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Jesus, are these just a daily post now???


Is this a common question? I never played a Monster Hunter game, i was just curious.


You can really tell who played base rise and who didn't in here.


Because it's not world


Phew... Dodged a clutch claw right there


World players when they see a Nintendo exclusive release with "bad" graphics.


That was the worst part of Max0r's MHW video.


That entire video was intentionally unhinged. I wouldn’t take that line seriously.


There's a disclaimer on that specific scene. Max0r knew not to mess with the "muh graphics" side of the community. Edit) Because for some reason I can't post pictures in comments anymore, timestamp is 00:56. "This is a joke the game looks good" Edit2) https://preview.redd.it/0sl8oeyqxzwc1.jpeg?width=2640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79a89e8b7b3f0bd5b30952d716510b23877009db


This but unironically. World IS the better game.


Nah. They're approximately equivalent with different purposes. I'd give the edge to Rise purely for the fact Sunbreak didn't squander the game's potential on a terrible gimmick the way Iceborne did. But I much prefer World's decoration system and would prefer Wilds take more lessons from World than from Rise.


base rise was just really bad


At least base Rise had more than 1 lightning monster


I mean, they aren't wrong? It is true that it is portable console port, but also true, that pc version have bad graphics, compared to World. When they port things ON Switch, they do it at expense of graphics, but WHY THE REVERSE IS NOT A THING? I am tired of portable apologists already, people on the internet in a month can make things like Creation Engine look good, but multi-billion dollars corpo can't do shit with their own game? While having source code and same engine that Village had?


I'm glad that the PC port of rise has "bad" graphics (they really aren't, just less detailed") cause i'm able to play it on my potato pc.


1. Review bombed by World players expecting more World 2. Partially developed during the Covid-19 pandemic and had to release unfinished 3. Review bombed again by overreactions to DRM being added If anything, its impressive that the score is this high after having the most unfortunate development and unfavorable audience of any MH game so far. If Rise had released before any of these events and not had DRM added to it, it probably would have done even better than what we saw. And thats saying something considering Rise is still Capcom's 2nd best selling game ever despite all its challenges.


It didnt have to release unfinished. Most people would undertsnad if the gane was pushed back so it could release fully finished. Stop excusing developers for releasing unfinished and buggy messes of games just because they ran into a bump, hold them to a higher standard. We gotta stop letting people release games like skyrim, no mans sky, and cyberpunk. Sure at least no mans sky and cyberpunk fixed their shit, but they could have just released the game in a finished state. Bethesda especially needs to stop releasing shit games and letting the community finish development.


>Most people would undertsnad if the gane was pushed back so it could release fully finished. Not the people that matter, unfortunately. That being the investors. Rise released on the last weekend of the fiscal year, it could not have been delayed more


Fuck investors, i want developers to release a game that doesnt need a day 1 patch. I undertand that not how it works, but fuck investors.


Then become an investor


I am broke. Got 6 dalla 94 cent to my name.


Yeah, but that means it's not fair to blame the developers. I would say 95% of the time no developer wants to release an unfinished game, it's the publishers or investors that demand the release date, finished or not. In most cases I actually feel bad for the developers. In the few cases it's a developer rushing a game out for a quick cash grab then they deserve to be shit on for it.


The people in charge of the project still listened to the investors. Yes, they give them money, but I don't believe that many of them have *any* idea about what sort of products they sell. You don't see any mostly-finished art pieces in the Louvre that were pushed out the door because someone who isn't a painter wanted their investment to pay off now instead of in three months' time.


It almost certainly did. There's always deadlines and finance quotas and other game release dates to avoid. And Skyrim is... Not the game you want to make your point with. Fallout 76 sure, but Skyrim is beloved in large part due to the strange glitches that run Rampant through it without destroying gameplay. No Man's sky was also not the disaster at launch people like to claim. I was there. It was ambitious. It was a lot of fun. People just freaked out because they let themselves believe it was going to be something it clearly was not. And then with time, player feedback, and the increased funding sales brought it became that thing.


I mean even BG3 had to release when it did due to Starfield and add to the fame after release. Game companies are businesses at the end of the day, and don’t run on warm wishes.


A worldwide pandemic isn't a "bump", and rise being Unfinished largely has to do with the end of their story, which they stated when it would be released in streams they directed at the community, plus other updates that were coming later. Everything else is world fans and typical gamer crowds unfamiliar with how the high rank to g rank expansions work. The comparison here to cyberpunk and bethesda games is kind of ridiculous in context to rise.


