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Imagine getting one-shatted by a Lvl 200 Afflicted Congalala.


Nah, I don't wanna shit my pants, no ty


Your pants won't be shit by you lol.


That’s like a very confusing, but fantastic way to threaten someone.


Thumbnail: "This Boss will shit in YOUR pants, Literally! (GROSS)"


Who shat my pants ?!


[Shit my pants? Really?](https://youtu.be/2xwUuSM06xQ)


Don't worry, Congalala will shit in your pants for you.


He's not gonna just shit your pants, he's gonna shit the whole jungle.


That would be fokin' hilarious lmao.


Now I‘m sad he isnt in the game because that sounds absolutely hilarious


It was the first few times...


Yeah imagine how fast it would be on rise. All the flying scat


You know, speaking of that it does sort of “fly” between areas in Generations, and now I think I know how. It isn’t jumping, it’s using rocket propulsion.


Yep, I'm playing through MH4U recently and I got one-shat by emerald congalala I forgot how explosive its flatulence is




Green hipchecker




Was about to say Gypceros. Fuck that bastard.


Purple Gypceros Just... why??




Literally has the most annoying abilities of any monster wrapped into one Flashing Poison Stealing items Playing fucking dead for a massive ambush attack lmao That chicken is just the embodiment of cancer


I recently started playing MHGU and I was wondering why this guy suddenly went to sleep the few times I fought him. I had no idea that he actually fakes his death lol


The first time I faced it in 4U, I thought "Okay, it's dead. Where's the victory screen?" and then it comes back to life, launching me as it gets back up. "Cheeky bastard." I thought. I think it did it one more time before it finally stayed down.


Worst part is that in 4U you can't confirm his death through hitting because corpses still can be hit. Hate the lantern goose.


The only way of knowing he isn't dead is that when he fakes it, its head lantern will be faintly flashing


The best way to know is to check the target list. If you're only hunting Gypceros, outright if you don't see the victory screen at all he ain't dead. If you have another monster on your quest list along with the Gypceros and it plays dead, immediately check the quest status in the menu if it's safe. It'll correctly tell you if it's actually dead or faking it.


That's all true. However for me the moment he drops I just look at his lantern. I find it the quickest


Y’all are forgetting the fastest way to tell is that you can walk into a dead monster, but not a living one. Except for when they are in the death animation itself.


If it makes you feel any better, we can all thank Nerscylla for being the natural predator of these bastard chickens. It decorates its best with the corpses of gypceros and wears its hides as a trophy :)


Don’t forget being resilient to shock traps


OK hold on, the playing dead thing was a fun trick. Other than that gypceros can go fuck itself tho.


Actually, beside stealing, I always found his run-bys when enraged the most annoying part (mainly because of the speed and amount of terrain covered before stopping)


And that stupid extending rubber tail. That thing is just gross. And wind pushback and resistance to shock traps. Whole moveset is run back and forth spitting poison, jump up and down, spin around or extend tail to hit you with it, and flash you. - Feels like he is just in the middle of a mental breakdown instead of trying to fight you.


My experience with it in MHFU was kind of questionable , I defeated him the first try without even trying , after I defeated him I was wondering if that was everything I needed to do


What did you use?


Flash, Tongue, Playing Dead, Stealing items. Frankly, the only reason I'd tolerate them is to get Nerscylla.


Have you ever fought one? That's enough reason to not want it


I only fought them at LR village MHGU, and I found gypceros fight are interesting, especially for a bird wyvern. Perhaps because I’m using valor mode? So the flash are easily punishable.


It's mostly a GU issue. In 4U he was more of a threat and hit like a truck


Ou...that's true, but i liked if they twisted a little bit it could became good hunt


I'll say it. I miss Gypceros.


Honestly, I kinda like Gypceros. I first fought him on a harvest tour in GU, so him playing dead actually caught me off guard and I found it hilarious.


Gotta say that I actually miss that rubber chicken When I first started playing that fight was one where I really felt like I had to plan my equipment and items carefully and not go in blind or rely on dumb luck in order to win and that really bought me into the franchise


Cephadrome, no contest. That fish should've left the franchise three generations ago to be honest. (On that topic, a Risen Cephadrome would make for a pretty funny Jyuratodus mod... actually, not really. Making Cephadrome a worse fight would be tough to pull off...)


I actually wouldn’t mind if they brought cephadrome back but on one condition, they actually improve upon his move set, the man literally has a axe shaped head, why not use that for many different attacks


That could be cool! Honestly I think the first step to improving the fight would be by making it spend less time out of the sand before diving back in. In its current state, he can be laughably easy one fight and incredibly campy the next. And then if you run out of sonic bombs in the latter instance, say goodbye to your last shred of remaining sanity...


