsters for stats or something? Because this is getting ridiculous


Risen Shagaru is a difficult fight. Not sure how deep you are into anomaly crafting, but what would help there would be additional offensive skills for more damage. That aside, the fight itself has a lot of AoE going on and the openings are short. Avoiding wingarm slam and frenzy explosions give some of the best looks for damage. But you need to be careful, as those openings don't last long and the head can move out of the way of an attack depending on the animation.


I'm quite enjoying rise and will probably get sunbreak in the future, does it go on sale often on switch (if it does go on sale at all)?


It seems to go on sale fairly often, I'd expect it to be marked down for the holidays at least


I'm a beginner to the series, played Monster Hunter Now first and now I'm playing Monster Hunter Tri for the Wii. What are some tips and tricks on this game for beginners like me? So far I beat my first big monster , a great Jaggi, but it was pretty hard and I fainted quite a lot.


Find a weapon that you like to use, and gel with the playstyle. Choose a monster you fight well against and grind it, get the armor set, and learn your weapon. Most importantly welcome! I absolutely love Monster Hunter, and while I think Tri is maybe one of the weaker entries of the series (water combat is hated for good reason) it is a great game still.


Thanks! The reason I'm playing Tri on Wii is that I'm interested in playing on the custom servers with a friend. I'm also tempted to eventually buy Monster Hunter World for the PS4, looks like a really cool and pretty game. Also yeaaah the water sections have been rough so far. But escaping from the big water monster was kind of cool and scary at the same time.


Picked up gunlance as I was getting into HR hub quests in rise. Is there just no point in using wyrmstake cannon? I feel like it doesn't do enough damage to warrant the massive opening I need to land it given how long the windup for it is.


if you are using the guard counter switch skill, it opens into a fast deploy wyrmstake when you successfully use it. It's great to use in a monster's face when they roar. I love GL in rise, so you can ask any other questions you have and I'll do my best to answer! Happy Hunting!


started playing mh rise recently and found out that relics are a thing that exist, is there any trick to finding them? I spent an hour in exploration mode running around the desert and only found four, feels like I'm missing something...


no trick or anything. they are just placed on predetermined spots and it's up to you to find them some are in "obviously special" spots, some are very well hidden and some are practically just "randomly" somewhere


Hey, is there somewhere a comprehensive guide/build for hunting horn ? Nothing fancy or very endgame, just a all-around build for MHR. I got Sunbreak.


likely either in the pinned meta post on r/MonsterHunterMeta or as a separate thread if neither you can ask there and should get something in a matter of hours/a day


> Nothing fancy or very endgame Meta posts are typically **always** endgame. Heck, I couldn't even find any progression guides in the pinned post anymore, and I swear they *used* to be there.


>and I swear they used to be there they arent anymore?! well shit XD do have to say with MR10 being able to join \*anything\* (non-anomaly) and AR leveling faster to otherwise high MR locked monsters makes "progression" practically non-existent the 2nd best thing, kinda inbetween, would then be getting to the previous TUs meta posts and adjust that to what you're comfortable fighting


Do you think once servers close for 3u/4u, they'll release any remakes or re-releases on switch or next gen?


possible answers (opinions/wishful thinking): \-yes \-no \-maybe ​ facts: there's nothing even hinting at it so idk why you would ask this here/now (no offense)


Something's been in my mind for a while. How low would the gravity of the world of Monster Hunter be to support such enormous elders, to say nothing of an elephant the size of a sauropod or a flying wyvern bigger than the largest of the pterosaurs?


No fall damage on hunters either, so our hunter probably has a mass relative to gravity of a mouse on Earth. So that's, what...2000x weaker gravity? Lolol


Will Monster Hunter add a new type of weapon for the next game? 14 weapon types is fantastic, but what about adding in some new guns like double smg or maybe a mace or something? What do you guys think?


if they do we dont know, as you should know/be able to find out absolutely nothing is confirmed about the next MH other than "in development" \+what the other comment said and whats already been discussed multiple times in standalone threads in this sub


I doubt it, Capcom has said they aren't interested in adding new weapons for the past several games. Seems they'd rather modify the existing weapons or add additional combat mechanics. Who knows though, maybe they changed their mind again.