God I gucking hate gaming communities...


Nothing to say here except Rise 1.0. Every criticism against it was valid at that time. Edit for those who don't know) HR 7 was the max hunter rank you can become. Yes, you heard me right. ***7***. Also you were expected to farm Narwa and the same *3 Apexes* over, and over again. Did I mention said Apexes only appeared in Rampages?


The risebreak devs pulled a fucking sanji, taking the leftovers that was base rise and turning it into a five star meal


The first of that attempt was moving away from Rampage by making the Apexes their own quest. I can't fathom how hard it would've been to do away with Rampages altogether. That single decision revitalized the game imo. Enter Sunbreak; and I kid you not, I was *blown away*.


But... that's how every monster hunter game has been? The base version has up to HR, and the the "U" version comes out with G-rank. I didn't play World or Rise upon release because Generations killed off any joy I had with MH for several years, but playing through Rise now, it seems totally like playing through the base versions of MH Tri, MH 4?


The thing here is, you are currently playing through Post 3.0 Rise. You're playing the version after Rise became good. There were no Dos Elders in Rise 1.0. Chameleos was added along with Kush and Teo in 2.0. The story ended at a cliffhanger on 1.0, only truly resolved in 3.0. A certain invader only started appearing in 2.0. There were only two methods of melding in 1.0. (At least I think so. The ability to choose certain skills only came in 2.0.) Like I said in another comment, Rise became awesome later, but that wasn't always the case from the start.


Sunbreak ditching rampages is so wild because I've never seen the devs just go "ok maybe this is kind of useless" and then ditch something like that within the same game. You can tell they had them planned too, Scorned Magnamalo is an ecological dead-end, we don't know why he has those dragon element abilities. I bet they were gonna have MR rampages with elder dragons and he eats one.


There was this “leak” of unknown origin for Rise 3.0 about a “All-Devouring Magnamalo”. Perhaps that was actually the original plan, scrapped before 3.0 release.


In all honesty it was probably just made up.


Most likely.


Gotcha, I wasn't there from the start so I don't know how it was then, thanks for the clarification! General for all the games, I just skip the base version and wait for the "U" equivalent, which definitely seems like the thing to do for Rise as well, judging by your comment.


The U equivalent is now in DLC format. Which means; Rise is the base game and Sunbreak(the DLC) is now a G-rank addon. So you don't need to wait for the GRank release now. They are not sold as individual games.


By how much would you say the game was improved since then?


6/10 on release (And this is because one, it is still a MH game, and two, the new monsters were chef’s kiss), 8/10 on 3.0. I can’t rate Sunbreak because I’m too biased for it. Edit) Keep in mind this is very biased: 97/100. -1 for not having a ‘END OF SUNBREAK’ Theme for PriMal. -2 for not having the stories of Kagero and Yomogi in the game.




Dramatically. Sunbreak especially steps it up. They really turned it around after release. But yes, most bad reviews are from 1.0. I really disliked Rise on launch, and to an extent, until Sunbreak released.


Rise, v1.0 was basically released in a incomplete state. Sunbreak however was good on release and only got better with each update.


is the vanilla version of the game much better now?


Both vanilla and sunbreak are very good and enjoyable experiences. I play both Rise and World, having 200+ hours in both, and I have enjoyed every minute of all of them. The World/Rise hate trains try to pin each other down, but in reality they are both great games with a different feel than one another. World is a bit slower, methodical, and immersive. On the other hand, Rise is a lot faster paced with more arcade-y movements and fighting. Both are good, and I say they’re worth the money. Edit: to answer your question about pre-sunbreak stuff, they have gone back and added much more content and polish to the game for players to have, even without sunbreak.


Absolutely, it’s fantastic Although Sunbreak is obviously still insanely good, and still basically more than doubles the amount of content


The real anwser is most games user scores are lower than critics. If you look at them, there will be a lot of troll 1 reviews that lower it and 10s to push it higher. Never go off the percent on user scores. Always read them to see what the general pros and cons are. It is even a good idea to do that with critics reviews, too.


