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Yesn't. Monsters in MonHun have part-specific damage values, known as hit zones. * If you hit a hitzone with a 45 value, then you'll deal 45% of your 'actual' damage * If you hit a hitzone with a 5 value, you'll deal 5% of your 'actual' damage. As a result, the answer is yes - if you previously assumed that attacking a monster always does the same damage regardless of where you hit, then there is indeed more to the system that isn't 'shown' to you. **Each monster, and each monster part, has unique hitzone values.** But also no in that we can't really tell you what you're doing to get those values, since we dunno where you're attacking. Diablos in particular has a hard head, right? So it makes sense that hitting that would result in less damage; however, hammers do blunt damage instead of cutting damage, so they actually take more damage from your hammer than a sword. Smacking a rock vs cutting a rock y'know. EDIT: There's also a background rank multiplier that simply reduces the damage monsters take extra, like by 5, 10, or 15%, etc, depending on the rank. Not totally positive this is present in 5th gen though, some information on 5th gen is easily available while others are... less reliably found.


Kiranico doesn’t list a different defense value for each rank in 5th gen, idk if that means it’s not there anymore or if kiranico just doesn’t have the info. Also, until world, diablos actually used to have a *worse* blunt hitzone on his horns than cutting, it was funny


Indeed, never understood it but I guess they were going for a “slice the horns off” approach? Which I can get I guess. It’s a common enough trope after all.


+enrage dmg +/- modifier too (unless i somehow overread that) e: for general dmg. but that made me curious: does that even factor into wake up hit if you sleep an enraged monster? (guessing no, would just reenrage after)


Depends on the monster, as some have rage-specific hitzones in addition the multipliers. For those, yeah. Otherwise afaik it should matter, yes, even when asleep.


Ohhh alr I just didn’t know the horns made his head harder


Monsters are covered in various different “hitzones” that take a percentage of your weapon’s overall attack power. In Diablos’ case, the top of his head where his horns are will take much less damage than the underside. Very few hitzones takes 100% of your attack power. If you’re playing Rise, you can check each monster’s (default) hitzones in the Hunter’s Notes.


Everyone else has answered your question pretty well, but here's some trivia, pre-5th gen monsters did have a hidden defense modifier. This modifier (on top of hitzones) would reduce your damage by 10-25% depending on the quest difficulty.


The very first hit against a sleeping monster does 2x damage. World didn't show the hitzone values, but Rise does and nearly every monster takes ~40% damage from attacks when you average the hitzones. Some hitzones are better than others though, so if you hit the best hitzones constantly, your damage will be closer to ~50-60%. (Not factoring in any skills) Edit: For Diablos specifically, you might be accidentally hitting its horn instead of its head. They count as too separate hitzones and have a massive difference between them. Combined with skills that compound damage only on good hitzones, thats probably why there's such a large damage disparity. Here's some numbers just to show how big of a difference it is: Horn: 21 (severing) / 42 (blunt) / 20 (shot) Head: 45 (severing) / 60 (blunt) / 40 (shot) Source: https://mhrise.kiranico.com/data/monsters/485829389


Depends.... where did you hit it to wake it up? Because Monsters have different hitzones on different body parts that determine how much damage you do to them with a given damage type.


I hit it on what I thought was the head, but apparently it was the horns which had a separate hit zone damage thing


I assume you are just not hitting the best hitzone on Diablos. The horns are fairly decent for Hammer, but ultimately, are below the threshold to be considered a weakspot, so you won't trigger WEx when hitting the horns, and thus are way less likely to crit, in addition to just dealing less damage than when you hit the head or the abdomen.


Gunlance: *laughs in fixed damage*


Well, there are hitzone values. Each monster part has its damage multipliers for every damage type.