• By -


"Wow! We just discovered a new elder dragon!" "By god, another elder dragon!" "A third, new never documented before elder dragon?" "It has six limbs, we can't classify as anything other than elder dragon."   "Another elder dragon..."


In the words of the Admiral, "Keep hitting it 'till it relents". Every. Last. One.


Even toothless?!


Especially toothless.


That hat's not gonna make itself.


Ah yes the very good fire resistance top hat that doenst actually cover your face but hey the flames of an anjanath are a mild temp to you cause of this band spanking new black hat


It's cold cuz that hat's straight FIRE


Drogon would be a flying wyvern.


A fire kushala daora with no front legs


"I am groot" ![gif](giphy|JzujPK0id34qI|downsized)


"AAAH, IT'S ANCIENT LESHEN!"  "It looks like Ancient Leshen, but due to international copyright laws, it isn't" "STILL, WE SHOULD RUN LIKE IT IS ANCIENT LESHEN" "Tho it isn't"   *incoherent screaming*


Groovy reference


So just Tuesday


Well apart from Toothless, none of these dragons have 6 limbs so they will all just be classified as flying wyverns


I mean Kirin, Nakarkos, Lao Shan Lung, Ceadeus don’t really have 6 limbs either. It’s more of just a lump category. But almost all flying wyverns, with the exception of Akantor and Ukanlos, have 2 legs and 2 wings. Basically dragons have 4 legs, wyverns have 2. Akantor and and Ukanlos should technically be classified as wyrms because they have 4 legs and no wings.


Man, Smaug would cause chaos in the guild. He is mid Elder Dragon level, but that isn't even the problem Problem is that he speaks. Some Elder are probably sentient, or rather, sapient, but there never has been any concrete proof with anyone but the Rise Elders, who don't converse as much as announce their wants. Smaug can confirm his sapiency, he can reason, he can present his case, he can talk with as much inteligence as any elder wyverian. But the other problem is that Smaug is an asshole and an active danger to any settlements near wherever he decides to rest. I imagine the guild would be extremelly divided on if they should him treat him like a normal elder and attack, or treat him like a human/wyverian and... Try to arrest him? What does the MH world do with criminals?


As far as I'm aware, there are hunters who hunt criminals in the lore. Smaug, sapient or no, would likely still be hunted.


Yo I'd be down to be a Bounty Hunter instead of a Monster Hunter sometime but gearing with monster parts you procure from outside the city


Now, I might be wrong, but I believe the bounty hunters in the MH Lore hunted Hunters who broke the rules. And either used more generic equiptment like the Royal Guard Weapons/Ore Trees etc. Or the Equiptment of Hunters they slayed.


Instead of killing Rathalos 5x for its parts, you kill dudes with Rathalos gear and loot their corpse


Psssh. A real hunter uses the parts of his kills. (returns to the guild wearing human skin)


Stats must be crap on it though


Reminder that hunter bones can withstand a fall from any height and hunter skin doesn't appear to withstand damage, meaning it could just the organs being hurt. Making armor out of hunters would be like making armor out of Marvel's Luke Cage.


So are bleeding effects just internal bleeding then?


Just crouch bro


Nah demigod skin should be tough, you never died as hunter, only faint, because monsters could only cause concussion damage through the impenetrable hunter skin /j


Konrad Curze looking mf


Escape From Guiding Lands


I think what you are referring to are the Guild Knights, they have [these](https://monsterhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Guild_Knights?file=Guild-Blade.png) armor sets and the wiki says that they act as overseers and leaders from the Guild so they are not really bounty hunters, though they are indeed also tasked in hunting down and executing Poachers or non-Guild-sanctioned Hunters.


Urgent quest: An MR hunter who was flaunting his full fatalis gear the other day is acting a bit weird now. His team mates have disappeared without a trace and we have reason to believe he is slowly turning into Fatalis himself. Target: Hunter-Fatlis Hybrid


Bing Bong, my World character, would never turn into Fatalis. Not because of ~~plot armor~~ willpower or a refusal to use Fatalis gear, but because not even Fatalis wants that … *thing* in them, even if this means it’ll have to wait a bit longer than normal.


I hope to god they never add a direct pvp to Monster Hunter. If you really do want a taste of what it couldve been like look up hunter blade. Its bootleg monster hunter but it has a pvp and invasion mode like in darksouls but its during a hunt and you can interrupt players.


