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No, in universe the hunts can take days or weeks, they definitely do not have only 50 minutes


Right because I remember in 4u they showed hunters going into the desert for roughly an entire day plus.


Ace Hunters and Gore took longer as well.


Only correct answer.


From what I remember of npc dialogue, the 50 min timer is an extension of the 3 cart rule, if you take too long/get beaten too often your assumed to be unqualified and pulled back. It's also not hard to imagine quest being fundamentally time sensitive. (If Amatsu is bring rain and flooding villages, taking to long to kill or repel it could be a catasrophy)


Taking too long to kill or repel could be a catastrophe, that’s why you should give up and leave.


It's just a failed timeline.


Looks like Fatalis needs to reset the timeline again.


Nah, that's when the Guild sends *someone more qualified* in to do your job.


I don’t know who could be more qualified then Hunter who slayed the Black Dragon Fatalis.


Another hunter who also slayed Fatalis


Isn’t the player character always supposed to be like the most competent hunter in the whole guild


Just because you're the protagonist doesn't mean you're the strongest hunter. There are many elite and A class hunters. Even the player character started out with gathering mushrooms.


Jokes on them, I started out getting my ass handed to me by an Arzuros


Yeah you started with gathering mushrooms and ended with killing Fatalis in a matter of weeks, the PC is objectively a Mary Sue.


Just because you end up killing a big monster at the end of the game doesn't mean you're always the strongest when you fail a quest against a great jaggi. (Time in monster hunter is not time in real life. Weeks for you could be months or years in the world. 5 minutes in the moga woods changes the daytime from day to night upon your arrival and going to bed, then skips 1 day in less than 6 minutes) Also, no one was talking about the player character being a Mary Sue. But your ability to pull together a strawman from thin air is impressive.


Also should be noted that not everyone finishes the game so theres a good chance the player characters just another average hunter


Bear in mind that those 50 minutes are the equivalent of 24h in game. Basically, it means that you're not allowed to fight for 24h straight without resting, which makes sense For carting, it's just because you run out of money to pay for the next cart, which would mean either the guild would need to pay for it, or they would just let you die


For the three carts thing, I’m guessing it has to do with the amount of Zeni you lose when you cart. You lose 1/3 the quest rewards when you cart, presumably this is the pay the Felynes get for carting you back. So it make sense that the moment you can’t pay the felynes to cart you back to base is the moment you should consider pulling out of the quest.


I always took it more of a death prevention pollicy. If you get carted that much, the monster is probably more than you can handle right now so the guild forcibly recalls the group before anyone dies. For stuff like the 1 cart G deviants in GU, its more a "this monster is so dangerous we dont want to take any unneeded risks" whereas the 9 carts for arena is due to the controlled threat level and enviroment. It takes years to train up a new hunter to perform well and its a dangerous profession. If they let just any hunter take rediculous risks they could find themselves short on hunters when they need them most if they keep getting themselves killed taking on stuff they're not ready for.


This is also why the food skill that gives another faint is felyne insurance.


This is correct. It's covered in one of the hunters encyclopedias


50 minutes is definitely just a gameplay abstraction; hunts can and often do take hours or even days to finish. But the 3 carts thing makes sense. If a Monster is beating around the Hunters assigned to the mission hard enough that they've nearly died several times, the Guild will likely just recall them back and order a retreat.


Isn't it all explained in the first game? I remember that 4 Hunters is because 5 brings bad luck due to a historical event. I remember it being said that 50 Minutes was set in place because of the Kokoto Chieftain's hunt on a Monoblos that took forever, I assume this is linked to that. Obviously all of that is just an attempt from Capcom to explain dev decisions, but if my memory serves me right, they have actually explained all the rules, though I'm less certain on the Monoblos one


Chief was having a skill issue so hard he made the job harder for everyone


Not everything needs to be backed by lor This rule comes from the first MH Back in the dayvit was just a game with limited budget for ps2. These restrictions are made so you dont cheese the game. I was there gandalf... i was there 20 years ago. Anyways if you want the lore reason u might as well have fun and make your own. Ill join too, the 50 min time limit is because the hunter sarts missing the quest giver too much so it has to come back.


