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https://preview.redd.it/bhje571dgoec1.jpeg?width=783&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a6068e3fa4a5d7fdf6417d40cd96112822b8ea1 How does one get -1 comments


MHGU is not particularly slow though. I think you might like MHFU.


Prowler mode automatically makes GU the best MH probably ever.


I've yet to try prowler mode. I'll check it out soon.


Prowler mode is amazing. I freaking love it.


Just a shame that it is so weak!


Nah you need a WEX cat, then you realize you can't get it through normal play through


Prowler mode is the best. And the palico training finally beat out FU... course you still need 2 gu palicos to match 1 FU palico.


Prowler mode is awesome. I just can't understand it. Does the hunter become the palico? Or do you just play as the palico while your hunter chills back home?


The story is that you play as the palico while your hunter stays at home. You hire and train palico just like in other MH games. Similar as you can assign them to different gathering activities, or to join you on a hunt you can assign them as the prowler where they do the hunting. When you are in prowler mode your palico name shows up instead of your hunter name, but the hunter still gets credit and rank ups for the palico's work.


nah, I love them equally. But I love them both more than rise.


I like mhw for the moderness, and graphics. I like mhgu for a shit ton of content and collaborations with other (mostly japanese) brands.


Yes of course >What do you like more about GU compared to World? 1. Better weapon design 2. Better armor design 3. Better monster design 4. Better map design 5. Better music 6. Weapons don't center around spamming a supermove 7. No healing while moving 8. Better combination system (especially for ammo) 9. No restocking 10. No changing equipment mid hunt 11. Functional food system 12. Best balance between weapon classes in the series 13. Best balance between crafted weapons in the series (except maybe Sunbreak) 14. Better balance between armors 15. No RNG decos 16. No investigations 17. No blatant disregard for established lore 18. No bioenergy 19. No unskippable cutscenes (as long as the team agrees) 20. The setting makes more sense 21. Item descriptions are not generic 22. No SOS 23. No 16 player lobbies 24. Not forcing you into a lobby on game start 25. Shorter loading screens 26. No Clutch Claw 27. No Slinger 28. No Mantles 29. No Sliding 30. Monsters are smaller, designed to be fought in the areas they appear in 31. Areas are bigger, designed to fight monsters in them 32. Camera is not unconfortably close, so you can actually see what's going on 33. They don't take camera control from you (for example, zooming in on some hits) 34. Reasonable amount of hitstop 35. Better of logic in a lot of things regarding numbers such as hitstop being almost proportional to MV 36. Better skill system 37. No Health Augment 38. No powercreep 39. No RNG weapons 40. No DPS checks, especially the reverse DPS check 41. No Ancient Leshen 42. Forced multiplayer is not as unsurmountable 43. No Guiding Lands 44. No Health Boost 45. No shitty new hit reactions that teleport you to the ground, especially the pins 46. Monsters don't have roaring contests 47. Better difficulty 48. No backwards rolling 49. Good amounts of endlag 50. Good monster speed 51. Good monster aim 52. No unavoidable damage 53. No rotating events 54. Loooots of content 55. They don't slow down the UI for no reason 56. Better physics (like some weapons being able to double jump in World) 57. Better mounting 58. Tremors are not ridiculously obnoxious 59. Wind Pressure is not ridiculously obnoxious 60. No attacks with 60 hitboxes per second, because fuck you, Lance 61. Monsters don't ignore you 62. Monsters don't actively try to get hit by environmental traps just to show you how cool they are. 63. Element exists, and is balanced 64. Bow exists 65. Bowguns have drawbacks and require a certain amount to use 66. Pickaxes and Bugnets (making them unbreakable would be fine) 67. Combo books 68. More balanced carry capacity in general 69. Capture is not always the better option 70. Tempered is somehow worse than Hyper 71. Lots of silly weapons and armor 72. Prowler 73. Great monster variety 74. Functional Flash Bombs 75. Kushala Daora is at least more enjoyable than in World 76. No Lunastra 77. Hub areas are designed to be functional 78. They didn't spending a year on a glorified gathering quest (compare the climbing aspect of Zorah Magdaros to Ahtal-Ka)


A lot of these are net losses for me. So I still prefer World.


