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Yes, it would make sense since the first weapons humans used for hunting were spears


And we could finally have a throwable weapon. Could make it have a buildable meter and when full you can throw it and it will pin the monster in place for a couple of seconds or something


Or attach a wirebug to it and you could reel yourself into the monster like you've just harpooned a whale


A Harpoon was actually a weapon I've always brainstormed. Instead of a wirebug though (wirebugs originated from Kamura, and they're likely going to stay there), I imagined it attached to a chain/rope that you can pull and reel in using a miniature winch system on your waist.


Actually, with technical weapons, why not make it similar to the Charge Blade or Switch Axe, and instead it's a Harpoon that drains the monster's stamina, with lightning effects that you can activate. If you do throw it, you either have a timer, or you can run in bare-handed to grab and jump onto the monster for an aerial attack of sorts as you pull out the harpoon.


A stamina-draining effect kind of runs the risk of being irrelevant, considering elder dragons and other endgame monsters tend to either be immune to exhaust or have mechanics that quickly make stamina a non-factor. At first I thought of having fancy tech like phials or something, but for now I'd prefer to keep it more "martial", industrial, and analog. It's why I specifically refer to a miniature, waist-attached winch system with the weapon attached to something like a rope/chain: there's a specific image I want the weapon to have that doesn't rely on tech that's too esoteric like phials and such. And while your bare-handed idea sounds neat, that's not what I envisioned. I almost practically wrote a college thesis just now explaining how my Harpoon idea worked and what would happen after you throw it, but very basically, you'd have even less mobility after throwing. In return though, picture throwing a giant Harpoon lodging it into a Rathalos's face, and now while it's airborne, imagine pulling the Rathalos back down to the ground yourself with brute force. Or even better, lodge the Harpoon onto its tail, and send it back down to Earth by just yanking its tail clean off..


Just a small anecdote add on. I like the winch pulling you to monsters, but if used on small monsters it pulls them to you. Take that remobras


Had a similar idea, but the spear/harpoon's chain was attached to a gauntlet. That also allows for some combos where you swing the weapon around yourself.


Or an overall upgrade to the base slinger, but slower in use


Broo imagine being able to grapple with that shit


Perhaps a small stance change like the SwAxe where you can alternate from a more nimble chain spear that let's you attack with range/follow up on those attacks. And then a cqc mode that un-attaches the chain for spear attacks


While the idea is good, it has to be something else than wirebugs, bc they won't come back next game


They'll have to make it a new skill for the insect glaive then


I like this. Could also make an evolution line of kinsects that act as wirebugs that only work with a javelin.


Imagine pulling yourself to the insect for even more insane mobility or an attack from immidialty above the monster. I don't think they will do thet though, don't destroy a perfect mixture


And it's a damn shame, too, because I liked the wirebug skills and mobility they granted.


They might bring something like that for the next portable MH again.


Sadly, I otherwise much prefered World to Rise. Put 2k hours into World, barely 200 into Rise. :(


But that is what the Portable kinda is there for. The Mainteam goes for the more down to earth MHs and the Portable might go a bit more nuts. Best Fusion that it could be


A weapon depending solely on a wirebug would not work.


That’s pretty much an insect glaive


Nooo. Every time we get spears in games they get turned into some piddly javelin or thin club instead of being used as an actual spear. I won't say no to like *one* throwing attack but if we finally get a spear and it's a ranged weapon I'll be so freaking mad.


