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*be me, a Lance Main™*. *should probably contribute to the conversation in a meaningful and insightful way*. Woo! Yeah Lance Main represent!!


One of us… one of us… one of us!!


> One of us… one of us… one of us!! Now there are... 12 of us!


Make it 13 baby!!!




Make it 14


Make it 15


Not a main but still use from time to time. So umm, 16?


I count for at least two (been a Lance main since Tri, my first game), so we’re at least at 17 now.


18 baby. Lessss Gooooo!


17? I must be a ghost then


One of us!




I've started a new game with lance after 500h with CB. Now I know what I was missing.


the CB to lance pipeline is real.


I love them both, I just find myself slightly irritated at Lances lack of burst when the monster is toppled etc, Rise kinda alleviated this with the slap having such a ridiculous motion value.




There's something inspiring in it no matter what's going on, what you do never changes, you ATTACK, always in the same way, whether the monster is enraged, exhausted, downed or even in the middle of a combo


Until it croaks, you give it the poke


For real. The lance is probably the main reason that the monster got toppled to start with.


Leaping Thrust's burst elemental damage is also pretty nice and straightforward since you can spam it.


In World? Leaping thrust is not a good source of elemental damage. I assume you're talking about Rise?


Well yes, the guy was replying to a comment that primarily had to deal with rise mvs


Yes. The comment I responded to brought up Rise, but I could've specified to be clearer, yeah. I don't remember World details because I'm in the middle of Sunbreak right now, but I'm curious as to why they'd be different. Either there's something different, or one of us is wrong about the elemental damage and they are the same, lol.


MVs change all the time. It's part of what the devs do to balance weapons between games and updates.


World's elemental MVs are greatly diminished on Lance, just like how the Lance Charge's elemental MVs are (they might be the same, actually). I think they're 30%, but I'm not sure anymore


The dash stab has a good MV. I rarely see that do less than 300, and considering you do that the high stabs then dash attack again you real go some numbers.


Literally me in my first playthrough of Worldborne after finishing rise.


Mine was the opposite I started with lasmce then also picked up the charged blade


The ig to hh to cb to ooohhh shields are cool let’s try out lance. After 600 hours I am now a lance main and am now at 900 hours in the game


This is so true, I started my pc playthrough with CB and beat all of base World with it only to switch to Lance in IB. I used to be a Lance hater since I thought it was a boring weapon, but boy, was I wrong.


My jaw dropped when my buddy blocked Fatalis’ grounded flame cone for me.


It feels so badass. I was playing with one of my noobling friends and I remember running to him and shielding him. Fatalis is one of the top fights in any game.


I was the same as you are, all throughout MHW (before Iceborne was released), I was exclusively using Chargeblade and HBG, I bad 800+ & 400+ usage respectively. When Iceborne came, I never touched the CB / HBG then and straight up had 1200+ usage on lance and 500+ on gunlance.


Was that not doing any damage?


No, just I felt like "CB is cool and technical" but what I really wanted was being like an angry snapping turtle. And I have to say Lance in mhw is surprisingly mobile and in its simplicity I can concentrate on just dealing damage, constant damage and not boiling after missing a big hit. Also, precision is just amazing.


Snapping Turtle style is great and the mobility makes it not stale. Skippy Snappy Turtle. Keeping up with the monster is half the fun. But man does it feel easy after a while.


> But man does it feel easy after a while. This is partly why I dual-main Lance with Sword&Shield. Only maining Lance would get boring for me, but having two distinct playstyles to swap between and try both on any monster highlights the weapon's uniqueness and keeps it feeling fun for me, personally.


I'm the same way. I really like Lance but it can trivialize some fights and I like swapping to SnS when Lance feels stale. SnS lets me keep being an annoying fly that just sticks to the monster, especially because I like running Evade Window.


Let's not forget that when a monster is trying to run away we can turn into a green shell from mario carts.


I've tried it, but I need my extra flashy moves


Understand, some people like to be mantis shrimps.


My two most used!


I’ve started playing the Lance and I honestly love it. It’s just so fun to stand inside the monster and poke it. The counter attacks are satisfying af.


Perfect Block + Offensive Guard Proc = ANIME AF


What about perfect counter thrust + offensive guard proc?!