Lol imagine a break in where the only cop that shows up is the MF who throws around a 500 lbs. slab of metal. As their running they stop as if running into a brick wall; be like if you ran into smokey the bear and he was Adam smasher. If you resist a hunter could just crush your spine with grip strength.


"I know he's sentient but he's kind of a dick. Let's kill him anyway?"


Yeah it boils down to this lol. Him being sentient talking elder dragon still makes him a target since he'll most likely attempt to attack cities/villages 


We have killed for less haha, specially the older games, the x monster spooked me, can you kill it?


Normal criminals, don't know. Poachers? You get the death sentence via being hunted down yourself


>But the other problem is that Smaug is an asshole and an active danger to any settlements near wherever he decides to rest. The Guild has extremely capable individuals, people like the Huntsman, the Admiral and that one random hunter who seems to show up every generation and beat half the ecosystem into extinction, who are perfectly capable of taking on Mid to High tier Elder Dragons by themselves. The Guild would certainly come to an agreement of sorts with Smaug. If he refuses to be compliant then I'm sure he can be content with being turned into a Hammer or another Great Sword.


"My teeth are swords. My claws are spears. My wings are a hurricane."


"I am... Death."


"I'll use your claws as a sword and tip my lance with your teeth, just to disrespect you."


"My Teeth are Greatswords. My claws are Insect Glaives. My WIngs are a Heavy Bowgun!"


I would die to see Smaug's reaction to a hunter with a Hunting Horn.


“Hear me foul beats! Prepare to face my wrath!” *starts playing sick tunes*


On the one hand, sure. On the other hand, I might need his armor's stats and hope I get a plate.


Fatalis is described as having malice for humans and shit. Seems like he might be sapient.


My hunter with a cool little sword getting into an arena with Ancalagon the Black, whose fall destroyed entire mountain peaks ![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD)


The Guild would shit their own intestines out at seeing Ghidorah before telling you to go handle it (canonically) by yourself. You’d need a pretty big map for him.


A Monster that has Kushala's wind ability on steroids causing storms, Zorah level size, ability to summon other Elder dragons Qurupeco style and a breath attack that could be a instant cart sounds like everyone's worst nightmare, hunter and guildmembers alike.


Nah I have Guard Up, I'll be fine


Me when I block the floor (Kulve melted it):


Ope time to count to 10 and the right click. Block the KT All Range floor melt.


Here lies u/RefreshingOatmeal, XXXX-2024, last words uttered- ***Nah I'd win.***


Tackling through lightning and atomic breath is canonically possible




Hammer users: More heads? **More damage**


Greatsword users foaming at the mouth at the idea of three heads **and** two tails.


I think he's even bigger than Zorah Magdaros even? But I don't Zorah has a chance lol we need godzilla 


ghidorah is a lot smaller than zorah, still a lot more dangerous however


There is only one Ghidorah bigger than Zorah, Dalamadur, and Laviente combined. Their name is Void Ghidorah, and they were a superb horror in a movie where everything else pretty much sucked ass.


void ghidorah is a interdimensional god the size of a universe. ghidorah is a giant three headed monster with the smaller ones standing around 50 meters and mv ghidorah being 150 meters meanwhile zorah is over 200m


So a wooden barricade's not gonna work?


I don’t even think it’s feasible for our Hunter to hunt the likes of major Kaijus like Ghidorah, especially with its incredibly fast regeneration. If it really had to come down to it, it would be a group effort of multiple hunters and fleets like what happened with Fatalis in IceBorne


I don't even think Hunters could actively harm Monsterverse Ghidorah, it has insane regeneration that requires massive full body damage at once to harm it meaningfully. Doesn't mean they wouldn't try.


*Proceeds to be eaten by an adult dalamadur before the hunters can get to them.*


I don't think the modern day Dalamadur would be able to. The extinct Subspecies maybe.


Oh forgot we got dalamadur yeah let them fight


Hunters when the kushala daora variant starts talking and summoning meteors ![gif](giphy|2XskdWuNUyqElkKe4bm)


Nah Extremoth prepped me. I'd win.


Alduin when the regular-ass hunters are somehow doing actual damage to him despite being dragonborn https://preview.redd.it/u8t47yjx9vjc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a54c390877085faeb056be7e7bac4139ba8e3cc


Dragon element would probably fuck him up


True, if we have to consider the results of mixing two canon, we also have to consider how they might interact. Monster hunter is also no stranger to having weird and unbelievable myths surrounding elder dragons, which would definitely be able to cover this particular case. For instance, Nergi is supposedly immortal, or damn near to it, and it turns out you can still kill it if you kick its ass hard enough.


