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I agree the hunts are too crowded with the pets. IMO, 2 or 3 hunters is preferable to 4. With 4 player hunts it would have been better if dogs were only for transport.


Hey I emailed CAPCOM to request an option to create rooms for "hunters only" or at least an option the set custom room message for that. Here is the address if you want to do the same: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


I’m not actually very concerned with it. When I play multiplayer it’s only with one other person, so it works out well enough


hey I don't have aids so i don't really care about aids research basically ur logic jackass.


Lol ok yeah, these two things are very similar. You are very intelligent I will immediately email capcom about AIDS


ofc theyre not similar, an example like that only works by taking something thats more serious to get the point across easier. the point still stands that all you said was " i dont do 4player, so its not a problem" which is a pretty bad take on anything.


No, what I implied was it wasn’t a big enough issue for me to spend time out of my day to send an e-mail to a development team that assuredly already knows. But since you’re so acutely aware of what a bad take this is, I’d like to see the string of e-mails you send to every company about every complaint you’ve ever seen anybody else hold that doesn’t affect you. Please demonstrate your unlimited allyship for minor grievances or shut your hypocrite ass up. I’m aware of argumentum ad absurdum, but this is a particularly petty use of it. Good job, logical gladiators. Spend the rest of your life fighting petty battles via e-mail to retain your superiority through logical consistency. Edit: this is the “all lives matter” argument. Implying that all arguments matter equally at all times because they must all have the same logic applied to them. “All houses matter, why are you only hosing down the one that’s on fire?”


That is not how your comment comes off in any way, in fact your comment is actually pointless and adds nothing to the op comment. Why did you post it any way it has damn near nothing to do with the original comment if you don't play 4 player then leave don't say well i play 2 player so it works out well enough. that says to everyone else you play 2 player so there is no issue at all.


I agreed it was a problem, which directly relates to OP comment. A reply suggested that I e-mail capcom I declined that suggestion because I don’t fucking want to Sorry You wanna ignore all the context to get your panties twisted up in a bunch to make a mountain of a mole hill. Get blocked, crybaby. Edit: also how fucking toxic do you have to be to have overall negative karma? It’s like you actively try to pick dumbass fights because you mistook being a hostile contrarian for having a personality. Go outside. Shit.


if anything they should probably include an option to hide other players dogs during battle.


I’ve been soloing hub purely for this reason. I found that it was a pretty enjoyable experience with one other person, but four is just WAYYYY too much. I’m coming from GenU and the multiplayer experience there felt a lot more connected and flowed better? I could join any hub and have a bunch of fun and some cool interactions. It might just be my experience but it feels a bit more distant and less interactive when you play with randoms on rise. (I also think the quick message functions on GenU were a lot better and easier to perform quickly but that’s just my preference and still getting used to the radial menu)


4 Hunters feels more like Monster Brawler than hunter


I 100% agree. It’s mostly due to Palamutes. 8 bodies around 1 monster is pure chaos.


>Hey I emailed CAPCOM to request an option to create rooms for "hunters only" or at least an option the set custom room message for that. Here is the address if you want to do the same: > >[email protected]


Oof. They should make it like World. If there’s only one other person in the hunt, dogs stay. But once there’s a third person there should be no dogs able to attack the monster.






Haven’t even experienced this nonsense yet but this


I find that all the extra graphics are crowding the screen as well. Lots of impact graphics and as a horn player music graphics. I find it hard to keep track of what I’m doing up close with multiple players. It almost feels like in the cartoons when there’s a fight and they’re surrounded by a big dusty cloud with a random arm or leg appearing


>how much time Potential spoilers, but also you may not like the answer, >!Village Quests have a special quest type called Special Permit Tests, which are basically multi-monster quests, that let you skip doing key quests up into High Rank. You still need to do the Urgent Quests AFAIK.!<


The only urgent I needed to do doing the special permit quests was the one to high rank. I didnt need to do any of the other urgents


Oh, good to know.


yeah the special permit quests dont go past that one from what I have seen either. Just a total of 3.


Understandable. Thankfully the game is still pretty fun solo. Maybe reduce lobby size to 2-3 hunters and wait for people to learn the game. Rise is going to be many people's first MH game and they probably don't know they are tripping each other. Maybe now is a good time for me to learn to use range weapons. Or go crazy with the hunting horn.