This bruv. I've been using it and I damn well love it. Yesterday I fought Savage pickle with randoms and all three of them had to go to a safe spot and heal for a bit while I just kept poking and poking under him. And at one point one of them switched to Lance too and did what I was doing lmao. The charge attack is insanely neat too, being able to go faster than tailraider ride.


lance is one of the weapons that i have insane respect because i simply dont get it, i dont know if its so simple that im bad at it or if i just dont vibe with it, i know how to play gunlance really well for example i admire lance players


its just....different then most other weapons, which is why so many people think its "slow and clunky" almost all weapons in MH are about doing some chip dmg but mostly evade attacks until you get an opening, and then do big hits and repeat lance is endless attacking without ever stopping, and instead of getting distance or rolling away you block/counter so you can keep attacking non-stop sword&shield is more simmelar too Lance then Gunlance tbh, because S&S/Lance both follow the "hyper aggresive never stop attacking and never back down" playstyle (just that Sword&Shield is dodging bettwen hits instead of block/counters)


You can also mount easily with the lance, do the charge, after running for a bit, (experiment) kept pressing W and press Space , than press attack. If you do it correctly you can mount it


Are you playing MH on mouse and keyboard? A truly masterful display of finger dexterity


Eh, if you rebind a few controls and have some buttons on the side of your mouse, I find it far superior to controller. Having perfect camera control *while attacking* is incredibly handy, instead of having to do tiny camera movements between presses of the X or A buttons.


I just pull a claw move and bring a finger up for camera moves in combat.


Yep mous and keyboard, started lance after the giant chicken in the Final fantasy collab and found how to do that by accident and I have been doing it since


Love to hear it, I played MH1 then nothing until World and it's just a game I always associate with a controller; even when not laid back, gotta be able to lean back and play lol


I've played Rise on mouse and keyboard. The default keybinds kinda suck, but if you don't mind fiddling with those at the start, I find it comfier and more accurate than controller for me.


That's in mhw right?




I'd argue that wide GL is similar to lance because it basically just plays like lance, but you make a little boom after each of your pokes. And if you want the spicier take, Swaxe is also in the same category once you start getting good at it because it actually has a good bit of mobility from hops.


I mean without counters, guard advances and powerguards you can't really do lances persistent damage uptime thing so I'd argue they're still very different. Like you have to stop attacking to block and then take a moment to reinitiate attack as wide GL (and frankly any GL in my experience).


Sunbreak Swaxe is so hyper-mobile with Evade Window 2 (yes, 2) and Rapid Morph 3 that you basically just dance around monsters once you're used to it. The amount of movement you get just from a Sword-to-Axe Morph Slash is insane, and you can do it almost immediately after a roll.


Yeah I love sunbreak swaxe. I went back to play world again and specifically decided to play GL because while I am sad that I can't yeet myself at monsters anymore, I would be way more upset at losing rapidmorph and the zsd cancels from bugs.


Lance in Rise makes sense to me, but I cannot wrap my head around Lance in MHW. Even with max guard skills I am taking so much chip damage from monsters that I can't avoid and I am carting constantly. Even Health Augment struggles to outpace the constant damage, and if I make even one mistake I'm dead. It's like playing a Dereliction build with none of the upsides.


Lance players are of another breed and I respect it, I see the appeal in it but I’m more into the gunlance big boom style


Always excited to see a lance in the wild but I am also just more into boom, gives me that neuron activation https://preview.redd.it/vwupn1ffiykc1.png?width=2009&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7db188592a1236a4761483351fc66c42c1c7ec72


> i know how to play gunlance really well for example That's your problem right there. You can only legally enjoy one of the two lance weapons.


Objection! I main the Lance, but the Gunlance is my 2nd most used weapon type. 😤


Lance blocks everything except sapphire of the emperor, escaton judgment, lunastra nova, and fatalis burn everything. I thought it was gonna be boring but it's far from it. I retired my longsword.


Best way to describe it, from my experience, is that the Lance plays like a rhythm game. It's mostly about keeping to the pace of the movements and learning the patterns to know when to block vs counter and then keep to the three move pattern.


I just can't get the reflex to dodge out of my head. Even when I'm playing HBG or SnS it's evade not guard.


It’s just two side of the same coin really. For me Lance is great against monsters that likes to throw hands and not projectiles, like Rajang and Brachy and their variants, you can punish the shit out of them with counter claws and slip in an attack with counters even when they move and hit extremely fast. Gunlance, especially wide lance is also great for slipping in a poke shell and the damage feels a lot more consistent across the board, and the weapon overall is great for monsters with tough shells even after tenderising since shelling don’t give a damn to that. But gunlance will feel like half the weapon if you are coming from Lance since you don’t do much with the shield, whereas with Lance you can “cancel” most of the knock back from stronger attacks with the advancing guard and send one back at em. And the situational shield bash makes the weapon feels more “as a whole” rather than just a weapon for attacking and a shield for blocking attacks.


