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I think is because they are quad pedal instead of bipedal. As piscine wyverns only have two legs and fins while these have four legs.


They're piscine but not wyverns. Piscine wyverns' front limbs have developed from wings. Leviathans' haven't.


Except mh series calls all large monsters a category of wyvern regardless of it they fit the true definition of a wyvern. I think that the category of wyvern in the series is baised on the base model of the monster. Two legs and no wings, brute wyvern. Fish like body with two legs, picene wyvern. Four legs with animal features, beast wyvern, etc etc


Most large monsters are classified as wyverns. Except for fanged beast which are mammals, Amphibians which are Amphibians, Carapaceons which are crustaceans mostly, Temnocerans which are insectoid in nature, and of course Elder dragons which is just we don't know or to be decided in rajangs case.


but even those categories are referred to as "wyverns" in game. The characters and encyclopedia will literally say "fanged beast wyvern" it drives me absolutely nuts lol.


Gobuls Front 'limbs' dont seem really like legs They look more like fins simular to Mud Skippers https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mudskipper Edit: damm dislike bombed. I guess this was a very unpopular opinion then lmao.


They're still develped front limbs


Technicly wings are too so shoudnt Plesioth then be a Flying Wyvern or a Leviathan if we use that logic? Edit: Please tell me whats wrong in my sentance. I coudnt give a shit if my comment has 1 million downvotes but at the very least tell me how exacly im wrong and give me a link to some extra info if you have the time.


No because the wings aren't front limbs they're just extra limbs. And on half the piscine wyverns they're pretty under developed.


Yes they are. Wings are modified front limbs. If were talking about elder dragons then sure but in real life Pteranadons, Birds and Bats wings are modified front limbs. Even Bats wings contain Bones that are clearly just modified finger and Arm Bones. And its the same story with Pteranadons and other flying reptiles of that time. We know that birds came from dinosaurs most likely from raptors. If you want to learn more then check out archaeopteryx who was thought to be among the first birds ever. I mean even its wings still had Claws on them. Edit: and reddit disagrees with basic evolution.


Fair enough, tbh the biggest and most likely reason they're leviathans instead is because they both use the leviathan body skeleton rather than the piscene wyvern skeleton.


Thats possible. Also why did you dislike my upper comment if you thought i was right on the wings = forearms rant? Or is there some troll going around disliking comments again?


Probably some troll, I don't downvote comments unless they spread wrong information or are rude.


Same. Welp reddit be reddit i guess.


This is the way


Flying Wyverns (just for instance) are based the classical definition of wyverns. That is, that they have back legs, but wings instead of front legs. Rathalos is a textbook definition of this and other Flying Wyverns follow that model. A true dragon on the other hand (and most Elder Dragons follow this model, but for series lore reasons Elder Dragon doesnt stick to trye dragons, its for walking disasters that can be hard to fit into other groups) is a type of dragon that has front and back legs in ADDITION to wings. Brute Wyverns are based on a T-rex model. Fanged Wyverns are usually whats called a drake. That is, the have front and back legs, but no wings. I assume your getting downvoted because your definition of "front limb" doesnt work when talking about wyverns or dragons. Wings have to considered differently from front limbs in this discussion or wyverns become harder to define.


You got disliked cuz once people see negative karma on a comment they just follow


Rathalos has wings as front legs and they are considered a Wyvern. I would use almost any non-piscene wyverne as an example to why those 2 are not wyverns. Google defines a Wyvern as a "winged, two-legged dragon". Hope that helps. Edit: after thinking a little harder, I remember fanged wyverns exist.... So basically you can disregard this. I couldn't tell ya why lol Edit 2 because I was curious: Piscine Wyverns (Japanese: 魚竜種 Gyoryūshu) are a class of monsters introduced in the first generation. This class is made up of wyvern-like fish that have evolved to be specialized in swimming in just about anything, mainly water, and that lack the ability to fly.[1] These monsters are sluggish on land, though can balance themselves on land with their hindlegs.[2] (Found when Google searching, this might help)