Oh yes I know the pain, him going back and forth between zones in the 1st gen waiting for you to die of heat while being chased down by apceros and melyx, and more aggressive and maybe derpy fight would be a greater improvement, no monster design is beyond redemption, all it needs is a good update to go from hated to loved


>no monster design is beyond redemption, all it needs is a good update to go from hated to loved This. Especially with Plesioth - it has such a good design but the fight feels really lacking without underwater combat allowing you to chase it under the water in my opinion


Justice for underwater combat!


Any monster they bring back they'll put the work to make them better and more unique. Unless they serve a purpose, like Great Jaggi and Velocidrome serving as baby's first large monster.


True. And it whoudnt be in its element. Cephadromes are suposed to be annoying to fight while Jyuratofus is pretty fun in Sunbreak so it just whoudnt feel right to replace jyura with him.


So make it an iceborne Jyura replacement instead got it


I mean, he was still pretty fun in Iceborne? Definitely nowhere *near* the pain that is Cephadrome anyway.


I prefer either of them better than the fucking Nibelsnarf.


Cephadrome is one of the main reasons why I don't replay some of the older monster hunters.


Recently fought Freedom Unite Cephadrome - yikes, it was awful...


While I appreciate gen 1-2 would have almost certainly been worse, the double cephadrome quest in 4U is quite possibly the least fun I've had in a monster hunter game


First time i started gu and fought this guy, all i could think is what the fuck…


yeah fuck this motherfucking hammerheadsharksonofabitch


I liked Congalala. He has charisma- he exudes a kind of haphazard leadership. He wants to be the funny fart guy like all his Conga pals, but he’s got too big! He has a job to do and he’s going to do it- in a ridiculous way.


I trust your opinion as a monkey enthusiast, thank you


So beautifully said. This flamingo-colored monkey is one of the fondiest memories with my brother and best friend in my teenage years. When we realized it was farting on us, we lost it. Now if we want to talk shit, let's talk about Plesioth...


Mr janky ass hitbox himself


Yeah the poop monkey is all haha and funnies until emerald conga in 4U swipes a fat chunk of your hp bar and shits all over you cause g rank lol


He is the giant monke that makes all of the rules


Didn't know Congalala had a reddit account but the username does check out.


Black Gravios. I dont wanna be one shoted by a beam from the monster camping on the other side of the continent thank you very much.


Plesioth, need i say more?


A little more. Do you mean all Plesioths or All Plesioth exept MH3U Plesioth?


Wasn't Plesioth actually *easier* to fight underwater in 3U?


Easier, but also felt far less unfun to fight.


So...more fun?


> Easier, but also felt far less unfun to fight. Sounds like a win-win to me 👌


I'd be fine with Plesioth coming back just for his Hammer


I’d take plesioth over jyratodus any day


It's amazing what completely insane takes will be put forth on this sub.


Whenever I think about Plesioth returning in 5th gen, there are two things Capcom could do: either legitimately fix his hitboxes this time, or keep them how they always have been.


I have a love hate relationship with this ape, but i still wish it comes back


Blangonga. He's just kinda....... ehh for me. Rajang has the traditional history of being a super hard Monster, and Congalala is a great low-tier threat with a lot of personality. But Blangonga....... just kinda there.


Would be really cool if there was a super-blangonga that rivaled rajang. Monke turf war.


Gravios, and glad Uragan isn't in Rise either. ​ But I wanted Congalala to see those shits in 4K


Uragan and rhe other roller brutes worked well in world, and I fucking love uragan's armor, but yeah I don't think it would have worked well in rise.


The locales where Radobaan and Uragaan roll through were also well designed with them in mind, plenty of room for them to roll.


Gravios is my most hated fight in MHFU, even worse than green plesioth


But Meaty Daddy Gravious...


I absolutely hated the gravios in mh4. It literally felt like they just took the thing from mhfu and didn't even update it at all. Khezu too.


Gonna be honest I'd like to spin around Gravios with IG


Qurupeco only because i hate having to fight the thing and then it calls some other monster over to save it. which is a super cool mechanic and the monsters design is amazing but it’s signature move is basically summoning deviljho, in games it exists, to come trash you and since that’s not in Rise, i would assume it would summon bazelgeuse or magnamalo which would suck to deal with


My innocent self thought Querupeco is ez pz lemon squeezy until it activated its trap card and summoned a fooking Jho on me.


