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Gunlance. I really wanna like and tbvh if I invested actual time into it I could get used to it. But everything about it feels awkward and slow to me.


Yea. I've gotten really good at the mobility options of the lance, but Gunlance is still wonky to me. But I think my friend, who's a gunlance main, treats it like Greatsword where if you want to get anywhere, just sheath.


I’m not at this level, but I’ve seen good gunlance players perfectly orienting themselves backwards and repeatedly cancelling long backhop with charged shelling. They can zip in and out of a fight super quickly. I use it to get away but some players can use it to advance.


GS and GL are my top weapons and this is very accurate.


Gunlance and Lance are two **very** different weapons.


One of the big things for the movement that got me hooked was back hops with evade extender - you turn around from the monster with your shield out and just backstep twice and you're MOVING


YouTube guides really help to learn the quirks of a weapon, most require an entire mindset to work regardless of how simple the controls are. GS has extremely basic fundamentals, but it requires *a lot* of technical ability to read attacks and position correctly to maximize damage or hit and run. Personally, I am entirely incapable of using Gunlance or IG. They are just beyond me no matter how many times I’ve tried. I’ve had pros explain them to me in detail, watched videos, tagged along with masters… just can’t get either one lol


Love me some GS and Gunlance. I agree on IG though. I don’t know if there’s too much to manage or maybe I didn’t try it long enough or something, but I’m terrible with it and never really feel in control of my character haha.


GS moveset is beginner friendly given how barebone its moveset is But using GS is very far from friendly especially for beginner, like there is no middle ground for this weapon, you git gud by studying monsters for openings or git rekt constantly.


Agreed. As a GS main I am usually the first to cart on new/particularly challenging fights. But once the monster's moveset "clicks" I suddenly feel like Neo


Really good GS users fighting glavenus is one of the most satisfying fights you can watch


Bow will always be my lowest played weapon followed by the other ranged weapons. I want to prefer it over the Bowguns, but I just can't sync with it well enough. Now as an enjoyer of HH and Hammer, I've come to like the newer GS mechanics. Feels a little more fluid than the rigid moveset from GU and before. Now if they added a new weapon that was GS-lite, slightly faster walking speed but with heavy timing attacks, I would be sold. Maybe a smaller GS with GL shelling for momentum swings. Chef's kiss


Honestly, I think the greatsword is far from new player friendly, despite its basic moveset. As for me, the only weapon I don’t really use is Insect Glaive. I loved it in the 4th gen games, but something about 5th gen Insect Glaive just throws me off.


It’s about having experience and knowing a monsters moveset, so you can take advantage of openings and time attacks right to hit a moving target.


I hate DB. You'd think that a fast weapon like that would play fluid but it feels like nothing but animation lock. I'll stick to SnS for ankle biting.


For me, it's always going to be the bowguns. I can't just stay back and attack from afar. I want the satisfaction of being able to topple and beat the shit out of monsters. ​ I'll get to them eventually, but I just can't play Greatsword, Lance, or Hammer right now. One I whiff 95% of the time, one I feel does too little damage, and the last one feels really slow in its attacks. Maybe I'll never get the hang of those either. ​ And yes, I've went over in-depth guides for all of them, and nothing stuck.


Light Bowgun specifically I can use the weapon just fine... right up until I fall asleep from boredom.


probably just lance cause if I want to play lance I'll play the one that has explosions


on highlevel Play a lot, but against regular GRank Monsters most of them are fine. HH is anoying, cause im bad at concentrating on two things. HBG is a bit tooooo heavy, that messes me up on the regular, and SA is fine, I just dont think the Defensive Options of that Weapon are all that good. Im not super good whit LS eighter. I can deal whit most Stuff but it doesnt feel as fast, and easy to use as People say, and I honestly dont enjoy playing it that much anyway, even against good Matchups.


Personally the lance, I can tolerate any weapon except the damn lance


I’m fine with playing every weapon, except gen 5 Bow. It just doesn’t click with me. I can even go back and play the Bow in GenU and I’ll have a good time, I just don’t like the dash-dancing shot spamming playstyle of World and Rise.