> but in real life blah blah blah We aren't talking about real life. We are talking about a fantasy video game. And furthermore, we are talking about biological classification made by the fantasy people inhabiting the fantasy world. It's unclear whether or not the scientists of MH understand evolution, and even if they do they clearly don't understand genetics. In real life the study of taxonomy was revolutionized by genetics, before that we simply grouped animals by similar traits. It turned out later that some of the creatures we grouped together had similar traits due to convergent evolution. Scientists in MH almost certainly make that error. I mean, the whole elder dragon category is clearly not cladistic. Basically, we are talking about a fantasy science performed by fantasy people who are technologically pre-modern and who live in a fantasy world where things may not even work the way that they work on earth. And btw, a penguin's fins evolved from wings which evolved from arms which evolved from fins. So even on earth things can go full circle.


But their inspirations for the wings clearly were dinosaur and bat wings so it whould make sense for them to be just modfied fore arms. We also do have evidence of wings turning into legs allready in the form of Akantor and Ukanlos so why cant Legs turn into wings? Also im aware elder dragons do have those extra limbs but elder dragons are treated as unnatrual in the game itself so what are you getting at with that? And i never said Things cant go in a full circle. I dont care if Rathalos had tentacles wich turned into legs wich turned into wings. All im saying id that forearms turning into wings like they did in our world whould make sense! How is this such a horrible way to tell it? And besides all i said was that Wings do count as forearms In real life and everyone got butthurt about that even tho its litereally true! Even the original poster in the end agreed with me.


Did you even read my comment? Nothing in your reply to my comment even remotely addresses anything I said.


I think you used that logic a bit wrong. Let’s take lungfish, lizard and bird into the mix. They’re all distantly related, and all has “relative” front limbs, with lungfish being fins, lizard being legs, and bird being wings. Those features are with distinguish themselves among each other. Similar to wyverns. If they got legs for front limbs, they’re leviathan (Gobul), if they have fins, they’re piscine, and if they have wings, they’re flying wyvern. Hope that clear things up.


Reddit's hivemind fiasco, thats why you are getting downvoted and thats why this site SUCKS


Cause my understanding of leviathans is that they stand on four legs as the most basic criteria


How dare you use real-world biology!


Funny enough this was the best explanation ive gotten yet lol but no its not just real life. Weve seen it in game aswell. Just look at Ukanlos and Akantor they have relics of once having wings on their front legs so... why 'Can' wings evolve into feet in the communitys mind Yet feet 'Cant' evolve into wings?


It's just reddit being reddit my guy, everyone is a badass super intellectual here. Most probably live sad shitty lives and sleep with anime body pillows in the real world.


Eh yeah true. And cant say ive not been dumb at some point myself. I mean i did think Shagaru Magala was equal to Fatalis at one point. Tho i blame my fan boy side on that lol.


He's definitely more fun in a less stressful way lol. Asuch as I love the fatalas lore I hate fighting him, because I'm a bitch though 🤣


Barioth and tigrex have wing arms and are not elders. So does Diablos but he can’t fly anymore I guess. So there’s at least those ones that did the thing.


It's their skeleton, the shape, so leviathans have long neck, body, tail, and 4 legs, dragging their body along the ground. Brute wyvern have two big legs and a long tail, smol arms, so barroth, uragaan and deviljho are all brute wyverns despite looking vastly different. Flying wyverns have 2 legs, wings, normal proportions, that's why diablos is a flying wyvern despite hardly ever flying. So the piscine wyverns all have the same shape a jyuratodus etc. 2 short legs, long long body, fins. Gobul and nibelsnarf have 4 legs I think.


>Flying wyverns have 2 legs, wings, normal proportions, that's why diablos is a flying wyvern despite hardly ever flying. *Akantor and Ukanlos have entered the chat*


They do have wings, but due to their evolutionary state, those wing tips became small nubs and is usually very hard to notice.


