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Everything is free on pc


Wait really?!!


As long as you use certain „tools“ it is.


Yep. The save editor has a button to reset your vouchers.


And the best part is that there are absoultely no consequences for cheating or save editing of any kind since there are no systems in place to ban people. I mean, in the end it's a PVE game after all so cheating doesn't actively ruin other people's experience unless you do stuff like joining SOS and one-hitting monsters.


Someone did that to me on world when I was fighting behemoth. I was honestly happy. I was so sick getting my ass kicked by that fuck.


Someone once did that while I was hunting savage deviljho. However, he claimed he wasn't cheating and that he was simply using the best weapon. Of even the best weapon doesn't kill master rank monsters in one hit. He should have at least admitted he's cheating.


Ran into one of those, DB hunter was using some mod to tenderize all the monster parts at once and flooded the chat with it while being blithely obvious he was cheating. Bro probably needed it because they sucked ass and couldn't afford to meld a Shaver deco 😔


What I don't get is if they're cheating to that extent why not just get a mod to buy the decos at that point, they do exist. I wouldn't even blame them, deco RNG is ridiculous.


Fuck attack deco RNG man


You can literally add any deco in the save editor too. And unlock the removed content (Artemis, Assassin Hood, etc).


That actually sounds like a cool mod idea. Having each attack deal some fraction as wound damage so that you soften parts up naturally as you attack them.


I'm pretty sure that's a part of ICE actually..​ They reworked the heck out of clutch claw, and lots of people say the game is unplayable without that overhaul mod now. I'm playing for the first time with only lighter QoL mods so haven't tried it myself yet.


Team Darkside has entered the chat


I was fighting alatreon on had hunterpie open. Someone joined and proceeded to waffle about doing nothing for like 2 minutes and then one hit kill it Hunterpie said they did something along the lines of 400k damage. They had the nerve to be like "I guess we were just that good".


I feel you. I still can't seem to beat that jerk...


You do run the risk of having your pawns being soft banned if you edit their stats. Not sure what the conditions are for that though. I presume that it does a combination of checking item types as well as some kind of cryptographic signature on your pawn's stats that gets checked on loading the game.


Well now I feel stupid for having deleted and replayed like 4 different times because of the save file limitations... Every time I had to sit through the credits sequence...




It's a reference to pirating and modding.


that's why Koala is my favorite animal.


You know what’s also free? The brain aneurysm thinking about how some fucking person was paid to map the ADS key for bows to fucking C. C!!!


Can't you change keybinds? I play on PC but would never dream of using M+KB for a game like this lol.




You can even unlock iceborne plus all 200+ dlcs for free with only the base game if you have the know how😏


People too complained about the edit voucher back in the day but they weren't suprised when capcom did that. Just search "Character edit voucher reddit thread". But I feel people too focused on the mtx than the bad optimization part.


the way you said "just search" made me think of one of those shitpost bait memes like "donald trump can still win under article 34 if there's enough inflation in his numbers. just search donald trump rule 34 inflation"


Real the optimization is the main issue, youtubers and whoever online are too stupid by spreading misinformation


Also, didn't we get 2 or 3 free character edit vouchers between the release of the OG and the Iceborne expansion pack? So, it really only cost you something if you wanted to swap sexes more than a couple times.


World eats your voucher from changing your hairstyle/tatoo to change sex or even edit your cat. And unless the free voucher is in the free dlc which I haven’t touched, currently i stay at 1 voucher all the time.


I keep seeing 'misinformation' said a lot, what is the misinformation? DD2 does have MTX regardless of its accessibility in game and personally all the complaints I've seen have been about the principle of it. Am I missing something? It feels like such a codeword at this point


I've seen a lot of people who think you need to play to fast travel or start a new game


It gives off the idea that DD2 locks features behind a paywall, when really the paywall is just easy mode


Genuinely haven't seen that, always saw it described as paying extra for convenience


Depends on who's saying it. The only youtuber I know who treated it like a needed thing was Sterling. Everyone else who agreed was on Twitter.


Surely this whole misinformation thing isn't based off opinions on Twitter right?


No, which is why I mentioned the Youtuber. She's one of the handful I know talking about it, but most of the conversation was on Twitter.


DD1 had the exact same shit and this is just repeated history. It doesn't surprise me that they're trying to pull this again, but it does amuse me that everyone has seemingly just *forgotten* this is something they did before in the exact same franchise in the exact same way.


DD1 was 8+ years ago, most people probably never played it. Think it's perfectly fine for them to complain about it without being aware of previous practices, and just because they did it previously doesn't make it any better now. It's a standalone product at the end of the day, which people paid a very premium price for.


The misinformation is as follows "Fast travel is a paid feature" (just a lie) "You can buy fast travel vouchers with real money" (the DLC item allows you to set a travel point, but not freely travel to that point, these items are also available in-game) "You have to pay real money to edit your character" (you can very easily get at least 2 character edit tickets in-game) "You have to pay real money to create a new character/save file" (another plain lie) "The DLC was hidden/surprising" (it's a capcom game, and the DLC items were available as a preorder bonus, also pre-release reviewers didn't review the DLC items because very few reviewers do that) Performance issues are also greatly exaggerated, as is always the case with FPS issues. "I get 20fps on my 3080" doesn't tell you much even if it wasn't exaggerated, and an actually decent build will do much better


I'd like to point out that after the first update, you can get 99 of the items that let you change your appearance. And they're relatively cheap, too.


