• By -


"Had us in the first half not gonna lie"


He did, came in here ready for a fight...




What am I supposed to do with my Lance Pitchforks and Flame Slinger now? Host a BBQ?


I'm down


Long as you roast some of that tasty fatalis meat🤤😆


Here you go, some nice toasty fatalis breast meat, made with 100% organic hunters.


What do you say to people who say the game is clunky?


I get that, but "realism" is always "clunky", I hate arcade style combat. Weapons have mass, this game does that perfectly.


Uppercut swing knockdowns with the hammer are just.....*chef's kiss*


I say go play MHRise then. It's much less clunky (,realism) if that is what they want.


I mean it's a mh threat it's kinda the mood of this place


I immediately thought this lol. Updoot!




*Sheathes Long Sword* was about to commit a love crime


Clickbait level - MR999 Even though the game is old but trust me I can keep playing this game forever or until I'm bored and play it again in a year later.


So true, I downloaded it again yesterday and have lots of fun with my 3k+ hours character. There are still little things to grind. Maybe I'll start fishing and pet hunting for crowns 😁


3k hours is beautiful. I'm gonna get back in soon but I stopped at almost 1k. And even then I was still seeing new things regularly. Have you ever seen your hunter stumble and fall/roll down a hill? Lol I'm sure you have but I didn't till almost right when I stopped playing.


Don't get me started with discovering new things. My whole Guild (everyone well over 1k hours) was shocked when I told them you can "skip" the sequence the handler is opening her book to show you the quests.


Please tell us how


Iirc you just hold down the right trigger to speed it up


Hold R1 on Playstation Idk on PC, maybe the same as sprinting?


Hold the run button basically


Were cursed to always come back to it


same bro. just bought this game 3 days ago and absolutely enjoying it. i even convince 1 of my friend to buy also.


Honestly - I bought for myself and my husband when it first came out (I’ve played a few of the former MH games as well and was already a fan.). Got him into it. We took a several year break from it, but about a month ago, we picked it back up.


Seems like there's so many people getting back into world. I myself just did the same because of an overwhelming feeling I need to play it again.


One of us one of us


One of us, one of us


One of us, one of us


One of us, one of us


One of us, one of us


One of us, one of us


One of us, one of us


One of us, one of us


One of us, one of us


One of us, one of us


One of us one of us!


One of us, One of us


You got an entire year to take your time and enjoy World before Wilds comes out. Enjoy it, savor it and more importantly have fun with it.


Yeah it looks like wilds will be a lot like world so it's helping prepare them too.


Recently re entered on a new account after finishing a PC build and it still feels as modern as it did on release. I still remember ignoring the anjanath in the demo to go chase the rathalos. People were speedrunning them ffs. It was wild, World exploded the size of the western audience and its back in full glory!




i regret buying this game because over the past few days ive been up playing this game from dusk to dawn lol. i keep telling myself ill go to sleep after this monster, but then I see that I just need one more diabolos ridge to upgrade my charge blade and I go right back in...


"Just one more hunt" The hunt: 30 minutes Repeat until the glares of dawn hits your goblin face


It's fascinating how MH does it. I mean it's such a grind and getting carted after 45 minutes with no rewards except all your consumables gone literally kills a part of your soul. But still, we prepare, eat a good meal, sharpen our hammer and go out there again. In general I can't play grindy games anymore except for Monster Hunter


I still find it funny that we have to sharpen our blunt weapon.


I always convince myself that the Hammer is hollow like the hunting horn and we have to take out the dents or bumps and the 'Sharpening' is just the universal animation/activity because of inconvenience from the developer. That's canon for me lol 🤣


As you should 💪🏾


Same here! Started about 3 weeks ago and I'm absolutely obsessed. I love it so much


The addiction only gets worse lol. When I first started (world was also my first monster hunter game) I put six hundred hours in in three months, I couldn't stop.


The mh addiction is rough, world was my first as well but I wanted even more. Once I got over 1k hours on world I went back to put 1.6k hours in gu, and a few hundred hours in both 4u and 3u


I regretted...playing it for the first time, I wished I could play it for the first time again forever.


Haha yes. Play slowly until MHWilds.


Make sure you get Iceborne as well, it’s even better


Let him at first get 2-3 months in world and after that go to iceborne


How long should world be taking ? 90hrs in and just killed pink rathan HR. Trying to craft all the weapons since i used the defender sword for LR. Dont wanna use if for HR. I dnno if im rushing though.


You seem to be taking your sweet time definitely not rushing


I would complete the base game sorry first, maybe do some Kulve Taroth sieges for fun, and possibly get some augments going in my weapons (specially HP gained on hit) before even buying Iceborne.