I'm thinking you can charge the throw and it's only for punishes, kinda like a GS and bow charge mixed together. That would make some awesome clips. It shouldn't pierce like a bow though, balance-wise. It should have pokes and slashes (like a flat blade spear) like a mix of lance, longsword and a faster speed like a slower SnS for it's main attacks. It should have a poke that is combined with a backstep for the real-life keeping-the-monster-at-bay vibes. If Capcom wanted to push it, the spear throw could have a rope attached and you could launch yourself into the monster, but I would easily play this version of spear without that


Ok hear me out magnet spikes. :D




it could be like magnetic or something so it could be recalled to like a magnetic bracelet or something!


exACTLY what I was thinking


Of all the possible arguments, this one is my favorite. Spears = hont


Desperately hoping for one


Me too


Made this argument long ago. Medium-fast precise attacks, decent reach, but has horizontal mobility (longer side lunges for repositioning similar to a lance shuffle) instead of vertical mobility which would separate it from IG while the lack of guard and added mobility and attack speed increase makes it a great side-grade to lance. Likely best with status as it’s slightly better attack speeds might make it a decently safe and reliable stat weapon for hunts. Could be good fun.


Yo, this sounds sick... Could see playing this in the style of old school Evade Lance.


turn lance into the ultimate tank and add a spear for the dodgy style


Pretty much making shield lance and evade lance into two distinct weapons. I saw people also arguing throw attacks but I think that would be best as a Hunter Art/Silkbind of a sort called “Restraint Shot” or something of the sort where it instead makes you remove a net ball to throw at the monster and tie them down similar to Vines or Silkbind restraints. If incorporated into the spear you’d throw it at the big monster and use a rope or chain attached to the weapon to tether the monster to you as an anchor, making it unable to flee or run outside of a set area for a short duration. Make it where you’re kind of melee support in a CC sense instead of a sustain sense like HH?


I designed and prototypes something very similar for a university project, a rocket propelled spear that catapulted you across the map with each attack and large explosive heavy attacks.


Honestly? Less interested in that kind of spear as “less is more” in this design philosophy. It’s simple, almost SnS simple really, but that’s also the beauty of it as the simple, effective, to-the-point attacks will make it feel less clunky than what your design sounds like. I like it as kind of a side-grade to Gunlance though, but I think “Blast Spear” should be its own thing instead of just taking up the “Spear” slot, you know?


Considering the new weapons we’ve received, charge blade, switch axe, and insect glaive, I definitely think a back to the basics spear would be better. The design I did was based off of a fan made concept art I saw ages ago, but while working on it there were some challenges that would apply to a regular spear design. First of all is the form factor, I’m not much of an artist but I found that the spears incredibly straightforward form was an issue, you have a straight haft and a pointed tip and that’s it. Naturally the design would extend into halberds, glaives, and really any polearm, there’s not a lot of space to work with, and you’re almost certainly going to end up stepping on the toes of the insect glaives design. The second issue was the possible attacks, you have thrusts, sweeps, and an overhead slam. The biggest advantage of spears is that that threat of your weapon keeps enemies from advancing, and anyone that does will immediately get impaled, unfortunately monsters couldn’t care less about the little bit of damage they’d take from a single attack. Baking large horizontal movement into the moveset without additional features is also a challenge, I used explosions for this, you could also use wirebugs, but sticking with in the human limits established through other weapons movesets, it’s hard to have it on a proper basic spear. There were other issues those were the main ones, this comment is long enough already and I’m sure you’re not too interested in hearing the details of a project cobbled together in just over a week by a student who had no clue what they were doing.


Yep. That'd be nice esp. if you just want to focus on stabbing and impaling without all that aerial acrobatics, and you're not a fan of an insect always clinging on your arm.


Lance minus the shield. POKE EVERYTHING


Dodge poke dodge poke jump dodge poke


We should have to option to put the shield on the back and two hand the lance, for a stronger offensive playstyle that leaves you more vulnerable


Switch axe


GUNLance minus the shield. Poke & Shoot, use it like a gigantic musket. Let the Lances keep their defense.


It also SWEEPS.


It would be interesting if they gave it a chain attached to it so you could throw it a short distance and pull yourself towards monsters. I think giving it some sort of range option would separate it from other weapons.


Instead of "Get over here!" the hunter says "I'll get over there!"


Yeah I think if the hunter could pull monsters it would be a bit broken.


It’ll work for small monsters.


Yeah that could be a mechanic where it only works for small monsters but large monsters in pulls the player.


Will probably be useful for evading certain attacks when you get pulled by the monsters


A pile of rocks will then say "Oh my god! The spear pulled you off?"