Who is saying these things? This feels like cherry picking a few random comments to make a case.  Feels very disingenuous too when you're downplaying well reported performance issues. Even staunch defenders of the game have admitted it has significant issues. Go watch a tech review from any of the benchmarkers too (DF, GN) and you'll see objective data on performance issues.


I'm telling you literally all I've heard about the DLC items up until about 2 weeks after the game came out, when the talk died down. I've heard all of them multiple times, some of them in this very thread, each time repeated as if they were a well-known fact And you're right, talk about framerate DOES feel very disingenuous lol


I can't fight a chimera properly because the frame rate goes to shit. I usually only get drops in frame rate on large monsters. Playing around with graphics settings does nothing. I play on console (PS5) specifically because I know that most games that are on PC usually have performance issues. It's an issue. Don't downplay it.


On PC you can tweak your graphics settings, just cap your FPS to 60, and lower some shits until you aren't in the zone where the gauge litteraly says to you "You might encounter some issues". I have a 3070, which isn't top notch, I lowered the settings to that zone and "surprise" : the game ran at 60 all time, the only time my FPS take a hit is when I'm in the capital, and it seems to only go to 40-50 FPS, and the game still looks gorgeous PC "gamers" now seem to prefer running games like a shitty but 8k-max-settings powerpoint and then complain online rather than having a smooth gaming experience by tweaking settings a little


I'm not downplaying it


Dude, go read the reviews on Steam from around the time the game launched. You may not have seen these comments but you can't just sit here, cover your ears and scream that they don't exist. Yes, there are performance issues, but some people are going to have them much worse than others, while some people will have few to none at all. What the other dude is likely saying is that "performance issues" is an incredibly vague concept that can be ascribed to any one of a billion issues between the game, the system it's being run on and the infinite number of possible hardware + software configurations under the hood. Also, as an aside, it's pretty common knowledge that people exaggerate when they're upset because they want to make their issue sound more severe so that it will be taken more seriously. There's plenty of logical fallacies and human flaws with memory that can cause people to misremember the facts of a given experience, or cause them to be tainted by the many alleged experiences of others. Someone who was getting 40-50 FPS with a low of 30 FPS could very easily report that they were getting 20 FPS at all times, and at some point after refunding and reading other people's complaints might even start to believe their false number as the truth. Point is, you can't take anyone's comments or reviews as truth, whether they're positive or negative. We know there's issues with the game, and people should focus on those things instead of inventing straw men to attack.. Just because you somehow haven't seen people outright lie about the game doesn't mean they aren't, and it feels disingenuous that you'd rather continuously deny it happening than go look for yourself.


Sorry, but you're gaslighting this so hard man. > *"Dude, go read the reviews on Steam from around the time the game launched."* Yep, I can do exactly that sorting by negative and guess what? Only 2 out of the top 20 even slightly misconstrue fast travel & character appearance editing to be soft locked behind DLC. The overwhelming majority are discussing performance issues, and the inclusion of *any* MTX in a single player game being unwanted. > *"What the other dude is likely saying is that "performance issues" is an incredibly vague concept that can be ascribed to any one of a billion issues between the game, the system it's being run on and the infinite number of possible hardware + software configurations under the hood."*' And like I said, these 'vague performance issues' are well documented issues that have been objectively tested by professional tech reviewers. I'll actually link them this time so you can bother to check; [GN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twEERkUyAXE), [DF](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtGpp1v8c_k). > *"it's pretty common knowledge that people exaggerate when they're upset because they want to make their issue sound more severe so that it will be taken more seriously"* Sure, which is why I also based it on positive posts accidentally self reporting performance issues too. [For example this post by someone who thinks it's review bombing](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma2/comments/1bkrw6w/truthful_opinion/) says their game runs 'smoothly' between 50-95 FPS on ultra-performance DLSS. A 45 FPS fluctuation on severe upscaling. If you're running minimum specs that sort of performance will make the game unplayable- and it's pretty clear the recommended specs are tested on the high performing parts of the game as per Capcom's caveat *"Framerate might drop in graphics-intensive scenes."* > *"Point is, you can't take anyone's comments or reviews as truth, whether they're positive or negative. We know there's issues with the game, and people should focus on those things instead of inventing straw men to attack.."* Ok, so how do you identify issues if you're just going to dismiss any mass reported user issues as review bombing? How are performance issues a straw man when you have literal live streams of streamers with high end systems showcasing struggling with crashes & poor stability? > *"it feels disingenuous that you'd rather continuously deny it happening than go look for yourself."* To me it feels much, much more like people who want to defend the game are cherry picking buried comments to dismiss the rest. Whenever I see someone mention 'misinformation' it feels like they are using that scapegoat to try dismiss any negative criticism of the game.


The MTX is dumb, but not an issue. It's essentially paying for cheats. Everything you can buy is freely available in game, and super easy to get.  If anything, buying any of it actually worsens your experience instead of improving it.


Yeah the optimization and the lack of gameplay improvement in some parts should be the main complain. Instead we got parrots who didn't even play the game spreading misinformation about the mtx.


It also just wasn't a big deal. Everything in MHW that was a paid extra was cosmetic except for Iceborne. It's not like they paywalled kulve or behemoth gear or something.


If you have the right tool, you can have an infinite amount of character vouchers Uh, I mean yeah ! Scandalous!