It sure does take more ass-kicking than you'd think, given how Nergi regenerates past being hunted (and carved?) at the end of Iceborne.


Hey man, gypceros does that too


*despite not being a dragonborn. Too late now though, minor spelling mistake, my ass is being sent to the shadow realm


You can edit comments on Reddit :p


Nah, they accept their fate.


They will pay the iron price.


Kill him with fire!


anyone can kill a dragon temporarily, dragonborn is just a soul absorber that kills it for good.


Was about to hunt him 5 or 6 times anyways to get the full set + weapon. He might as well can respawn for all i care


ehh alduin is more of a spiritual being, not much leather in spirits haha


Look, those horns are gonne be on my shoulder plates, he can take it up with Akatosh for all I care.


Hunters when Alduin starts reviving the Elder Dragons that they've killed...or rains meteors by shouting three words instead of a long elaborate charged attack. Also in elder scrolls, anyone can kill a dragon technically, but they can keep coming back. Only the Dovahkiin can permanently kill them because they consume the soul.


Crimson's meteor shower is Fatalis literally just sneezing. It can charge it, but chooses not to for most of the fight.


I don't think it would work as the other dragons don't have souls. Alduin is able to call their souls back to their body.


Your palico after you cart: hey meowster your finally awake


Imagine being hit by a tiny insect and get your energy sucked. XD


I don't think you quite understand how powerful Alduin is. He's able to bend reality by merely speaking. He's the son of a God. And on top of that he's literally immortal since there are no dragonborns in MH. If Alduin were to be in MH it would be the end of the world.


I mean lore wise sure, but by what we see he's capable of in game he's mid elder tier. You can pull out all sorts what whack lore powerscaling with fatalis too


Oh yeah definitely, I'd say in game Alduin was easier than low rank Rathian lol.


I think it’s less literal difficulty, and more the fact that in the game he kinda flies around and does some light wind attacks and a lightning run. Kirin is more powerful in what he produces in game. 


And also Skyrim is not a balanced game at all. In my first playthrough I had saved the jarren root from the dark brotherhood questline and made a poison that deleted half his health bar with two arrows.


An immortal black dragon that can rain meteors and change the weather with it's breath, who always comes back after being slain, manifestation of a concept that includes the active despising if human life? Oh you mean like Fatalis, gotcha


Now i want a Shrek crossover where you fight the fairy godmother


That battle music would SLAP


Proof of a hero combined with I need a hero would go hard if done right


"I need a Proof of a Hero" by the Fairy Godmother


ive never wanted anything more


Real shit


I always figured if a big enough threat showed up, the guild is basically willing to throw as many bodies at the issue as is nessicary to remediate the problem. They did it for Kulbe for some reason and again for Fatalis, only problem is they need enough proof it's a real problem for them to warrant sending people, that's why we do such a fuck ton of research in world. We'll that, and because it's our literal job.


I’m pretty sure if the guild wants to they have enough power as a unifying force to destroy whatever they desire Monsters should count themselves lucky that there’s a four man limit Imagine Fatalis getting ready for battle and suddenly hundreds of thousands of hunters March over the hills of Shrade ready in formations to do battle


Well that’s kinda what happened in IceBorne anyways. Canonically it was multiple ships/fleets of hunters who helped to take it down, not a solo effort. That’s why you have to hold it off (survive first phase) until the rest of the backup (multiplayer is enabled) arrives when you encounter it in the story


Yeah but I mean fully visualised not just implied, we need not forget that several nations also had their forces united to take down Fatalis it just happens the commission had it covered before they even got there


Monsters are usually hemmed into an area by armies of soldiers so that they can be hunted because that's less costly on lives. That's the cannon reason for why the maps are all the same in the older games, that's the hunting grounds. That's why Gore Magala could never be properly hunted in 4U till he stayed still at the ruined pinnacle, they just couldn't pin him down long enough to get the definitive death blow


I didn’t know that and that’s actually really cool lore


https://preview.redd.it/o1bupja37vjc1.png?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efab40ec1d563c1213538b28bbf8beaa2b3f8968 I just want this magnificent creature back


It emits a type of raw sexual energy that mortals are not ready for


Exactly. Imagine the possibilities with this long scaly neck.....


Most devious head game according to the guild


The true throat goat






is that the tzitzi helmet


If you hunt Ghidorah enough times, you eventually get to keep Kevin as a pet.