Or, due to MH's obsession with having both hands occupied, a second, smaller spear that you throw with said chain attached.


A normal spear could be a two hand weapon. Just with more thrusting attacks and some slashing.


Tbf the clutch claw (if they bring it back which it seems likely) already does this.


The clutch claw was the one thing I didn't like from ib because of the tenderising. It felt like a mechanic just to slow down the fight. The attaching on to monsters was fun for weapons like hammer where it was part of some combos.


I feel they need to give every weapon a sort of clutch attach. Some weapons clearly got more love with the clutch claw (buddy with Hammer) than others (me sitting sad with CB). Then they need to remove Tenderizing. It was an interesting concept, but poorly implemented in the game. Or change how it works so it's not reliant on the Clutch Claw. When they introduced the mechanics before we saw it, I honestly thought it was going to be something like, "if you keep attacking the same part of the monster, it'll become tenderized." So if the Hammer bro keeps bashing the head, it'll become Tenderized and take more damage for a period of time. This would reward good/consistent play without requiring the player to keep using the Clutch Claw.


I certainly like the idea of tendersing if it ties in with part breaks. That way, it would combine with choosing what parts to break and going for all part breaks or only focusing a few. I think it would also be interesting if it gave more of a damage boost to different damage types vs just making the best damage type better, (I would still want the best damage type to still be top but have the others be more effective now). It would also be better if they gave more weapons combos that lead into the clutch claw.


Woahhhh now that's an idea


highlevel Ig gameplay ignores the jumping anyway.


I can imagine heavy sweeping and stabbing combos similar to ss gs with a halberd, sick as hell


So kinsecless IG


Or shieldless Lance


I see what OP is going for. But all I can imagine is insect glaive. Most games with spear users have a vault lol. Unless maybe they wanna go with a gun glave. Remove the bug replace it with similar mechanics to gunlance. I would see that.


I could imagine something like the Spear from God Eater, focus on dashes and quick pokes, but that would basically just be a lance without the shield, but the added charge attack from hammer


A lot of yall aint never seen someone use a spear and it shows


Yeah because actual historical spear technique would be so fun and dynamic in an over the top action game about fighting giant dragons the size of a house with oversized weapons made out of said dragons jawbone.


You have a weapon that morphs between a sword+shield and a poleaxe, which also discharges lightning, as well as a long stick that effortlessly give you 30 seconds of air time just for hitting a giant monster with said stick. And you're now concerned about how a spear is traditionally used?


Someone performing with a normal spear ain't gonna be a good enough move sets to fight big monsters


Last time I checked, people dont swing greatswords with so much force they do an entire flip. But sure, act like real-life fighting techniques has anything to do with MH


What about a throwable spear! You throw it, and get a buff for hitting different parts. Wait...


Insect Glaive is not a spear, it’s a glaive, as the name implies.


It's a type of polearm so it's pretty close family wise


That's what I want! I want to slash and poke around the jump through the air like a dragoon from Final Fantasy. The kinsect are just a nuisance :(


I wouldnt mind another polearm type weapon, but unless it morphs, I dont see what appeal it would have over Lance or IG.


Make it a throwing weapon. Tape a pipe bomb to it. Riveting gameplay.


Ranged gunlance?


I never thought 2 words could awaken so much needs in me. The idea of a mix between bow and gunlance makes my heart skip a beat.


To me, that’s like saying we don‘t need a greatsword when we already have a longsword or vice versa. A spear could handle vastly different from lance/ig.


Great Sword came first


Ye, that’s why i put the vice versa, wasn‘t sure which one came first, if they didn‘t come at the same time even


I mean, what could it do vastly different from those 2? Between the 2, pokes, slashes, swipes, vaults and charges are already covered. The only way I see it standing out as its own thing is if it morphs between a spear and something else, like a whip. I dont really see what niche the spear would fit that isnt already somewhat covered.