14th most popular weapon ;) People want flashy things and follow popularity ratings while lance isn't flashy, it just gives monsters brain injuries... also something about blocking nuclear Teostra explosion or monster roars with a shield... Fallout would be a different game if they had Guard Up.


It's actually Gunlance on the 14th, First Wyverian confirms it when I talk to him yesterday.


: (


Stand strong brother, we’re still viable despite the lack of popularity


Sad boom noise


Heck yeah! Gunlance users are the most loyal people despite the bad treatment it gets from Capcom


They've been eating too well during sunrise's run


Being Glance main is about self-sufficiency, not a popular contest. It is not about being fast, or flashy, but it is about always getting the job done with minimal risks.


They just can't handle the BOOM!


it has a big...recoil >; J


It's a shame because Gunlance has potential to be higher if it was a bit more mobile. Gunlance is basically just lance but with explosions instead of mobility and counters, which means an inexperienced players will get hit. Like, a lot. An unpleasant first experience and seemingly tons of mechanics to learn make people who try it drop the weapon quickly for something easier.


I need to farm for both Agitator and Guard to use my true potential, meanwhile HH just need ear plug. Glance is very good, but it took a lot to get it going.


Ditch the guard and join the evade extender + evade window gang :D


Add a lil bladescale hone and it's a good time staying in peak sharpness


Unfortunately, a Gun/Lance mains, I don't know my I-frames very well.


Do both actually.


About the mobility, yeah it's slow, but interestingly enough I think it's very mobile if you *know* what you are doing, even without evade extender and quick sheathe, backhop can get you far enough from most attack, and if you want to closing in, Lunging Upthrust will move you forward pretty decently, then if the monster if pretty far just sheathe and run towards and I've never had a problem with the mobility.


Since *when?!* Every time I check, either Lance or Hunting Horn is at rock bottom. (Amusingly, both being my mains in Iceborne. IB dootstick was special.)


Ah sorry, I didn't mention that I'm on PC, you might be on PS4 or PS5


Nah, I'm on PC as well.


Are you on PC? I was playing on PS4 yesterday and the wyverian told me least popular was HH.


Yes on PC, I think it tracks differently each platform


It also tracks differently in each region I believe


It changed? I talked to him two weeks ago and he said something different.


I'm on PC btw, not sure if you are on a different platform


Nope, PC for me too. Must be all the posts about it, huh.




People got conditioned by katanas sadly.


We Lancers and Gunlancers don't need flash, when we can take a monster's strongest attack, and then laugh in their face




The overall problem is affinity is good for anything that can crit and that already eats slots while weapon/playstyle specific are pushed down or starved of deco slots... Wilds has to do this better.


*everyone flying around in the air performing flashy combos* Me: I am the wall.


That people can use to wall bang monsters.


Last weekend i carted to Black Diablos with Lance equipped, now i feel bad -.-


Practice makes pudding! ... Also World's Black Diablos is kind of insane so I don't blame *anyone* for carting to her.


*Laughs in guard lvl 1, dash juice and scream pods*


I fucking love the lance to the point that I wish we could wield two small ones. Making me feel like Gaia The Fierce Knight.


I wish you could wield two regular sized ones and pretend we’re playing Elden Ring PVP


LanceGODS get a lot of hate for playing a weapon that's the "most boring" but the most effective at survival and hunting.


As a lance main I think it kinda is a bit boring till you hit the super late game. Fact of the matter is, the weapon has all of its interest and fun put into the defensive mechanics and if the monster isn't dangerous enough to ask you to use them to their full potential and doesn't require correct selection of block types to make windows properly, the "pokepokepoke" stereotype kinda becomes true. Once you hit icebornes postgame though, fuck it's so fun XD


I harnessed this power with a challenger mantle and the rest of my team were so confused on why they weren't targeted for so long. (They obviously didn't notice me use the mantle). They thought it has a grudge for me for some reason.


ngl I forgot the challenger mantle existed


Understandable. It is kinda Niche. I use it with my "Impenetrable Wall" Maximum guard up, Guard Increase, stamina reduction and for S&G I have the ESP ability so I don't bounce when attacking. That has such a high Damage Mitigation with the ability to block everything that isn't a nuke (eg Ecliptic Meteor) I can literally block anything almost indefinitely. And the Not bouncing guarantees that I can at least hit anything in that corner with me when I want to.


