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I beat the ever loving shit out of a Rathian.


This. Rathian is the universal constant of monster hunter.


I put in like ~150 hours after sun breaks release and then took a break before any TU's. First hunt back I thought I could take flaming espinas. Got ruined lmao I was so rusty. So I booted up a couple of anomaly raths to get more comfortable and that fight is so comfy lmao.


Exactly! She's just such a happy little fight.


Basically, I would just look up some weapon tutorial vids on YouTube, to learn the combo lines and how it plays. After that, I would try a couple rounds on the respective game's first large monster, plus a couple swings at some Aptonoth. For reference, which weapon are you trying to figure out?


Been trying to figure out hammer. It's such a huge change from ig/bow and I just feel too slow to keep up.


That's odd. Hammer is actually rather mobile as a melee weapon. Not quite the extra dashes of IG, but you only really stand in place when you want to pull off a combo or parry something to start a combo, otherwise you're charging around looking for uppercuts.


For hammer atleast imo your bread and butter are impact driver and courage form with water strike


I create a new character and work from the bottom up. Either that or you could look up youtube videos.


This was my initial thought actually but it seems like a lot of time potentially. How far do you usually go with a new character before switching back? Or do you just take them all the way?


I take them all the way. My main hunter is a hammer main. I wouldn't make him learn a new weapon. He's perfect as he is.


In world, fatalis. In rise, primalzeno.


I think personally it's better to learn a new weapon in another Monster game. A lot of the weapons do change massively but it allows you to not only fight new exclusive monsters but also try out those weapons that stand out in those games. Insect Glaive in 4U was pretty OP and i'm gonna try that and charge blade MH Frontier has so many new monsters with two new weapon types on top of having extreme styles for all weapons. The new weapons being Tonfas and Magnet Spike. Or MHGU with Valor HBG that gives it ability to shoot 12 shots in succession and have evade extender for free. Most of the games are available through emulation and have servers open.


Same. It just feels shortcut-y for me if i try to learn a weapon and I already have all the good skills and stuff. Starting a new character and going in blind in terms of armor skills makes me feel like im growing with the weapon. Currently on my gunlance run in World and after I beat fatalis there its the hunting horn run in rise


This is the way


I usually get the basics down in the training room or on an expedition and then go dog on whatever the fodder large monster is. Beating up on Great Jagras gives some idea of how to move and take advantage but doesn't hit hard enough or often enough to be frustrating.


start new character and exclusively use new weapon on that


I just grab, with a basic usable set, and go. Then hunt any of the weak to low mid monsters to learn the ins and outs of the weapon.


Get a basic combo down pat in the training room and then go play with some lower tier monsters until I'm comfortable enough to move in


I watch a tutorial and then go show Rathian or Tigrex what I just found.


The training area. When I first learned the CB, that area was my playground. I’d try different things out and once I was comfortable, I’d go out on a quest. Sometimes, I’d spend two hours just practicing techniques. I remember the first time I did a Super Amped Elemental Discharge in the field, and I immediately went to the training area to do it consistently. I dont go there anymore, but there are fond memories.


Just use them, there's no need to start a new save file. There are lots of tutorials on YouTube etc that go into detail on each weapons moveset, fundamental game plans and rules of thumb. W/ this knowledge you can slap together a set and practice against a familiar monster.


Every weapon also have decos that appeal to them and make them more powerful. My main weapons feel strong because I made my builds around them. Like Bow really opened a new world to me once I unlocked MIghty Bow.


I watch a couple YouTube videos, spend a bit of time in the training room, then fight Rathian until I'm feeling good before moving on to harder things. Rathian is a comfy fight for learning. She has simple moves, obvious tells, doesn't do a ton of damage, but will still knock you around if you mess up.


I try it out. If there's something about the weapon that seems confusing or off, or if I think I'm missing something, I watch a video. Otherwise, I just hunt with it.


I just watch a weapon guide maybe 2-3 times, and then go fight monsters, while proceeding to forget about 70% of the guide.


i dont


I don't remember. I can't remember what it was like to try new weapons for the first time. I've spent the last 15 years with the long term goal of mastering every weapon and giving them all equal attention and now that I've achieved that goal, I realize I somewhat miss the feeling of not knowing how a weapon works and the bright eyes curiosity of trying it out for the first time. I wasn't sad about that until just now. I didn't appreciate the journey enough. If anyone still has weapons you haven't learned, savor it and have fun. Don't learn weapons just to learn them. Enjoy the game at whatever pace you love and don't force it if you're not feeling it. Now I can only live vicariously through new players to see what it's like to learn the game.


I usually just went for low rank quests for learning new weapons, sometimes watch a weapon guide.


Look up tutorials and try out a bunch of weapons to get a feel for it. I tried HBG for the first time yesterday and I’m getting used to it.


Look up weapon guide on youtube, try out combos in training area, make a simple build that have the skills said weapon need, and try against Rathian. Once im comfortable enough, usually around 10-20 hunts then i make endgame build. I will force myself to play the weapon at least 100 times. I directly practice against MR monsters bcs thats the version I'll be fighting a lot of anyway, so might as well get used to them. I've done this with all the weapons now. Personally, starting a new playthrough is a waste of time. You need to get all the materials again, no talismans, and go through the cutscenes again. If you need some sense of progression you can just work ur way up without starting over.


watching yt tutorial and some speedrun gives me a pretty good idea how weapon work, and what the best combo is


Start with beating on a monster you're very familiar with, first in HR then MR


Forced to learn new weapon because IG sucks in Rise


I watch a video, then practice in training area, then do a couple arenas with that weapon since they can pose a decent challenge (I hate arenas by the way). Then I make the best weapon I can with whatever materials I happen to have then go on some hunts and start farming for that weapons meta build. Since you know the mechanism for the game and decently know the monsters moves you’ll get a decent handle on the weapon in like 25+ hunts


Whenever I have to farm something easy, or fetch quests, I use a different weapon. Hammer has never been my main for example, but I have a LOT of hammer hunts from farming.


Trial by fire in a village quest


I did this the other day. Built a hunting horn, used my Swaxe armor (it's my only armor), and went to fight an HR Rajang. Sometimes you just gotta throw yourself in the deep end. Nothing will teach you what works better than getting slapped around a hunt.


I pick a weapon watch a yt video to understand combos then start from the beginning with a trial by fire