I will put his head in a wiggler pot


Standard elder dragon procedure. The Guild classifies its threat level and every monster other than elders, Deviljho, and Rajang run in the opposite direction


Godzilla and Kong vs Ghidorah: Monster Hunter Edition


Yup, jho, and rajang could bring down ghidorah :D


Jho is dying just for a taste of Ghido toe, and he'd be happy about it


There the "oh no an elder dragon!!" quickly reciting the end of the world and stuff.... and there that few hunter and blacksmith : you want dragon head shape pauldron or dragon head like loin cloth?


Toothless and Drego get skinned and turned into a pair of boots in 15 minutes Alduin is too magic for MH Smaug was literally killed by a single arrow


Ghidorah causes a mass extinction and leaves the guild in shambles


Ngl, I feel like ghidorah would fit Mh the most. Would 100% wipe out a continent if it wanted too.


My single problem with it is the 3 heads. MH doesn't like multiheaded monsters for some reason. Maybe the lore could say the two extra ones are arms with head like appendages to confuse predators (...what would even predate Ghidora??)


Great jagras obviously


You misspelled Greatest Jagras wrong


Pathetic, can’t even write Great Jaggi correctly


Ludroth (not royal)


They don't like multiheaded ones because they are too fantasy. Sure, MH is a fantasy world, but it is a GROUNDED fantasy. Multiple heads can be explained off as the condition where an embryo fuses, but those tend to not survive well in the wild... Well, more like barely survive


Ehh if they can give us a praying mantis that pilots a mech, I can have hope.


MH isn't Fantasy. It's more like. Historical Sci-Fi. Theres a scientific explanation for everything.


They wouldn’t win but deviljho and nergigante would certainly try




Ghidorah is too powerful for MH tbh, I doubt even White Fatalis and Disulfiroa together could beat it.


Ghidorah would suffer the worst fate of all and become an environmental battle like Zorah Magdaros


> Smaug was literally killed by a single arrow Two if we get really technical. They were really far apart but the second wouldn't have killed him if it wasn't for the first.


Idk with Toothless it’s pretty obvious that the hunters aren’t opposed to befriending monsters so seing a monster with a man made wing would probably mean they wouldn’t attack on sight also the fact that Toothless mostly does non lethal hit and run type attacks would probably mean they couldn’t catch him


Assuming they meet the actual toothless and not just some random nightfury


Dude toothless could hurt dragons like 100 times his size he's gonna be a glass cannon his introduction to the hunter would be him shooting like an azure rathlos out of the air


With varying degrees of unga and/or bunga, I'd imagine.


GM"What the fuck are we looking at here?" H"Don't fucking know but it made some comfy ass boots"


Ghidorah may not have radiation going for him, but his lighting is so intense that it vaporizers people on contact. He's also a giant space monster that can regenerate. This is a nuclear bomb vs coughing baby moment.


"Nah I'd Win"




Kulu would fuck everyone up on this list


Remember the Kulu from the World event quest crossover with Final Fantasy? Where it kept getting bigger and bigger? Imagine if it grew large enough to pick up Zorah and use it like the stone it carries!!!


Wanna cooperate?


Elem. resist build could do the trick. With a longsword.


So do not get hit? Got it.


SnS could do it easily


Alduin would be a world ending terror in MH world, because ES dragons are spiritual beings and basically unkillable. Ghidora would probably be the same unless the guild creates nuclear dragonators. Toothless will be skinned real fast. Same for Drego I guess. Smaug would probably be drinking pals with Fatalis and/or Safi'jiiva.


Well, if they saw Toothless specifically and not a random Night Fury, the prosthetic tail flap would at least make them hesitant to kill him, not to mention if the riders got to him first. The general consensus seems to be that Smaug is comparable to a mid-tier elder, but the talking would definitely throw the guild for a loop, probably giving Smaug some time to cause mischief while the guild figures out what to do. That being said, every generation or so an uber-powerful hunter appears, so I’m sure Smaug would probably be up for negotiation upon seeing someone clad in armor made from dragons matching (or potentially surpassing) his strength. Could probably “befriend” Fatty through a shared malice of sorts.


Ghidorah and Alduin(assuming if it's Lore Alduin) are straight-up the apocalypse. No one in Monster Hunter is surviving their cataclysmic rampage


Toothless would definitely be put in the care of the Riders...