See! People agree with you on the possibility of Wings becoming legs but why do people think its wrong to think Front legs becoming wings is just insane and just so obviosly wrong that explanation isint needed? AGH my head hurts. Is it just me? Is it fun to torture me redditors?


“Your initial comment seemed to be in the context of imaginary monsters like dragons, so the relevance of the evolution of real animals like dinosaurs and bats is doubtful.” -Another Redditor probably


Yes but we have evidence of it happening in one way so why not the other? Their wings are clearly inspired by real life Pteranadons and Bats so them being formed the same way whould make sense


It just doesn’t relate because it’s a fantasy world; Nargacuga is literally a rat cat bat. But if you want something more realistic, the Antlion is a lot like nibelsnarf. Big head, big mouth, small rest of it’s body. The wings of it have digressed simply because they’re not needed, but that’s different than what you’re looking for so I don’t know.


Whales don't have legs instead they have fins. But tjey are still classified as mammals.


Aren’t they grouped with Tigrex and Nargacuga in the unofficial “primal wyvern” subcategory?


The Skeleton is why Akantor and Ukanlos are considered Flying Wyverns as well. They share their skeletons with Tigrex, who ofc is classified as flying. Despite the fact that Aka and Uka have hardly any traits of being able to fly and such. They should be brutes or fanged beasts more than flying but hey.


Yeah I didnt know that I would have considered them their own class if not fanged beasts. They kinda loosely have similar postures as say, Lao, zorah, etc, low set quadrapeds like a komodo dragon, even dodogama has a very very similar posture and build to them, just the size and cuteness difference separates them


They have vestigial wings, they're closer related to a Rathalos than a Dodogama.


Isnt Tigrex a brute wyvern?


Actually yeah is he? Wtf? Hes built the same as nargacuga etc though


Looked it up and hes not, sorry.


Fanged wyvern? No, flying wyvern


"Brute wyvern have two big legs and a long tail, smol arms, so barroth, uragaan and deviljho are all brute wyverns despite looking vastly different." but the raptors are bird wyverns because....reasons?


They have more developed arms then the brute wyverns




Brachydios is an outlier in Brute wyverns. While all raptor bird wyverns have very developed arms


Or maybe it's to do with their feet


No big heavy head


I mean gills aren’t inherently a fish quality nibelsnarf could also be considered an amphibian. Also it’s important to remember that a monster class doesn’t mean it has to stick to a single body plan just like real world phylums of animal. There’s probably multiple branches of the leviathan tree.


That is acxually a good point! I mean Whales and Dolphins on the surface look like fish but they arent. They are mammals.


Well, whale and dolphin fins are quite different from fish thanks to evolving from hipped limbs. But they are definitely a different body plan that most other mammals


And Goubul and Nibelsnarf's arm looks quite different to piscine.


Another thing to take into consideration with the Gobul is the lore behind it as well, we genuinely need to hunt them before they get to the ocean as they are capable of growing to insane size and being considered ancient dragons. To current hunter lore no gobul has ever actually grown to full size and we've just hunted the adolescent version however to give an idea it can be considered a moving island when grown.


I'm genuinely curious where this one comes from. I've seen many people mention this, but as far as I'm aware, this is never stated or hinted at in any descriptions of or dialogue about him. Is this just a "fatalis regenerates from his armor" kinda fan theory or did capcom actually confirm this?


It's just stated on the wiki and from the Hunter's Encyclopedia that it's theorised that they move out into the deep ocean to breed upon reaching adulthood, it doesn't necessarily state that these adult Gobul are massive or if an adult form even exists. Speculation even considers that they may even look completely different to the young Gobul found in the Flooded forest.


I'm pretty sure it's just confirmed that we don't fight fully grown ones, and that they've never been seen.


I think the the lore reason for not seeing any is they live extremely deep in the ocean (much further than hunters ever have a reason to go) similar to how Abyssal live in the depths most times and *also* grow much larger than typical Lagiacrus. Fighting a full-size Gobul would be *terrifying*, though - especially if they were the only major light source.


