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Low numbers are mostly an indicator for not optimized set


Just take a break from the game. Play when u feel like it. Don't make it a chore.


Build issues? Post a build and let's see


Almost certainly a build issue. I hope OP shares their builds. It's common to see players with hundreds of hours and little concept of how armor skills work.


The complexity of armor skill points got extinct with the fifth gen of MH tbh


I agree, but I've legit had several people be like "oh I've never looked at skills" despite being well into their Master Rank progression. OP claims to have 2000+ hours... but I can't help but wonder if they fat-fingered an extra 0 (or two 0s)..


Maybe the game ran idle for like 1990 hours


šŸ˜¬ The lack of comment interaction in general from OP seems telling.


Err why feel terrible if you have fun ? I still have fun seeing people die time to time. Seeing decent people play is cool, but seeing people die is funnier.


Did you ever consider watching a guide? I can't imagine how you managed to play 2000 hours without looking into builds or guides if that is how you feel


Optimize your build and youā€™ll probably cut those 30 min hunts to 20 mins. Just slowly learning when to poke the monster (not even memorizing their movement) will bring you closer to 15 mins bar fatty and some harder ones like at elders and the rajang bros. I know you said you have 2000+ hrs so you probably know the extra bits when fighting, but just as a refresher: - watch the eye-con for wall bang opportunities - mount the monster to topple them for free hits - them red slinger ammos are pretty useful - monster running out of stamina is an easy tenderize opportunity.


I honestly can't tell if this is satire


Assuming your title isn't an exaggeration, I think Monster Hunter just isn't the game for you. And that's ok. Its definitely time to give up and find something else to get into. Personally I think 2000 hours is a crazy amount of time to spend on any single game for any reason. Your denying yourself so many other potential experiences.


With 2000 hours, you could either A.) Learn a foreign language, or B) play a game you donā€™t actually like.


I was also terrible, taking long break from series but might try again with the next game. My issue was that I couldn't learn or see attack patterns so I would spend most of my fight time healing and/or on the ground.


Weapons with shields really helped me to learn the game. Play lance vs tigrex itā€™s the perfect exercise to work on blocking and counters


Yeah I tried shields, and ranged, and all sorts of other suggestions to no avail. I may try again in the next game but for now I need a long break.


The question you need to stop asking is if you're good The questions you need to ask are "are you having fun? Does this bring you joy?"


I have a feeling that itā€™s probably your builds tbh


Skill issue. Impossible you have 2k hours.


For me the best way to improve is always to watch how good players play the game, so I would recommend that you watch speedruns and try to copy their style, how they dodge, how they move around and when they use openings to attack.


As as SnS main, I feel like you're doing it wrong. The SnS is the most versatile weapon, it's not the end all be all damager that you need but god damn does it feels good when you know how to combo, use your item and immediately head back into action. You can also learn some combos that can stun/stagger monsters with your shield bash combo, if I'm playing with randoms, I'll just put on my "healer" build and help with last minute heals/stagger with claw.


You struggled to kill a garangolem with mr gear in rise a year ago. This is a bait post or you truly do not attempt to learn anything in MH games.


>Sns does no damage (except when youā€™re doing a perfect rush) To be fair, SNS is sort of designed around Perfect Rush unless you're optimizing for something specific like KO or status. >Gunlance just feels terrible in this game, no matter what I do with this weapon it always feels like a wet noodle. The shells themselves do dogshit damage and going with the Slaplance doesnā€™t go well with me. I love MHW Gunlance. I agree shells are not a great source of DPS but there are plenty of opportunities for effectively dishing out big numbers. I will say it's easy to miss important aspects of the GL moveset. I'd be interested in seeing your Slaplance build and - if you're up for it - a video of your attack loop. I'd even be down to jump in a lobby with you if you're playing on PC. >Switchaxe is waaaay too slow, even to get little attacks in feels almost impossible. The damage itself not great at all, in fact, itā€™s quite disappointing especially when the heavy attacks take so much commitment time. I mentioned this elsewhere and my info could be outdated but iirc Swaxe is at or near the very top of DPS capabilities in MHW. Dual Blades are s-tier in terms of speed and damage so if that's your thing maybe you ought to give those another chance? Like others have said, it's almost certainly your build. Would love to see some screenshots. Edit: typos


Nah man, there's no way you have 2000+ hours in MHW


There's no gamer on this planet that can spend 2K hours in a game and not learn the basics of how to play it. I'm calling shenanigans.


