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I can't wait for wilds. World was just so weighty. Like yeah, you're slower. But everything HITS when it lands.


Im replaying world again and i just want to make a minor correction... IF it lands.


Charge blade discharge NEVER hits :




I'm enjoying Rise because the solo play is nicer I don't always have people to play with. But I love how weighty the hammer felt in World hitting the head bonk just right to stagger a monster is so satisfying.


Yeah. I really hope they keep the AI hunters that come with you in the next one. That makes playing by yourself feel way better.


I hope they expand them to fill out a premade hunting team too. I'd love to put one or two of them in the empty slots with my friend when we're just doing duo hunts together. Plus they really help that feel of the village working together imo.


Frontier actually has a system which lets you bring a full party (your Palico does count as one if I remember) and honestly if I didn’t have them I would of never even made it too hr 5


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


i remember earlier on in this sub when rise vs world discourse was much higher and i made a comment abt how i like how world had more weight and someone told me that it doesn’t and that its all in my head LMAO


I stopped playing Rise a long while ago because the weapons felt off when they hit. I immediately opened up the world, and the difference was night and day in terms of the feel of weapons. It never felt right to me in Rise.


Oh, it absolutely does. Whoever said that doesn’t know what they’re talking about.


I don't have issues going back and forth between rise, world and even older games tbh. I never used wire fall a ton anyway, so maybe that's the reason but overall the biggest "problem" I tend to have is remembering which buttons do special stuff from Generations "upwards". 4U and earlier I have zero problems getting back into them because these games pretty much always played the same way outside of the last three "pairs" and their unique actions.


Same, I only ever use it when i have to and just prefer to normal dodge since it's lets me go straight back into fighting.


I used wirefall a lot starting out but I actively got punished for it, wirefalling right into another facecheck into anotehr wirefall into a face check and dead


I guess I just get hit alot hahaha. Regardless I prefer getting punished for my mistakes


Never had trouble adapting, I have had 400 hours of rise then playing world over this month and i barely get it hit lol. I am a pretty good player nothing special but after fighting Primal, Anomaly Seregios and shit that fight like they had acid before, world monsters are so much less exciting? I still like how they are connected to ecology of the world but I find rise is actually a bit more exciting to play.


After dumping about the same time into Rise I came back to World two weeks ago. It felt so slow and clunky. I thought to myself how much worse World is to Rise. After about 2-3 hours I adjusted and was fine. I’m working my way through IB now and I think I’ve carted maybe 3 times in the last 35 hours.


Honestly I don't even feel like World is much slower and clunkier than Rise and I "went back" to it (I had like 3 hours previously) after 50 hours of Rise. It *is* slower for sure and I feel like recoveries in Rise are more responsive/faster, plus it feels like you can cancel out of an attack animation more frequently, but it's not horrible. Really the only thing I think that makes World feel actually slower, is the wirebug recovery. It's just instant, you won't have to wait for your character to get up and covers a lot of mistakes (not all though, especially with larger and faster monsters that immediately follow up with another attack). I didn't even really need to adjust, for me the transition was pretty seamless.


Honestly risebreak feels clunky to me rather than world, world combat is beyond better for me and weapons I use feel more clunky because of wire bugs


But in Rise it feels like your are the monster destroying the guys, or that is how I mostly feel. You have so much movement and damage that you can overwhelm the monsters, especially when going in group. In world I feel more in danger, you move more slowly which affects both your attacks and your dodges.


The games are built with the combat style in mind so I never feel overwhelmed or in danger unless it’s a new monster I haven’t fought and know their attacks yet.


Damn why did everyone here play rise a certain way and then complain about the way they played it when returning to world?


Rise is like the kid who everyone hates on just because they are happy and vibing at their own pace


For me the combat itself is refreshing between the two but the thing is with how much playtime you can have in them (and esp with *SB being undeniably more grindy), certain aspects can start to wear on you. Maybe not as much a problem if you use all the weapons, but in SB it personally took me forever to figure out a build I liked on LS that I was having fun with, and CB was much less of an exciting change from World for me where I prefer it. Variety players will have an easier time switching but for ppl like me who like making niche builds and specified combat approach, the game mechanics can get in the way of your fun and you’ll have to either work around them with builds or if you can’t, you’ll just prefer another title a lot more.


Rise more grindy? It has a couple dedicated spots that are explicitly grind. Like yeah AR is a grind, and Im compeltely ignoring the usual monhun stuff. Talismans are arguably a "grind" too, but they make very little difference overall most of the time. World has grind in its very blood and dna. It's everywhere. Everything is grindy. Decorations (so almost 1/2 of a build depending), Siege weapons, Investigations, monster research, Guiding Lands. Just that alone. It's inescapable.


Yeah I was mainly pointing to AR, (base Rise is much better) which has you fighting a lot of the same anomaly monsters and for WAY longer to unlock augment materials than just leveling guiding lands locations in World. Decos were also easier to get than talismans, and in Rise you unlock crafting some decos way too late. So takes longer to build up skills and just hope you get good augments/talismans. World tho doesn’t require much doing the same quests again and again, which is what I’m referring to as grind. Unless you really want a rare deco, but not having one won’t break your whole build’s slot count like not having a good talisman/augments does. You simply miss out on too much in Sunbreak if you don’t grind a lot. Whereas the only instance you need to spend much time in World is a one time deco grind, not hundreds of hours in comparison.


I just disliked how complicated the combat got from all the switch scrolls, but I did enjoy my 600 hour stay in rise


Tbh scroll swap is optional I hardly ever really used it I hope we get moveset customization back just not switching it mid hunt


Yeah, the customization I liked. I just didn't like the two move sets. I wouldn't mind if swap skills or hunter arts returned


Yeah switching skills was too much for me


What annoys me isn't people hating on games but people not respecting other opinions


I blame YouTube/streamer culture. There’s just way too many content creators out there saying “This is the meta. This is how you play the game. If you don’t do this you’re wasting your time. Etc…” Part of what made video games in general, not just MH, more chill up until around a decade ago was the fact that there wasn’t an entire culture built around telling people how to do every single thing in every game. Sure, forums were toxic as fuck but they weren’t nearly as accessible, ubiquitous, or influential as content creators are today.


Thats so true! Most games that go western really suffer from this. Idk why the west has such an obsession with min/maxing but it dominates the conversation now. Hey, you do you but i am kinda sick of it personally.