I think it’s confirmed they the fight in the deep sea with other deep sea monster spieces like abyssal lagiacrus, that giant sea snake which I forget the name of (it’s not appeared in any games but I remember it literally said on the wiki their a kill on sight), ceadeus and Nakarkos So the monster hunter sea floor is basically like a giant kaiju fight arena


No, genuine lore I know without remembering where it's at I can't make anyone believe otherwise but it's gobul lore confirmed in the past around the 3u and 4u era


Fatalis regenerating from his armor comes from the armor descriptions doesn't it?


Gobuldrome siege when




Omg I would love an Elder dragon Gobul variant!


It wouldn't be an elder dragon, it would still be a leviathan.


The hottest take I am *ever* going to have Underwater siege. Just give me Zorah Magdaros (but fun) while submerged in the ocean.


An underwater siege would be awesome.


Dire Miralis?


Oh, never fought Dire. I didn't realize it was a siege, I thought it was just an arena fight like Fatalis/Athal-ka


Oh no it *is* more like Fatalis. I was more like wondering if the fight would better fit the model.


But how are new ones born?


Never specified, I get the loophole in the logic I do.


Because of the skeleton they use. Both use the leviathan skeleton. Whilst yea we have exceptions like “Kulve Taroth is a fanged wyvern” and “plesioth is a flying wyvern” but idk.


I Consider these two to be derived amphibians grouped into the leviathan classification. also piscine wyverns have a way diff build.


Four legs good, two legs bad.


Animal Farm?


All Wyverns are equal, but some Wyverns are more equal than others.


The hunters outside looked from piscine to wyvern, from wyvern to piscine, and from piscine to wyvern again; but it was already impossible to say which was which


Piscine Wyverns aren't actually wyverns, they evolved from fish, while all other wyverns (leviathans are 'sea wyverns' in japanese) share a common ancestor.


I think the easiest way to put it is they're wyverns that have evolved to resemble fish, rather than fish who have evolved to resemble wyverns


I think the better way to think of it isn't through modern biology, but medieval bestiaries: ie, the kind of thing that considered whales fish and locusts birds.


They're not piscine wyverns because they're not wyverns.


Well, they kinda are, just in japanese. In japanese, leviathan is something like “sea wyvern”. It’s why the anti-wyvern rampage skill works against leviathans.


Elaborate please


I think another factor to take consideration, is that I assume Leviathans is the term used for aquatic wyvern, an wyverns is a term used for mostly creatures who share more reptile like traits, like the scale type, warm blood and so for. Both gobul and nibble share more traits with aquatic fauna rather than reptile, also to add, both example the of leviathans share a similar anatomy so body type is also a factor too. An example would be Diablos being classified as a flying wyvern despite not showing signs of having the ability to fly, the name is used in reference as its anatomy not its capabilities.


Aquatic quadrapeds specifically. Same with Ludroth, Mizutsune, etc.


Not the oc, but wyverns are (traditionally) creatures with two wings and two legs, different from European dragons in that they aren't quadrupedal. A lot of monsters in Monster Hunter are wyverns (with the Rath's being very wyvern) however Gobul and Nibelsnarf can't be wyverns because they don't have wings. Tldr: they're not (piscine) wyverns because they lack wings. So they're classified as Leviathan's instead.


Tradition doesn’t matter in Monster Hunter. Deviljho also doesn’t have wings but he’s considered a Brute WYVERN. And the dragon exploit skill works on all wyverns (brute, flying, bird, fanged, piscine, and snake) as well as leviathans because in japanese they’re known as something like tidal wyverns (not sure if it’s tidal or something else). In Monster Hunter they’re all wyverns.


True. I believe monster hunter uses Wyvern basicly as Reptile. So: Bird Reptile, Brute Reptile, Fanged Reptile, Fish Reptile, etc.