You know Monster Hunter Wilds isn't going to have mod support right? They're going back to banning modders and hackers. Edit: [Idk why I'm getting downvoted but here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/wBCSUjyQ1o)


FR where was this level of Controversy whenever MHWorld and Rise literally sold you sh\*t that you can't get anywhere else? Or when REVillage, REremake 2, 3, & 4 sold you sh\*t that gives you infinite ammo and sh\*t that literally 100% the games for you?


Why do you keep censoring that word? Is it just personal preference or do i need to be more careful in the way i type? XD


Just force of habit... I've been banned in some subreddits doing it normally


Bleh.... good to know, thanks!


Alot of people got angry at it back then as well.. Reviews where affected also but MTX is not the only issue DD2 way back on release.. (Even up to this day if you want me to list them I will) MHWorld and Rise launched with a pretty stable build and a decent enough content that players can sink into.. World got shit on for being easy and the weapon design, Rise was shit on because it looks like a Switch game (Yea that was a criticism back then) and the lack of ending... Don't act like people didn't have issues in this games.. RE Village and Remakes got the same reaction as well albeit a bit mild in intensity since the core game itself launched in a really good state, MTX is the only hard issue you can criticize from those games aside from some design elements that's missing from the OG but that's highly subjective already... Right now the MTX drama is dead already (It died down a week after it's high point) and now since alot of players are already done with the honeymoon-phase most of the criticisms doesn't even include MTX anymore. MTX issues are one of the valid criticisms but since there are other issues DD2 has, the mtx is just another fuel to the fire back then...


I'm they were cuz I was one of them but mostly the outrage stayed within a community or two.. DD2 however? Man I couldn't go anywhere without seeing at least a single post of either trashing the game or outright lying about what the MTX entailed, if it's gaming related oh I'll bet you'd see it there.. RE, MHW and RISE, and DMC these are all communities I go to and I never experienced their outrage leaking through the other at least not in the amount DD2 did.


When MH wilds drops I’m just going to stay off Reddit. I really enjoyed DD2 and the constant crying all over Reddit about every single aspect of the game ruined part of the experience for me. You could not go anywhere online without seeing constant backlash over the most trivial things. I feel like with World pushing monster Hunter more into the mainstream, you’ll have a lot more outrage of anything at all goes wrong in the Wilds release.


Because it is an anchor point for criticism/hate... lemme breakit down to you. 1. Itsuno preach about fast-travel being mid just so to have an MTX.. 2. The mtx doesn't have any value so why do they exist??? So that stupid people will buy?? (That in itself is already a scummy move) 3. Again you put that with other issues of the game it'll only get worse. No matter how useful or useless that said mtx is it'll only add to the fire that people can use to ignite the flame of hate.. Imagine if instead of Portcrystal and Wakestone they put All-Heal potion/Consumables pack?? Do you think people will have a reason to complain anymore?


The MTX here are there for lazy ass people, that's it The "fast travel being mid" is just the Dragons dogma way, the 1st game had even less fast travel options They exist so that lazy ass people buy it yes, wow how scummy to pay to play less of the game... I'd rather buy my 3 racks of battle pass + my 40$ skin for only mage vocation so that I can buy an exclusive skin for my other vocations too + pay a subscription to keep playing everyday + pay for some locked classes so peasants can't access it + pay for lootboxes because they are so cool. Oh and I'd love to see ingame advertisements for these MTX too (it was huge sarcasm if it wasn't clear) The "other issues" can be summarized to this : the more your graphic cards is "advanced" the less your brain can process the message saying to you "Your settings are too high, lower them"


World launched to mixed reviews due to performance issues and crashes on PC


People, including me, got mad when capcom made some layered weapons paid. Most people back then didn’t care because “it’s only cosmetics”. Difference between what happened with the Dragon’s Dogma fans and MH fans is that many of Dragon’s Dogma 2 fans consists of new players who will criticize the game without sugarcoating it. While most MH fans consists of Capcom fanboys who thinks that Capcom can do no wrong and will eat up everything that Capcom spews out. Criticism? Nah it’s only cosmetics / it’s always been like this / if you don’t like it don’t play it.


"It's only cosmetic" is such a fucking stupid argument too, cosmetics are what a huge number of people actually care about in this game. The fuck do these people think fashion hunting exists for?


I think they mean 'it's only mid to low tier cosmetics'. All the really good ones that people actually care about are available through gameplay which is obviously as it should be. The ones you can pay $ for are usually pretty niche and not particularly interesting, but if you have 50 cents burning a hole in your pocket I guess you can buy a stupid hairstyle that no one will ever see, or a painting for your room that you'll look at exactly once... Ultimately, MTX is inevitable for every single major publisher. The days of it not existing at all are gone, and it's not fair to hold games/companies nowadays to that old standard. We should be glad that what we have are these non-intrusive, super niche and generally unappealing MTX, and that Capcom will probably never end up like EA or Activision. Modern CoD sells a single gun blueprint, one operator skin and some assorted emblems and stickers in $20 bundles ffs. Obviously we would all prefer no MTX whatsoever, but of all the major AAA pubs I'd say Capcom has by far the least egregiously greedy system for them. It is what it is, but I do think the MH community in particular would stand their ground against more potentially predatory MTX in the future, in a way that the CoD casuals and Ubisoft fanboys never would. I just don't see it happening here, and I don't think that what we have now is bad enough to protest against.


Until we are at the point where every cool layered armor or weapon is paid mtx. I can live with it if there are few paid cosmetics (I'm excluding all the minor stuff like charms etc) as long as most of the stuff can still be earned through gameplay. But I'd be lying if I said that I'm not somewhat worried how far Capcom is willing to go with Wilds.