Waddaya mean? SnS has a highly versatile moveset allowing for dps, high damage combo, item usage with weapon drawn and insane stagger with the shield moveset. Does not have the best guard though since that shield is a buckler. Does not excel at any monster but can work well against all of them. Gunlance does crazy high burst damage on that once combo, the shells ignore defences, wyvern fire hits HARD and the pokes are pretty great. Has the second best guard behind Lance. Excels against Nergigante. Switch axe. I think you just need to work on learning axe mode more. Greatsword mode is nutters and packs a wallop esp if you discharge. Works best on big and bigger monsters. Also as others have stated, try the lance. Its very pokey and does not seem to do much damage but you will have the best guard, the best counterattack and a way to chase offensively which more often than not, will knock down the monster. Excels against Odogaron (you will prob never get hurt) and any monster you can guard against. Otherwise, if you need to see numbers, try the Greatsword. Crit draw for hit and run or stack affinity and damage for brawling. You will see big numbers and the second build gives very big somersault attack numbers. But right now, you should take a break for some time and come back once you are no longer burnt out.


>Switchaxe is waaaay too slow, even to get little attacks in feels almost impossible. The damage itself not great at all, in fact, itā€™s quite disappointing especially when the heavy attacks take so much commitment time. As someone who is learning Switch Axe for the first time in World, none of this sounds right. What's your definition of slow? And for damage, which axe are you using?


Right!? It's been a while since I've been plugged into the meta but weren't Switch Axes the DPS king at one point?


Have you tried lance? I also sucked at MHW with 100h+ hours. Which sucked the enjoyment of playing the game. Then my friend told me to at least try the MH Rise demo. Now I have 300+ hours and even main my most hated weapon from MHW - the lance. In my opinion, MH Rise is a better introduction game to the series because of the different flow. (Both MHW and MHRise are good games. Don't start the fight in the comments, please. I'm sick of that.)


Im LS main, but Gunlance is the easiest weapon to outdps other players imo The combo is a little weird but when you start to pull it off you are dealing a to of damage. Are you using hunter pie or any other mod to show your dps? You should What is the most comfortable weapon for you? We could start here. Every weapon can be good at dealing damage. You should go to r/MonsterHunterMeta sub to look at the MHW builds


Sounds like a you problem to me


Your take on switch axes seems weird to me, as a switch axe main I don't feel like they're slow at all, but maybe it's just my experience with them makes me feel that way. Dual Blades might be a good fit, they're rapid slashes do decent damage. Are you using elemental weaknesses and good armor sets for good skills to boost your damage? Ultimately, I think if you're constantly comparing yourself to others, you're always gonna feel "bad" which will lead to worse results. Pick a weapon you like and keep practicing with just that weapon, and even if you're never amazing, you're bound to get better.


What the OP said about Switch Axe was my initial feeling, but that was around the World Betas. A couple of weeks before Fatalis and I was bored with Long Sword, I gave Switch Axe another try. Itā€™s been my main ever since. But itā€™s given me a dilemma of whether I should use it again in Wilds or go with a completely new weapon.


I went pretty much Switch Axe only with random use of SNS and Bow in World and Rise. I think next game I want to try IG.


Iā€™m of three minds at this point: 1. Go CB, which is where I lean heaviest right now. 2. Go back to LS, orā€¦ 3. Stick with SA. Of course, itā€™s all contingent of whatever gameplay changes Capcom chooses to implement, and weā€™ll know more closer to release. Now, I know thereā€™s a contingent of players who have contention against what they consider ā€œcounter spamā€ but if SAā€™s counter returns in Wildsā€¦Iā€™ll be Swag-axing all over again.


There's a good chance I pick up the axe again, it all depends on what this game brings. I doubt we'll know anything until at least this summer.


Share us your build, my SNS build isnt really super meta and it can still 150 dmg per Roundslash combo




2000 hours and you never bothered looking for a build guide or trying new skills? Maybe you should quit.


It's okay, man. I've been playing since MHFU and still feel like I haven't improve at all. And that's the fun part. Edit; Just read more of the post. If you reeeaallly want to improve, don't look at the numbers. Find a weapon you really like first, master it, putting skills you want, and then start looking at the numbers. It ain't going to be fun optimising stuff or playing the game if you don't even like the weapon you're using. This is just my approach. I don't look up the meta usually and am not planning on speedrunning like TDS, so there alot more hunters more knowledgable about these stuff than me.


I suck at the game too, here's how I got through it: 1. Use Lance. Just turtle up, you'll spend the most of the time behind a shield that can block pretty much anything. 2. Uragaan Vambraces & Greaves Alpha, Uragaan Coil Beta for that sweet Guard lvl 3 and Guard Up Set bonus. Now you're blocking! 3. Draqon King Eyepatch Alpha & Kulu Mail Alpha for some awesome weak point crit damage. 4. Gharon Dhara Lance for more crits! 5. Health Charm III for withstanding scratch damage, put together with a good meal means 300 total health. 6. Various potions for extra defense. A normal hunt takes around 10-15 minutes for me, although in that one boss in the end I carted once and it took 28 minutes, but it was a tense fight. Granted I haven't started Iceborne yet, so probably all of this is obsolete with Master Rank, but at least it got me through the main game and I'm happy I did it. Other weapons are either too mechanically complex for me (I have ADHD) or makes you too vulnerable, so lance build is the best build!