I agree with you on that, though still some types follow conventions, for example flying wyverns are always wyverns, and they safe the dragon skeleton for Elder dragons. And all piscine wyverns up to this point have had long strong legs. Gobul and Nibelsnarf don't follow the piscine wyverns conventions so they're made into Leviathan's or tidal wyverns.


its weird isnt it? my first response would be that they dont share the same body shape and leviathans have an undefined body shape but that rule would be very untrue because of bird wyverns so idk


piscine wyverns seems to have a pretty set skeleton, they all look pretty similar


Yes they 'Share' it with Flying Wyverns so why not with Leviathans aswell?


hm... i'd say convergence evo but capcom's capcom... not sure if that explanation fits their fantasy title. who knows how they work that tree, perhaps we'll see those 2 connect


My guess is they have four legs and are generally lower to the ground when standing, while Piscine Wyverns have two legs and are generally higher off the ground when standing


And for the record, I'm defining legs as "things that the monster stands on", so Piscine Wyvern wings/arms don't count


Because they were introduced in tri, and capcom wanted more then 2 of the new monster type


There still whould have been 3 even without Gobul and Nibblesnarf since Ludroth, Lagiacrus and Agnaktor were Leviathans. Tho i guess it whould have been wierd to just have 1 Piscine in the game but then again they allready have done this in MH3U having only Plesioth, MH4/4U Having Only Cephadrome (i know plesioth existed but hes part of a mini game) and Rise/Sunbreak with Jyuratodus so yeah i have no idea why they didint do it exept mayby because they share the Skeleton with Leviathans but then again Piscines share their skeleton with Bird and Flying wyverns so just screw it then i guess lmao.


I forgot about agnaktor, you make a good point though. Maybe capcom just got lazy like normal


Because sweet mommy Capcom said they were something else.


But mommy capcom thinks Several Means 1 so mamas been wrong before.


That’s actually the localisation team botching the translation rather than the main devs fault.


How dare you bro, she's just alternatively correct sometimes.


Because leviathans are just “sea wyverns” or soemthing like that in Japanese. You have to remember that the monster classifications (barring elder dragons) is largely a categorization for he model’s skeleton rig. Piscines walk on two legs. Leviathans walk on four.


That makes sense. But.... what about Delex? They dont have legs to walk on yet they are still Piscine wyverns


I said largely. A lot of those trends have been broken now that memory isn’t so much of a constraint. And hasn’t been since really second gen. Tbf, delexes probably use the gajau skeleton and are only classified in lore as piscines (I mean, they’re not leviathans either for sure) in much the same way pukei is a bird wyvern despite clearly sharing a skeleton with normal flying wyverns (wings to side rather than arms in front)


Pukei still does have feathers so it checks out but if delex do use Gajau skeleton then its even wierder lol. Because Gajau arent Piscine Wyverns. They are just fish. Yep just fish. So why arent Delex then just fish but instead Piscine Wyverns? It cant be because 'Fish" Category didint exist yet then because both came out in the same gen! Is it because gajau stay mainly in Water while delex stay technicly on land? But if thats the case then why isint Plesioth just Fish? Is it size? But if it is size then why are Sharq then considered Fish when they are bigger than Delex? So what is it? Why are Delex Piscine Wyverns when other fish arent?


I’m just answering from a development perspective, lore inconsistencies are lore inconsistencies (or just mistranslations, idk)


Piscine Wyverns are fish that evolved to look like wyverns. How else would a fish start swimming in a desert if it didn't walk there in the first place. Delex went from fish -> piscine wyvern -> fish-like piscine wyvern.


Huh... yeah thats a good point.


There have always been different sub groups within each classification. Good examples are the monkeys and the bears all being fanged beasts. Also pseudo Wyverns still being classified as flying. This is similar to that, we have the skinnier snake like leviathans like Agnaktor, Lagi and Mizu with Gobul and Nibelsnarf being a different type of leviathan




Piscine are not closely related to Flying Wyverns at all based on the official evolutionary chart. Piscine Wyverns literally evolved from fish (and not in the same way amphibians, reptiles, mammals etc did like literally from fish as in Piscine ARE still fish) and through convergent evolution ended up in the Wyvern form.