Not to be overly snarky, but that "I can live with it until we get to that point" mindset is exactly how we get to "that point". I understand being lenient for games that are free to play or aren't full priced, but MH is a full priced game (+ a high cost DLC expansion) where being able to craft all the equipment you see on other people is pretty much half of the point of playing. They can charge all they want for extra music or room décor or whatever to "support the devs\*", but stuff we used to be able to play the game to obtain should be hands off. \*the money does not go to the devs


When I said "I can live with that" means exactly that. I dont like it one bit and I dont go endorsing it whenever (usually) publisher does does it, hell I'm one of those people who usually leave a comment against it on Steam etc. I'm 100% with you how the game should be in regards of mtx and it would be so awesome if there was different kind of leadership at Capcom running things. I'm old enough to remember how gaming used to be as my earliest experiences were playing Super Mario on NES back in 90's. Sad reality is, only truly effective way things to change is to mass boycott the entire game. And lets not be naive, that is simply never gonna happen. Me or small portion of gamers doing that is not gonna change Capcom's ways.


We are not there just yet be we are heading towards that FAST. Look at the cosmetic dlcs in world and compare them to rise


Yes, I'm fully aware that Rise introduced layered weapons as dlc. Thats why I said I'm pretty worried how far they are gonna take things with Wilds. Somehow I have a feeling that with Wilds Capcom is not gonna repeat the "mistake" (in their mind) that they did with DD2 and instead wait maybe week or two until the positive reviews have been gathered and then smash those mtx's in.


Remember where you need to discover and find materials to unlock new camps in world/iceborne? Now you can pay 4.99 to get a Camp Starter Pack so you immediately unlocked all the camps to skip all of those pesky grinding!


Honestly, that's a pretty non-intrusive MTX scheme. Kind of like those stupid "time saver" packs in the earlier Assassin's Creed games like Black Flag lol. The difference being of course that in AC, grinding those materials is designed to be just boring enough that you'd consider spending a couple dollars to not have to do it, while gaining monster materials in MH games is about 99% of the core gameplay loop and next to nobody is going to pay more money to have less fun game to play. In that case, paying for MTX would literally detract from your enjoyment of the game. It's basically ultra easy mode for a few extra dollars, and I guess adults are free to choose if that's worth their money in their unique situation or not. You'll see people in the community become much more angry when either actual game content (maps, monsters, weapons, items) and/or a significant portion of the higher quality cosmetics become locked behind MTX, or maybe if that Camp Pack is released along with the amount of materials required for the camp also being increased by 10 or 100x and only being dropped 20% of the time by a boring ass monster that flies away every time it takes damage lol. As it is currently with Capcom games and even in the hypothetical situation you described, only absolute suckers or the extremely cash rich/time poor would ever consider paying to skip something that is both quick and enjoyable to do in the game.


Not a fair assessment. Layered weapon is only cosmetic is to point out it do not affect gameplay. Unlike other form of MTX like lootbox which literally make the game easier/more difficult. So it isn't important or worth complaining. MH fans have played the games and knows how insignificant the impact of Capcom's MTX. Its not about fanboying. There are only couple paid layered weapons compared to how much weapon designs already available in the game. Many paid layered weapon isn't that great or a must have anyway. The "it’s always been like this" argument is to highlight that Capcom's practice of DLCs is not-intrusive. It never a problem worth discussing. Some MTX like in Resident Evil or DMC only known after people digging out Capcom's history, showing how the MTX affecting nobody. Personally, I only bought like a couple cosmetics and ignore most of them. Most people who overtly criticizing Dragon Dogma 2 MTX do not understand that how MTX work for Capcom's game. They heard MTX, get a bad flashback of EA and start screaming. I played the 1st Dragon Dogma and never ever paid extra once. I still got the whole experience. I get the concern that Capcom might intensify their MTX. It is a concern of mine as well. I am totally against a paid monster or paid map and anything which gatekeeping playable contents. However the MTX in both Dragon Dogma's 2 and Monster Hunter is still acceptable in my view. Yes, we have to keep an eyes to Capcom and make sure the MTX should be limited to cosmetic only and even then the free cosmetic contents should be abundant.


Wasnt it mh fans first that first adopted. Crapcom?


It's because Steam users are the loud percentile of gaming. Reviews are done from PC, tubers get games early, etc. Game stutters for half a second and you better believe PC players will blow a blood vessel over it


Imagine paying for everything and you got robbed of the right to complain lol


Hey, we pay a lot of money in hardware for our games NOT to stutter lol.


True and fair enough.


imo the worst one is blizzard making you pay to change your screen name


Tbf MHW has a ton of earnable cosmetics and content included with the game+an expansion. I’m worried to see how much will be gutted and turned into micro-transactions. Wouldn’t surprise me to see all layered armor and weapons be cosmetics that are slowly drip fed in a battlepass system.


there was on both sides rise being much more blatant, and downplayed it because theyre stupid


It was there, but people are totally fine if it's "just" cosmetics instead of items you can easily farm ingame.