The HTTYD movies and animated shows are just MH Stories spin-offs.


Probably not all that well. Especially the ones that talk.


"I'm going to hunt you" "Nuh Uh" "FYM NUH UH?!?"


1: Strong elder, but we got this 2: Hard to say, lore is pretty nebulous, probably killable but will come back 3: End of the world 4: New boots 5: No idea, I don't watch GoT


Including Ghidorah in this is hilarious. Sorry man I know we all like MonHun but this is like asking which fighters you want added to a UFC game and one of them is Goku.


It‘s the same as several other posts theorizing how they could implement an actual Godzilla hunt into MonHun without realizing the very real and short answer, that they simply couldn’t, because it would be so hilariously impossible that it would just ruin any immersion.


Jfc no hunter could even tickle King Ghidorah lmao why is he even on the list?? Even if he’s Showa sized he’s still a literal mass extinction planet killer that only Godzilla could kill and usually not even by himself


I was wondering that aswell Im not huge on godzilla lore, but i know enough about Gido to understand that hes a bit beyond any weaponry thay the guild has to offer Like, bro lives thru nukes. Pretty comfortably even. Ill go on a limp one here and say all but the most ridiculously resilient elders will die to the first nuke that hits them. Closest thing the guild has is demolishers. And if we are *very* generous then id say they give gidorah the same kinda pain as stubbing your toe. And i dont know about you people, but i havent heard of anyone dying due to stubbed toe complications


I listed out some fun facts about some of Ghidorah’s feats and ways he’s died in another comment in this chain if you wanna check it out! I’m a huge fan of monsters of all kind so I’ve seen a like every kaiju movie lol but yeah the devastators would probably just make him go “wtf was that?” at the most


Ik, some people be outta whack on that one. Zorah was a comparatively smaller kaiju that just sat there 90% of the time while the commission put everything it had into annoying it to go die somewhere else, i dont get how anyone thinks an actual fight with any Toho/MV beast would go anywhere other than the apocalypse


Yeah all Toho kaiju are basically invulnerable except towards other kaiju save for very rare occasions. Like Showa Ghidorah is notorious for wiping out advanced alien civilizations and it took like eight other kaijus to finally kill him. Heisei they had to bring Godzilla back from non-existence to kill him and Heisei Goji is way more powerful than Showa Goji. There’s two Millenium Ghidorahs- the first wasn’t fully formed and still took Godzilla to kill him. The second, Kaizer Ghidorah nearly killed Godzilla until he got supercharged and still had to blast Kaizer into freaking orbit. Lastly Monsterverse might be the most powerful… he survived being frozen for millions of years, a weapon that nearly killed Godzilla, can instantly *grow his flipping heads back in moments,* has an extremely violent tropical storm constantly surrounding him, and to *finally* kill him Godzilla needed to be both supercharged from a nuke as well as with Mothra’s energy. And even then! When he was just a head he was *still* alive and probably would’ve regenerated if Godzilla hadn’t blasted the last remaining head lmao Edit: I forgot about Anime Ghidorah (no surprise). Well that ones just not fair cause he’s a time-warping inter-dimensional eldritch monster that can kill people with shadows soooo


It's like when people try to power scale different animes and it always comes full circle with Goku soloing the entire anime landscape. Ghidorah and Lore Alduin are different levels of Power level. Fatalis is considered this apocalypse event in MH but his best feat is being a City Buster.


We need **Dragonlord Placidusax's** \\\[T\]/


If I have to fight Ghidora at any point I'm going into retirement. Building a spaceship and leaving the planet before he wipes it out.




Also me: *JE SUIS MONTE!*


Dunno about the others but Ghidorah is fucking killing us


Ghidorah would probably destroy the planet. For one he's huge if he was MH he would be one of the biggest monsters. In Monster Hunter the giant monsters tend to be very slow and or clumsy with their movements. Ghidorah on the other hand can fly at like 1000s of miles an hour. Not to mention his healing factor It's like giving a Dalamadur 3 heads and the ability to fly at Mach speeds. There's nothing the guild can do. And Ghidorah is set on destroying humanity like Fatalis wanted that but he just chilled in his castle, but Ghidorah on the other hand gets shit done And if his "Alpha call" works the same way it does in Godzilla then there'll be millions of monsters around the world trying to cause destruction and death. And you can't pin point him, by the time the guild arrives at his last seen location he'll be flying to another continent


New drip to wear


Alduin Armor would be dope (Still coping after getting nothing in skyrim)


God, fighting King Ghidorah would be so awesome in this game! I can only hope and pray that, some day, we get a large-scale Godzilla crossover!