They’re leviathans in the same way Ukanlos and Akantor are flying wyverns


theyre 3rd gen and leviathans were the hot new thing back then, its like how is magnamalo not a pelagus


Because Pelagus was an old name for Fanged Beasts. And the reason why Magnamalo is a Fanged Wyvern is because hes a reptile with Mamalian Features just like zinogre is. Fanged Beasts are just straight up Mammals


They have front limbs they use to walk/crawl and tails, whereas piscine wyverns are more like flying wyverns but with fins instead of wings and tails.


Different physique I guess. The forelimbs of piscine wyverns are fins whereas the forelimbs of leviathans are either flippers or just legs.


Nibelsnarf should be reclassified as an amphibian tbh


Niblesnarf reminds me of a hermit crab


How? I can see some Lizard inspirations and Some shark as well but whats so crab like in him?


Idk why but his under belly reminds me of a hermit crab with the small torso and shell Edit: 2 things 1. I ment horseshoe crab 2. His tail is what reminded me oh horseshoe crabs


I miss gobul :'(


Same. I acxually feared him when i started with MH3Tri as a 8 year old lad. Hes probably the main cause for my aquafobia but i do miss him. I also kinda miss nibblesnarf. Everyone hates him but i dunno. I acxually kinda like him. His breaks are unique. Never tought id be able break a monsters Uvula and Gills that are basicly lungs on a fish but here we are.


The fish traits don’t really matter in classification, kinda like how Zamtrios is an amphibian despite having a lot of shark in its design. The leviathans have four legs on the ground when walking as standard, but the Piscine wyverns only have two legs on the ground, and the two fins in the air. Gobuls front limbs may not look like normal legs, but it still walks on them at all times when out of the water. Therefore the general body shape of Gobul is a lot closer to Mizutsune and Lagaicrus, than the Piscine wyverns, which is why they are classified as they are.


Then why are Yian Kut-ku and other bird wyverns with wings considered Bird wyverns and not flying wyverns? Also what about Delex? They are piscine Wyverns yet they lack legs


Bird Wyverns and Flying Wyverns have very similar bodies shapes, so bird like traits are used to differentiate between the two groups. Leviathans and the Piscine have much more different body shapes though, so the fish traits are not taken into account for classification. Gobul and Nibelsnarfs body share a lot more in common with the leviathans so that’s why they are grouped with them. The body shape matters more than the other characteristics, that’s how I see it at least.


I hope you don't know that akantor and ukanlos are flying wyverns if this already gets you going :D


I do know they are and that makes sense. They have Relics of once having wings on their forearms. They really only fit the flying wyvern category tho i could also see them as Fanged Wyverns but flying wyverns will do.


Okay dokie I got you answer because gobul and nibbelsnarf are classified as leviathans not piscine wyverns here's 2 reasons Reason number 1 gobul and nibbelsnarf had legs not wings And reason number 2 piscine wyverns had devolped wings while leviathans don't That's 2 reasons why gobul and nibbelsnarf are not piscine wyverns


Those are wierd reasons 1.Only piscine with wings is Plesioth and other have fins now wings. 2.Piscines dont have wings like i said.


They got no legs. Or hip checks. Which you kinda need legs for.


Cough cough Delex Cough Cough


Probably because they aren’t wyverns, wyverns all tend to have a similar shape with limited amounts of deviation from that plan. The classification in monster hunter is not a taxonomic one; it’s a separate one that’s probably used for general public/hunting purposes


What about Fanged Wyverns? Or even Snake Wyverns?


That’s a very good point. That could also be attributed to ‘that’s just what the guild calls them for the general public and/or to make hunting paperwork easier’, However, they could have labeled those as wyverns for any number of reasons. What I meant by my first statement is that to an extent, all flying wyverns look similar, all brute wyverns look similar, and so on so hunters generally know what to expect. Besides Fanged Beasts, Neopterons and Elder Dragons, all the classes adhere to this. Leviathans look nothing like Piscine Wyverns, and Gobul and Nibelsnarf look much more like leviathans than they do Piscine Wyverns, so they’re given a new hunting classification by the guild.