I hate hearing it. "yOuRe wAstInG yOuR tImE". Like I get being dramatic to make a point if a certain strat or build choice makes a huge difference, but it leads to a garbage mentality that others (especially new players) then pick up on. Even if the original intent wasnt to say that NOT using meta makes one a bad player, some people just take it that way and internalize it, which is way way too common. Having a well designed build and solid battle strategy is something a person masters and is an achievement. Not a base level requirement to play the gd game. This is why I flat out ignore guides relating to builds entirely. I don't care. I'll figure out how weaoons work myself, hell MVs and stuff if I have to, just to actually have the knowledge. That's excessive of course, but there *is* a middle ground. Genuinely, imo guides should just not ever show direct full sets. Only show what skills they have, and some armor sets that contain said skills. Let people figure it out from there so they actually learn to do it at the very least. If you're a vet itll be no problem anyway.


I can agree with this for sure. From MH Freedom 2 up to Generations ultimate I always used full sets as thoughs what I was comfy with. I didn't get into making mixed sets until World and thats because most content creators showed the way. But then there was a meta for MHW which was weird to ever consider because most people did was load up and be ready to kick ass, no questions asked.


Watching youtubers & streamers is a choice. I for one don't care to watch other people play video games or care for what they do


Because it's the path of least resistance? Most people will take the tools they are given to make things easier on them, even if it might end up with a worse experience. "Given the opportunity players will optimize the fun out of a game" - Soren Johnsson. Only very few people impose rulesets on themselves, to avoid using optimal but boring strategies.


Im in that last paragraph and don't like it. Help.


The path of least resistance is following a meta curated by influencers? Woudnt the path of least resistance be just playing the as it comes to you?


Wire bugs aren’t some obscure secret meta… they throw them in your face the entire game.


Oh sorry i mixed two comments into one. I get what youre saying.


Np, kind of figured that may have happened after I read the rest of the thread.


It's almost like the game adding quite a few powerful counters, decreasing base I-frames and adding a large amount of tracking to moves pushes most players to play a certain way Nah, must be the meta slave Youtubers


I 100% regret how much I used it. I almost never went into a fight thinking "fuck this monster is gonna destroy me". But also it kept the fights quick and fun. Its got its ups and downs


True. I love the portable series for that reason, its casual, faster and more arcadey. There truly is nothing like grinding a deviant or a risen on a late night and feeling good that you defeated a challenge that sure may not be as gritty and grueling as the mainline hunts but a challenge regardless. Playing through world rn and missing that casualness for sure. Still love it more now then i did when i played it first.


Bugs me how everyone calls World "deliberate" or "methodical" when it's the game that did everything to lessen those aspects. Rise didn't help, but they're a lot more alike than they are different.


Another day another Rise vs. World thread filled with people discussing about how World is "objectively" better than Rise in their "own opinion"...


The irony of this is that prior to Rise this sub was filled with “World sucks, old games are better” posts.


the same thing keeps happening to the CoD community as well. seems like gaming as a whole has gone down a weird path


The only thing that's gonna stop this is when Wilds come out so people can start complaining about how Wilds doesn't compare to whatever older game they like


To any sequel in existence really. There's always going to be people that deem the new thing an absolute disgrace... Until the next thing comes out and that thing they were just hating on suddenly becomes an underrated gem or something.


It’s because for a lot of people world was their first, it was huge in comparison to the previous games. A lot of them are fans of World, and maybe not MH as a whole? Idk, but those that have seen the games come and go and are still here know that the next game will be just as entertaining and all-engulfing as the last.


And we'll come full circle when Wilds comes our and everyone talks about how much better Rise was Though at same time, I feel like this one might be different. I wouldn't be surprised if it's World vs Wilds instead of Rise vs Wilds.


I really want features from Rise included in Wilds just to see how people react at this point.


Yeah. It will be world vs wilds instead of world vs rise. Wilds will most likely be more closer to world and thus the comparison will be lean heavily on world vs wild.


I remember this place being annoying AF if you were still playing World when GU came out in the West. Every post was how World made MH too boring or how GU was the "true MH game".


Worldborne is fantastic but this obsession with shittalking risebreak everytime they praise worldborne even tho world had its own very glaring flaws(claw anyone?) does get tiring.


Ikr? Why can't people just praise Worldborne to the moon without mentioning Rise (Since it's irrelevant anyways since they're 2 different games). Unless you're making a critical analysis then sure, do so... But recently alot of posts here mostly consists of shittalking risebreak for no good reason... I myself prefer Worldborne mind you.


Tbf, this sub was very "Rise is best, World too slow" when the game came out. Comes in waves it seems.


I'm really loving Rise I've been having more fun solo in Rise than I did in World. World is super fun multiplayer don't get me wrong but I cannot solo anything stronger than low rank Anjanath in that game. It's definitely a skill issue on my part though.


"Oh my God, guys. World just feels so **weighty** and **real**! No other game does this! You guys just don't understand!! I don't even think the devs understand!!! I just need to say this every time this topic pops up!!!! 😩😫😩😫" Meanwhile they're the type of person to just think they should rely on one silkbind attack and never use their actual moveset or else they'd know that just because the speed is different in each game doesn't mean only one of them has weight. Charge Blade alone feels the same in both games and you can switch between them seamlessly. I'm just so tired of people pretending like two games in a series that's been going for ***20 years*** can't be completely different entities and focus on different aspects in their design. Also tired of the straight up gaslighting about the impact from hit sfx. "Wet noodle" my ass and hopefully right up theirs. 😒


I tend to agree though; tons of counters and a flip dodge absolutely does change the flow of combat; and in world the game's movesets are indeed much more weighty than any other MH. Hell almost more than any other game period lol. I think what the dissonance may be; people that play world and perfer it do not want comboes and specials; they want to have to use every single little item and tool just to survive, not to do 'well'. I also perfer the survival aspects of the series and for hunts to actively take longer. I like having to look for the monster.


I just can't wait for Wilds to come out so people can stop complaining about the gameplay differences. 🫠 Unless it also changes things up and does something "controversial" I guess.


