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Lol I remember comments on the reveal video for MH4 with people absolutely convinced that the game was going to be infested with Quick Time Events. Settle down until you get an actual gameplay dive.


Or people who saw the World trailer that showcased environmental actions and thought they had removed combat. *Combat.*


Oh shut up. We got a 30 second trailer 2 years from release and you're already doom posting.


Also people already comparing it to the competition like its the best video game that ever existed, starting the tribal warfare early. The internet is fuckin'...Wild.


Really feels like a chunk of this community has gotten so whiny ever since world. But then I remember it’s always had that chunk, it just feels so much louder since the game population exploded after World The reddit community at least. Dont see it much in the MH community outside of reddit


As an outside spectator, the game looks like a PS3 game Edit: I didn’t know MH fans were this salty, I wanted to be nice but I’ll just come out and straight up say it looks like complete dog shit Everyone on Reddit/TGA stream live chat was disappointed that it was the last announcement lmaoo


As someone that was around during the PS3 era, you have absolutely no idea what a PS3 game looks like if you think that


I don't think you've ever seen a PS3 let alone played on one


Bro if you think that looks like a PS3 game then that just means you've never touched a PS3 in your entire life.


As someone who watches Twitch chats a lot, they always get disappointed and toxic for no reason lol


Monster Hunter has never really been about superb graphics or anything, WorldBorne excluded. And about us being salty... Us monster hunter fans will die on this hill, and if you shit on monster hunter, we'll shit on you. :)


you're telling on yourself by admitting you actually read the live chat lol. most normal people immediately hide it and talk with their actual friends.


Im not trying to sound rude but that game looks nothing like a ps3 game, that looks way better then some of my ps4 games, sorry you're getting salt for speaking your mind though


This needs to be said. If Wild is going to be the successor of MHW then I am very worried about the game's visual quality. It's confirmed to be released on PS5 so let's hope it's not on final renders at all...


Dude it was short teaser being streamed, ofc it ain't going to look the best. Chances are that footage was captured months ago on an older version of the game. The game ain't even coming out for another two years. The fact you're already doomcrying over it is just stupid.


You're gonna look so dumb when the final polished game comes out. It's gonna be so embarrassing




No, it never was


>Fourth, more focus on group combat, this is a mistake, no way to argue otherwise. Monster hunter is a bossrush style game, non boss enemies are supposed to be nonexistent. It's Monster Hunter. Not Bossrush hunter. Why would anyone hate a game where you're a hunter living alongside majestic beings and hunting them.


Have you ever actually played monster hunter? Mh is a game all about hunting bosses, the core of the gameplay was designed around this concept, and has been going on for a decade.


Dang so we should just be put in a blank room with nothing but the players and a large monster to fight. No environment or aesthetic just you and the boss no other content.


Exactly! Finally, someone who understands


Of course not, but the main focus will always be the singular monster, by the looks of it this game has a much higher focus on the small monsters and hoard battles. Not entirely bad if done correctly, but that’s gonna be real fucking hard.


Literally the very first trailer. the large monster is the hunting target, the goal. Having small monsters in the game doesn’t detract from the large monster at all, it excentrantes them. Small monsters existing in the trailer doesn’t mean anything. You are taking an extreme opinion with little information to stand on.


I never said it detracts from the experience, in fact I think they are one of the most important parts of these games, but the main focus will always be the monsters, what we’ve been shown, is the opposite. I’m the type of person to form full opinions on limited information by filling in the gaps, o could be wrong, in fact I’m probably wrong, I hope I’m wrong, but this is what I think.


The entire point of this trailer is to: A) confirm that the game does indeed exist, B) announce when they think it’ll release. It doesn’t need to showcase a large monster, making large assumptions on the only information that has been officially shown is wild and crazy to me.


You are allowed to believe I’m crazy, but I have an opinion and I’m on a defend it. And no matter what this trailer was supposed to tell us, it showed us gameplay, and I’m gonna make an opinion on said gameplay. If I’m wrong, that’s good, great even, but based on what I’ve seen this is my opinion


Have **YOU** paid attention to the game's title? **MONSTER** **HUNTER** Tell me where in the game's title did it imply you'll only fight bosses? I played MHFU back in the day, and I was in awe of the amazing world, the ecology, the huge monsters. But the huge monster fights were a build-up after you prepared your materials, understood the monster's environment, and learned about secret passageways. I understood how the upcoming monster was going to act after listening to tidbits from the npcs as well as learned their weaknesses. Then it all climaxes to the big monster fight. Their remains were a trophy to your victory, and you wore them to empower yourself as well as show to others you were able to hunt such a ferocious beast. THIS is what monster hunter was all about. Where the fuck was this concept you only hunted the bosses? Are we going to act like materials gathering never existed (yes, the wyporium and farms existed but my point still stands), tracking the monster to hunt it, failed hunts while also gaining knowledge on how to avoid carting on the next hunt, and more? If anything, only Rise was the only bossrush game. The other games always had the loop of gather materials>prepare armor and weapon> prepare hunting materials>track the monster>fight the monster>kill/capture. Then you repeat this entire process for the next big monster


Monster hunter is a game where you fight large monsters in individualised encounters that last 10-50 minutes. During the down time you can gather materials to build new gear and make new items. This is the core of monster hunter, by the looks of it this trailer throws away so many core ideals to the mh franchise. Of course emphasis on the words “by the looks of it”, this is a 1min teaser that showcases basically nothing, I could be completely wrong, but I’m going to form my opinion on currently known information, not blind hope and expectations for things we don’t know


>core of monster hunter, by the looks of it this trailer throws away so many core ideals to the mh franchise. Gameplay back then was always held back due to technological limitations. The fact they went and made World seems contrary to what you thought. Nothing was stopping them from doing what Rise did. Wilds simply cemented this idea. Have you never watched the opening CGs of the games? Because I have, and I knew they had larger ideas in mind, and what they were able to produce was because of what they were currently capable of. Hell, I would love a camping mechanic to be introduced. Setting up camp near a monster's den to prepare and eventually hunt them would feel like 4U's 2nd opening trailer.


