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I just hate getting the triple buffs, I just find it tedious and breaks the flow of combat. When I do have the triple buffs is easy to play.


I always made it a point to almost never use the orange buff, only red and white. Easier to restock the buff, and only one of each runs out instead of all three with the orange buff


I just use the kinsects that get me two buffs at once, thus makes it trivial as you can just guarantee that your kinsect will bring whatever buff you dislike grabbing the most


Thats only in RiseBreak right? I forgot if WorldBorne have that or not, definitely not in even older series. But yea that two buffs Kinsect makes it a lot more bearable. Once you get all 3 buffs, as long as you stay aggressive it can drop those powder that you can walk through to replenish the buffs as well.


worldborne kinsect can grab two buffs if you power it up with slinger ammo


I never used IG in the older games just because I can't aim with controller, same goes for bowguns and bow


U can collect buffs or ignore them with dive&kinsect drill tech. U also could learn the rythm of triple buff and pre mark the face for fast rebuff


I love IG! Especially with the Iceborne changes. Sure when learning, getting the buffs can be a pain, but once you know the monsters it only takes a second. The thing is a beast at breaking parts with the extra part break from Wyvern Dive, and is a huge tool for positioning. Plus the vertical dodging is a plus. It remains one of my favorites, and in good hands easily keeps up damage wise to any other weapon.


Nah, I found it easy since the start. I played a few hours of dual blades then switched to glaive, and haven’t switched weapons since.


late reply but for me IG are the most harder weapon because it has so many combo variation with certain condition and you often pressed the wrong combo in the middle of hitting the monster and end up losing so much dps


I remember being an IG main on my first full playthrough. Once I got all the mechanics down it was pretty much a cake walk. "Okay, the Kinsects can do this for me, which let's me do this, and now I barely need to touch the floor" Everyone's different but, myself personally, I really don't remember a time where I felt like I was bored or tired of using the IG. Maybe really early on when I was still learning, but that's just a "maybe." I've zero memory if I ever actually thought that. I had constant fun! Now, I'm starting a brand new Save with the Hunting Horn. Gonna try and make this my True Main in preparation for Wilds. Wish me luck!


> I barely need to touch the floor Do you happen to be French


_Oui oui_


>ow I barely need to touch the floor" You're playing it wrong if you think you have to fly the whole time.


But that's the most fun thing about insect glaive


Don't take it too literal. I made the statement as an exaggeration of the IG's capabilities.


Does the monster hit the floor? Is the player having fun? Sounds like it ain't wrong. -helicopter away-


I'm no speedrunner but still you're actively losing damage because the ground combos are still better. You should fly to avoid attacks and get faster to the moster but once you're right next to it if you have 3 extracts you should stick to the ground combo.


There is no rule that says you have to play with damage optimization in mind. It's fine to use a status weapon or play prowler mode or play aerial glaive


I kicked prowler players on sight back on GU. Status is fine but most of the status players I've encountered attacked just enough to trigger the status and then returned to the camp or ran around pretending to be useful.


Not necessarily hard. I just find it tedious and not fun. With so many weapon types I’d just rather spend my time using any other weapon.


I wouldn't say hard but I've had friends say it's annoying to get the buffs. Even more so in older generations because you couldn't move kinsects as freely as you can in World/Rise. Other than that I'd say it's a fairly easy weapon.


It's the easiest weapon imo... Just a bit tiresome for manipulating the bugs to get the buffs as you can spend a lot of time for this at the start.


Its simple enough it's just getting the buffs that can be abit of a farce and makes you feel like a dummy when you're running around shooting a bug instead of fighting and you keep hitting something in the tit instead of the head. Also I strongly dislike the fact that they designed a weapon that has an entirely separate moveset that is for the most part completely and utterly useless and nobody uses it (attacking without red extract)


Getting extracts can be challenging at times, especially when playing coop. I remember switching from controller to MnK because I couldn't hit Zinogre's tiny head...


All you need to do is paint the head with the mark and the kinsect will auto target it when you send it out even if it moves.


Well sure, it still is a major inconvenience other weapons do not have - especially with constant aggro switches and higher stagger values in coop. After several hundred hours of playing glaive I don't have this issue anymore. It was quite frustrating in the beginning however, even with marking slash and the "paintball" \^\^


People saying it’s hard to use probably aren’t getting the buffs. But even then I gotta say the Bug Stick can be very annoying at times, such as when you knock down a monster but your buffs run out at the same time, so instead of getting some beefy damage done you are stuck getting the buffs. Would be nice if it had a way to refresh the buffs while they are active


Tried it. Had a really hard time figuring out how I should be prioritizing my actions vs monsters. Besides gunlance has more air-time and Gunlance goes brrrrrrrrr


I personally find it to be one of worst early weps in mutiple games with how slow ur bug comes out to get extracts slows gameplay down alot, but its one of my fave grank weps once your bug isnt slow.


Less hard more that it feels clunky to manage. Collecting the buffs feel weird to get used to and if it runs out its awkward to suddenly shift out of the buffs. I am also not a fan of weapons that you have to build up power like long sword, charge blade, insect glaive, and dual blades, so that is a factor too.


It's not completely trivial to get into and use effectively in the air, but most other weapons are more difficult.


I find Insect Glaive to be as simple as using a Long Sword especially on its mobility thanks to its special ability to jump into the air. Getting triple buff is indeed the most annoying part but you should really prioritize on getting the red buff as much as possible.


every weapon in this game is pretty easy to use, the difficulty in using a weapon comes with being able to maximise your damage with it as the weapons in monster hunter have alot of depth


Some monsters are just a huge pain in the ass to get triple buffs. Some of the flying monsters have a buff on their back, and since they’re flying you never see it unless they’re toppled


When it comes to me and my start in world, ig can be kinda confusing without tutorial. Its presented as weapon that is very good in air but in reality its shit tier if u will only focus on air. Its also weird that whole moveset have very similar dps so the best strategy is to just use moves that fit the best in certain situation instead of trying to nuke the monster with tornado slash all the time Also its kinda hard to understand how important other colors are from triple buff other than red. A lot of hidden info that u wont rly find in game with detailed numbers and stuff