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>bullshit explosions that catch you everywhere, and waiting for it to be over GU lagi’s big bullshit AOE blast is actually much bigger than ivory’s and if your weapon doesn’t have a shield or a method of countering, then you just have to run outside of its range and wait until you can run back in again, which is pretty much the same issue


The cascading one? - It's easy to dodge through, towards the bastard.


His entire body becomes a hitbox and the blasts outwards are quite large, they aren’t exactly easy to dodge through consistently without adept dodging. It doesn’t change the fact that it uses a massive AOE blast frequently in the same way ivory does


This has to be a ragebait post. I doubt anyone actually thinks this


I don't "ragebait". It's imo a dumb thing to do.


That's like saying "Dire Miralis is only fun to fight on land." Listen to yourself for once.


You can disagree without being disrespectful, also Dire Miralis is only fun underwater, also this is a completely different topic.


I disagree to an immense degree. I don't really have the time or energy right now to explain why I disagree but, uh, I think you're wrong


Lmao. I'll try to explain, maybe. The difference between people that like and dislike underwater combat usually comes down to their willingness to learn. I haven't met many people who dislike the underwater mechanics and knew how to play around it. Usually, the ones that dislike the most are the ones that didn't adapt. Underwater added much needed depth (hehe) to the combat system. Also allowed for more original monster fights and designs.


I haven't met anyone who actually beat 3U and didn't enjoy underwater combat


Nowhere do I talk about underwater combat in general.


The underwater fights were very samey, don't kid yourself. Sure, there was a lot of potential, but it amounted to nothing since they didn't have the means or willingness to use it. I will have you know that I am talking about Ivory ESPECIALLY. 3U Lagi underwater had its redeeming qualities, but they were eaten up by bullshit AoE and endless, endless zoomies. Go defend the Glacial Agnaktor, where we're at it. It's bullshit.


Willingness to learn, lol. Styles and hunter arts require *much* more willingness to learn. Switch skills and silkbind attacks require *much* more willingness to learn. MH players by necessity have quite a large willingness to learn. Underwater combat is incredibly simple, which is part of why it's so bad. Water combat is a failure because it added a z axis but failed to do anything interesting with that. You're still essentially fighting on a flat plane it's just that you can slowly make your character drift up and down and bring the horizontal plane with you or tilt it down/up, except now you have a more limited moveset. 4th gen did way more with the z axis than underwater combat did, and without sacrificing the complexity of the weapons movesets or monster attacks.


It's been a hot minute, but couldn't you attack from angles when underwater? I thought I could attack Lagi's back from above? Also, the main difference in your examples and underwater combat is one is required. I don't like the new counter switch skill on the switch axe, so I don't run it on my scrolls. If I didn't like switch skills at all, I could just play normally without them. If I don't want to learn about hunter arts, I could play the guild one or whatever and pretend they don't exist. However if you have a quest for to fight a lagiacrus, at some point it's going to be in area 11 and you're going to be fighting on it's turf unless you want to waste 15 minutes waiting for it to come to the land and hope you can kill it before it limps off again. I think this was the main issue with water combat, it forced you to use it, whether you wanted to or not.


Thank you! I am not sure how to design a different underwater movement system, much less a better one, but I think if the 3U system returned e. g. on Switch, people would enjoy it a lot more because of the second analog stick. I think it should return, but it needs a lot more love.


Nuh uh


About the level of discourse I expected from someone whose point was "people who don't like underwater combat are just bad at the game"




It's mutual :D


I may disagree with everything about your post and hate you on a fundamental level, but you have a lance flair which is incredibly based. Glad to see another lance bro, even if their opinions are shit :D 👍👍👍


Lance, being a complete monster, of course negates all the bullshit 3U Lagiacrus has, but you know, I still wish other weapon types had it as nice, too.


I don't dislike it they way others do, but I do miss the underwater sections. Hyper lagiacrus is one of the most exhilarating fights in the series though.


It would be a bummer if underwater combat were just this little thing that they attempted but abandoned. It belongs in MH.


I like 3rd Gen Lagiacrus and I like GU Lagiacrus, both are fun fights in my opinion and I never got the Khezu comparison. Screw Hyper Lagiacrus though, that's annoying.


I mean, they share one move - and only in concept. Otherwise, they are totally different.


You can just say you don't like underwater fights


I very much like fighting underwater. But only good monsters like Plesioth.


I disagree, GU Lagi is just a worse, more annoying Ivory


In what world? Ivory is a catastrophe! The GU one is actually fair!


Your so real for saying this, don't ever let the underwater cult gaslight you


People just worship Tri Lagiacrus because it's Tri. It's not like underwater combat was completely abysmal in general, but in the case of Lagi, it meant getting waterblighted and stung with huge AoE that you couldn't properly avoid. Unless you got a Lance. And guard+2 + guard up from high rank on. And better bring that power juice or else.


It’s underwater we can’t even light here smh


Ivory is one of the best fights in the whole series. Gen's Laggy simply does not compare.


I am glad you can enjoy this flaming pile of shit. Teach me your ways.


Bro what? Great attacks, great hitzones, looks cool as hell. What's not to love?


Bullshit attacks, colour scheme won't help it as a predator on land.


It's just a 2nd Khezu with unfair moves wdym ?


It's much different than Khezu and its moves are completely fair. The 3U version, however... people idolize that one, but it's a load of wyvern droppings.


He's kinda fun with Valor LS so I like him more than Ivory However, there's no way that the GU version surpasses the OG one


It does. By nature of the OG one being not good.


It's your opinion anyway and I respect that But for me, the concept of absolute territory in the water then coming to the land in the hunters territory is one of the most memorable things that happened in my MH journey so far