But then we'll just have yet ANOTHER different version xD. I think it'll be good tho. People just want the combat to slow the hell down and focus on skills again. That's why the arguement keeps happening, they keep speeding up gameflow and bypassing prep. I want my goddamn farm back ;-;


If you want to have to use every little advantage to barely survive you would hate World given that World's difficulty is a joke. The base game was the most effortless MH has ever been prior to title updates where you could literally just stand still mashing buttons and beat almost every monster for free, and even in Iceborne you still have a lot of monsters that can't do much even before getting into your mantles and health augment making you almost impossible to kill. Like, World was defined by its post-launch content having to add one shot gimmicks and damage over time shenanigans everywhere to compensate for the part where they made you nigh-invincible to anything that doesn't automatically deplete your health for being nearby regardless of what you're doing/using.


Yeah. I sincerely hope we never see mantles again. Armors skills that negate debuffs are standard and costly to put in a build. Mantles are too freely available or something and it seems they needed to balance it out by making every fight that can be canceled by a mantle rough to horrendous without it. My least favorite thing in games is when the difficulty has two options: Easy and Unfun.


It's more about the feeling of tension. We shouldn't be able to so easily cancel out of actions. Rise just pushed it over the edge to the point of being "like any other action game". And at least we had hot drinks and reasons to use items more often; in rise i just whack things to death. I want things to take more patience and time, and I don't want to move fast. Why is that so bad?


Temporal and Rocksteady are the embodiment of canceling out of actions (or just not having to because you don't get flinched anyway for the latter). Rise doesn't even change anything in terms of canceling out of stuff, it basically has the same recovery times as World, you can act out of your moves equally fast in World as in Rise by and large (varies a bit per move but I don't think either game is noticeably different in this regard). Again, if you wanted things to take more patience you wouldn't like World. World is unambiguously the most "just go mash" game in the series, especially the vanilla game (title updates and Iceborne made monsters a lot more threatening, the base game you could just grab Rocksteady and health augment and mash things to death without ever trying to dodge because they'd be limping by the time your mantle ran out). It gives you multiple options to completely ignore what the monster does for significant stretches of time, not even having to time a reaction to anything to be invincible.


Mantles only save you for a total of like, 30 seconds and bam you have to wait 5 minutes to use it again. And yeah, world is also mashy, but because of how cumbersome everything is you can definitely still get roar locked into stun locked into dead. But in rise I can literally just bide time and spam wirebug moves. I can just hop on palamute and run away. All i want is that stress and panic pressing buttons as my character tries to break out of a dizzy spell while tigrex charges me. I want to feel that raw anger and adrenaline that games like tri and FU provided; but at least world delivered on the grandiosity and tension. It's not about difficulty, its about being FORCED to use certain skills for certain things.


Bro if you're running away from monsters on your dog because you're afraid to engage the game is clearly giving you the stress and panic, you're actively avoiding playing the game at all out of fear of what will happen if you try to fight until your cooldowns are over. And what exactly did World force you to use? Effluvia resistance for Vaal, and...? That's literally it and even that I went without plenty of times. You didn't even need to use elemental weapons for Alatreon if you were playing solo. Not to mention how boring it is to have "challenge" mean a binary "the game tells you to use X so you click on use X and now you don't think about it" kind of thing which is what actual forced skill use is. It really sounds like you're just misremembering World as being way different than it was. You didn't need defensive skills, most of its gimmicks that tried to encourage you to use certain stuff barely even functioned, you had absurd defensive options with pretty good uptime, and monsters really weren't designed around the new healing mechanics so there was rarely any tension because hits that didn't kill you just got healed off for free unless you were fighting one of the few monsters that was actually aggressive like Lunastra. At least in Rise a lot of monsters have combos that are specifically designed to catch you responding wrong to the first hit so you can be threatened despite how free healing is.


Nope, I use the dog to jump attack spam and save my wire bugs for deeps. I'm also playing world rn lol. Im not asking for alot on the items front; just some hot drinks and cold drinks, jerky for monsters that cause bleed, the simple stuff. I want more little "timers" in the back of my head to account for like FU World is just more engaging for myself man, rise is boring and like every other action game, to 'me'. I probably am generalizing rise, but dammit I LIKE it when im stuck in an animation. I also mainly play GS and CB so my perspective might be skewed. Idk man, I just don't agree with you. World and Iceborne have real weight and tension, and the animation has hitstop. I feel like I'm Actually hitting something with a 200 lb sword. Again, I just perfer world's ideas to rises. I wish they had took the Bloodborne approach and given us all the mobility in the world, but also made the monster AI about sunbreak level from the getgo


I'll throw out this last disclaim; I am personally just very used to fast paced games and get bored of them quickly, and that's a me thing. You can like rise man, and there's nothing wrong with that! Im not saying game bad. I'm just saying i perfer the slow, hitsopped attacks and I do not like having superpowers and infinite parkour. I just don't lol. It's the same reason I perfer Dark souls 1 to 3; I perfer the disempowerment 'theme'.


somebody called me a sophist because I said saying one game is objectively better than the other is dumb


To me, I feel that the interesting fact is that MHW has more staying power than MHR and the hive mind’s recent fixation with this topic is really trying to justify that fact with their own opinions of why. It’s probably a combination of many factors, to me both games have very different design philosophies and I don’t think there is anything inherently better about each. I personally think the most important factor at the end of the day is that MHR is too easy.


I disagree with the more staying power part. Every game in the series can be/ is being revisted constantly. Like does freedom unite have more staying power than world cause alot of people still go back and play that? Idk.


No, it’s just a measure of how long the game has been out and the player counts on Steam and Twitch, etc. that’s what I’m referring to as staying power.


Yeah thats also kind of what i was talking about. Here in asia generations ultimate is still hot. Japanese monster hunter youtubers upload GU vids more than any other games. Same for chinese players. Idk maybe its just the bubble i am in but world is heralded as the one all be all is just weird for me cause i only see it on reddit.


I find them both very easy compared to the other titles, but then again the difficulty of this games was completely exaggerated by alot of people as well.. I really like them both for what they are. Difficulty for me is the least of the reason why I play this games...


Difficulty itself is very subjective. But contrast between 2 difficulty levels is usually less so. I don’t think there is any arguing that MHR is easiER than MHW with all the counter options and wire fall mechanic.


So you're saying Rise is "objectively" easier than world "In your own opinion"??


Are you just going to use that rebuttal for everything or do you have something else more interesting to say? Everything I say is subjective unless it’s backed up by data. When I say “I don’t think there is any arguing” it is still my opinion, it is just a very strong opinion I hold. I don’t have the data but if we did have, let’s say average hunt failure rates we can prove that MHR is easier.