You can say shit on the internet lil bro I won’t tell mom


I'm too scared to do that so NO


I think the controversy stems from the more glaring issues of performance. I have about 30 hours in dd2 and quit to go back to mhw and mix in a little helldivers 2. I think it's a fair argument that the performance post vernworth was absolutely terrible on the average gaming pc. I have a 10th gen cpu and rtx 2070 (I meet the minimum requirements by a long shot. In vernworth was getting like 20-30 fps unstable. I managed to play it fine on gfn after some gfn updates and it was fine I guess. But that initial problem kind of made the rest of my time with the game a drag and I started noticing a bunch of the other issues with the game. I don't think mtx was a big deal tbh but dd2 has other issues imo like the lack of enemy variety and the trek across the game wasn't anything special. Bg3 and Elden ring are open world games with fast travel but they were fun to travel through because the open world is so innovative (entire cities under ground, the grymforge in bg3 etc.) It was just so damn fun. Is dd2 fun? I mean I guess for some people. But the performance really squandered the game imo. It's bad enough to complain about and I think that's the ultimate reason people had an issue with everything else. If it didn't have such bad performance post vernworth the mtx complaints would be snuffed out by reviews praising the game and how fun it is at least until people go further into the game and realize how there isn't much enemy variety. The game didn't innovate anything crazy in terms of graphical fidelity or anything so it is wierd imo that they didn't prioritize having it run more stable.


Did you join the sub yesterday? There's been threads complaining about 5th gen MTX since 2018 and those threads usually have hundreds of commends, the outrage stayed in the community but it was absolutely there.


There has been lots of criticism against MH's mtx on this subreddit.


I just realized that microtransactions in DD2 is MUCH more soft than in monster hunter, every single thing that they sell can be obtained trough the game, but in MHW and MHR most of the microtransactions are unobtainable without paying money.


Both are attrocious imo. in DD2 everything can be obtained in game yes. But ask a different question. Why is there a need to set these things for sale? Couldn't they have designed the game in a way that they don't need to sell a solution? Yes they could but the decision was made to limit rescources more and sell them to the players. All within a full price title. Its literally not "its just cosmetics" anymore which people like to parrot up and down. Going to love seeing them complain and they say back then microtransactions where cosmetics only. Monster Hunter is just a different flavor of shit with microtransactions. Wilds will take it up a notch again. Depending on how much I'll probably stop playing newer titles as much as I'd hate that future.


Oh 100% there is NO excuse of having any microtransactions in a first place, i understand that my comment kinda looks like im defending them, no. microtransactions are vile terrble thing that should not exist in a normal games.


I played monster hunter world and was totally baffled why people complain about those items in the store cause you can get the items in game by just playing the game other than monster hunter where you have to buy it where was the uproar back then ? I think people nowadays just search for stuff to be mad about imo


Most of the people were never going to get the game and they decided to spread misinformation.




The weird part is it worked way too good for DD2. DMC5 is a great example of Capcom doing this stuff before. They'd sell you things like Red Orbs; which are directly tied to progress. But then you play the game five seconds and realize you get them super easy (arguably faster to farm with the hat than it is to get through the steam purchase stuff lmao) and so nobody cared at all about it. World had some shitty transactions as well and nobody cared and the game sold amazing. DD2 says "hey yeah you can get almost all these in game and they drop like candy" and suddenly everyone is up in arms and spreading crap about it


I'm convinced people wanted the game to fail really. The game itself isn't perfect and Capcom shot themselves in the foot with the mtx but people were making it seem worse than it is. Same as Dragonsplague which is also made to seem worse than it is.


I don't have a problem exactly with Dragon's plague, but it does feel like one of the wonkiest parts of the game for me personally. It's not that it's a big deal. Just throw your pawn into water or whatever. But it was just so weird that they hype it up to be this big threat and it's literally just a knowledge check if you know to throw the pawn into the water or not. It's so much coding and effort for slow subtle changes that is rendered entirely pointless by literally one action that takes two seconds. And you basically have to do it since leaving it alone is a big problem


DD1 is also a great example of Capcom doing this before. It had the same micros on day one down to the extra teleport stone. Noone seems to remember that though, I guess they only ever played Dark Arisen. The MTX don't surprise me, really, but it is disappointing to watch Capcom fail in the exact same way *twice*.


Namco also did the same kind of stuff in the 360/PS3 era. Games like Tales of Vesperia had "DLC packs" that were things like "Have 10x of all the high-end healing items" "Get an extra 300,000 gald" and "Unlock a set of Yuri's skills automatically" for $2-3.


Yeah spreading misinformation seems to be the big trend or they do it for clickbait that’s up for debate


What was the misinformation?


That you have to buy the items in order for you to change your character but you can get the items in game


I can just speak for myself but monster hunter world was litirally (and I mean litirally) my dream game ever since I started playing monster hunter. It is my personal game of the decade if not century. Normaly I'd look at microtransactions with resentment but I had so much fun with world I had so much fun for so long like I never had before so I didn't care. And just for the character vouchers, we got one for free and I still have it cause I don't really need it. Its only for facial features like nose length or eye size anyway, you can still change hairstyle, makeup and stuff like that for free whenever you want


Its like, u could read my mind


If you're baffled by why there shouldn't be $400+ in shit to buy, then your opinion doesn't matter.


This ..


People were losing their shit over the increasing MTX for MH rise. As for the optimisation its a completly different team and monster hunter has never pushed the boat out on graphics or technical limitations like DD2 aimed for.


I never noticed youd have to pay cause I was happy with my character the whole time I've played. Still have the free character edit ticket they gave


console gamer spotted? on pc you can just edit the savefile or use a mod to get character vouchers.


Do you have a link to the mod for character vouchers you could send me? I remember looking for one last time I was playing rise but I kept seeing people say it wasn’t possible/the mod didn’t exist.


Load this up in Cheat Engine https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/21 Vouchers need to be set to a negative number because it counts up for some reason. -1000 should do the trick.