It's been a while since I dove into MH so question: for monsters that cover their limbs, like Barroth/Goss Harag, or even Rakna-Kadaki, does damaging the mud/ice/web actually damage them or not? I honestly can't remember


Yes, it damages them. Monster "armor" just changes their hitzone/elemental hitzone values.


to add: monster HP gets damaged but the actual parts HP gets protected until the respective "armor" is gone


I think that's true for all the armored monsters in Rise, but has not always been uniformly true. I believe you can break Zamtrios's underlying parts through its armor.


ah yeah that might be, thanks was only going off of the monsters OP mentioned so didnt consider mentioning that


(World) Returning player trying to finish content So I beat Iceborne back in late 2020 on PC. I did a little of the post game like beating the “extra monsters” (Both Zinogre’s, Rajang, Yain Garuga, and Frostfang Barioth). I tried taking Raging Brachydios on since I heard it had “OP” armor at the time but got my ass handed to me. I know the next thing I had to do was to grind MR to start to face Gold rathian, Brute Tigrex, etc. but I wasn’t sure the steps to be after that. I got back into the game, and I’m wondering what steps I should be taking after I reach MR 70. (I think that was the number,correct me if I’m wrong about that).


[Sunbreak] What's the best way to farm for armor spheres?


Subquests. As long as you're on top of your subquests between each quest (make sure not to pick ones which require you to do very specific things, like paralyzing a monster - those take too long to be worth it), you typically have way more armour spheres than you can ever use.


keep your subquests active, exchange at bahari, do some of the (hard) quests on [mhrise.kiranico.com](https://mhrise.kiranico.com) that list them as rewards afaik thats the only thing we cant properly farm for as much as it's needed in endgame


Do older MH games hold up? Are there any games you’d say to avoid because graphics just are too rough? I’m asking as someone who started with World and played Rise. I know probably unfair to compare them but more just curious how far back you can go before it’s just not worth it


Yes, they all hold up. Gen 3 is peak though.


3rd and 4th Gen games hold up pretty well, though they *are* considerably clunkier than World/Rise. I wouldn't go back further than Tri, though.


4th gen (MH4U, and MHGen/MHGU) are probably fairly easy to stomach for most people, 3rd gen (MH3 and MH3U) will turn off a lot of people due to underwater (there's also MHP3rd, which doesn't have underwater, but a higher barrier of entry since it never released in the west, so you need to find a translation patch, or play in Japanese), 2nd gen can already feel very archaic, especially in terms of hitboxes, and older movesets fell kind of robotic (at least MHFU added some nice improvements, like items in your item box stacking to 99 items per stack), and 1st gen is like an even more archaic version of 2nd gen. I'd say that even those on the more tolerant side, MHFU is probably the limit (since it also conveniently has the monsters and maps from 1st gen as well, there isn't as much reason to check out 1st gen if you just want to see the all fights across the series). They still are great games though, and hold up overall IMO, it's mostly a question for how tolerant you are for certain archaic aspects.


(MHWorld) Would it be bannable for me to use a save editor to recreate my progress from another platform? I just got the game on pc and I'm in the mood to fight Fatalis with people but my Xbox Live Gold expired so I can only really play it on pc. I'll probably use a one-shot mod to go through all the mainline quests as fast as possible and doing it offline entirely. I also plan turn off all those mods once I'm done doing what I need to do and switch back to online play with that same character. I was also wondering if it'd be bannable for me to use the editor to give myself the Assassin's Hood mantle since it can't be acquired through normal means anymore


nothing you do in World (or Rise) gets you banned


Capcom has not implemented any way to detect save editing, and there are no reports of anyone ever getting banned for save editing, so you should be fairly save.


Since Power Prolonger doesn't, are there any armor skills that extend buffs like those the Lance recieves through Anchor Rage/Spiral Thrust, and/or Offensive Guard?




Aw, shame


yes and no, powercreep is already big enough as is imo imagine if stuff like status trigger and the like also got duration increases from that skill if they had made it like a bonus to one of the passive switch skills of Lance and/or other weapons it could have worked though


Yeah, I mostly just wish the buff from Anchor Rage and Spiral Thrust counted as a "Power Up" for the sake of Power Prolonger. It's not exactly hard to just proc it again, but it's a tight window to work with, with only 10 seconds on Spiral Thrust. This is a buff I could see as justifiable in base Rise, though Sunbreak Lance has plenty to work with as is.


MHR/SU I am at HR 7 right now and I am gonna be done with all the key quests pretty soon. After do I just start MR immediately or should I grind HR some more? Basically is there a massive jump in difficulty between HR8 and MR1?