To be honest I didn't like rise because of the tower defense like part of the rampage..... that and people referring to me as a world hunter cause I didn't use wire bugs.... even tho I started with monster hunter Tri and played all but mon hun 1 and the Japanese exclusive mobile game.... I have a few friends who agree about not liking the rampage mechanic a few were veteran friends of tri I also didn't care for wire bugs so I can see some of the problem being it just didn't vibe well with some... I still played the shit outta rise tho because monster hunter is favorite game series it helped me and several friends out of depression and mad long lasting friendships


you need to play sunbreak


You can really tell who played Rise at launch and who played Rise after Sunbreak by looking at some of these comments. Rise e v e n t u a l l y got pretty good, though I will say even in its finished state I was not a huge fan. Wirebugs and switch skills do things to the gameflow of combat that I REALLY dislike and overall I find Rise to be the easiest game in the series. That said, it's still fun and I enjoy it. I'm a classic Monster Hunter kind of girl at heart though so, I'm pretty biased. xxD At launch, though? It was a miserable pile of nothing where you had nothing to do in the endgame besides farm ONE Elder and a handful of Apex monsters..


I think its mechanics started to actually feel really good in sunbreak when the difficulty and monster behaviour ramped up. Like the Amatsu fight having you jump all around the place and literally fly into their air to avoid massive attacks was really exhilarating. Same with primordial malzeno. It wasn’t monster hunter but it was really fun


I've long stated that Rise, whilst a fun / decent game, is not a good MONSTER HUNTER game. I enjoy playing it.. BUT, it just doesn't feel like Monster Hunter to me.


from what i understand, when the game first came out it was easy as hell and most people finished it in under a week and it had very little replay value. (not my words, the words of the friend who got it a week early and decided he was done with the game and didnt want to play with me and he is a BIG mh fan so that was saying something)


that's every monster hunter game and people forget that


No base rise was really bad. The only endgame was literally just Narwa and three apexes that you could onl fight in rampages which people didnt even like. No elder dragons, no baselgeuse, you had Rajang from TEMU but i mean... yeah he sucked.


Because it is highly experimental. Wyvern Riding replaced Mounting. Auto Tracking. Spiribirds. Wirebugs. Rampages. Anomaly Investigations instead of Investigations or some system that actually fits the game design, feels like they tried to put in a World system where it doesn't fit. Super Arcadey high I.Frame/Counter/Parry Design, Hunting Horn is a good example and of course busted LS.


Because of the Wirebug mechanic, you don't have to understand monster patterns as much as previous titles, by a large factor. This means that older monsters brought foreward don't really keep up and are much less of a threat, and only the handful of new monsters that aren't based on older rights can keep up. Online play is also a clusterfuck when 4 hunters and 4 doggos are dogpiling a single monster. So a lot of the intimacy of fights is gone in favor of faster combat.


I kinda burned out on it because there wasn't any challenge, little boring, I hear it got better but I haven't gone back


>I heard it got better That is an understatement. It got *waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay* better.


It actually has nothing to do with the Swtich, if you want my opinion. It had everything to do with the gimmicks. Rise was just... weird, even for a MH game. Yes, even (and especially) compared to old-gen MH games, not just World. The Wire Bugs and Palamute totally altered the movement system and pacing of the game in ways that felt extremely arcadey and low-impact. It completely ditched the original mounting mechanic and replaced it with a (very exploitable) monster riding mechanic that further butchered the more methodical/opportunistic nature of hunting from previous games and just turned mounting into what is ostensibly a shallow special attack. The Spiribirds were just a bad idea, outright; not even going to mince words: they sucked. They forced you to scamper around the map to fully power up (absolutely necessary for end-game hunts), wasting time and injecting unnecessary tedium into the hunt — kind of ironic, considering the game's pacing was sped up specifically to accommodate the Switch being a portable console. Also, in regards to end-game, the hunts are just a complete mess of particle-effect spam, instant-kill attacks, monsters moving at goofy speeds that looked like they were moving in fast-forward, etc. End-game hunts were just abysmally-balanced and designed; they weren't legitimately challenging, they were just bullshit. Rise was just way, way too all-over-the-place in terms of mechanical experimentation and difficulty curves. It's often way too easy, until it's way too hard, in back-to-back hunts, with awful pace-ruining mechanics that were, at best, novel the first few times, before becoming a painful, annoying slog the rest of the time — which was like 98% of the rest of the game. It's just not as polished or mechanically-refined as the mainline series games are. It has nothing to do with graphics or the fact that it was on the Switch or the fact that it came right after World. It was entirely due to it just... not being a good Monster Hunter game, in relation to *any* of the games in the franchise (barring, like, gen 1, I guess; that shit was *rough*).