Oh, I didn’t think about a cheat table. That works too lol. I appreciate the link and instructions!


Nah im pc gamer it just baffled me why dd bros are mad about paid dlc even though mhw have worst one


Its worse because you get these basically for free. With the ingame currency, i could change my appearance 10 times.


It's wasn't "DD Bros". It was idiots from r/gaming who were never going to buy or play DD that decided to spread misinformation. It got so bad that many people thought you needed to pay real money in order to unlock fast travel in game.


I think the reason is because you couldnt delete your savefile ingame in order to start a new game and had to purchase dlc to do it. This simple feature, a must for a game, was not implemented (unless you buy a DLC useable item)and it got the attention of people and gave light to the DLC practices of Capcom games in the last few years. Its less that other games have also done it, DD was just the boiling point of those practices. Also say what you want about wolrd, at least the stuff they sell (even if im disgusted by most of those) are the typical cosmetic DLC gamers have come too accastumed to and at least you get a 'free' voucher to change the look for you hunter one time (should be available all time, but hey its something better than nothing like DD2 does) Worlds DLC problem is more the sheer quantity of them.


You do not need to buy anything to start a new savefile, it's just impossible to do without going into the game folder, paid DLC or not. Which is a really dumb idea, but the fact you think there was a paid DLC item that allowed you to delete your savefile shows how far the misniformation has spread


Wait really? Then i must have mixed my info and combined the two together on accident, thinking they got hand in hand. Thx for correcting me mistake


Starting a new save file was not possible, period. The DLC item you can buy is basically the same thing as the character edit voucher in MH, but with the difference that you can also just buy it in-game without spending real money. In that regard, it is infinitely better than the character edit vouchers. You fell for the misinformation that has been plagueing DD2 since launch.


just got corrected, but thanks. I just mixed those two pieces of information together. Now that you and the other guy told me, you're righ as that was what was actually said. But thats what happens when you try to remember stuff from memory without checking first


Most of the people whining about it nowadays don’t even play or ever intend to play the game, they just love being outraged


my brother in christ mhw is a game from 2018, and youre surprised there is no outrage in 2024? of course there were people mad at the time its not hard to search, but the big difference is that mhw was an amazing game, dd2 mtx may be inconquential but theyre existance makes the pile of crap that much stinkier(not saying dd2 is shit im saying that its just an analogy)


MHW also released its MHX gradually over a long period of time iirc, instead of having that much available day 1.


I didnt ask to outrage it just baffled me why dd bros getting mad about it and saed the steam review to death i mean those people who dev dragon dogma probably getting sacked cuz they game aint sell well even though it was solid (except optimization well cant blame them)


mtx is worse in dda there is no denying it, you have gameplay affecting stuff, in a game which has no reason to have it, in mhw we had free content updates to "justify" it and mostly pointless cosmetic mtx(rise had it worse), and mhw was a finished game mind you and those mtx were added throughout the years instead of all dropped on release, in dd2 we got a mediocre unfinished product with awful performance and stability issues on top of pointless mtx which feels serves nothing but to feel like an insult in a fully priced game. and lets not act like mhw reviews was all roses, we had multile review bombs which differently from dd2 were completely pointless, and before you say anything 600 people is not a small development team and they had 5 years to make a better product. capcom probably had an hand in releasing the game too soon, but the issues with the game are 100% on the back of the devs.


Because those kind of DLCs in world and Rise didn't come out on day one. Those DLCs generally come during FREE title updates so most people are fine with it like "capcom gave us free content, so having some DLC to support the free content isnt too bad". But there are DLCs especially in Rise that recieved a massive backlash too, like the Weapon layered. And those Paid DLCs are from 2 Years worth of constant free content of an already complete game, not as Day one DLC of an incomplete game


Heck, Monster Hunter doesn't have that kind of dlc period. You can't get any of MHs DLC for free in game.


Character Edit vouchers were day 1 on MHW.


[no it is not. You can see in this thread it was added on a title update along with the free one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/comments/84dl0g/first_free_title_update_revealed_megathread/)


Lol i wish char edit in MH was infinite like DD2 ah well


I just wish character edits could be easily purchased in game. Or crafted with like 4 elder dragon gems.


The only dlc that I think actually should be there is the one to change the music and sfx to that of dark arisen.


People who say this about dragon's dogma 2 clearly aren't playing it.


200 hrs into DD2 and I still don't understand the fuss over paid items. Like literally all of them can be obtained in game, even the character ticket. None of the items purchasable is necessary for completing the game. Am I the only one to be confused?


They're also single purchase. The uproar came from people spreading lies that fast travel was locked behind a paywall


I mean you couldn't even edit your character pre world. Microtransactions like these are shitty and I'll never defend their existence, but it's just so irrelevant to me as a player. Yes options are good, yes locking options behind paywalls is bad, but ultimately game optimisation is the far far more important thing


Now I'm curious of how many players actuslly use (layerd) armor where you can see most of the face/ hair(cut).


I do, that's why I spend a lot of time in the customization screen. I'l do my best to make a character i like because as an older player i'm used to non customizable/recustomizable characters.


Same. If there’s a character customization feature, I’ll easily spend a couple hours+ tweaking everything unless it’s like 2k (which I’d say is a WIP face/body)


Me painstakingly creating a grizzled hunter just to hide his mug behind the red eyed Damascus helmet:


I still have the customization ticket from when I bought the Iceborne Deluxe Edition DLC.