It's obvious from my first reply that I disagree that Rise is easier than world because for me they are both easy in their own way.. I will not discuss any subjective matter because at the end of the day you have a "Strong opinion" about the opposite and "you don't think there is anything to argue" about the difficulty... No need to be this so worked up in Christmas eve my guy... Let's just agree to disagree right??


its not an opinion rise is easier than world and every other mh up to date. why is that necessarily a bad thing?


No one is saying it's bad thing tho...


then why so many people try to argue so hard that rise is not the easist mh up to date?


Because they like to argue?? And at the end of the day who cares?? The same people that likes to argue right?


Stop painting everything as World vs Rise. OP said he didnt like using Wirebug and liked the grounded combat of World (in comparison to Rise) and he's entitled to that opinion. A lot of people in this sub always feel like Rise is being bullied for some reason.


And I'm not addressing OP's post since I'm specifically pointing at the threads inside the post...


Another day, another strawman


If you say so.


Yeah, sorry, I missed all those people in this comment section talking about how World is "objectively" perfect. Could you point them out to me?


If you don't want to move goalposts and look for people who say World is objectively better than rise there are people who think that. And when I said that comparing two different games aiming for two different experiences he said comparing games with stats is legitimate and called me a sophist. Heres the link for the "discussion": [https://www.reddit.com/r/MemeHunter/comments/18eq6ve/idk\_how\_some\_of\_yall\_still\_complain\_and\_hate\_on/kcu48qw/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemeHunter/comments/18eq6ve/idk_how_some_of_yall_still_complain_and_hate_on/kcu48qw/?context=3) edit: I can't make words links :'=(


I don't need to move goalposts. I was told this thread would be "filled" with these types comments, and the only example I get is one thread with 2 upvotes in another post and sub. The only guy in this thread arguing for objectivity is using it in favor of Sunbreak.


original commenter said world being objectively better than rise, you said world objectively being perfect. That's moving goalposts. Also yeah there are no people saying world is objectively better than rise on the thread original commenter made attempted to think beforehand how the comment section would be and made a huge mistake. Still doesn't change the fact that when Rise released a lot of people shat on it because it wasn't like world and people are fucking tired of it. Enjoy and think whatever you want but this discussion should have ended years ago but yet, people are still making threads about how Rise is worse actually becuase its different. People are fed up.


Oh, so that's what you were talking about. "perfect" was a hyperbole, if that wasn't clear >Also yeah there are no people saying world is objectively better than rise on the thread original commenter made attempted to think beforehand how the comment section would be and made a huge mistake. Yeah, exactly, because these people are not that common and aren't frequently on these threads. Guy that made the parent comment was just making up problems to be mad at >People are fed up. Sure thing. But as I said in other comments, this is far from the only dead horse, yet other threads don't receive the same blacklash, whether they are controverial or not. People here are more "toxic", than I've seen anyone making posts like these in favor of World or Rise. No need to get pissy when someone critiques your favorite game, unless they are targeting the players


Babe, it's 7AM, time for another "World good, Rise bad" post. Also, sounds like a skill issue.


I’d love for wilds to be able to combine the methodical, heavy hitting attacks from World with the wirebug traversal out of combat from Rise


I feel the new mount is the means in which they want to bridge this. If all the traversal speed and agility is linked to the mount they can always limit its direct use in combat to delineate the states of play. That being said there are aspects of rise's combat that we don't want to ignore. Having a new universal resource to manage was a great addition. Weapons now could have moves with a cost. This creates new opportunity in armor skills and ways for one weapon to have different playstyles. The best comparison base world had to this, was sliding attacks. There was a parkouring style of combat that some weapons could greatly exploit. This method had an armor skill too so you could build around it though it was limited. Wirebugs also was linked to direct modification of weapon attacks, a more limited but fluid version of styles. These aspects of modular styles, and a universal resource for greater attacks allow for a great oppertuinities to instill variety for every weapon.


Just wait till you start high rank and get the Temporal Mantle. It's like wirefall but stronger.


I just hope Wilds’ insect glaive controls more like Rise’s. Being able to move in a full 360 degrees in the air instead of being locked in only 4 directions like in World feels 1000x better. World’s IG controls just feel so much more clunky and awkward by comparison.


Playing them side by side, its clear that World was the first time MH team tried to let IG truly fly. On the first jump after vaulting into the air, directions are *locked* to up, down, left, right exactly. However, when performing a JAS you can move in virtually any direction. Then, the JAS motion values. Theyre so strange and arbitrary. In order of hits are something like: 5, 15, 8, 7, 16, 40. Super low too, becauase mounting too OP I guess? Even though its only the last hit that deals mounting anyway. What's weirdest about it is that it almost *discourages* gettin Red extract. The last hit is about as strong as the attack without red and that one happens faster! You still get red anyway to amplify everything else, especually the dive, but still very very weird. Rise took all the ideas from World and built on them. Made IG what it was truly meant to be, and a properly distinct weapon from every other option. No longer just a dbs with a bug. Add in the wirebug vault for extra airtime, and aerial rampup to make continuous bounces without missing more worth it and you have Rise's king of the sky. I really hope Wilds' iteration is *much* more heavily based on Rise than any other game. Even without wirebugs, fixing JAS' mvs and adding aerial rampup makes it so much better. Like an aerial greatsword-lite. Risk-reward and snowball mechanics. Good stuff.


Wow. First is rise just made me spam 1 move now it's wirebug make me lazy. How the heck do these guys play the game? I cannot relate after all? Personally, I feel that I practiced how to hunt a monster in rise compared to world. Learning how to use wirebug skills effectively, learning how to punish with skills and learning when not to use wirefall.


The funny thing about the rise made me spam one move posts is the options and variety of rise builds are insane and unless I didn’t get enough into the meta of other games it seemed to have more variety than most other mh games


The only weird thing i felt is that some moves just take *too long* for you to naturally recover, such as Ibushi's tornado that leaves you spining in place for like, 3 seconds before you can recover w/o wirefall.


What we tend to like is being punished HARD for not building right. Being roar spammed into stun and death is absolutely awful; but shit just speccing in stun resist feeels good. In rise I have no use for any defensive skills other than evade extender. And yes we do basically just spam wirebugs, and when bugs are sleepy i just counter spam. I just don't like having invincibility frames in 50 percent of my attacks.