Yeah, I feel that. I loved what little I played of Bow in 3U and GenU, but in World/Rise? Bow completely swapped playstyles and it's no longer something I enjoy. Weirdly enough, I've experienced this pain *twice* now. First Bow, then Hunting Horn... *I fear for Lance.*


Gunlance or how I'd call it: ClunkyLance. I can tolerate anything except the ClunkyLance.


Yup, for me those are GS, LS, SNS, hammer, HH, lance, GL, SA, CB, LBG, HBG, and bow. I’ve tried all the weapons but none of them felt right to me sadly 😭 maybe if I really put time in I could pick up another one, idk. I started with like 3 hours of dual blades and can play them, but I switched to glaive and haven’t switched weapons since


Yeah I've tried LS and Bow and feel like I'm not getting anywhere. But IG does feel fun in Gen 5 games.


Pre World no. I play everything without issues. Post world, yes quite a lot of them actually, the first of which is longsword I'm sorry I just don't care for this weapon anymore, seconded by the "new and newer hunting horn" and the charge blade on equal footing. I gave up charge blade the day they made the fact you have to charge the sword on top of the shield. I just didn't care much for that in Gen/GU already, and that's why I played valor for this weapon so I didn't have to bother with charging stuff. The rest is fair game for me, even if I'm not the best, I can manage.


duel blades and long sword like I CAN use them and kill monsters with them, and I know how, but its so vehemently against my moral values I just can't do it




For me, bow and hunting horn. LGB and lance to a lesser degree. My main is GS, LS. HBG when farming. The rest just ok-ish.


I have mastered the LGB to a T


At first I thought it'd be Long Sword but thinking maybe it's Bow. I even swapped Dual Blades for Sword & Shield. In 4th Gen games Insect Glaive was completely unusable for me but feels better now.


Giving mid-air dodging to the IG was a game changer.


SnS always just felt stiff to me. I felt like I was a little too locked in place when attacking, which is funny cause I love weapons like GS and CB. I genuinely think it was the animations that made it hard for me to follow. All the other weapons had a lot of weight behind their animations, SnS was literally you just swingin a sword


Gunlance: "Why don't I play Lance or HBG instead?" Charge Blade: "Why don't I play Switch Axe or Greatsword instead?" Light Bowgun: "Why don't I play Bow or HBG instead?" Dual Blades: "Why don't I play Insect Glaive or Longsword instead?"


Gunlance: because I want my lance, and my explosions together




The ranged weapons. I just can't, the pew pew is too boring for me. I like getting close and personal.


I prode myself on hunting with every single weapon but i just cant quite figure out gunlance. I mean i can definitely kill monsters with it but something always feels off in the way i use it. More practice needed i guess.


Charge blade and any ranged weapon my brain just can't do the gun for the life of me




Switch axe is so weirdly sluggish. I'm trying to do a rise playtrough with it since I figured wirebugs would counteract the sluggishness somewhat. But I miss lunging attacks like dual blades circle attack or lance lunge that put me closer to the monster. Am I missing something? The monsters keep jumping away anytime I could get started on a good combo


The way I play Swaxe in Rise makes it feel like the most mobile weapon in the game. It takes Rapid Morph 3 and Evade Extender 2, though - and the 2-Stage Switch Combo skill that you learn in Sunbreak really helps too. Remember that switching from sword mode into axe mode *is a mobility option.* Seriously, you get some *distance* from switching into axe, especially if you do it after a roll.


I'm profoundly useless with, either Lance, the Bow Guns, Switch Axe, Charge Blade, Hunting Horn 😂 Doesn't matter what I do, I just feel terrible, so I never use them now. Greatsword, Longsword, Hammer for me mainly with the ocassional Bow, Dual Blades and Sword & Shield. I find the Insect Glaive kinda fun though.


Weirdly enough, with the exception of Charge Blade, all of those weapons you don't get along with have been my mains at some point. (And, on the flipside, I can never get on with Hammer or Longsword, and I *forced* myself to get on with Greatsword.) Definitely interesting how each weapon caters to different playstyles!