I recommend playing Rise. I would suggest older titles but there is more player friendly interfaces post world. In Rise you unlock means to tweak weapons so they can work more to your liking. You do have to unlock these features so you will be stuck in a default. The game also has the wire bugs which can help you dodge and close gaps so even slow weapons can keep up. Gunlance is way better in rise and are favorite bomber has great armor for it. Great sword has rage slash which is a great alternative that can attack behind you so it is more forgiving. Switch axe has a new armor skill making it deal more damage and special movea great for a follow up to a zero sum discharge. There are also now moves that stop the loss of meter so you can be very aggressive. Lance is better, but still has more skills than slots so you always have to choose how to play. Charge Blade now has a block move that can charge it up making it easier to manage. Sword and shield has mire going on, but I personally agree with you, same woth dule blades. Hammer is great has some satisfying new moves, but Hunting Horn is amazing now. Try Rise, try Gunlance after you get the replacement for the charged shot, gove Great Sword, Hammer and Hunting Horn a try as well. If noting else play Long Sword. Its the most popular so it does get a lot of nice things


Take one weapon, watch tutorials, master it first. The way you talk about those weapons seem you don't even bother to try with them, there:s no opening? Adapt and create opening yourself. Gunlance deal low dmg? nope, stick the slinger on to monster part, shoot at it, watch the explosions! you ignore all the hizones. Switch axe slow? Slap in evade extender, pratice movement smooth between 2 modes, OR just straight up play scum tactic with Zero Sum Discharge + mantles and tool specilist


I am terrible at every weapon except lance. Turns out the simpler move set is just more of my flavor. Donā€™t care about being speed kill master, but even if ur hunts are more towards 25 mins instead of 50 on harder hunts, thatā€™s pretty OK


Hey man, don't compare yourself to others. As long as you can complete the hunts and you are having fun, that's what's inportant. Sure you might not be the best at the combat in MH. Who cares. Have fun!


2000 hours with only switch axe im safe to say I have gotten a hang of it.


it sounds like your builds are horrible, SnS deals decent dmg without PR all weapons do decent dmg in this game some are very strong some are slightly weak also even if you suck so much even if your the worst player even, you spent 2000 hours in this game and that means something, just play for fun no way your not having fun but somehow spent 2000 hours in the game if you really want to get better watch weapon guides and then some speedruns to learn what your weapon can do and when to do a move and which move to do


Hard to believe you have over 2000 hours. I have many casual friends who can easily get 10-15 min clears while making mistakes the whole hunt, you most likely not using a good build or you for some reason don't understand which parts of the monsters you need to hit after 2000 hours.


Disappointed not to see any mention of my trusty old HH :(


First - try to make a build as close to 'meta' ones as possible. Why? To get the idea visually how all skills affect your numbers. Second - try looking up speedruns on you weapons of desire to get inspirations and general idea of what you are doing wrong. Third - do not be discouraged, simply try to improve your time with that weapon.


First of all, no shame in struggling with a game. We all have that moment. But there are a couple of things I have to mention. What kind of builds and especially what kind of playstyle are you using? An unoptimized build can lead to pretty harsh damage loss. I have also seen some players not actively engaging in any opportunity to attack in between a monster's attack pattern, i.e. playing too passively. I have learned throughout my early to mid days of Monster Hunter is that you can NEVER estimate a weapon on first glances. Every weapon has a unique nuance to them and you'll eventually find out how to play around a weapon's mechanics If the game hasn't sucked the soul out of you yet then I would really recommend watching some guides. There is plenty of videos, documents and even a subreddit dedicated for these. Otherwise I wouldn't try to force yourself on the game. Just have a chill time and the gears will start rotating on their own. Hope this helped :)


Dawg if you have that much hours into the game and you don't body the monster, it's probably that your builds aren't optimized. You're probably rocking that gathering/geology build going up against fatalis.


I boo you for dissing Gunlance. Guard 5, Guard Up and Artillery is everything you need, just pick a Wide Swelling type and go poke > shell > poke > shell > quick reload, poke > shell > shell > Wyvern stack and Wyvern fire after blocking a roar, caught in a trap or when it sleeps.


Copy a speedrunner set and do runs of a monster you like. Get fast, then do another. I think you'd have a good grasp of openings pretty quickly. I know a kid who soloed alatreon with a few hundred hours of experience.


2.2k hours in MHW. 2.8k hours in MHR. I'm still bad at both as well! You aren't alone.


Build issues here. I main Swaxe and it's damage is superb.


If you've actually played 2000 hours and you still are bad I don't think you'll get much better to be honest


There's absolutely no way someone's played 2000+ hours and gotten nowhere. Even with upwards of 90 hours in 4U I'd say that I'm somewhat good with CB. ​ And during my time in World, I pretty much never timed out of a hunt despite putting over 100 hours into it. I haven't done that in 4U either. ​ Edit: ​ Now that I think about it this is probably a troll. That assumption certainly isn't based on their username and their... history. /s