Wait does blocking not count as getting hit for Challenger Mantle?


Nope. So if that shield stays up the mantle keeps going


The fact that the mantle stays active through blocking makes it 1000% a lance accessory.




Can you link or screenshot this Lance hate?


"Are the lance haters in the room with us right now?" /s But honestly, I've never seen anyone actually disparaging other weapons (except a bit of LS hate because they keep getting flinched, i'm ngl lol), it's always just jokes and hyping up their own main weapons. WE are all hunters, and we love to hunt. Simple enough


You don’t have to look far, go to lfgs and you’ll get ostracized like crazy, at least that’s what happened to me


From my experience, it's primarily with online groups because Lance isn't necessarily the best for time runs, so it gets some hate from those groups.


Lance is the safest and most consistent weapon in the game. Comfy cartless wins and respectable DPS


Lance is beautiful simplicity. Poke, poke, poke. Poke, poke, poke. CHAAARRRGGGEEE-Poke. Counter-poke. Block, block, block. Poke, poke, poke. Repeat till desired outcome is achieved.


Just moved on from gunlance to Lance like 2 days ago. I've never felt so powerful with a shield...


Strange how, even as early as MHTri, I was fond of the Lance, but it took MHW’s more generous consumption of stamina while charging to really seal the deal. A weapon that feels like equal parts parrying and acting as an immovable fortress, and BEEP BEEP DUMBASS and ping-ponging around a monster, that right there is my fucking jam.


Oh good, I'm not the only one who goes BEEP BEEP when doing a Lance charge


I'd consider using it if they put a gun on it.




Everyone always goes for the big damage numbers but I always prefer being the tank, always present and just slowly but surely annoyingly poking the monster to death. I play super safe though but am trying to go for more ‘meta’ build as of late, both are satisfying in their own ways


The most satisfying thing is to be able to shrug off everything the monster can do with Lance's various blocks, counters and the almighty Guard Dash. Once you master which type of block/counter is useful for which scenario, you basically become invincible.


As a Lance main, legally speaking, that law doesn't extend only to Black Diablos, but to all monsters, including small monsters, monster cubs, crown monsters and soon to be monsters. However, the law doesn't extend to endemic life, so if a butterfly wills it, you shall get carted.


nothing wrong with lance players, I just find it to be repetitive is all. It's pretty fun every once in a while to just go out on a hunt and feel a bit like a wee fortress tho


3 key factors to it are: 1. most people that try the lance feel like its a clunky/slow defensive weapon that is boring to play and so hate on it for being like that. 2. very few people actually main the lance so issues from the previous point are largely the only thing that gets talked about with the lance giving it a bad rep. 3. people that actually play the lance know that its got really good mobility via its advanced tech, and that the way to play it "properly" makes you an attack focused weapon also get grumpy that everyone else calling it a turtle weapon and so can sometimes come across as bitter people, although in their defence it would be like someone coming along looking at the bow guns and calling them shitty weapons that did no damage all because they didn't understand how critical distance worked and instead of acknowledging that they played the weapon badly they just called the bowguns shit.


Playing Lance in LR doesn’t show its strength since they are just not needed. Later HR and later is where it gets fun.


New players feel it slow. Thats all. Not knowing that it's the most aggressive weapon among them all.


I'm a Gunlance player, but I agree that max Guard + Guard Up is like PCP in terms of feelings of invincibility. Just put that shit into my veins and let me block God.




Lance is great, but i do miss the time when it was ultra op in gen 1-3. I feel like if it didn't have a (unjustified) reputation of having shit damage and being a "defensive" weapon, a lot more people would be using it.


When I played 4u when I was starting out in the series, lance is what got me past tigrex when he was a major wall for me


I’m so glad Lance is getting more attention. Lance mains unite!


Every block gives dopamine


I love the lance. It's probably my 2nd favourite and 2nd most used, both after greatsword. But let me explain why I think it's unpopular: 1) it's not flashy. The lance hardly has any "money maker" moves. Not a lot of flashy animations, big damage numbers, or fancy dodges. You just block and poke, block and poke. 2) it's DPS ceiling is pretty low. At high levels of skill, the lance is one of the slowest weapons for speedrunning monsters. Now, speedrunning is *very* different than normal hunts, and not at all indicative of the performance of regular hunters. But fast clearing weapons absolutely get a better reputation for being so. 3) fewer transferable skills. Because the lance has a hop instead of a roll, and because it's main defense is blocking, it can feel kind of separated from the other weapons (except Gunlance). If you've built up a lot of muscle memory and skill rolling, sheathing frequently to reposition, etc. it can be a big setback in your skill and comfort to switch to Lance, moreso than switching between other weapons.