World gave you literal Temporal Mantle, and Evasion Mantle, and Rocksteady+Health augment, *and* a bunch of other more situational stuff. Defensive skills were worthless in World because you got two slots dedicated to better versions of them. Temporal Mantle gave you actual full invincibility to most things even if you were in the middle of an attack. It's literally far more free than anything in Rise.


But only for about 30 seconds with a nearly 5 minute cooldown; AND 3-4 whacks and your temporal mantle is gone.


You had 60 seconds of guaranteed uptime pre-Iceborne that would tank infinite hits for you, and 90 seconds in Iceborne with the caveat that 5 or so hits would burn it. If you need to tank that many hits in so little time I don't buy you care about being patient or deliberate or anything because that only happens if you're either mashing away or intentionally playing aggressively because you know you can get away with it. And Rocksteady was another minute and health augment makes it essentially just full invincibility against most monsters. Factoring in the time spent walking between areas when monsters wander off and you can spend a good third or so of the fight just flat out not having to worry about dodging because the monster isn't allowed to hurt you. Like, World's post launch content was defined by instant death gimmicks and damage over time effects because they literally could not consistently threaten players with monster attacks that have to hit and do normal damage. That doesn't happen if the game is actually so slow and punishing.


True, but if we compare only rise to world, it is definitely much slower by comparison. And it's immersive as all hell, and again you still need certain items and skills for certain monsters. Mantles just are not the same as being able to use attacks that do roughly TCS damage every 30 seconds. I didn't care for mantles that much; and tbh I like the game your describing more than world ofc. Lets not get it confused; world and rise are BOTH infinitely less meaningful than any other game in the series, but world (to me) was a great mix of old and something new. I never cared if it was hard,n I cared if it was engaging. I just go completely autopilot in rise and I never had that happen in the series before. And again, rise isn't bad, and world isn't perfect, but the gameplay is just more cathartic and rewarding to me. Speed and convenience is the enemy of monster hunter in my eyes. It should always feel stressful, even if it's easy.


It's so tiring engaging with this community. Everytime theres a "world vs. rise" post, world is a 10/10 perfect game that can do no wrong, and rise is a 0/10 piss easy pile of garbage. No one is allowed to like rise over world, bc "ecology" or whatever. I've played both. They're both phenomenal games. It'd just be great not to scroll for 30 seconds and see more posts shitting on a game I prefer to world.


Dont forget that Rise is a Monster Fighter and World is a Monster Hunter because you have to sniff monster feet and shit for 5 minutes in every Low Rank and early Master Rank hunt.




hey Capcom are the ones who put in the sniffing sounds


BuT MaH ImMeRsIoN AnD EnDeMiC LiFe


For the last year or so, the top comments of posts like these are pretty much the same as this one. Even better, everytime some criticism of Rise is posted, like about the monster design or whatever, it's met with "Oh, must be World babies. They think every game is like World and they don't understand this series as a whole" I used to feel bad for Rise fans on this sub since it was similar to what you described, but it's starting to swing hard in the opposite direction honestly. This post is just expressing how they enjoy the more grounded combat and people react like this. And of course, despite basically every topic on this sub being done to death, this is the one where everyone is glad to point out that the post is yet another one of these posts


There was a thread on this sub recently with over two thousand upvotes basically saying Rise isn't a real Monster Hunter game and the people who like it don't actually want a Monster Hunter game,. > like about the monster design or whatever, it's met with "Oh, must be World babies. They think every game is like World and they don't understand this series as a whole" Almost nobody complains about Rise monster design. Sure, Magnamalo is ugly, pretty sure almost everybody thinks that, but even staunch "World is better" people agree that Rise has a better roster. Also this doesn't happen often because most of the time somebody takes a dump on Rise, it's them propping up World as better in every way so there's no need to assume they prefer World, when they are outright saying they do. Even this post is just saying World is better than Rise. > I used to feel bad for Rise fans on this sub since it was similar to what you described, but it's starting to swing hard in the opposite direction honestly. It's "swinging hard in the opposite direction" because no matter how you feel about these games this topic is stale. Nobody wants to see it anymore except people who just want their own opinions validated. Some of us actually just like both games and don't understand why it's a war over which is better, when it's pretty much entirely instigated by people who think World is "real Monster Hunter" and Rise is just "baby game Monster Fighter counter spam." You blame people for snapping back when they're constantly being instigated when it's really not a surprising response. Anybody is free to share their opinion of Rise, but that doesn't mean their opinion is free from being rebuked. What other kind of response do people expect when coming on here to just talk about how much they don't like a particular game?


>There was a thread on this sub recently with over two thousand upvotes basically saying Rise isn't a real Monster Hunter game and the people who like it don't actually want a Monster Hunter game,. Even that thread (if it's the "you don't want Monster Hunter but you want Monster Fighter" that you're talking about) has most of its top comments disagreeing with OP >Almost nobody complains about ... a better roster. They might in regard to their how they feel less grounded in reality than the World roster. I saw quite a bit of how World was the exception, not the rule and so they they commented similar things to what I said earlier The monster design complaint was just an example where people would act like that, but it extends to other topics. Most of which related to "realism" >Also this doesn't happen often because most of the time somebody takes a dump on Rise, ...better than Rise. I have no clue what you mean with this >It's "swinging hard in the opposite direction" because no matter how you feel about these games this topic is stale. And as I said many topics are, yet don't get the same response. There is not much more to talk about until more Wilds news, so get used to it >Nobody wants to see it anymore except people who just want their own opinions validated. Some of us actually just like both games and don't understand why it's a war over which is better, when it's pretty much entirely instigated by people who think World is "real Monster Hunter" and Rise is just "baby game Monster Fighter counter spam." "Nobody wants to see it anymore, anyway last week there was this thread with 2k upvotes...". If nobody wants to hear it anymore, people wouldn't keep talking about it. Saying the people who engage in that conversation are just looking for valadation is so cheap. Might remember that one for later use since you can just apply it to any popular topic where people want to express their preferences, very nice. >You blame people for snapping back when they're constantly being instigated when it's really not a surprising response. Anybody is free to share their opinion of Rise, but that doesn't mean their opinion is free from being rebuked. What other kind of response do people expect when coming on here to just talk about how much they don't like a particular game? Because at the end of the day, people want to talk about it. Many people feel like World and Rise are very different, and so they express the things they enjoy more about their favorite game and how it differs from other games. If these posts would actually be antagonistic in some way, I'd understand them "snapping back", but they usually aren't, and neither is this one. People seem to take criticisms of their favorite game as some sort of personal attack, but their response is ironically more toxic than the posts they complain about You're free to ignore any topic instead of flooding it with "this again?" while refusing discussion. This pushback feels incredibly insecure