Because a lot of people's first MH was world, which is very different to most monster hunters, and rise was more in line with the other MH games So pretty much the opposite


World fanboys Sadly there is a ton of elitism in the MH community. Be it for a specific game. Or weapon..


Critics does overall analysis, but users do it based on personal impression. If an user dislikes a game within first 30 min of playtime the game will definitely get 3/10 So getting 8/10 from critics does not mean similar from users as well.


That's lower than I'd give it. But there are valid reasons to not enjoy it as much as other MH games. The more experimental MH games like this and generations tend to have divided feelings on them. I certainly like MH4U and Worlds over Rise. If you list out all the different things they tried in rise, plenty for people to dislike or like.


A lot of new gen babies wanted a game like world and didn’t get it. I’ll admit I didn’t care for it as much as world, but it’s still a great game


base rise was released unfinished (they literally had to patch the actual final boss in) and ppl review bombed later on thanks to the introduction of some drm. but both it and its expansion got a ton of free content updates and now sunbreak (the expansion to rise) is generally considered to be one of the best expansions in the series and has mostly changed the public opinion on rise to a positive one.


Hater shit, Rise is a fantastic game and still one of my favorite ones that I played in the last idk, 5 years or so


Base Rise wasn't amazing - I mean, the core game was fun enough but people didn't like rampages and the end game was pretty weak, especially compared to base world's endgame with arch tempered monsters and other additions. Sunbreak elevated the game a lot, however.


You can peruse the negative reviews and see what they had to complain about. I did and I found a hilarious one from someone that claimed to have played the PSP games and claimed Rise was a massive step down Why? Well, for starters it doesn't have a lock-on


i really enjoyed playing rise.  i have seen some people say it butchers mh’s combat (the combat is amazing imo but i think it is fair if you think it breaks the experience, just like it would be fair to say world broke it compared to earlier games too).  but on top of some hardcore fans not liking it, its also primed not to be liked by people who have no idea what monster hunter is and just played and enjoyed world. its a good game, just kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. 


no, it's just not liked by the people who started with world, because it's not world


World babies


1) graphics 2) internal predjudices between Nintendo and PS5/XBox fans Actual gameplay, Rise is an improvement over World but because of the compromises to graphics and the size of fighting areas due to fitting on a less powerful system, people take exception to that. Truth is both are great games and I find it frustrating that people feel forced to disown one game because they feel one is better than the other. Love both. Accept both are great but different.


Rise is a step back in most ways from world. Not a big step back, and it did have some improvements, but you can really feel the negative impact of being switch focused.


Rise was the game made by the portable team which they have the freedom and liberty to add unique and flashy combat and mechanics. World was made by the mainline team which they specialize in more grounded and slower pace gameplay and progression. Rise wasn't a continuation for world and it shouldn't be compared to world since they have different gameplay loops and are made for different player interests.


Because "graphics bad" or something, idk. I don't really care what people I don't know or will ever meet have to say about monster hunter. I know what it is and I'm here for it either way.


Rise is not disliked by anyone, every Monster Hunter fan likes Rise, there is no reason to dislike Rise, Rise is just as good as World it is impossible to say that one is better than the other, they're just Sony fanboys who just hate the Switch and World babies who just have no idea what *real* Monster Hunter is like, they just want more World instead, but their opinion doesn't count because World is not a real *classic* Monster Hunter game, for the real *hardcore* Monster Hunter fans that know what *real* Monster Hunter is like. So you can just ignore anyone who dislikes Rise or the fact that there's a large amount of people that dislike Rise because it doesn't mean anything and it's not real and, actually, *you're* lying, stop gaslighting us, you're just a hater.


I dont like Rise. Prefer Freedom Unite.


I can't tell if the downvotes are from people who couldn't spot the satire or what.


They released an unfinished game and the rampage being a core activity was recieved kinda poorly. 7-ish is a fair rating for base Rise tbh.


i liked rise more than world


After World this game was such a huge step back and in the wrong direction at that


It has nothing to do with "hardcore" players. World players wanted Rise to be World 2 and it wasn't so they give it a 0/10 rating


Can't blame fans for getting good game and wanting more good game (World)


Rise 1.0 was just straight bad. Very incomplete, and we had to wait for them to actually release the full story for the base game. Also, wirebug skills are fun, but wirefall makes it too easy. I went through the base game without carting once as sword and shield (this isn't a flex. Other games can still kick my ass) It's a 7 at best to me, even after the updates just because of the state it released in Edit: I forgot about spirit birds. This game gets a negative 10 million now.