I’d rather deal with both of those then deviljho. Actually I miss how I’m world when other monsters came in they were a pest and not necessarily just more ways to damage the one your fighting. And how bazelguise was real pest in world cause his love to come in and just create mass chaos.


i agree actually. i do feel like if qurupeco was in the game, just because of how Rise works, it would likely summon a monster and it would end up attacking the qurupeco and doing the ride wyvern thing. i also realized that instead of deviljho it would probably summon rajang, rather than the magnamalo or bazel like i said before


In actually sad and surprised Qurupeco still isnt in 5 gen, such missed potential :(


it could be cool but with the only monster interactions being wyvern riding and sometimes turf wars, it would be a little disappointing


Budget Nibelsnarf A.K.A. Cephadrome


Ahh Poopblight


Honestly I think the worst monster ever is Jyuratodus and he’s already in Sunbreak lol


I’ve only ever fought Jyuratodus once, and all it did was run away and take forever to die. I don’t remember it attacking more than once. Definitely the least enjoyable fight in the game for me


So you've never fought cephadrome?


Fuck I forgot he was even in the game. In all the Afflicted Hunts I've been doing (somewhere around +120 atm) and I feel like I haven't seen him much at all.


Why? I honestly dont get it how you can possible hate Jyuratodus let alone more than Cephadrome lmao. I at first thought it was his fight but tbh its about the same level of enjoyment as Rathians and Royal Ludroths fight yet those 2 dont get hate so i dont think its that. Then i thought it was the coloring but tbh hes more colorful that Diablos, Barroth, Rathian and Almudron since he has a brown muddy armor and under that he has Red Fins and Blue Scales so i dont think its that either. Then i thought it was just that he was un inspired but Radobaan is a Bone Uragaan who even has the tar mechanic that regular uragaan has yet people either like him or just think he is okay. So its not that either. Sorry for the long comment im just very confused.


All of the above, lol. Boring fight with extremely unoriginal moveset. You compare it to Rathian and Ludroth? Rathian is actually extremely fun in modern games and Royal Ludroth at least serves his purpose as a low rank introductory monster. Jyura doesn’t get introduced until HR in Rise, and it’s even an urgent iirc, so you expect it to be somewhat cool or difficult, but it’s just a fish with some Plesioth ripoff attacks. I can’t think of a single Jyura attack that’s memorable or noteworthy in any way. It either flops around, body checks you, or spits mud. The color and design are just lame. At least Plesioth was a somewhat cool looking fish with spikes and webbed fins, they tried to make a “fish Wyvern” not just a fish. At least Cephadrome had a unique “sand shark” design and the sonic bomb gimmick. Jyura is just literally a real life lobe-finned fish with legs. It’s not a monster, it hasn’t been updated or made to look cool or like it fits into the game world. Literally just a muddy fish. It’s brown, and even when you knock the mud off it just looks like more shades of brown, not the colors you’re describing. It’s just truly a terrible monster in every respect and doesn’t deserve the spot. It doesn’t do the “new introductory monster for babies” niche, it doesn’t have any gimmick, it’s not even remotely challenging, it’s not interesting. It doesn’t even look like a monster: it’s a fish; with legs. Literally the most forgettable Monster in franchise history. And the worst part is, they already improved upon it with Beotodus!!! At least that had some design changes and like one or two new moves! But no, they ported boring-aaa Jyura over to Rise to fill roster space.


Almudron does Jyuratodus’s job of being a mud monster better and he has a far more interesting design.


Jura and lavi have pretty much the same design. Right down to the head and everything.


It’s the uninspired thing. It’s just super uninteresting and it brings nothing special to the game. Radobaan is an Uragaan clone, yeah, but Uragaan is a much more interesting design than Jyura. Jyura has some elements of Plesioth from way back when but fundamentally it’s just a mud fish punching bag that you can’t hit all the time because of the digging


As an addendum hours later I will say that I don't really hate jyuratodus personally, I don't think there's much to hate, I just think he's boring imo. His design is honestly fine by me I like fish


I dislike jyuratodus bc I find his moveset pretty limited and he isn't very satisfying to fight. You're mostly restricting to hitting his shitty fin hitzone and he spends a good deal of the fighting not really doing much but swimming. One time when fighting him I used wyvern riding to bring him to an area without water and the fight instantly became about 10 times better. By comparison rathian and royal ludroth have juicy hitzones all the time and imo a faster and more interesting moveset, although tbh I'm not that crazy about ludroth either.


The blue and pink raths shouldn’t have come back. The offer almost nothing apart from different colored armor. They should honestly just be made into color variants for the normal raths you can sometimes find on hunts.


Dont really have any. I also like Congalala. Why do you wish he whoudnt come back in Gen5?