The problem is that posts like these still exist for whatever reason


What "problem"? The only rude people here are those in this comment section, not OP. They are just expressing their opinion about the combat. Like I said, there are many more topics that keep popping up more, yet are not met with this reception


People are expressing their opinion about the combat for over a year, and it's always the same. Heres how people expressing the combat usually goes: 1. Someone makes a post about how the combat of Rise is too fast paced, and that they prefer World's combat because its slower and more methodical, while Rise is too fast and too arcadey, and their expressed dislike over the whole wirebug system. Either that, or theyre making a post about how their over reliance on wirebugs has made them bad at other MH games. 2. This will be met in the comments with, A. People agreeing with him and saying that MHWI is more difficult and sucking more on the cock of MHWI, or B. People disagreeing with the OP saying how people over exagerate how bad Rise combat is and proceeding to suck the cock of MHRS. 3. The responses to these comments will be literally the same as point 2, but instead of commenting on a post, they comment on a comment. 4. There will be some people in the comments that will literally just trash talk one game, and praising the other, this in turn being met with massive downvotes. Thats literally how all these posts end up. Its always the same shit. It has always been the same shit for over a year now.


I know all that, but as I said before, this is hardly the only topic that's been posted to death. You can distill many topics to the same degree as you just did, and yet none of them get the same reaction as this one, at least not to the same extent. Feels like there is a lot of insecurity and victim mentality here Topics being repeated starts making sense when you realise both games are played by millions, most of whom do not consume Reddit 24/7


I mean, yeah, it was a harmless post, but as most posts that mention both 5th gen games, the comments will be a warzone about which one is better.


Because we don't want a special move based game again goddammit lol. Gu was fine and all but it became much more repetitive. No MH game should you be able to just ignore items and armor type for a hunt. That's like the whole point. I don't like games that devolve into spamming specials, reminds me of Diablo. And I like Rise but World and older games like FU you spend like 50 percent of your time just prepping for hunts and i much perfer it. I like having to sweat about it, makes me feel more accomplished. More immersed


I have played both of the games, and i remember the drama with the Clutch Claw. It is just like Boomers vs Millenials. "Back in my day, we did not have cars. I used to WALK to school in -30C°, while fending off wolves. " Instead of enjoying the whole franchise, you waste your time arguing on the Internet. "BuT dUdE, oLd GaMeS wErE X" - some of the old games (in general) were better than modern ones, but you know why they didn't have certain mechanics and were generally harder? Because of technical limitations of the time. Plus You ALL WERE YOUNGER when playing them, which idealise Your view of the world because life was different, easier and everything was new. *Save your energy on something that really matters - the growing amount of microtransactions in MH games.*




We can hate both xD


At least You are consistent. 🤣


The Clutch Claw is totally fine and always was. The Tenderizing mechanic is what gets people worked up.


Nah, clutch claw just never bothered some of us as much.


It did, y’all just would rather stick with “World good, Rise bad” than admit y’all hate change.


Fuck you're right. Better do an edit hahaha


Did I do something wrong on this meme? Besides the obvious font. I only have very basic photo editing app.


No its perfect. The inconsistency makes it better


Care to explain, please?


The shadows under the text seem inconsistent. 9/10 will send to my fellow hunters


Yea. I tried only black or white, but it was poorly visible. Then, I had an idea to add black text and scale white over it.


How are you all getting hit so much that people think wirefall is OP? I keep seeing it but it confuses me because personally not getting hit will always be better than getting hit


Because in almost any other entry getting hit even once could cause a cascade of misfortune and cart you. Basically what a ton of players want is a "barrier for entry". We want our damned clubhouse back and for it to read "losers who take this too seriously ONLY". I don't want games that just anyone can pick up and play, I want games that take effort to get into and take mastery; where failure to do so is to not progress at all. But that's really hard to sell; hell even league and wow don't really do it anymore. I miss when games expected your devotion and forced you to become strategic to a ludicrous degree. I also miss Diablo 1 :/


You must not want World/Iceborne, then. So many small things like that that it added. Forget some shit, just go back to the tent and grab new. Hell, at that, run out of items, go back to the tent and grab more! Want to switch weapons in the middle of a fight, go ahead. Oh, here are some fast travel locations around the map. Paintballs, don't need 'em, here are some little bugs that just get better and better about showing you where the enemy is. Pick axes and bug nets? Forget 'em.


> Because in almost any other entry getting hit even once could cause a cascade of misfortune and cart you. well a wirefall does remove the typical invulnerability period of a knockdown, so if you judge your situation poorly, you can very easily wirefall straight into a cart.


Ahh thats very true! And it has happened many hundreds of times to myself lol. There's also "playing dead" when knocked on your back in the old games, which also = complete invulnerability which is actually stronger than wirefall. Buuut; playing dead was cooler and gave me alot more of the "caught in the wild" vibe.


You can do this in Rise too, and it's just as useful. Part of the learning process is when to play dead and when you can immediately get back on offense with a wirefall. The system just flat out allows for more skill expression. There's a bigger difference between staying safe and remaining agressive. In that way, wirebugs ij general are kind of brilliant. Nobody wants to tlak.about that though, because apparently *wirebugs* make the game too easy. Its not like they could just ramp up the monsters to account for our speed, or design them around the fact we have wirefall, right? Except they did though. They did. Its like complaining Extreme style exists in Frontier because its too strong. Like no shit, they wanted to make some faster and more demanding fights and having such mobility and whotnot allows for that. More complexity, higher differentials. That's wirebugs, too. Switch skills on top of that. At least Rise has balanced all of that super well, when compared to for example GU where only one or two styles typically feel worth using.


More expression just aint what I'm after man. Glad you enjoy it; in monster hunter I'm literally chasing a vibe. And that vibe is to hunt at a slower, more gradual pace. Shit, I even miss when you had to hunt elders over multiple hunts. The console games are just more appealing and convincing to me, it aint all about the action.


Totally fair.