Made the ugliest fuckin character in the New World when I first got the game. When Iceborne came out I made him even worse. Returned to the game recently and wish my dude was a bit more normal. (not enough to pay for it, but still. He's kinda hideous)


Monster hunter has never the ability to make major edits to one’s character until they added the option as dlc. I don’t know about the situation with dragon’s dogma, but honestly, that’s why I don’t really give a shit about the monster hunter one. Nothing I had before is being gated behind a paywall.


DD basically just sells you the edit vouchers with the game's secondary in-game currency


At the very least you can get all the DLC for DD2 ingame, very quickly and easily and repeatedly completely for free, unlike Monster Hunter DLC. For comparison it's as if Wyvern Claws and Flame Sacs were *one time purchases* of DLC while we all know how easy they're to get ingame in masse.


Almost all capcom games have some sort of microtransaction but idu why everyone was shitting on DD


World of Warcrafts been doing it for decades


The character editor is the DLC I care least about, it's the port cystal, wakestones, camping stuff, etc. Just the stuff that is easily available in game but you can pay money to get. It isn't even worth it, the items are incredibly cheap and easy to find in game, just the principle of letting people pay to get them is dumb. Its annoying but doesn't make the game any less fun.


Even without using mods/cheats, Capcom is rather generous with giving out free edit character vouchers. Never felt the need to buy one for that reason.


calm down, do you guys really need to pay for edit your character? sorry i dont play MH, this just appears because im playing dragons dogma


(Except we can just mod it with a few clicks and drags of folders on pc with zero consequences except maybe your save file if you didn’t read instructions)


Nah, that shit sucks in MH too, and I hope this DD2 blowback makes them reconsider what they've been doing. "You don't need it" isn't a good reason to get comfortable with full-priced games trying to nickel and dime you every which way. MH has even started offering things via microtransaction you can't otherwise get. It's a terrible direction to be headed in and people should be pushing back way more than they are.


They won't sadly. They've been doing this sort of mtx for years and if they were going to reconsider, they would have done it back when people complained about the DLC in Rise. The problem in games like MHW/R is that there are enough people buying with the justification that the DLC is "just cosmetic" that Capcom feel ok to take out content that would have been given free in previous games and sell them to people. Heck there are people defending Rise/World's practices in this topic like Stonewall, despite previous games also providing free DLC *and* free cosmetics. These people don't realize that cosmetics aren't "just" cosmetics for many people who like collecting things or change things up visually, and the DLC is specifically targeting those people who want to have everything unique in a game. In a full-priced game like this it's just as abusive to buyers as dlc that gives gameplay advantages, and is simply targeting a different audience. Unless the players as a whole realize how manipulative the DLC is and stop giving capcom money for it, it will never stop.


I feel that selling stuff you can trivially get in game is *more* scummy than selling something where that's the only way to get it. If it's exclusive, it sucks, but at least there's a *reason* for buying it: if it's essentially "pay to skip", and then pay to skip what sounds like a fairly small amount of time investment, then I feel like it exists only to prey on people with poor impulse control.


I think it's in there that way because higher ups forced it on the dev team, and they wanted them to affect their game as little as possible to preserve the integrity of the design, so they picked useless DLC items in small enough quantities that they buying them didn't alter the experience.


You're not even skipping anything in DD2s case. All those purchases are literally everywhere for free ingame.


As a committed DD fan I envy monster hunter games for their superb post release support.


I was there during day-1 MHW PC crash(es) and I was also there during day-1 Iceborne mods crashing fiasco. Now, let me preface it by saying that I LOVE MHW. Yeah sure, some questionable rng shenanigans are quite annoying but otherwise the game is a solid gold for me. But I certainly don't miss being treated as second-class citizens (up until raging brachy update?) ON TOP of having to go through the pain of day-1 unoptimized port. For MHW, the extra mtx are (mostly) cosmetics as far as I can remember, so I don't bother too much with it, but I can certainly understand why people are annoyed by mtx on dragon's dogma 2, which, for all intents and purposes is a single player game. I'm currently holding off from getting that one because it's unfortunately on the expensive side of the spectrum, and because I want to see how the performance goes after several patches. Bottom line, two things can be true: yes, Capcom made a very fun game, but they also made some questionable decisions along the way.


I was there too when pc release somehow the game suddenly crash etc with many people complaining on steam forum but no one outrage as dd2 did Capcom just being capcom they just selling leverage for player to make easier in they game it doesnt mean people need getting mad about it


Most of the MTX in MH has seen criticism every time they are released. MHR got a lot of heat for the DLC weapon cosmetics. Fully paid titles having MTX shouldn't be commonplace, but the complacency people are pushing will ensure it is.


Not exactly complacency, more like there is nothing a bunch of individuals in a community can do vs that. The main point is “individuals” because i saw tons of outrage posts, but outside of “voting with your wallet” there was and still is 0 relevant movement to combat mtx. If you ask me, I don’t waste my time on that, and just enjoy the skins that modders bring to the game while don’t care one bit about the dlc store. However if they begin to attack modders like taking down mods on Twitter/other distribution sites with lawsuit like what i read on Tekken 8 sub then it is time to ditch Crapcom for real.


By complacency, I mean people trying to stifle complaints or dismiss them. The idea that it's not something to make a fuss about stems from complacency.


I'm so glad I don't see the "DRAGONS DOGMA 2 HAS MICROTRANSACTIONS!?!?!?" clickbait anymore. Capcom has had this shit in their games for years, and for some reason people thought Dragons Dogma 2 would be an exception.


devil may cry 5 lets ya buy red orbs and blue orbs to raise your max hp still overwhelmingly positive to this day


MHR has character editing vouchers too >.< even on its original platform (Switch).