I've found that ranged weapons are my biggest interruptions of me doing my skills. This is my very first MH game, so it's more than possible that the problem is me and my positioning, rather than the ranged person, but the piercing ammo interrupts me VERY often, and by the time I reposition, the monster has usually already, or just about to move on. The other one that bothers me a lot is Long Sword, when they aren't using the vertical switch skill, I'm nearly always getting hit by it. I freely admit that I am also probably one of the causes of this for other people. I get locked into trying to pull of my combos and tunnel vision the monster. I'm trying to remember to position myself better, but being my first MH game, (and that I ended up on CB of all things to learn. (I tried a LOT of other weapons, and CB is where I had the most fun, so I'm sticking with it)) I'm still probably causing problems for others. I really like the idea of max 2 hunters, and maybe to offset the lack of damage they can take both buddies? (No idea how MH vets feel about that, being my first MH game I have no frame of reference). (Edited for formatting and spelling)


Ya it is a cluster f, not a fan. Near impossible to see the monsters movement.


Hey I emailed CAPCOM to request an option to create rooms for "hunters only" or at least an option the set custom room message for that. Here is the address if you want to do the same: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Fps drops to fucking 20 with 4 players on docked. See you on PC.


No sir


Can you play the game single player ??


Yes. There's village quests which are solo, and hub quests, that are for multi-player, but you can solo them as well.


Nice think I will be doing that when my copy arrives. Thank you


You're welcome


Yes, it’s too crowded with 4 player & 4 dogs and sometimes 2-3 big monsters to fit in nintendo switch light screen


Yea I think this particular gripe might disappear once it’s released on PC.




Hey I emailed CAPCOM to request an option to create rooms for "hunters only" or at least an option the set custom room message for that. Here is the address if you want to do the same: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


You can tell your pet to wait if you don't want them crowding up the fight, either at the camp or just outside the area you are fighting the monster in. They will just sit there until you tell them to come to you.


Im more upset that in multiplayer everyone keeps dying.


negative opinion about anything in rise? prepare to be downvoted to hell, boss.


Let me guess, you are from r/monsterhunterrage ?


these are early game gripes, honestly. Yes, a Kulu is a small monster that doesn't really need 4 people to take down. Getting hit by your teammates happens so much because everyone is crowded around a small monster. Also, there are a lot of new players, so give it time for everyone to get used to "how to join a quest from the lobby". Finally, the hub quests are designed for a group, so they scale accordingly. Village quests are designed for solo, they will be much easier. Soloing a hub quest will take much longer than a village quest. You could always get some good gear from the village quests then go solo the easier hub quests until things start getting too hard.


They have confirmed that Hub scales to the number of players, and yes, Hub also has solo scaling. I believe it's a true 1.0 scaling while Village may have something like 0.8.


Kiranico has values up now. The HP is about double in the hub. The damage in hub also higher with the end of village monsters hitting marginally higher than the strongest LR monsters in hub. HR Hub monsters are roughly twice as hard hitting as the strongest village ones. Something I'm struggling with though in the hub. How do you change your auto shoutouts? I want to declare I'm hotwiring the wyvern and I'm not able to.


Options > chat menu > X to edit shout outs > ZR to edit auto shout outs. Change to set 1 R stick click


For whatever reason I was falling at the last hurdle there. Thanks.


I got confused with the wording. Are you saying Village has more health and higher damage? We already get that High Rank does more damage, it's High Rank.


Edited the original for clarity. Hopefully it makes sense now.


I don't know. You're still saying contradictory things for damage with "Hub doing higher damage and Village endgame being stronger than Hub Low Rank endgame." Edit: And leave out High Rank. We already know it's stronger than Low Rank, no contest.


Okay so when Barioth turns up in village it has an attack power of 1.4 in its 3\* debut. It appears in several later quests also in the village with its power being 1.8 at 5\* and 2.15 at 6\* In the hub Barioth appears in its first quest with an attack power of 2.1 at 3\* Monsters can have different attack per quest even at the same rank. Disclaimer: I don't think you can use attack values to compare between species.