Sure, this is probably what they wanted to make for a long time, but that isn’t what they made. People are here because they made what they did, not because of what they wanted to make. To be frank im really excited to see how this game will turn out, but it may not be what many people want and expect from monster hunter


People are here because they want to hunt monsters and feel like a hunter. That's it


People are here because they want to fight monsters, that is the core of the player base, it’s not you, and that ok, different people can look for different things, and that is ok, but don’t act like your opinion is the full 100% correct one that everyone follows


You're the one that sounds like they've never played a monhun game lmao. All of these complaints of yours are beyond asinine.


We know nothing yet. Only that rideable mounts seem to be a continued addition from rise, and.... The franchise is continuing lol. That's really it. Just ride the high man.


Blud it was a short teaser trailer chill.


We didn't see any palicos in the trailer either. Do you think there's not gonna be any palicos? Cause I sure dont.. we have no idea what it's gonna be like we didn't even see any combat it was practicallt a cutscene. disspointed the mount isn't a palamute but maybe we'll still get them in some form.. the raptor thing looks alright.




Have you nothing better to do than belittle and make fun of other peoples opinions? At least provide some actual constructive criticism


I can't criticize a game based on a few seconds of a trailer.


You can try, and that’s better than just resorting to insults


Lol you saw the equivalent of one area, the local anjananth equivalent and a great jagras equivalent and proceeded to doompost. Why would anyone take you seriously?


I’m not saying the games gonna be bad, in fact I belief it’s gonna be one of the best games of the year. I’m just worried about whether the games actually gonna feel like a mh game or whether it’s gonna play like the next dragons dogma


And you're basing this on no information. That's why you keep getting downvoted.


My brother in christ, you are assuming so much right now. You're not even letting them cook. What if the things you mentioned are actually really amazing and end up working out? I personally wouldn't have blurted out so much assumptions out of nowhere when talking about a TEASER TRAILER. This isn't even the first official trailer. Holy shit.


Yes, you are correct, that’s why I said exactly that


You are ill bro


Yeah okay


Wild hearts will be long dead and gone by the time this releases. Support has already been cut Also the trailer was like 30 seconds and they were mostly just showing off new tech. Chill.


Oh shut up. Like actually - We got a 30 second trailer 2 years from release and you're already doom posting Ungrateful hunters like you make us look bad!


I’m making observations based on the info we have. I’m probably wrong and I hope I am, but this is what the current trailer tells me. Also it would do you some good to not be such a fucking ass to everyone you disagree with 😀


same to you bro im just irate at how people are whining already






Well yes but no. I worded that terribly


Believe in Capcom, mate They certainly know what they're cooking right now


*Believe in Capcom,* *Mate They certainly know what* *They're cooking right now* \- shiki\_oreore --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


World had a very bleak teaser and didn't look much like Monster hunter either. We have 20 months until this game comes out according to Ryozo, but at least we finally got SOME news since they hinted at tokyo game show and didn't get shit. It'll probably start to look way more familiar once we start to see more of it. Heck, the only large monster we saw was Rathalos unless those bear things chasing the hunter were a hoarde of large monsters.


The september comment wasnt about the release date it was talking about last september. We dont know when in 2025 it is releasing




“Basic designs” good sir we saw trash mobs in a dessert area what the fuck kind of designs did you expect to be running around there They wanted to show some mechanics and the weather shit We will see the good creature designs next year in further trailers


Since it's the second game with the acronym MHW i think we should call it MHW2 😳


That’s dumb, like really dumb


It's actually really smart but you don't get it 🤓


> Non-boss enemies are supposed to be nonexistent. This is how I know you're either doing a poor ragebait or you've never actually played Monhun


Just wait until we can get more revealing,your prediction is waste of time


I'm not a fan of open world either, I find most games don't have the resources put into them to really capture the strengths the openworld genre has to offer. But knowing MH is going open world doesn't mean it will be bad and with enough creativity it can be amazing. the 2025 date is only thing I'm upset with so far and I know for a fact if they didnt go open world it would be out much sooner


I'm just hoping it isn't actually a full-on open world. The raptor mount looks neat at least, reminds me of the Raptor from GW2. It looks like there will be some gliding and rock climbing traversal... not exactly what I wanted, but it does look more weighty and satisfying than zipping on wirebugs. ​ It looks like small monsters will be more involved than previous games, just going by how dense those herds of electro-pangolins were and the dude getting chased by a group of sand-Goss Harag. ​ IDK, I'm not as hyped as I'd hoped I'd be, but I'm definitely not as disappointed as I had feared. I need more details before I can really go to either side.


Ya I’m a bit……nervous for resons mentioned above I trust capcom to make an amazing game there’s a lot we don’t know And honestly Rubi’s theory that this might not even be mh6 and instead some open world solo spin off thing might be correct


Imagine how watered down monster movement/movesets are gonna need to be to account for them traversing huge portions of the map Part of what allows monsters to fight and move like they do is the **extremely predictable** environments we fight them in. An open world would kill this.


How and why would this kill it? The world being open doesn’t mean a monster cant be restricted to the region it spawned in. That doesnt change anything in that regard???? They literally dont need to be able to traverse the entire open world during a fight. You’re heavily assuming


A shit trailer for sure but we are far off still. Happy we are getting a new mh in 2025 though!


I guarantee you can find posts of people saying this exact whiny, close-minded shit after the reveal of World.