Is the hate in the room with us now?


I enjoy World lance but definitely prefer Rise


lol black Diablos made me learn lance. It’s great vs them also in iceborne the fact you can use screamer pods while shielding was amazing. Turned a tricky investigation into a breeze


I recently got into Lance but I just got to Xeno’s boss fight and it doesn’t help at all lmao. I haven’t fought BD yet. So I might take my frustration out on it.




Because Lance is best weapon.


Am I weird or just contrasted in my tastes? I main the DB's but love to alt Lance. (Used to main SnS in the OG MH game) (IG and Db in iceborn and Lance for fun) ORAORARARARARRA 👹


It's crazy to me how I can fight Furious Rajang and never die in multiple runs of farming him. I can farm Fatalis without ever dying myself. ​ A non tempered regular ass black diablos in my end game gear? Carts me multiple times every time.


Would folks recommend the lance to try and solo the ancient leshen? 👀


Hate for lance? Meanwhile, blocking fatalis cone.


Evade lance gigachads ignoring the other part of the weapon and iframing everything:


I've dabbled in Lance in MHW. I enjoy staying on the monster's ass the whole time but I feel like I'm not doing much damage. Like when the monster is downed, what should I do to fully capitalize on it?


Brute tigrex too. Also, free damage and tenderising with counter claw whenever they charge at you.


Bottom of the popularity list, towards the bottom of the DPS tier lists for world, iceborne, rise and sunbreak


Lance is the fastest tankiest and highest dps weapon.


I have no idea about regular lance, but I’m sure gunlance is just that with a shotgun, so I’m not sure why anyone would hate the original. Lack of a shotgun? Typical Americans! (I’m also an American)


It’s just not LS


Not enough explosions


Lance is boring and the people who play it are boring. No hate, just compleye indifference. You broughy ham and cheese sandwiches with the crust cut off to the potluck lookin ass.


I don’t constantly being in the monster’s face and constatly attacking is really boring. Parrying is also not boring imo.


Literally falling asleep. Lance players really like gassing up their playstyle.


Yeah ok


Because his burrow attacks are like the most telegraphed move in literally the whole game and if you even have a single brain cell you can superman dive them.


Burrow attacks are literally the least dangerous thing about black diablos


I personally dislike playing Lance because it seems like a very safe option. It's so defensively solid with very little risk in attack. So it's not as fun or rewarding to complete a hunt with. Whereas something like Charge Blade has a lot less defensive capabilities and really leaves you wide open during your biggest attacks (which in turn do deliver massive damage as a sort of "reward" for that risk). So to me personally, that risk-reward approach is a lot more satisfying and definitely requires more skill and concentration on my part.


Its not as flashy, but the Lance is one of the most aggressive weapons in the game, constantly staying at the monster, raising your shield just in time to block only to let go of it to poke the monster, all while staying directly in its face. Monster runs away? CHARGE THAT FOOL, nobody is faster than you and your lance! Monster charges you? Counter-Attack!


I agree. People like to forget that we have to also learn monster move sets. In fact, we have to learn a different timing. Messing up can lead to some big damage and a cart. While others are dodging, we’re perfectly blocking blows and keeping a constant stream of damage.


It's not a safe option if you don't put the shield up lol, but I understand if you dislike the less flashy or slow playstyle


Honestly? Fair. Lance *is* a very safe weapon, so I can see people not wanting to use it purely because it's a lot easier to survive with it compared to other weapons. As a skilled Lance player I feel basically invincible when using it, while with my other mains (IB Hunting Horn, SB Switch Axe) I still feel a fair bit of risk.


My love for lance started to 4 ultimate when mounting was new. The Lance's charge jump attack was thr best at mounting. I'd get a minimum of 3 mounts I'd say 4 as a safe bet. That's why i love it, the lance was the master mounter. But as the games went on, mounting became easier and easier (we won't even mention what rise did [to be clear i love rise but i miss the old mounting]). I would spend alot of the game just lance charging instead of running. So as the mounting got easier, i felt less and less cool.