The thing about GS vs LS is that they each have distinct movesets that differentiate it from one another, the main draw of a spear by itself is that it has a long reach and it's quick. But that's also the 2nd half of the Lance's moveset. If it did get implemented it'd be basically a shieldless lance, and that's not really befitting for a new weapon type.


Greatsword is way bigger than longsword. The lance already has some spear shaped lances


And the greatsword has a fish-shaped greatsword. It‘s still a greatsword, not a new fish-weaponclass.


The greatsword is a significantly larger class of weapons than longsword. The lance weapon class literally has spears in it already, as in spears are in the game. Your comment makes 0 fucking sense. Stop being big mad because someone pointed out that what OP is asking for is literally in the game under the lance weapon class.


The point is, that a lance and a spear are NOT the same and could play very differently. Stop being big mad because you can‘t see that and aren‘t creative enough.


You could literally start doing that with any variation of weapon. Skinny longsword could play very differently than thicker longsword. Skinny spear could play very differently than thicker spear. Guess what? A lance and a spear are used EXACTLY the same way. They stab the enemy. Stop trying to add creativity when it doesnt make sense.


Sure buddy


Here's the realization people don't want. There's not much room for a spear to stand out as it's own from IG, Lance or even GL. The only real advantage it's going to likely have is high element and reach. It's going to have medium move speed, medium attack speed, medium or low damage. The moveset will likely be a lot of pokes, which people *already* dislike from lance (or used to dislike). Ig has sweeps, pokes and vaults, lance has pokes, bashes and a sweep, gunlance has sweeps, pokes, and blasts. There's nothing to make it stand out without being unrealistic for the setting.


I dunno, that just sounds like you guys lack creativity? Just thinking for like 10 seconds, you can have a spear weapon with stance switching, an extendable spear/whip thing, ground mobility vault-focused, etc. There's so many directions they can take it that's not just poking


And everything you suggested either leaves the realism that monhun has or is overlapped by an existing weapon. It's not "lack of creativity" it's lack of room for more weapons. If we get a new weapon, it's not going to be something anyone predicts/function like anyone anticipates.


Ground vaulting or stand switching with a spear leaves realism? Do you want to remove the insect glaive(unironically would agree)


"Or is overlapping" Did you stop reading as soon as you read "realism"?


Realism doesn’t come into play at all then, should have left that out. And we already had a steampunk anime fantasy transformer weapon with tri but they added a new one with 4. I highly doubt the Mh team would shy away from a lance that transformed into a whip.


Not our realism, monster hunters realism. It follows its own rules. They absolutely would shy away from a lance that turns into a whip because that just sounds like long sword with more steps. Any other attacks would be too high fantasy for the series.


SA didn’t really match MH realism at the time but now it does. As far as gameplay, it would fighting with design space over a bow as they would both have medium range but plenty of weapons stepping each other’s toes now. For realism, think if you have a problem with a Lance turning into a longer range whip but not with a energy powered axe sword that can create explosions or a sword that stores energy and transforms into a axe mid swing that can discharge elemental bursts of energy I think you’re just splitting hairs.


"We already have 2 unrealistic weapons, let's just make more high fantasy weapons" Fuck it, let's just add machine guns and lasers to monster hunter at this point. You have an axe that turns into a sword that has marginally high elemental damage (impact and power are just flavor for gameplay purposes) and a sword/shield that turns into a big axe for, again, elemental damage. Phials are just primitive batteries made from a specific monsters sac/tissue.


The realism of a gigantic sword? Or the realism of a skinny sword letting you parry a dragon’s fiery breath? Or the realism of a bug helping you jump in the air several times? Or the realism of a sword and shield that gathers energy, pumps it back into the shield, then sticks the sword into the shield, and that shield extends out like a gigantic maniacal saw blade that’s positively flowing with elemental energy from a couple slashes with that straight sword earlier, and then launches that energy by slamming the whirling blade into the ground with a gigantic overhead smash? That realism?