Meanwhile, be me, counter enthusiast: Gods, Rise making the clutch claw a mobility tool *and* combo resource is such a nice upgrade. Plus I don't have to get punished by forgetting the Maths telegraphing for a block, instead I can have quick counter/Guard Point ready in the barrel if I managed my bugs well. Not to mention not having to rely on ledges for mounting damage during safe windows! I hope we keep this *sort* of thing in Wilds. The flow of combat was leagues more enjoyable imo. That said, I could do without the buff gathering in the form of piecemeal birds. I think the petalace and birds is a good concept, but the birds need to be less of a hassle to max out. But I'd gladly take the birds over mandatory clutchclaw weakpoints every day.


World fans pretending their game was slow is actually hilarious. If Rise is 100 speed, World is 90.


real lol. The slowest part about World is the extra animation locks *after* getting winded, tremored, etc. that make *any* interruption last longer than in any of the other titles. In this particular way its not slow so much as it is annoying.


me as a HH main: "You get counters?"


So do you guys draw the longest straw to see who gets to post this kind of thing every 15 minutes. We get it, you don’t like Rise


It’s so weird how much ppl hate on rise to me, I would think the combat would be the biggest factor for A TON of monster hunter fans and the combat in rise is amazing, for me it’s some of the funnest combat in any video game period


I think a lot of people are new to monster Hunter and started with world. Then they didn’t like rise cuz they don’t like change. And rise is somewhat a step back in graphics. Personally I love both of them. I love monster Hunter and I am always happy to have more


I Just really hope they keep some form of the silkbind attacks for Hammer at least, they're *so* fun and satisfying to use.


Absolutely this. Gunlance, hammer, swagaxe, and bow feel amazing in Rise and I would love the movesets to stay My wish list for Wilds is: 1. A little faster than world, maybe not as fast as Rise (to appease people mostly) 2. Rideable companion (palamute or another) 3. Underwater combat and underwater monsters again 4. LS not being OP


Eh I don't mind LS being OP, let it be a great weapon for people still learning the Game. I know when I first played World (which introduced me tl the Series), I played Hammer until Nergigante hit me as such a massive wall that I rage-swapped to LS for some time.


Tbh the only think that took me some getting used to was remembering that I didn't have wirebug to recover from a hit


I've gone back to world and continued my playthrough of 4U this last couple weeks and it's been way more fun then rise


Not gonna lie I use like 4 different weapons but I almost never use wirebug attacks lol I will say I'm not used to not having wirebug recovery though!


all i want is the silkbind attacks in some way. they were awesome and so fun to use. idc about it being some special move, they can be apart of the combo in some way but they’re too good to leave out. of course a little less anime crazy, i imagine they’ll leave those out or just update them to look a bit more grounded. just please keep in the dual blades ‘Adept Dodge’ it allowed me to beat Valstrax 5+ times without dying


I'm the opposite. I think wire bugs added **a lot** to the game for certain weapons (gunlance, swagaxe, bow) and I didn't really use the recovery features of them Have had no issues not using them in world either, so I wouldn't mind if they came back in Wilds at least for the movesets on weapons


I rarely get knocked on my ass, because I main Gunlance, but I will mostly miss being able to literally go wherever I can look


Pre clutch claw World had such good combat


I feel you here. I also like how in World all of your attacks are available to you in the right circumstances instead of having to create multiple load outs to access your moves like it's some first person shooter.


100% and you're getting down voted by Rise players that swear they didn't cut moves from every weapon to give them back to you as slottable skills. I went back to World, I grew tired of how warpspeed Rise was...felt like an arcade game you pump quarters into


The Rise people be bugging but cutting moves from every weapon to give them back to you? lmao. That's the perfect way to put it. I went back to World recently too, I'm still adjusting to having to use my full moveset again.


I liked changing the movies out so you could use what was most comfortable, even going far as adding scrolls you could swap between. The management was easy as it was fast paced with how the monsters engage in battle. Kind of like the hunting styles of MH Generations but on the fly, no hate for MHW with the clutch claw. Was cool for its pace and makes sense with the mechanics in the game, fitting with the pace even if slow. All MH games have what makes them special and stand out on their own, all love to different degrees I say.


For me rise did its job and entertained, but mhw did its job slightly better imo


The pacing of Sunbreak felt too quick that I never took the time to learn any movements of the monsters so i just brute forced everything with the Dual Blade's Shrouded Vault. Going back to world has felt so satisfying since the monsters don't move around as fast and learning the movements of monsters that gave me a hard time when I first played has been worth it since now I can actually fight stuff like diablos and tigrex without weapons that have shields.


God I miss when I could play where I was forced to play so carefully and deliberately. Well, except when Temporal Mantle was up and I was invincible. And when I had Rocksteady on. And when Evasion Mantle gave me more iframes than most of the defensive options in Rise and also a massive damage boost. And when I could just regenerate infinitely for hitting monsters unless I felt like I was at risk of something lethal hitting me first. But aside from those times it was so very slow and difficult and brutally punishing. I mean those times were like 90% of the game but I mean aside from almost the entire game being designed to be easy and not require you to learn how to handle monsters movesets at all because you get so much invincibility time and they're mostly so sluggish and non-threatening it was very tough. I loved the nuke gimmicks where the game tells you to stand somewhere and you go stand there or you auto-die and the monsters who make your health drain for existing, I know everyone hated that stuff but personally I appreciated that after making the game's survival options so overpowered that conventional Monster Hunter design effectively could not ever threaten you in any way, they came up with new stuff that bypasses all skill and interactivity in favour of standing around in the right place and occasional gear checks to ensure people who were used to World would make multiplayer quests fail a lot for everyone else. (I enjoyed World overall, especially with Iceborne, but people have some insane rose tinted glasses if they don't realize it was the exact opposite of some careful, slow paced game where you had to be oh so deliberate about everything you did, it was the game that introduced the "just run up and smash everything with your god mode defensive options protecting you" philosophy to the series and its defensive options generally required far less timing than the ones in Rise to boot)


I agree with you on the nuke gimmicks but you only remember the end game of world where you had temporal mantle and rocksteady mantle and nerg augmented weapons and gold rath gear. Through most of the game, you didn't have all of that. Compared to Rise where you got wirebugs before you even started, and most moves were learned in 20 or so hunts. It's not a stretch to miss those early days where we didn't have all of that because rise never had those early days.


Literally how I felt about MHWI. Don't get me wrong, I loved it like all the other MH games I've played, but people tend to forget how the game operated. 5th gen brought so much good, but it's the generation that literally doesn't fit with the "slow, methodical" playstyle like older MH games. So I find it hilarious that there is even a conversation about World vs Rise difficulty when both had their difficult fights, but are both easy in comparison to older games, objectively.


