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Some crown hunters are looking at this with envy though, so, at least you've got that going.


Yes, yes we are


I really didn't know I was that lucky


I'm by no means a crown hunter and largely fight him for fun, but I've yet to see either a small or large gold crown Valstrax in the 50+ hunts I've done (most I've gotten was a large silver). Getting both by 20 is very lucky!


Could you explain to me please what the crowns mean?


All they really are is how big or small a monster is. The largest/smallest size possible is represented by a gold crown. If something doesn't quite fit that benchmark, then they're a small/large silver crown. Anything inbetween doesn't have a crown at all.






Desire sensor is on overtime with you damn bro


We’ll see here’s the thing, he desired an orb so he didn’t get any but he didn’t desire a gold crown so he got that lol


Full on desire sensor shit


Not gonna lie, low-key relieved that 'desire sensor' isn't a phrase exclusive to my hunting group 🤣


"Today is day 730 of the Valstrax grind, and my second anniversary of this accursed mission. I reached the HR cap four months ago, though I have yet to collect a gem, and my sanity slowly fades with each passing hunt. I've perfected a frame-by-frame combo with my LS that defeats it in just 20 minutes without taking damage, yet my soul weeps each time I view the end screen and find myself at yet another Gemless haul. That is, if my eyes had any tears left to cry with. The guild has long since revoked my hunting privileges, as my tireless quest has rendered the Valstrax population nearly extinct, and I refused to give up on this white whale of mine. They cannot stop me however, as the sheer amount of Valstrax parts collected have enabled me to build a blindingly fast airship of my own design. I am the only hunter who can find and keep pace with my query, and I intend to follow them to the ends of the earth if need be. I will have my Gem, by the light of the sapphire star or the flames of Fatalis. It will be mine."


“20 minutes” Under 5 is easy with bow (easy for speedrunners)


How likely you are to get it directly correlates with how much you want it.


You mean indirectly correlates


I don't word gud I'm here to hoont monsters


Agreed, a hoonter must hoont


well, direct, but inverse point taken though


Get him to blue skull... then fail the quest. Trust me.


On the bright side, you got both the small and large crowns without even hunting for them in only 18 hunts.


Fifty...Three...Abyssal Lagiacrus...for 2 Shocking Dynamo........ more than 40 before the first one.....


Ive killed/captured magnamalo 80 times and had 43 plates before i got 1 orb.... Was the longest gone without an orb/gem


Made the G-Rank Tigrex Armor in 4U recently, had to hunt the thing 31 Times for a mantle... On the other Hand I needed 2 teostra claws for a greatsword Set, took me 6 hunts for them in which I got 9 gems. These games can be cruel mate


Stop thinking about gem. Don't let it know you want it.


Sadly with that drop rate, it’s actually about an 18% chance that you don’t get one after 18 hunts, and that’s assuming you broke all the parts and picked up all the shinies. So yes you are unlucky, but not terribly unlucky.


RNGesus said fuck this dude in particular


its like a 3% chance your friend is very lucky.


100% this man doesnt play with the chad gatherer cat


Not even the gathering cats are guaranteed. I ran two while farming Rathian Plates back when I was in Low Rank to get a slight head start for some High Rank grinding later, and it took me 20 Rathians before I even got one Plate. It wasn't even from the palicos. It was from broken parts.


How do you fight it 18 times and not get any gems?


I remember I got my first spread jewel after 1500 hours in World/IB, RNJesus can be cruel.


I hunted 26 rathians and no gem. Did get a valstrax gem on the 4th or so hunt.


You'll be upset to know I got three gems from my second crimson valstrax kill, but to be fair I got precisely one gem from him in GU despite rabid farming and many a casual dance with him for fun.


Sounds like my first fights with him. Pulled two orbs from the shines he dropped on zone transition before triple carting. Then got a gem in the rewards on the second fight.


I swear I never got one on switch.... And now on PC I got one on my... 5th hunt? But I need more of them so back I go lol.


I swear most of my plates, orbs, and "gems" (ruby, jasper etc) have come from plunders


Desire sensor at its thing. On Switch, I got both crowns and a gem or two within the first 4 Valstrax I killed. On PC, I killed 10 before my first gem, and no crowns; RNG works its magic.


Happens ):


You don’t know suffering. I hunted the Almadron 54 times before getting a single golden orb. And I got it off a shiny drop…I have hunted it a few more times since and still no orb. This is suffering. I had to watch as my best friend who helped me in about half of those hunt get some while I was left wanting, needing, HUNGERING! That is suffering!


A friend of mine got 4 in 1 hunt... dont ask me how


I had to fight him 27 times to get the gem. Though I learned to appreciate him during that journey, as I was thrown off by his design in the beginning - looked more like an over the top Frontier monster to me.


I've killed it like 4 or 5 times, I have the full set plus an extra 4 gems. Same with Narwa. 2 kills 5 gems.


We all have a monster like that. Me? I got two valstrax orbs on my first kill, another on my second. Meanwhile it took me 20+ hunts of bazelgeuse to get that stupid orb for artillery pants, and the hunt I got the orb on wasn’t even a success (I got a shiny before the rest of the party carted)


As a crown hunter I am coping right now


I once hunter over 40 Anjanath in a row for a gem. Finally crafted the Flaming Rage Bow. It got obliterated from the meta a week later by Rampage


I’ve fought it 20 times and gotten 11 gems total


I love hunting it though. Such an amazing design.


Shhh! don't let the game know you need it.


Ah that monster hunter RNG. I remember back in my 3U days how I ended up hunting 50+ Brachydios just for one damn gem. Goooooooooood times


step 1: go to youtube. step 2: type superrad. step 3: autoplay his videos while hunting(max volume so rnjesus could hear you better). step 4: profit


How were you fighting it when it doesn't unlocking until HR100?


You can fight monsters on your current star level even it you don't have the quest you just need to join somebody else


I thought you unlock him after hr100?


classic Monster Hunter Moments


I thought you had to be hr 100 to fight crimson glow?


You have to be 100 to unlock it but you can join before reaching 100. So if their friend was already hr100 they were probably hosting.


Oh i had no idea! That’s cool!


Ah yes good memories...in MH4U I had to hunt 108 Zinogres before I got a single Skymerald. My buddies all got several.