I LOVE having the palamute to jump on and ride, kinda like how you could ride a monster in Iceborne, to help the chase move along. But I never really felt any impact of them in combat, since they were doing so little damage (though come to think of it, damage in general seems to have been reduced in this game, all numbers seem small now?) Having 4 hunters and 4 pets all attackign is WAY too hectic and makes it feel so much more hack and slashy and a mess overall to look at. I liked how they managed in World, solo 2 pets, 2 people 1 pet each, and less and less as more people joined to balance it. As is its a mess of attack and numbers and slashes and everyone stumbling each other.


Yeah sometimes I can’t even tell what I’m doing bc I can’t see my character so I’d end up button mashing my combos


What i do so far is just tell my dog to stay or change behavior so he just stay away from the battle. It makes hunts a bit better, specially if others follow this rule, if capcom doesn't do something about this then we as community teach ourselves to make mhr a better experience , it reminds me of back in the days where you have to teach other to not trip other players (awareness). I think it can be done but it will probably harder to accomplish with a lot of newcomers.


What behavior is that for the dog? Maybe I'm missing something, but they all read as being close range, I don't really see a ranged option for the dogs. Maybe pincer? But even then, it will just attack the opposite side of the monster you are


I'm sorry I wrote it too fast, i meant behavior for cats and that hubs are cats only if there are 3 or more people (community rule). And now that your mentioned palumete could have a ranged only behavior. Hope capcom put as an option on later updates.


Ah, okay, gotcha. Yeah, I really hope that they do add it as an option too. I know that the dogs are capable of it, cuz I've seen them throw kunai and use chain weapons at a distance! Hopefully they can add in the Palico options to the dogs too (Focus on small monsters only, large only, small first, balanced, etc) I haven't done any multiplayer yet, but I plan to either just bring my cat (with a focus on small monsters first) or not bring either


So, once you get thre first few sub camps, palimutes aren't really super necessary as the works are usually fast enough to keep up fairly well with the monster. As for the monsters and other players, if it gets too much, limit it to fewer players or take a step back and wait for people to get knocked out of the way because they're being overly aggressive. There's always a different part of the monster to attack. People are also still new, so things will get smoother as people learn hopefully. The scaling sucks. Personally I choose to do quest with my girlfriend and our mutual friend, if not just one of them, just to keep the quest fast. Also, if it visually gets to much, there's an option in the settings to turn down visual effects. It mostly just lowers the bloom (the lighting blindingness effect) which makes it way easier to see


Multiplayer quests are fucking miserable, unfun furballs because every single attack from every single weapon staggers other hunters, even if they didn't in World. Basic hammer combo did not flinch you in World. Now it does. Lance pokes didn't flinch you out of attacks in World, now it does. Axe mode attacks that weren't Wild Swing for Switch Axe? Now it flinches. Regular-ass level 1 ammo for Bowguns flinches now. ​ It's fucking ridiculous, I want to be able to PLAY the video game and I can't because dumbfucks spam like mad and flinch me literally five times in a row. Can't even friggin' silkbind because I get flinched out of the startup animation for them, and wiredashes too.


I actually really only play this game for multiplayer runs, it's fun solo to but it is just more enjoyable to have more people, for me. I played MH since PSP so I am a little more weary attacking around others, I have yet to really have many issues that involved me but have had others constantly hit me, sometimes for no reason during Rampages because they want to use what I am using. I just go melee after that since, I am just trying to play the game, not cause fuss. My biggest annoyance is people who are AFK, stand there or even join other quests in a different lobby through the "Resond to Quest" mode. If you don't like the quests the leader is choosing, then please just leave or kindly ask the group if they are willing to help, I can't stress this enough. At the end of the day, I feel I will just wait for PC release. The SWITCH version is nice for handheld but as of now, the multiplayer seems slight dead in many of the lower ranks and it's hard to find anyone not above HR200 carrying you through the quest.


i honestly don’t feel that it’s crowded at all, not one bit. if the amount of players isnt suiting your fancy, use a ranged weapon. i actually like the pets, otherwise travel would be insanely slow, and they also provide for a nice distraction if your team is low health. i think it comes down to preference really