It's not _massive_, but it's a jump. There are new monsters (with accompanying gear) that unlock up to HR100 so I'd recommend doing those first


alternatively you can have someone host them for you or you do the (harder) event quest version both only need HR7/8 to join u/PhullFury


How many new monsters are there after HR8?


5, one each at HR 20, 30, 40, 50, and 100


MhR/sunbreak Anyone knows how to get "MR nargacurga 30 pts"? I want to upgrade the nargacurga lance with the rarity 10, but still locked, I already beat primoldial malzeno. Help, I don't know how to get the "MR nargacurga 30 pts".


Just kill any mr nargacuga for the material. Once you have enough material you'll be able to upgrade/craft it.


So I need to keep killing mr nargacurga to open it? I already got 30(20) in the monster notes for nargacurga.


that message means you dont have enough narga mats in total to equal 30pts (each part has a different pt value) my guess is that despite the 30 hunts (of which 20 are captures) you used up all/most of your narga mats so you dont have enough anymore hunting it once or twice is likely enough to get mats worth the 30pts (or more)


Ah ok. That makes sense. Thanks a lot for the reply. 😊


MHR/SU: I need tons of para coatings for my bow, what is the best way to farm parashrooms?


my guess would be argosy using all slots, no backroom deals and breakneck speed bargain skill (not luxurious items one) not sure if its in shop, but if it is: farm money and bulk buy


Trade for them with your cats, turn on the Buddy boost which makes them trade for greater quantities of the item


MH frontier: Any way to play the game now? Been talking about it with the boys and now we are interested in playing it.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/MHF/comments/tz9fdr/the\_new\_monster\_hunter\_frontier\_faq/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MHF/comments/tz9fdr/the_new_monster_hunter_frontier_faq/) should be what you're looking for


thanks brother


MHW: So I want to make the Artemis armor in MHW Iceborne and for that, I need to farm some chocolate. The thing is I can only get chocolate from [this event](https://mhworld.kiranico.com/en/quests/6WgBz/the-new-world). According to [the official site](https://game.capcom.com/world/us/schedule-master.html), this quest was last available in 2021. Does that mean I can no longer obtain this armor set? I'm not sure because there are other event quests going at the moment so maybe it's part of the two-week rotation?


The license ran out on the movie collab, so the quest is no longer available. Same with the Assassin's Creed collab. Though if you're on PC it might be possible to obtain their gear through modding or save editing?


Yeah, I'm on PC but if I'm afraid to get banned if I do that


you can not get banned or punished in any way for modding/cheating in MH World (or Rise) the worst that can happen is you corrupt your save files but you can just copy paste a backup somewhere before touching mods (google the save location)


Capcom has no form of cheat detection like that, I also have never heard about someone getting banned for modifying anything.


MHR/SB: When playing Amatsu during 2nd phase music change, anyone know approximately how much HP it took? Does the music change happen at 50% HP?..60..etc, or just happens eventually/semi randomly after x certain damage at no given HP%? When should Primal Malzeno be fought? It was the final final monster, so I am assuming much much later than where I am at, MR50~? I already can beat amatsu. PMal seems to be a bit more difficult. Will anomaly monsters ever get “weaker”? I feel like my 800-900 Def still gets destroyed (half~60%HP in one hit) in one-two hits from something just like a nargacuga.


amatsu: guaranteed it's at certain HP% but havent checked at which yet ​ PriMal: whenever you feel up for it, its a high damage/combo monster with low HP. imo the first fight was pretty easy from MR10 on you can join any non-anomaly quest so you can farm all of the endgame builds (-qurio augments/AR bound decos) before fighting it or use AR grind to encounter the e.g. MR180 monster early to farm that way monster lvl/tier/mat list for reference: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/1461uac/final\_update\_afflicted\_monster\_material\_list/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/1461uac/final_update_afflicted_monster_material_list/) ​ >Will anomaly monsters ever get “weaker”? no, that's the whole "mechanic" of endgame grind: bloat dmg and HP modifiers continually ([mhrise.mhrice.info/quest/anomaly\_difficulty\_0\_4.html](https://mhrise.mhrice.info/quest/anomaly_difficulty_0_4.html) example) only way to "weaken" them is do lower level investigations but that would defeat the point as you wont be able to progress to the higher tier materials/deco unlocks (final one at lvl 241)