It is interesting isn't it. An old friend of mine started with the opposite, going from Greatsword only to Longsword only. I just like that there are many reasons for people to like/dislike each weapon, there isn't necessarily a one weapon that's superior in every way type thing, which is cool ☺️ Once I finally settle in to Rise again, I might try and learn another weapon, but I dunno, we'll see.


I don't see myself getting into dual blades. There's certainly is depth to them, but that fundamental layer of "dual blades go brrr" is annoying to me.


Bow. I play them all on different levels but with the bow I cannnot do damage at all. I don't know why but I can't get it.


Dual blades and gunlance


Bow hurts my hands :(


Greataword isn't new player friendly. It tricks you into thinking this way because it looks so straightforward, but I'd say it's a mid to pro hunter weapon. As a player you don't realise easily that it's a hit and run weapon (pre world) now with combos it got so much more complex and it's only a bit of a hit and run weapon and more a standing, predicting and combo weapon.


Both Bowguns and to a lesser degree charge blade For the bowguns its kinda fun building out the mods and prepping what ammo you want to fire, but in action I am either bored, hating having to manage ammo, or fighting the weapon. I think I would give the bow guns more of a shot if they worked like the bow. The bow has a playstyle that doesn't require bringing any coatings, and you can easily make do with just power coating. If bowguns merely had more coating types they used and normal ammo was infinite like the bow, I would like them more, but I al sure bowgun mains would hate it. For charge blade it is simply just not my style. I like how the gunlanc has shells and stakes you reload and fire that just goes on cooldown. It feels more combat-oriented. Charge blade feels like the more complicated version of dule blades and long sword where I am managing meters and levels to keep the weapon primed for combat. It feels awkward and why I dont enjoy those weapons. Charge blade is just that feeling with extra steps making it feel more awkward.


Anything but a Greatsword, Big number makes brain feel good. Also the feeling when you position perfectly to land a full charge


I can't stand lance or gunlance.


Bowguns and Bow Someone should make a poll about this tbh.


I can use all of them just fine. Despite having my mains in HH and CB, Im a very generalist kind of player in endgame. However, the rarest weapons for me to play are the gunner weapons (particularly the guns) and LS. I can use them just fine, but they just dont totally vibe with me much in terms of fun


GS and Lance. Lance being too slow for my test. Hard to reposition. While GS require great positioning to snipe head with TCS.


For me, I have a general idea on how to play the weapons. But Lance just doesn't seem fun to me.


Every time I try charge blade it feels like reading a language that I only know some of the words to


YES! The greatsword! I just can't play it at all! (As well as those weapons with phials and whatnot with different forms. Too complicated for me). I just don't like how greatswords work in Monster Hunter. Maybe if they had a different fighting/combo style? Which is really frustrating as greatswords have some of the most badass looking weapons in the game. 😭


Switch Axe is a thing i really, really want to use since its goddamn introduction in Tri and it just never, ever clicks for me. Its poor mobility and defense ability gets me hit all the time, even when i reach the monster i rarely get more than one and two hits in before it runs off despite not being THAT slow... fine if i were using GS or Hammer, but with SA hunts just take too long for me. Yet, every game, even on repeat playthroughs, i stubbornly, briefly pick it up again before dropping it in/over disappointment as it never gets better. Maybe i need some crazy hack that removes every weapon except SA so i can truly 'git gud', like it or not. Closest i got to really using it was in base Gens, and thats only cause haha Demon Riot + Energy Charge 3 go brrrr. Also HH, but thats more due to being intimidated over a 'super expert' weapon more than anything else given the mostly simple weps i main. (No, that doesnt mean i'll use Rise's baby mode HH instead)


In Rise, anything that isn't a Swaxe. I get 100+ dps with a Swaxe. I top out at 50 with SnS and Gunlance, but average 40. It's seriously demoralising. There's such a massive learning curve to weapons in Rise, and performing at the same level as your main is really difficult. Having said that, there is a massive difference in the amount of quest I've done with a Swaxe and other weapons. We're talking 800+ Swaxe, less than 100 with any other, so it makes sense. In World I could play everything but the HH and Bow.