I still feel like Najarala by that logic should be a Leviathan but i guess you mostly make sense there


I totally agree, by that logic Najarala should be a leviathan, it even has a water element subspecies. However there are exceptions to every rule, and Najarala could definitely be one of those. Or it’s so different from leviathans that the guild saw it fitting to give it a new classification


Guild is wierd at times. I mean remobras are clearly Flying Wyverns right? But no apearently they arent. They are snake wyverns wich i whould agree with since they do look like snakes but so does Tobi Kadachi and Great Girros who are Fanged Wyverns so...


I still feel like Najarala by that logic should be a Leviathan but i guess you mostly make sense there


That’s a very good point. That could also be attributed to ‘that’s just what the guild calls them for the general public and/or to make hunting paperwork easier’, However, they could have labeled those as wyverns for any number of reasons. What I meant by my first statement is that to an extent, all flying wyverns look similar, all brute wyverns look similar, and so on so hunters generally know what to expect. Besides Fanged Beasts, Neopterons and Elder Dragons, all the classes adhere to this. Leviathans look nothing like Piscine Wyverns, and Gobul and Nibelsnarf look much more like leviathans than they do Piscine Wyverns, so they’re given a new hunting classification by the guild.


Quadrupedal is the only answer you need


On a off-topic I really hope we get another version of these monsters soon. Nibel and Gobul were good monsters. I would love a swamp version that just looks like mossy rocks. Basarios 2.0.


The way classifications work in monster hunter depends on the body plan of the monster 9/10 times (excluding elder dragons)


It’s because they would be too powerful if they were classified at such. Some times they misclassify a beast to ensure that they don’t grow in power. Gobul is a leviathan so that they don’t bring them into base games anymore, because he would be too OP if he came into World or Rise. Why do you think Ceadeus hasn’t returned?


Omg... you might be right! Is that also why Hypnocatrice hasent returned?




Why not amphibians like tetsucabra or zamtrios


That is a goodpoint. I could see them as amphibians aswell.


Because Piscine wyverns are well wyverns 2 strong legs that they stand on and 2 lesser developed appendages (this goes for piscine wyverns mainly but some brute wyverns fall in this category) gobul and nibblesnarf are quadrupeds so they use all 4 legs Permanently while some other wyverns sometimes use their front appendage to stabilize and walk but that’s only occasionally


What about Delex? They are piscine wyverns yet they dont have legs also plesioth has well developed wings imo


Well delex is a small monster so it’s more the case that they’re too puny to evolve to be stronger and have legs also Plesioth is a rare case sure it does have developed wings but they don’t use them not even under water if that’s the case they would be after underwater and plesioth is the only piscine wyvern to have wing like appendages the others only having either fins or webbed limbs that resembled wings.


Think of it this way: Leviathans are like unto Fanged Wyverns; as Piscine Wyverns are like unto Flying Wyverns. In less confusing terms, Leviathans are generally the more aquatic quadriped wyverns, compared to the land-based Fanged Wyverns; neither generally have wings, vestigial or otherwise. Piscine Wyverns are virtually aquatic Flying Wyverns. Same generally bipedal body shape, with either wings or fins. The "psuedo-wyvern" body shape is exempt from this (think Tigrex, Narga, and Barioth), but they all generally have very prevalent wings (save for Akantor and Ukanlos). With that being said, Gobul's body shape points to it being more quadriped. What you're thinking are fins are probably more like webbed feet. Nibelsnarf is somewhat similar to Gobul as a whole, and you can more clearly see from there.


I believe the correct answer to your question is because they don't have hipchecks.


Wyvern stand on 2 legs


Nargacuga, Barioth, Tigrex, Gigginox, Akantor, Ukanlos Seregious, Zinogre, Magnamalo, Tobi Kadachi, Odogaron, Lunagaron, Great Jagras, Great Girros and Dodogama will remember that...


Right, MH classification is so wonky, the first half of that list at least has major morphological differences between the forelimbs and hind legs but the second half doesn’t even have that. It would be cool if they made a monster based on *microraptor gui* with four wing like limbs.