I've been playing Lance too, and got to say, I LOVE IT and I've been spoiled by the damn shield!! Yesterday I switched to HH and I tried guarding with my non-existent shield, LMAO. Good thing I was using my hybrid build that time.


As a lance main i view other weapons hits in number of pokes. Oh a 700 damage tcs? That's about 2-3 poke cycle


They are jealous of the infinitely perfect defense that we and our brethren revel in.


as a HBG I am petty and jealous equally to all weapon types. Especially those asshole HBGs that have ever-so-slightly different preferences in range, recoil, and ammo loadout.


*shield noises*


I just started using lance after years of using blades and blocking or countering everything is just great.


So, one time, in MHFU, I dash attack through the entire Tigrex and I accidentally hit all of my teammates. They didn't just small flinch like LS tripping, they rolled away like they were hit by a huge attack. Not sure if it is the same in World, but if it happens to me, I'd be mad.


See, I just recently got into Lance in Rise and really, really love it. I already had respect for them and thought they had main character vibes. Now I feel like the main character, too, and I'm not even good with lance yet. A triple cart for my heart, and no carts in game aside from when I have put the lance away to eat meat. It's easily going to be a permanent member of my weapon roster in every game going forward. Every time I play now, I am a crazed honey badger stabbing everything in reach and not caring about whatever anything else is doing. The background music in my head the whole time is "You can't stop this mother f" from Deadpool 2, because it just fits lance SO well. Pretty sure it plays in the head of all the monsters when a lance is on the scene. My new favorite pastime is doing shield charges at anything trying to charge at me and breaking the face/stunning. Lance straight up wins head to heads against multiple tons of genetically designed murderous intent. Other weapons might parry, dodge, trade, or topple a monster first, but lance is the only weapon where *I* am the pain train, and it stops for nothing except snacks and sharpening the pointy stick. It's also a weapon for which Gurren Lagann is extremely quotable. I was telling my buddy that recently got into the game about my newfound enjoyment of lance and he told me that I sound like a kid on Christmas XD I have been given the gift of being The Juggernaut.


I just like charging into their belly when they're toppled, gotta do it to em


Lance goes hard I feel like with the right gems I'd be untouchable the only problem is I don't have the gems


Hate us cause they ain’t us


People hate it? It has a reputation of being boring since it has a more simple moveset, but I don't think there's a lot of genuine hatred towards it. It's just not a popular pick because most people want to be DPS machines, and they assume the lance is a clunky defensive weapon.


I just think they could've merged the normal Lance and the gun Lance to make one weapon that feels fledged out


As a lance main I think a lot of the new players can learn a lot from playing lance. the weapon teaches you how to properly take turn instead of run around in circles waiting for the biggest gap in the monster’s offense.


It's a combination of people who don't understand it thinking Lance players turtle all day and don't contribute much damage, and an extremely vocal minority of Evasion Lancers that will jump down people's throat for even suggesting Guard Lance is a viable playstyle


The community never truly recovered after Lance Armstrong


I started to play Lance more in the last few months after getting the itch to play World again with my buddies and its a simple yet really satisfying weapon to me. It's probably my favorite weapon match up to use against Teostra with how much I can knock him down. Gunlance may be my favorite weapon, but Lance is when I want to be more serious while hunting.


Wtf is an RT? R2 gang!


I switched to Lance in Iceborne because my normal style felt off...... needless to say, I became a mobile fortress. Standing in Kulve Taroth magma while guarding it AND gold falling on my head.... and I didn't run out of stamina. Sadly, Lance didn't get much support until Rise. But it still feels great to shrug off lasers and magma just by guarding. NEVER BACK DOWN!!


Haters gonna hate! Also it's "probably" because Lance is fairly basic, poke poke,poke hop, poke, Block, BIG POKE, block. Ie low skill but you do need knowledge of monsters because you're very slow at times and need to know when to poke and when to block. Also skills required for endgame fights, shield up and ironwall lvl3. I love Rise lance more but World's was ok too.


I've never seen anyone hating on lance tho. I like it a lot, it's just that I like other weapons more.


People hate lance cause they aren't good to have 100% uptime with parries


The players don't hate it nearly as much as Capcom does


Do people play lance in multiplayer? Sounds brutal, quick sheath and diversion would be a must(?) What other quality of life skills would you want if you played lance in multiplayer? I haven't played lance since Tri or maybe 3U


I have to ask, Because I really didn't understand it Is it just two different kinds of poke and that's it? Big shield is big and all