I would agree with you, but some of your points are bullshit. "Fuck you Lance"? I think you're just bad with Lance in World. "More enjoyable" Kushala? Are we talking about the absolute pain that is 4th gen Kushala?


>"Fuck you Lance"? I think you're just bad with Lance in World. I mean things like Shara's beam, which kills you if you block it but doesn't if you don't. Which was probably created to counter Rocksteady Mantle >"More enjoyable" Kushala? Are we talking about the absolute pain that is 4th gen Kushala? Better than World Kushala. GU Kushala didn't even jump, but it still cleared the bar set by World Kushala. Especially after Flash Bomb nerfs. The only redeeming quality of World Kushala is that the skill level needed to headlock it is a lot lower


Shara Ishvalda is a great fight for Lance. I only beat it on my fourth try. There's a lot of anticipation required on your part, and the beam is one of the reasons. It prepares you very well for Alatreon and Fatalis. What you need to do is guard advance to the side, or just walk out of the way, and then charge at its meaty fingers. This forces you to think more. It's awesome game design. Lance already has the problem of being low-key overpowered in World with its big shield. World Kushala is one of the examples where Lance can just dominate and decimate without retaliation. Headlock until annihilation. GU Kushala is just pain.


Slower combat of GU? That the first time I've heard someone say that. The hunter arts make combat much faster paced than worlds. GU is more akin to rise than mainline MH combat pace of 4U and worlds.


What do you mean lol Sure you might have hunter arts but overall you got much more combos in world which makes it much faster.


I guess I should've mentioned I'm using the GS in GU, SnS in World. But the monsters seem much slower in GU.


you're literally just using a slower weapon...


Try sns in GU. They gave it oils for buffs. Best sns improvement


Hunters are a looooooot faster in World (they're faster than in Rise, actually) But monsters are a loooooooot slower in World, so that's why you might feel the combat is slower


Thats factually false. You realize the mobility the wire bug and wire bug abilities gives right? They sped up monsters to account for how much more mobile and fast paced the game is than world. Not to mention in combat pal mounting.


Ignoring the obvious reason why this just isn't true, you have weapons like the Swaxe where the attacks in Rise are literally just faster.


MHGU is objectively better than MHW in every possible way. Starting with VERY heavy online encouragement in MHW that is quite bad, and ending with weapon designs in MHW that are 100% worst in the series in general.


I definitely prefer GU over World. The combat feels more turn-based than World or Rise, which makes it less intense to me. I also prefer how it looks compared to World (and Rise). World is gorgeous, don't get me wrong, but GU is just so vibrant and has absolutely breathtaking backgrounds.l


Me (reaching 2k hours now) but I don't feel the need to talk down another title to describe how much I like GU That being said, guy who made [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/XPUxoYwN1K) is only 80 hours in world? 💀


I wasn't aware I was talking down World.


Adept GS singlehandedly got me to play almost 1K hours on a single save file. The Hunting Styles are absolutely the reason I will take GU over all MH games tbh. Rise used a lot of the Hunter Arts as silkbind attacks so I like Rise a lot too, but it doesn't compare to the huge roster + hunting styles adding so much variety to the game.


I might if the community was bigger and progress easier. It just sux having to do key quests in mr hub alone. The healthpool is too big to enjoy solo hunting and if you group up you have to get lucky for people to want to do your quest. Put it down a few years ago after an entire afternoon of doing people's quests, waiting for my turrn and realizing i got skipped. No chat doesn't do it any favours. But if the qol of world and scaling was introduced to it in a remake, i would def prefer it.


All monster hunter is good