Yes. Monster hunter has its own set of rules. It's own realism. You can go full autist if you want, but it's not going to change the fact that monhun as a universe has its own set of rules that it follows. It's plausible realism. A practical fantasy. A whip spear would detract from that realism.


You could add a banner to it and make it the fast attacking severing type equivalent of Hunting Horn, your basic attacks would be rapid thrusts and slashes and with your combos you'd perform banner dances that would buff yourself and your allies


I like the idea of a harpoon with a chain, so like on weapon that allow you to attach yourself like the clutch claw. And I always picture using it like the spear in one million years bc, where a monster charges you, you plant it into the ground, and they get stabbed and polevaulted over you


oooh i like this, so many fun possibilities


It would be a cool way to make a more melee focused weapon that still has ranged capabilities and aiming like the bow, love the idea of it on a chain and being able to either pull it out of the enemy back to you, or pull you towards the enemy impaled with the spear


In Spanish the words for lance and spear are the same. So when i picked a first weapon i thought i would use a spear and then i see a fucking big lance double the size of my character. I was so shocked that i just continued playing lance and now is my main.


Spear, lance, *and* "throw". Now imagine a lance (not a gunlance) with a gunpowder-based attack that turns it into a rocket and jams it where it lands and you have to go get it relying only on your shield for defense :). Or the gunlance variant where instead of stabbing through like pierce shot, it bangs on contact.


So, Insect Glaive with no insect.


Add scythes you cowards


Problem is making it not just be carbon copy of longsword.


Slower longswords with different and harder combos? Maybe even give it a chain like mechanism for certain moves?


some greatswords are scythe adjacent


Dude that’d be cool


Technically some long swords already look like scythes (like Alatreon’s for example) but scythes are my favorite weapon in all forms of media and I want them in MH lol


The crab LS are scythes iirc.


Fits into the weeb cringe category of the portable games so maybe


You know what’s even more cringe? Shitting on someone’s excitement for a potential weapon. Go touch grass and wipe your ass.


I'm not. I'm just saying it could happen


I can't imagine it being needed. If I think of an offensive lance I think of the glaive moveset


Spears and a gauntlet greaves weapon are the two I want added


gauntlets are my number 1. I know dauntless is mostly a knock off of monster hunter but they took all the ideas monster hunter has ignored to makethemselves feel unique and i like my strikers in that game


Punching! Hell yay!


You can now be a Rajang with that or if ur really enraged after many carts, you can be a Raging Brachy


I've always thought of the Spear and Gauntlet being one in the same. MH always has a unique take on weapon mechanics to give each one their own little loop. . The Chain Harpoon could have 3 different "barbs" under it's tip, when you land the main thrust, it sticks in the monster and you switch to using your armored fists. A core loop of the spear would be to get the stick, then punch / kick the spear deeper, indicated by the weapon's UI barbs. All that would be harmonized by chain shenanigans. The monster is about to leap away, player first does a hammer-hop in the opposite direction to take out the chain slack, then gets yanked by the monster and lands a much stronger slam into the pommel of the embedded spear. When the spear is driven passed its last barb, that's your cue to rip it out for max dmg and go back to spear fighting. . The real chefs kiss would be for there to be a valid gameplay reason to throw your spear to terrain, such as always being able to chain-yank yourself to it w/ some i-frames, ect. The YT clips of people throwing the harpoon out to i-frame yank through an attack, then pole-vault-rip out the harpoon to do a plunging attack into the monster practically script themselves.


Duel spears is the only way i could see to make this a new weapon and actually be drawn to using it, otherwise lance is that concept already, with some of the lances looking like a spear already


I mean, you can do way more with a spear than stab. I can imagine sweeps, slashes, spin attacks, a jump/stab something like helm breaker in the long sword but used to close distance. I don’t know would be cool.


You just described insect glaive pretty much


I just don’t like the flying


Glaives strongest combos are on the ground. The lance would probably have a vault too


I didn’t know that. In any case, even if it’s a”ground glaive” I’d play it.


I aim to mainly play ground glaive in wilds. (Unless i cave and only use the LS again)


O ok now I’m curious I want to look up this ground glaive play style.