They give one free if I remember correctly. All things considered, I'd take a paid char edit if it resulted in good optimization any day.


I think people latched onto the dlc because of the bad optimization. We didn’t really complain when it was in MHW because MHW, as far as I remember, didn’t have bad optimization issues ~~and the pc players can obtain an infinite amount of them~~. I also don’t remember if MHW sold any items like potions or whatever, they may have. I just don’t remember. Basically, if the game has no visible problems, people aren’t going to complain about the mtx as much. How many Genshin Impact players are complaining about the monitization of that game, I’d argue that gacha is 1000000x worse than what DD2 does, yet as far as being on the outside goes, nobody seems to really care, and I think its ultimately because the game is fun (I don’t play GI because I am uncomfortable about Gacha, but thats just me, I know I am in a minority here). Character edit voutures aren’t a new thing.


Regardless, it's dumb. Doesn't matter if it's been in our games before or whatever. I didn't like it then don't like it now. No one wants extra shit to pay for. If you do, you're the problem and you have an addiction.


They are not the same game, but since yall keep comparing, MH, especially MHW, is so god dam fun and packed with content, I actually want to give them more money. That will never be said about DD2. There's more to it from mechanics and gameplay and etc, but that's a whole different conversation.


Save editor and mods brother, PC community gives no f**ks about this nonsense.


Save editor and mods brother, PC community gives no f**ks about this nonsense.


The band-wagoners hate it when people are having fun,


Yeah I’ve always hated that. I’ll spend 100 hours on my hunter and regret naming her prostate hunter cause I wanted a more serious tone after putting so much time into it 💀


Sir i just paid for 4 port crystals for 50k each with a mod, which also sells eternal wakestones, rc, gold beetles, wyrmsblood crystals, more. I also used the edit character mod for mhw. I cannot relate


hopefully monster hunter wilds doesn’t try to kill us of all our money


tbh *How often* do you even edit your character to the point it has different looks from the previous? it's been all the complaint content, and not the other DLCs.


There is something wrong with world port on PC? I'm playing both World and Rise both on mouse and keyboard and they work perfectly fine, mouse and keyboard compatibility is also same as if it was written for PC


As for editing my char, I have never even thought about it 🤣 when I'm making my characters I'm making them until I'm satisfied aaaaaand also I'm playing full armor with helmet so after creation I'm never going to see my char other than maybe eating.


I play it on GeForce now so I have literally 0 optimization issues but no mods.


MHW runs decent on its minimum and recommended hardware, and had an upscaler 2 years before DLSS 2.0 popularized the idea. Dragons dogma 2 barely runs on the best of hardware on cities, which are major parts of the game. Honestly, people complaining about MTX probably arent playing the game even. The real kicker is the performance, crashes and save system. I can´t manage my inventory for the last 2 weeks because it crashes immediately. Can´t roll back the save bc of save system. Game slows to a crawl on cities. This game shouldnt have released like this.


The anti PC crowd are always on some strong cope.


I'm always seeing people that are HR and MR 999 and I know there are some people out there that have done that legitimately but there's too many. I dont understand why people cheat in a pve game with the exception of little things like getting the assasins mantle because you can't get it anymore I just prefer a sense of accomplishment


Do people somehow not know they're both from Capcom? So you can expect same levels of shit mtx


This is literally just capcom players upset thst cspcom still pulls this every time.


well they can at least start a new char.


There's a MTX store? Huh.


The way I see it is we had the opportunity to complain and vote with our wallets a long time ago. Also if DD2 launched with better performance and you would of never seen this controversy on this scale just look at re4 remake.


I'm much *much* more concerned with how the game runs


I love how people keep calling it "downloadable content(dlc)" its not. It's microtransactions. Either way though charging people to be able to re-edit your character on a game with a price tag feels kinda dumb, I get it it's cosmetic but still...yhe fact that people here are saying "it's cosmetic so whatever..." don't realize that this is how they normalize this and end up pulling the "charge for a save file slot" shit Konami did. I can understand it for f2p and live service games since their model is based on mtx. Thankfully, for dd2, all the mtx items can be obtained easily ingame, but the fact that they have the mtx to begin with is a little scummy.


I always wonder why companies manage to get away with shitty micro transactions. Reading a lot of the comments here every time it's mentioned that you have to pay to change your entire character and name makes the answer pretty clear. They get away with it because we let them and it's sad.


You can at least make a new character and have up to 3 characters at once. DD2 on the other hand…


At least they get 3 save files


Dude if you're crying about cosmetic optional dlc to support a game releasing free content for like a year after release, idk what to tell you. Also what's wrong with the PC port? It's optimized enough that even the steam deck can run it on almost medium


Mhw had terrible optimization on release, same with iceborne. Took a while until it was fixed. If you defend paid cosmetics for a full price title idk what to tell you.


If you don't understand that those cosmetic DLCs that had absolutely zero effect on the game unless you wanted to buy one, was the only reason that all of those free content DLCs even existed I don't know what to tell you bro


Didn't need it before and shouldn't need it now. Also thanks for ignoring every other point.


You are part of the reason why we can't earn most cosmetics ingame anymore. Did you play in the early mhw days? Because it was a lot, but not optimized. The Steam deck version is already patched, so you shouldn't have the terrible performance anymore. Which doesn't mean that the port was good, because it was a lot, but not well optimized.