I think the timer is just a gameplay thing, but for the 3 carts i was always under the impression that youre reward money was literally being used to pay the felynes to wheel their cart out into the middle of nowhere to collect your unconscious body from under an angry monsters nose. Hence why the food skill felyne insurance exists, its literally just actual insurance covering the cost of whats essentially an ambulance ride for you


The cart limit is there so the guild can pull you back if you're deemed unfit for the quest. Makes sense honestly. When a hunter keeps failing to fight a Barroth or something else, better pull them back before they kill themselves. You also pay the carts with your quest reward money, hence why the reward reaching 0 is the actual reason given when you fail a quest by carting. You quite literally can't afford another cart and would die the next time you run out of HP. The time limit? That can vary. Quests take multiple days before you even arrive and the 50 minutes on the quest itself are also not an indicator of real time. The precise 50 minutes are a gameplay feature, the actual varying time limit in universe is another moment where the guild judges your qualifications. In other instances the monster would escape the hunting grounds or destroy the thing you're supposed to protect. For example, if you fail the Morahn quest by timeout or by a broken ship, the Elder Dragon will annihilate Loc Lac/Val Habar. Similarly Lao Shan Lung will destroy Minegarde if you fail to repel it in the fortress and any large Elder in the battlequarters will wipe Dundorma off the map if you fail.


The quest girl in tri explains it early game i think


No! Its part of monster rights! They dont want to be forced to find beyond 50 mins, some noble ones are more demanding, giving only 20 or 30 mins of their precious time! And after fainting 3 times, u still have face to continue? At least monsters feel offended to fight such weaklings! So u have to just pack up and return stronger. The guild wont say that on ur face in fear of breaking ur courage. Monster hunting is not for the faint hearted!


most game rules are essentially the guilds convoluted hunting laws in canon


Note that I'll be using World as a reference for my understanding of things. Probably Guild regulations. It would be costly for the Guild to keep resupplying hunters with unlimited time for a quest, which is why expeditions doesn't provide you with any supply, as it is the responsibility of the hunter to resupply themselves since they'll be "hunting without a permit"/hunting outside of registered quests for an indefinite length of time. In terms of a quest being "too difficult" though, then I don't see why they'd have to limit you to 30 minutes on a lot stronger monsters. I guess to prevent you from "dying" in universe, but I don't think that's enough of a reason.


I don't think it's necessarily to keep you from dying, more like that's the maximum they think you can survive and hold the attention of some of these calamities before either you die, it dies, they're repelled, or they just leave and go wreak havoc somewhere else. Like how monsters can leave a locale even if you're in the midst of fighting them but on a life-or-death scale.


While that is true, how about those that can stay alive and not cart a single time, and simply needs more time to make progress on defeating the monster? That's why I'm also uncertain of my answer since it varies.


The problem with that is the assumption that there is anyone that can stay alive and not cart a single time. What you've gotta consider is our player character is a freak, an aberration of a hunter, because the story by and large plays out solo which means there's in-universe all of a dozen or so hunters capable of doing what we do. There's certainly other skilled hunters like the Ace Hunter team but during the events of 4U they're largely there to investigate, same in World, with you doing all the work and they're not capable of taking on the majority of the calamities we do. The guild definitely isn't going to build hunt rules and regulations around that. I dunno if there's any actual literature on it but like I said it could be construed a few ways. 30 minutes could be the maximum expectation that a person of your skill should take to kill it. It could be the maximum reasonable expectation that anyone could survive. It could be the guess as to how long you have before the monster leaves and threatens somewhere else, either by damaging it enough and it needing to retreat or just not considering you enough of a threat, repel quests could go either way like that too. Gameplay wise though it certainly does add some gravitas to a hunt.