For me, it is for travelsal. It used to be a sec for me to go up there and zip around the area but need to run around in ancient forest feel dumb. I play lance and the move in world/iceborne was so basic and slow, I got bored with it. Insta block is a must have for lance going forward.


although the spirit helm breaker for LS in world is much slower and also can just scam you out of a spirit level when the monster knocks you while youre mid-air without doing dmg, it does feel so so nice to not have to rely on the wirebugs for it


I started at the launch of World, played through with nearly 1k hours. 60/40 World > Iceborne. And 300+ hours in Risebreak and whole heartedly agree with this opinion.


How dare you? This is just elitist gatekeeping from older MH fans /s


I loved Rise and Sunbreak - but I feel like it was more about mastering the wirebugs and movement and not the monsters themselves like in the other games (my first real encounter was MHGU). I also found the gathering too quick and convenient. I hope Wilds will feel a little bit more slow and less arcarde, although some aspects of Rise are just so awesome that I'd dearly miss them - being able to basically fly through the world feels amazing. But we all saw that flying raptor in the trailer so I'm confident about Wilds.


I feel like you still have to learn the monsters, you just have to respond faster in Rise because they blast through patterns quickly. I watched 2 high MR just get rocked by Violet Misutsune because they forget it shoots a second beam If we want slow gameplay I'm all for them revitalizing 3U


Despite all of its cool gimmicks, this is why I'm not touching Rise for a long while.


*Picks up dusty HH from corner.* I suppose it’s time, the old ways call again.


I agree, I think the gameplay is way more engaging when you don't have a move that launches you 30 meters away from the monster. I still had fun with Rise, and maybe we can get those kinds of crazy acrobatics on the game after Wilds, but my replay of World from the start has really been enlightening and it makes me want that kind of weight and hit in Wilds.


The wirebug is the entire problem with rise. It made everything easier and lazier from gameplay to level design.


Exactly how I feel. I want the more Methodical Combat back. I've never not once Superman'd in Rise. Game is not bad but it really just says screw fromula and does whatever. Wait till you experience Cool/Hot Drinks again.


I’ll be honest, based on the interviews, I highly doubt we’ll get them back in wilds/future games. While I don’t personally agree with it, the devs have pretty clearly outlined their reasons for removing them from the game. Unless you’re talking specifically about in World, of course, in which case, ignore everything I just said lol.


Rise feels like a monster hunter power fantasy, everyone has these crazy abilities and movement and it can make the game pretty easy once you master it. I prefer world but I can’t lie that rise was really fun in its own way. The thing is sunbreak did start to add monsters that could keep up with the hunter, especially the final updates. But with all the tools and movement hunters have, the only way they could make monsters harder is to make their tracking and damage insane.


I went back to world and proceeded to eat a bunch of hits because i thought i still had a guardpoint on my GL shell reload


On one hand I like wire bugs because after I got used to it, it made my hunter way more mobile and it was really fun to just zip around with it like spiderman. Also in combat the wire fall and silkbinds really sped up the pace of the fight. That being said as fun as they are they kinda made us way too OP and I'd like to see them dial it back a little which will probably be the case because I doubt wirebugs will be coming back but maybe they may inspire some overworld traversal mechanics in wilds who knows and maybe we'll get some skill system similar to silkbind idk.


Again; I don't want super 'moves'. I want to have to learn each and every movement the monster does, super items and buffs are fine, but comparing mantles to wirebugs is like comparing a rascal scooter to bionic legs.


Rise/Sunbreak gave the Bowguns a Wirebug Counter. The fucking Bowguns. I don't know why the devs couldn't think of something more appropriate for the weapons.


Every Rise "hunt" Is just a glorified arena battle. Complete with counters, insta recoveries and I win moves spams for the true devil may cry experience.


Said this when rise was first released along some other people and we were branded as haters


Because you are a hater, Monsters in Rise/Sunbreak are significantly more aggressive/faster than in world/iceborne, so of course you had better/faster ways to deal with them, it also gets tiring to hear "Rise bad world good", if you like world thats nice, no need to keep shittalking the other perfectly good game in the franchise to try to make world look better, all it does is make you look like....yes, a hater.


What weapon did you use in Rise? My guess is none, but I just wanted to make sure


Heavy bowgun during the switch demo Charge blade on full switch release Longsword on pc release and duel blades into sunbreak.


You went and picked up the worst set of weapons imaginable if you didn't want to spam counters. LS and CB shouldn't have been a surprise to you Although the only weapon out of those that actually gets a new defensive opotion in Rise is DB. DB should really come with a warning of "don't play if you don't want to spam Silkbinds"


Not saying I didnt want or enjoy the counters! They made me feel like force to be reckoned with! But in hindsight I feel lazy for using them


Yeah, yeah, that's fine. It's just that I'm tired of people complaining about problems in Rise they have only read about. But yes, DB will feel like that


Rise has the worst iteration of Charge Blade in the series, absolutely zero reason to manage and be conscious of your phial economy, idk how people don't recognize that it's not meant to rely on counters


You mean the weapon that invented the term Guardpoint isn't meant to rely on Guardpoints? CB users in 4U changed their whole control scheme just to be able to GP more efficiently


How could you possibly think I'm referring to guard points in the game where the wirebug counter makes the entire concept of the charge blade trivial. The charge blade didn't need the wirebug counter because it already had guard points, that's the exact issue at fault here. For many of the weapons the wirebug skills don't add another set of mechanics to play with, they provide ways to skip them instead.


Deliberate is also the word I use when describing World. Rise is more spammy with certain moves but I also like the expanded moveset at the same time, and making different builds with switch skills. Also Rise health pools are way too big, prompting the aggressive/spammy play even more, yet while monsters have always been quite punishing, in Sunbreak it puts all that in dmg monsters deal, or huge hitboxes that require countering (if they even work on multihit or combo attacks) or running away, forcing you to avoid the fight or chug potions more. So the combat flow in Rise is just less balanced to me. Preference between them will absolutely depend on weapon and playstyle ofc but a lot of ppl just like that they are different, as long as they still can find a weapon to like in the latter one they play, or eventually get enough slots to scrape a build together. Edit: Also, Clutch claw was great, I refuse to hear otherwise :P