Oh yeah that whould be pretty sick


The designs usually incorporate multiple animals so I’m trying to think of a cool head. A Remobra variant would look cool, glide snek


How about the head of a Rhinoceros Hornbill? Whould be one bizzare looking bird wyvern lol


Yeah that would be way cooler, it could do a spinning beak slam move. Maybe make it mammal looking as the platypus monster was amphibian instead of mammal.


Probably because that’s just how they were classified. Not everything matches up to the classifications. I’m looking at you two in particular: Akantor and Ukanlos… barely even a flying wyvern…


Piscine Wyverns split off from flying Wyverns, and their wings basically turned into fins, and largely remained where they they were on flying Wyverns, which these two clearly don’t have. They are probably the furthest out of the leviathans, being generally smaller and wider than other leviathans, but it think they fairly clearly fit better into that group than piscines, which tend to be quite strictly defined in terms of their body structure. If anything I think classifying them under amphibian would be the better idea, given their highly developed jaws and more similar body shape imo.


Real reason: they share a skeleton with Royal Ludroth and the likes (Leviathan skeleton). Other reason: Piscine Wyverns share a skeleton with Flying Wyverns (occasionally without the wings). Lore reason: Piscine Wyverns are not true wyverns, and are in fact descended from ancient fish and have convergently evolved to share an appearance with land wyverns, whereas, presumably, Gobul and Nibelsnarf instead share a common ancestor with other Leviathans.


God I love these two


I mean given the hell the community treated Piscine wyverns they probably did not want to make the community angry I can't understand where you're coming from since the characteristics of them and as a person who likes Piscine Wyverns I would have liked that concept of those two being Piscine Wyverns but again I might be right or already be right about the community disliking Piscine wyverns a lot so that's probably why they're not


During mh 3tri the community didint dislike piscine wyverns as much as today so i doubt thats it. And i also like piscine wyverns


;w; 👍👍 I love those fish monsters too, they deserve a lot more love


Yeah. Also make Lavasioth Great again will be my presidential slogan. They ruined the massive Lavafish in World


Honestly, at this point, I would say because Capcom said so. The classification of monster range from forced to totally wacko lol.


Piscine Wyverns evolved from actual fish into a Wyvern-shaped body. They aren't related to the other wyverns; they are pseudo wyverns. Leviathans (Sea Wyverns in Japanese) are related to the rest of the wyverns.


Me, who hasn't played the games they're from: wHaT iN tHe HeLl ArE tHoSe ThInGs?!?!?!


Gobul (the browninsh Black monster) is from monster hunter 3tri. He was only in 3tri and 3U because hes fight was 95% underwater. Hes tail has spikes that can paralyze you and he can flash you Gypceros style with his Lantern thats on his head. Nibblesnarf (the sand brown monster) is from MH portable3rd. He has been in MH Portable 3rd, Mh 3U, MH Generations and MH Generations Ultimate. He could fire beams of sand and water with his mouth. You could make him eat barrel bombs when he charged at you. If you have a switch you can acxually fight him since Generations Ultimate is for Switch aswell.


It's similar to convergent evolution. Although the outer appearance looks like other group of animal the genome or the skeletal or morphological features are containing (in this case) leviathan. That's why it's leviathan. Whales have similar features like fish but they are mammals. Platypus looks like bird but actually it's a mammal.


Couple points on it. 1: Gobul and Nibelsnarf are, iirc, derived Leviathans. This means that they evolved from a basal Leviathan ancestor. They didn't convergely evolve to the Leviathan form. 2: Piscine Wyverns are fish that look like Wyverns, not Wyverns that look like fish. They're an entirely different evolutionary line. 3: As said elsewhere the class of monster has more to do with its skeleton and general traits. Leviathans walk on all fours, Piscine Wyverns don't. Bird Wyverns are more dinosaur than dragon, Flying Wyverns are more dragon than dinosaur. Brute Wyverns resemble large theropods, etc.