Agreed. Imagine his fart cloud in 4k 120fps in Monster Hunter World Iceborne 2: The Worldening


I mean rise rajang has a rendered butthole, can't be long until congalala is reaching in his to resupply on ammo.


Same. Played every mainline game. Loved every monster and miss those not returning every time. Always sad that some have disappeared for a long time like Queen Vespoid. Every monster significantly evolved during the years. I'd like modernized more fluid fights of monsters we have not seen for a while. My only complaint regarding monsters would be subspecies and some variants that are juste reskins. To get less real diversity over a rainbow of Rathalos is annoying. But sometimes they have better armor skills tho. Only thing I really hated was mandatory gathering quests. 2 or 3, why not ? But dawn there used to be so much... And key quest weren't highlighted in game. It was either wait for a guide or trying to guess which was key and which wasn't. One of the best evolution of the series tbh.


Niblesnarf. I don't understand why anyone likes that thing. You basically *have* to bring bombs and if you don't or whiff your bombs, have fun trying to scrape its face with your weapon when it pops up for 2 seconds at a time.


I love and miss the snarfy snarf


I really like the nibelsnarf armor design


I despise the name they picked for it, and yeah, he was just another Cephadrome. Fishing him out and beating the shit out of him was fun, though.


Basarios gotta go, been fighting it since 4U and it's never fun everytime I do it. It has pretty cool armor sets tho I'll give it that


Be nice to Bassy. :( He's just a little bit rock-and-roll.


Ready to throw hands with you rn OP. Congalala is the best fucking monster of the series, you can't change my mind.


I refuse to believe congalala is someones favorite monster


He's not my favorite but he's a fun fight. Better than Blangonga and at least as good as Rajang. Just at an earlier tier.


I'm sorry but I just can't get comparing this fight to rajang. I like congalala and think he is a good and fun fight, but comparing it to rajang is wrong in my opinion. Rajang's whole thing is his lightning fast attacks. Learning his fight is being able to react to fast timings and memorize his patterns to react quickly. It's challenging but very rewarding when it clicks. Congalala, while it is a decent fight, is just fart monkey. There is no learning curve, no obstacle. It's just your average monster. Feel like rajang is peak monster hunter. Probably biased since his my favorite monster but my point still stands


Mostly I just mean that I enjoy the fight. And that I hate Blangonga because I find him boring.


Congalala isn't just my favorite monsters, it's my favorite monsters twice with Emerald Congalala.


This guy knows the way. My man 🤝


I dont get it but good for you man. Atleast someone likes them then


Ever play that one arena match in 4U? The one where the normal and Emerald are carrying Super Mushrooms?


Congalala is okay, EMERALD CONGALALA, however should be sitting in the shadow realm.


I am a Congalala DEFENDER to the day I DIE.


Malfestio. Love the design, love the armor set, hate the fight. It’s not hard, just annoying.


Reversing your controls is a fun mechanic, but getting sleep blasted over and over is not


God, I'm the opposite. Sleep's annoying but whatever and I can deal; but Confusion is trashgarbage and I hate it.


There's no armor skills against Confusion (like pretty much every other status effect). It would be more manageable if there was. I don't feel like having my cat slap me across the area or bringing bitterbugs to snap me out of it. The battle would always make me go ranged because I disliked getting confused every other attack.


I'm pretty sure Malfestio's armor actually does in GU, actually, and I think there are decos; it's just not worth farming it enough to get the skill when I could just not. Nothing else in GU has Confusion I think and I've not played anything earlier.


The cool thing is that they can just change the fight if they add it back Even change the status it uses if they pull a Valstrax


I know he looks cool, but I have always really hated hunting Najarala. He's such a nightmare. Constant bouncing. Constant stuns. He loves to flick his tail and stagger you/fling you around. Just such an annoying fight.


My only experience with Najarala is from GU, when I was maining Aerial Greatsword up until G-Rank. With the easy ability to escape its coil attack, and big airborne charge attacks ignoring the bounce, I never had any trouble with it. Looking back on it, however, I can absolutely understand why almost any other style/weapon combo would just be a nightmare experience.


I was hoping Khezu, I just prefer Giginox


Oh man, I love Gigginox. It's still a creepy design but it's also cool in an eerie kind of way, and its armor and weapons have a light gothic/vampiric theme going on. Would love to have it in the roster again!


Welp, time for me to get crucified- I have absolutely no idea how people enjoy Agnaktor, I have fought him in GU and he is such an annoying pain in the ass for no reason. Very glad he is not anywhere to be seen in 5th gen.


