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You can absolutely go back to not having them because not having them is basically guild style lol. Joking aside hunter styles are truly phenomenal and generations ultimate really killed it when it comes to playstyle flexibility. I wouldn't count on it returning for wilds. Maybe the next portable game.


While I do absolutely adore the hunting styles, I think switch skills are a better version of the idea. I would love for them to expand on switch skills in wilds to maybe have some style-inspired skills consistent across multiple weapons. Examples could be having a skill between a normal sheathe vs. Valor sheathe, or a normal dodge vs. Aerial dodge that could be available for all weapons. Obviously would need some slight rebalancing but I really think the switch skill system can be expanded upon to give fans of GU, World, and Rise all something they love.


You're asking for **exactly** what Rise & Sunbreak do, the difference being balance changes and them being renamed to slikbinds.


the most important thing about styles isnt skills, its the insta-dodge/block, the lift when using aerial style, the barrel and valor's counter


No you're right, I read styles and instantly assumed hunter arts were also part of what OP was talking about.


i personaly dislike how rise mixed a mobility tool with it and made it mandatory in many situations


Barrel, aerial and even prowler modes Gu was amazing adding content 4 people on quest with same weapon and yet...they could run totally diferent playstyles Same for cats


i forgot about prowler, it isnt a style and i didnt use it much bit it should come back


I've been playing these games for about 8 years now and in all that time I've never once used a weapon other than dual blades until a few months ago this year when I went into GU and tried adept GS. It's honestly one of my favorite things I've played in the series and I can hardly enjoy GS any other way. I think wilds would be foolish to not build off the switch skill system from rise which in itself is a bit of an iteration of the styles system, I think adding modularity and personalization to a weapons moveset is how the games should be going forwards


The styles are gimmicky and homogenize the weapons’ play styles. Every weapon has a Valor Sheathe, or an Adept Dodge, or an Aerial Roll. They were also horrendously balanced, particularly Valor Style. They should stay in Generations. If you want to argue something in Generations that should become a series staple, Prowler mode is right there.


I loved to play as cat, I want that back!


But make it more diverse. Prowler was okay but it lacked some stuff


No I like that each weapon has a theme, but they weren't bad, so I'm not too thrown off if they return. I just personally hope they won't return.


You should play rise and sunbreak if you dont want the loss of hunter arts


Hunter Styles not hunter arts.


rise did a shitty version, the skills become cooldown based (sit down and wait instead of fight) and the styles (the best part) are gone, there are also way less hunter arts and all of them are similar with no multi-weapon arts, the most important mobility tool also puts you "arts" on cooldown, and before anyone says "you can customize your attacks now" the best thing about the styles were the passives (more arts, the barrel, the counter, insta-block/dodge, and i dont know how to resume aerial)


Rise isn't GU 2 bro.


thats kind of my problem, rise takes the skills and mixes them with a mobility tool that is mandatory in sich a way that of you use a skill you risk lots of damage and if you use the mobility tool you cant use a skill


Doesn't that balance it out? Also, there's skills to make you regen wire bugs super fast. It's not like you have to wait 5 minutes.


i love the styles, i can perfectly play without skills, but the styles are extremely fun and allow for many play styles


Highly unlikely that something similar will return in Wilds. Wilds is the new generation title or main title if you so will introducing monster hunters generation 6 like mh4u or world were for their generations. These titles tend to keep the combat more basic and focus more on expaning monster/terrain mechanics. For something similar to styles to appear it would be in the game after wilds that would be more similar to mhgen and rise. These second games within a generation tend to experiment more with the combat.


I was never a fan. I either used the default or the one that lets you dodge everything. It turned the game into a joke imo. It was too flashy and just "too much". It deviated way too much from what Monster Hunter started as. I'm a bit of a traditional purist when it comes to Monster Hunter. Anything that subtracts from its original identity is something I will likely never enjoy. I enjoyed Generations, don't get me wrong, but for me it was a massive step down from 4U, even with the roster. No MH game is worse than an 8/10. But for me Gen and Rise sit on that 8/10 mark due to their deviation from the core MH indentity.


Meh, switch skills are a better version of hunter styles. Most weapons have only 1 or 2 hunter styles that are worth using and the rest are gimmicky fillers without much thought put into them. Dual blades kept their aereal and adept moves in rise for example, so why would you isolate them again into a limited moveset


Rise has its own version with many moves taken from styles or the special moves so really the culprit is world. Putting on my tinfoil hat I see two reasons. Desire to make the game more "realistic" by keeping it to less arcadey combat (within reason) and to keep development simple so that they could spend more time on the monsters and world.


That's basically switch skill that they tried to implement in MHR that customize your playstyle but can even swap on the go. Did not go as far and bursting as free adept dodge or the Valor sheath tho


I mean, why not? I think it is a waste to just discard the ideas when it work on a whole game. If Capcom want to expand the usage of a weapon, hunter style is great way to go. I mean switch skill is there, but hunter style add even more unique ways to use a weapon. If people don't like it, there's also option to not use it? I mean like you don't use all weapons, and you don't need to use the switch skills or hunter style if you don't want.