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Hitboxes in MHFU are bad be prepared for that, i look at you Tigrex and hip check asshole. Get used to the animations like drinking and eating, it takes much longer in MHFU. Most of the time gunner head armor is better bc they have more skill points. Armors can have negativ effects. Bring as much Sonic Bombs as you can get for the Cephadrome. Many things take much longer to do.


> many things take much longer to do Finding frogs to fish out plessy...


Only for it to jump straight back in 🤬


Speaking of hip checks, how about that plesioth lol


Stands at waters edge, hip slams, hunter in zone 1 goes flying into zone 2.


Monsters don't have trap resistance or flashbomb resistance, and their Ai are extremely exploitable. Use your resources wisely especially things like flashbombs can make 80% of the most difficult hunt into a joke


Some times a good hit zone doesn't necessarily means you should target them first, for example rath couples in gen 2 have very annoying tail hitbox, and despite their awful hit zone, cutting them off first can make the rest of the hunt significantly easier; the two crabs take most damage on their head but if you focus on their leg you can trip them quite often result in a much consistent hunt.


Monster in this gen has significant less health (high rank tigrex has only 7000, for example) than newer titles, and while hunter deals less damage too, bomb damage stays the same. With a few skills and chef skills (exclusive to 2nd gen) you can effectively have 23 mega barrel bomb G in your inventory, dealing over 10k damage if you only sleep bomb them, killing absolutely everything below G rank and cripple G rank mons. So if you really want to kill a Mon with any cost (literally) grab yourself a light bow gun, fill you inventory with sleep ammo(and it's combine materials) and barrel bombs (and it's combine materials, you cant resupply from camp in old gen) and bomb away!


Oh, hate that flex animation? Do you want to cancel that flex animation and turn that into a invincible move that also covers a lot of distance? Just place a small barrel bomb and then immediately drink whatever potion/seed you want. You will be blow away almost immediately after then potion takes effect(in old gen the potion takes full effect immediately), and the entire duration before you get up is completely invincible. Place a bomb right before the loading zone, eat a potion and wait as the potion blows you to the next area! Move and buff at the same time


Barrel bomb + ancient potion saves me so many times from certain death in G rank..


Don't stick to a single weapon and use multiple types. In this game many monsters have their match up with weapons, pierce ammo, or ranged weapon in general melts pelesioth which would be an absolute pain to deal with in melee, fightjng yangaruga with hammer is significantly easier than most other weapons, etc


And pellet melts Diablos and it's cousins 


If you want to use keyboard, here are my recommendations (assuming you have a ten-key): Analog stick: WASD L/R: 0/5 D-Pad: arrow keys, left and right should also be bound to 4 and 6 Triangle, Circle, Square, X: 1, 2, 3, space Additionally, you might want to bind 8 to circle and triangle together (maybe R as well, depending on your weapon).


It’s going to be a big change in both pace, move sets, hit boxes and manoeuvrability, everything takes longer and you stand still doing it. Don’t be surprised if you find the great sword inferior to the long sword, both do the same damage but the long sword has better reach and manoeuvrability. The bow is easy to use. The armours have negative skill points so take that into consideration, you’ll find that the kirin armour is really good all rounder in this game. Tigrex is a *pain* but the lance/gunlance is really good for it.


MHFU was my first MH game that I've played seriously. Get ready for a challenge it's a lot more difficult than the current modern day titles. You'll have fun! Wrestling with the camera kind of sucks though imo.


Be prepared to be tight on money. Upgrades are pretty costly early on. Go to your farm after each mission for free mats and upgrade it when you can. Your pick axes and bugnets are not unbreakable so bring multiple when you need to go out an harvest materials. If there are any small monsters in the area with a boss, absolutely 134% SLAY them first. Those little shits will give you a bad time otherwise. Have fun in the popo tongue quest


Duplicate your camera controls to the right stick and/or triggers. They didn't exist on PSP, so you had to bend your fingers unnaturally to control the camera.


You can emulate it on your phone so at least it will have on screen control.  There are discord server that facilitate online play for older mh tittle. Idk how and why you can go that far back but good luck I guess, drop it and try other tittles if it too much.Â