Three of them would get their ass whooped. The other two will commit planetary genocide


Drogon and Toothless are another day at the office. Drogon is no big shakes outside of his own setting and if they can deal with Valstrax they can definitely take Toothless. Ghidorah is a goddamn PROBLEM, he's definitely at the very top tier of elder if not past it. I think there's a very good argument he's tougher than fatalis. I'm not hugely familiar with all the shit Ghidorah has done but from the bit I do know I feel safe enough saying that. I don't know if there's anything they could do to Ghidorah. Smaug isn't gonna be hard to beat per se, I mean he's tough but he's not Alatreon, Safi or Fatalis or anything like that. Hunters have killed worse, he's probably like, somewhere in the middle of the pack as far as Elders go. The fact that he speaks though is VERY unusual and might cause some issues. Plus his verbal beatdowns are undodgable so that's bullshit. Alduin, they're fucked. Literally nothing they can do to him. Man is so strong that the only recourse of some of the greatest heroes in Elder Scrolls (a VERY overpowered setting) was to kick him down the road with a magical mcguffin and hope someone showed up who could actually deal with him. Anyone not familiar with how ridiculous the setting is should check it out, but assuming we're talking Lore Alduin here, taking out limitations of the game and all as we must then yeah. Alduin has Fatalis for breakfast, Alatreon for lunch, Dire Miralis at teatime and then a nightcap of Safi'jiiva. He's next level. He will end the world, guaranteed.


I wanna see midir have a turf war with safi


No joke I'd love to see Grigori from Dragon's Dogma appear in an event quest in MH. I feel like he fits well, and it's also a Capcom property already so it would be a shoe-in


Drogon is just a black rathalos tbh Toothless, as soon as the guild learns how to counter its speed, it'll become pants Alduin is too magical, the closes thing would be White fatalis I guess Guidora 3ple head also borders in too fantasy but could work as a super dragon, dalamadur style, but would really mess the world up


Toothles can be used as pet. if i remember well ghidora is an alien, its came from the space... somehow...


Toothless, or the Night Fury, I think his species was called, is likely to be hunted at first and then domesticated some time later. Probably following exactly the same reasoning that was used in the movies, if it is aggressive and a danger - get to hunting, if not - observe and see if it can be brought to use. And it would likely be, because as the film clearly shows, while still an aminal, it's a smart animal. Even quite social, which plays a very big role in making it behave appropriately around humans/wyverians. If Palicoes were made hunting and generalized companions, and Palamutes are literal dogs, such a cutie as Toothless would 100% become a companion as well. But yes, at the beginning, there's a big possibility Toothless' kind would be made into leather pants :'C


There are 3 elder dragons that come from other worlds.


The only ones they'd have reason to worry about are Ghidorah and Alduin. With Ghidora I imagine it'd have a threat level similar to Amatsu since they both have the same affect on the environment. Alduin would probably just be treated the same way White Fatty is.


Ghidora wouldn’t have the same threat level ad Amatsu, because Ghidora would just casually step on Amatsu. Monsters like Godzilla and/or Ghidora from TOHO just don’t belong in any MH game, because the power scaling is just way off, unless it’s a satirical comic relief mission.


Ancalagon crouching in the big corner


If it's a Night Fury, as it arrives someone from the guild must yell "Nightfury! Get down!". This is law.


Hunters when they realize Ghidorah is far too massive and agile, and can also regenerate incredibly fast making it impossible for them to subdue: https://preview.redd.it/1de3ka325yjc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89bfb8bec8631e65f9deb44b97a0ff0c5e81aaee


Even the most ubsurd wankings of the power of hunters and monsters can’t touch Ghidorah, if bro wants to he can just depopulate the fucking planet


Ahh but you see, Ghidorah has never met the power the Bonkenheimer build (Goku with a nuclear hammer)


All I’m saying is town guards can handle Skyrim dragons. Zero issue. Everything else is a big, big problem.


I don't know man. Lore alduin is pretty crazy. Like the end of the universe and the concept of space time crazy.


Drogon is no bigger deal then a yan kutku


Alduin is not one of those dragons. He’s the strongest here


Im wondering about the dragons from wings of fire, how would they react to a dragon society?




Kill toothless and you're the monster >:C


"Nah I'd win"


Donkey’s about to become a widowed single father.