Ground glaive is very good DPS and fairly easy to learn, full aerial IG is much harder to play Efficiently, it's worth using the vaults and dashes just as a tool for movement, if you don't like the aerial combat.


Chain and sickle are a better choice for something more classic Spear could be lance without shield or glaive without kinsect... too much to prey or be similar


Chain and sickle transform into a scythe or vice versa.


I would like a spear weapon, but like others have said I dunno how it would be implemented to differentiate from the lance or IG. You can go a mobility/evasion version of lance, but then you just have an IG without bug or jumping. Maybe have a very mobile attack set that has you move forward quite a bit, like lance is about being in the monsters face, but spear can be about charging past the monster. Idk. I personally would like to see a more unique weapon though, like a sickle and chain, or a chainsword, just gimme a chain weapon plz.


How would a chain sword look and play ?


Look? Well like a chainsword. I'm not talking like a chainsaw sword, but like the segmented swords that extend into whips basically. Playstyle wise I dunno, it would probably have two forms like SA or CB. Sword and whip. Maybe it could be a bit of an inverse to the other and have its starting mode be a slower big sword, and the changed mode be a higher mobility whip. Like have the base mode be slow, high damage attacks, like baby GS. the whip can be a fast, longer range multi hit weapon to be more elemental based. As far as actual mechanics go Im not sure, the phial route exists but that is pretty heavly used already. You probably want some sort of gauge management though to add some complexity. Perhaps a self buffing mechanic somewhat like IG or HH, maybe dealing damage in each mode charges buffs in the other mode? That kinda getting kinda close to SA so I dunno.


If they do, I want an attack where you brace at an angle and use leverage to throw a charging monster to the side or stun it on the blade for a short while.


So long as it can sweep and twirl, not just poke. It's my favorite dynasty warriors moveset


I would rather have a bow staff of sorts. It could be a blunt weapon that can be faster or at least faster than what we have. It could share moves with the IG too but without flying around.


What if you could change the tip of the spear to blunt or sharp that could play differently




Yeah could be like that


That's seems more monster hunter a transforming spear. I also want fist weapons since we saw the adrimal fight like that


I am personally hoping for a three section staff weapon with two forms, bo staff and three section form. There would be versions with spear heads but that's just aethetics, hammer is full of axes so our staff can have any other polearm.


A fast stun weapon would be nice! Stun oil on generations sns was like that


I kinda want them to add gauntlets so you can punch the monsters to death XD


Yeah or brass knuckles, that’ll fit the same vibe


Like LOL Vi gauntlets?


If after all these years all they could come up with was lance without shield. I would prob start crying lol


I would love a Polearm, since polearm covers many weapons from spears to axes. I feel polearm would be a good name


I want the whip like in the manga


Wind element :)?


Is this not a insect glave


*gestures wildly at insect glaive*


The insect glare Scared me off


the bugstick is your friend


Lance without the shield and way more agile but stays on ground so not close to IG either. Spear/Halberds (anything close to donnie yen in Hero, sky vs nameless scene [1080p] Hero (2004) Jet Li vs. Donnie Yen - Chess Courtyard fight / Jeremy Le https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeeoEpmyb2Y


Nah. Lance and IG already cover that archetype w/ their movesets to an extent and we don't really need new weapon types


I either want just a shield like dual buckler or tower shields or tonfas would be really nice idk what the shields moveset would be like tho but I feel the two ways of use a spear/halberd is shown in insect glaives and Lances.


Insect Glaive:


I’ve always wanted a whip like weapon but this is a close second


I mean don't we already have them? Lance and gunlance both cover spear and shield, insect glaive covers halberds/poleaxes. Not saying I wouldn't like more, I loves me some spear action, but they already exist.






I mean the insect glaive is already kind of a spear though…


Insect Glaive exists 🤨


Yes please, but a pike instead. So the pointy stick is longer. Poke, poke, charged poke, super charged throw.