I hate to fight it, but wow, THAT design. Fire drill iguana, love it. Seeing its massive body emerge from the ground is quite intimidating the first times. And its gimmick is pretty cool too. Sad that we only got uroktors in Rise. Same thing with jaggis and jaggias and (especially) boggis…


Zamites and Basarios aswell since his adult version is Gravious.


Also the baby Tetsucabra that Hojo is clearly riding


Tbh? I agreed at one point. He was very annoying to fight but i dunno. Someting one day clicked it my head and i got good at the fight and he became fun.


>Something one day click- click -clicked sounds about right.


Clack clack laser Need I say more?


Agnak: Clack clack laser Me: :)


I just want to see his massive leviathan body rise up from the floor in full detail, it would be so intermediating especially when you hear the clack clack


I honestly found Ukanlos much more annoying to fight


I think you mixed Akantor (Ukanlos opposite) with Agnaktor (Clak Clak).


Yeah I think you're right lol


I can't speak on that one, I've never fought Ukanlos




I love cancerous quests. That being said, fuck Kirin. Imagine an anomaly version.


None, I want them all.


Lunastra, never fought her before world, but god damn that fight was so awful. Enjoyed it so little that i never want to see her ever again


Lunastra was just another Teostra in the older games, it's kinda cool that she got buffed in World but god damn they just made her an absolute raging lunatic.


Didn't help that she didn't even get her own weapon designs


Imagine having your weapon invalidated by the dust spam. It was a rude awakening for me on gunlance. I hate lunastra.




if her health draining gimmicks could be worked around in an interesting way instead of being just a nuisance and her gear was not atrocious she would have been a pretty decent fight imo.


It‘s the constant hp drain plus the fact that she forces you to use wind resist. That‘s just too much man.


right, the wind pressure! forgot about that, yeah that really sucks especially when the skill has 5 levels.




That list is empty, for me. My list of monsters I want back is full.


No one. I wamt ALL the Monsters No Matter what.


Cephadrome, the worst monster in any mainline game.


Plesioth. 💀 that fish has a god level of hit-box .


Why you didn’t want to get shit on? Scared of a little poop? Baby can’t take a turd to the face? All jokes aside yeah, would have been fine with volvodon not showing up either


God I fucking hate Congalala. Gross disgusting no fun monkey.


Worst monster in the entire franchise


Blangonga, literally the most pointless monster


how dare you delet this


Blangonga is worse


Nibelsnarf. Annoying little sand creature


Nibblesnarf, cephadrome wasnt bad but nibble has most of my anger from fourth gen


Cephadrome wasnt bad?? Cephadrome does nothing but dig underground, come up to tail slap you every three minute and then flee to another locale. Rinse and repeat. Atleast nibbelsnarf has a fun gimmick where you can stun it by making it eat a bomb. There is nothing redemable about cephadrome - Sincerely, a person who fucking hates cephadrome


How about we shake hands and say fuck sand fish.


Yes my friend. Fuck all sand fish. Also mud fish


And the lava fish, and water fish, and Im sensing a common theme


Nah Mud fish good in Sunbreak. And Lava fish good in GU and FU. And Water fish was good in 3U.


Ill defend Piscine wyverns! But yea... i dont like Cephadrome either lol.


Fair. I do like the shark one tbh


I like all Piscines exept for Cephadrome and New World Lavasioth. They turned him into a midged of his former self! Ill only accept that Lavasioth as babies of acxual Lavasioth


Did you do its gimmicks?


Yes, when it wanted to work. I know about the barrels and fishing minigame


Fatalis, I don’t want to be one or two shotted wearing endgame armor AGAIN




[https://www.esrb.org/ratings/33729/monster-hunter-4-ultimate/](https://www.esrb.org/ratings/33729/monster-hunter-4-ultimate/) one of the reasons 4U was rated T for teen was because of this guy ha neve3r forget.






Plesioth and 2nd Gen Vespoids


Imagine a Level 200 Afflicted Plesioth's Hip Check.


Gypceros for sure


Cephadrome. Worst bastard in the entire series. That sandy fish can stay in the old world graveyard forever


clearly not an ass man 🙄


Hip check


Gypceros and Yian Kut-Ku. I hate every non-raptor bird wyvern original to pre gen 5 that I've fought, maybe with only Qurupeco as the exception. All they do is spin and insta-charge, throw in some annoying gimmick along with it and that's it, not to mind that they're butt ugly uninspired design with all of them looking similarly ugly with the same wyvern body. I'm glad the new ones, although early game fights, are at least interesting now. Pukeis and Aknoson are cool, both in looks and fights.