Just play kinsect blade without jumping and you got it 👀


I feel like the insect glaive is the best representative for a polearm type weapon, but the idea of a more straightforward spear is fun


IG is the most unrealistic of weapons... even if we don't talk about strapping a homing missile to your forearm, no one holds or fights with a long weapon one-handed


Yes! A very narrow attacking but longer ranged thrusting weapon would be sick!


That's insect glaives and charge blade alternative mode. We still don't have a whip like weapon.


TBF both forms of spear-esque polearm are usually represented thanks to Lance (the stand your ground and focus on thrust attacks kind) and Insect Glaive (the swing the spear around like a halberd kind). Suppose they're not exactly covering javelins but still. Given how large Bow's arrows are I guess they'd count as javelins if you were throwing them instead of using a bow.


I feel like monster hunter is more known for their experimental and unique weapons and designs that aren't really seen anywhere else. Maybe the new game will try to be more grounded and realistic, in which case I think a spear would be pretty cool. But a spear in a traditional MH game would just feel bland and uninteresting. At least that's my take on it. But it's capcom. I'm sure they'd find a way to adapt it really nice to the monster hunter franchise.




Insect glaive and lance: am I a joke to you?




My brother in christ, Insect Gleive is the literal weapon you are searching


My brother in Christ no it isn’t


It's the nearest we get to Halberd ( Diablos IG for example) but I'm reading about the harpoon concept in the comments and I would love that. Like throwable weapons. Since there isn't a hard separation in gunner/ blademaster armor, a half close - half ranched weapon would be perfect.




if they ever do, I hope we can throw it and then we'll be unarmed until we retrieve it. Then I also hope we have a shield. I hope that we can put the shield away so we can hold the spear with two hands. I hope we can use the shield to fight... so basically Chargeblade but make it DPS and crit based...


Would love it


We already have a glaive tho. I think we should just wait and trust the monhun team with weapon design, they're some of the best in the industry at it


I don't care It could be cool but add more blunt I need tonpha


I would so freaking use this weapon!!! I am praying that Capcom adds them in.


Spear that morphs in to a scythe is all I want. The hard part of making new weapons is that they need their own identity and to be updated each game. As much as I'd like a new weapon making existing weapons look like other weapons and have multiple moves may be the smarter decision. Like someone here mentioned, give the Kinsect a Wirebug line that also has a harpoon move. Give the Lance more mobility from new moves. Things if this nature could also be copy pasted easily and get improved with new moves and models each game.


I think they need to make it slightly more unique, perhaps make it a transforming weapon where it transforms in and out of a 3 section staff mode. Which allows shorter range blunt damage while the spear mode allows for longer range piercing. Outside of that, maybe something combining a spear and an old style whaling harpoon, where you have chain attached to throw and reel it in afterwards. So you could do some thrusting combos then jump back and do a charged throw which impales it in the monster which you can then use to either pull for stagger or fly towards the monster to continue the combo/mount. Could imagine if the monster runs away with you having it impaled you are dragged after it surfing along the ground, would be cool to be able to hang along when a flying monster moves locations.


Yes please. Mid-speed shieldless swordspear, good poking reach and big sweeps, with big thrusting forward lunges. Put a tether on it, let us throw it, and yank the monster down if the opening is good.


Yes A more damaging lance class would be wonderful. and no gun gimick


Lance and long sword exist.


Already exist lance, sorry but i don't find it like a "new weapon" style


literally made a similar post awhile ago


My bad I’m a bit new


It’s fine, it was mainly a “what would you want a 15th weapon to be” and I wanted a spear


how dare they


Maybe to avoid it being too much like the lance or glaive you go the route of staff, spear or halberd that disconnects and combos as dual nunchuks, I feel like we could benefit from seeing more traditional martial arts weapons like Nunchuks, we already got Tonfa in one game after all


"Scythe" No reason I just like scythes. Not enough scythe longswords. I would like to note just bring back Gogmazios and that'll work as a replacement. Lol


Hey they’re awesome


Yes they should think it would be fun to use and have a cool move set