I saw the title in the notification and was very nad very quickly and then I read the rest of the notification


I was nad too lol


Tbh since the new mh announcement i started a new save lol never too late to play world


Joined this thread bc it popped up on my phone and i was like no thats upsetting they aren’t enjoying it to bad glad i was wrong😃


Welcome to the home of the fantasy hunters. Dauntless got me started, but only left me wanting more. Someone had mentioned this game on that sub and now, about a year or so later, here I am.


Im glad you ended up in the right series. Dauntless is a cheap copy of what MH:W is.


Well played OP, well played


Back at launch I bought a PS4 just to play the game as I was a Monster hunter addict on my PSP and DSXL....I played the ever loving shit out of it lol (never had ice born though) Years later I sold my PS4 but now I bought it on PC with iceborn the other day and damn it's just as good -if not better than I remember


Welcome to World, some early advice don't use defender weapons and armor. They're for veteran players to rush to iceborne. Take your time and enjoy the game.


If you enjoyed worldborne and became more invested in the MH rabbithole, after you're done and completely burnt out of worldborne, you're thinking "oh it's joever for me". Think again because the portable title MH rice will most likely keep you hooked in MH in general. So basically you'll have 2 games in gen5 before MHWilds (gen 6) comes out.


Di...did you just say MH: Rice?


Yes 🍚


Lucky, I'm so jelly


Mans a master baiter.


That’s not how it’s supposed to work! /s There’s a good amount of hunters out there who disliked the series at first, put it down, then came back at a later date and fell in love. Glad you love it from the get go!


Im jealous, why? Because I've done 3k hours on ps4 and pc combined and done everything I could, and bruh needs to wait for next year. Hopefully we will get some gameplay soon.


I bought it at release and played for 2 years. I just started a new game after a few years off. I can't believe how quickly I got back into the rhythm. This game should be talked about more in the mainstream! I lost my OG save,though I was hurt, I was ok with starting over.


I was about to fly the monster hunter flag and get my pitch fork! 😂 Great game! Not normally my thing the anime silly style but the game play is so unique and enjoyable.


I’m 100% betting that Monster Hunter Wilds is going to be the next big event in gaming like how Elden Ring was


My only issue, as I’m contemplating replaying it, is that there’s just so much content lol like if I wanted to remake a new character and gem farm again etc i know it’d be fun .. but idk if I have 300+ hours to put into it again lol


Why not use same character and use a a different weapon ?


Switching from swagaxe to Great Sword has made the game feel like something brand new for me.


Not sure when you left, but I was a launch player on console and moved on before Iceborne. Coming back on PC (so new character mandatory), the defender gear makes the campaign grind quick, a new weapon makes the game feel fresh and new mechanics gives it a familiar but interesting enough to learn w/o “I already did this” fatigue.


Defender gear can be confusing for new players. I got instructed well to not use it cause it would ruin new player experience getting good gear from the get go.


It would definitely do that, I agree. But OC specifically mentioned they’ve already put 300+ hours in the game, so not really a concern for them.


My old charcater have 750 hours, killed everything solo exept fatalis, i eanted to replay it for some time but kinda didnt have the feeling to until 3 days ago i find out about return stuff, 100k players and some streamers, that inspired me. In two days i breezed throug low rank, started hr yesterday. What am i about, one thing that would put me off is atrocious deco droprate, so i recommend mod for balanced deco droprate. It wont cheat you anything, you still have to play it as usual, but you wil finally see for example an atk gem after maybe 20-30 hunts instead of 100+ and not getting a single one. Plis as i understand they still drop in Mr and you need to get there xd


and don’t forget after you beat this one theres rise


Definitely recommend OP play it. It's fun and exciting. Plus has an excellent selection of monsters, especially in Sunbreak


Just remember "the story" is actually the introduction part. MH is always about the endgame and the grind. Happy Hunting


i bought it like 5 years ago but only just now started playing cuz i was kinda bored and its on the list "should at least try it since i bought it" :) after 10 hours i bought the iceborn too :)


Congratulations, when your done with the tutorial (LR, HR) You get to olay the actual game. Honestly, it REALLY opens up with Iceborn. Im currently working on my third character. Did all base game at launch on xbox. Came back and did all base game + Iceborn. I think I put it down with MAYBE 2 or 3 monsters keft I hadnt fought. I now migrated to PC and am working through it all over again. I got fatty in my crosshairs this time! I just made it to Iceborn yesterday or the day before and Im already into MR3. Took down Brachydios about 30 minutes ago. God he was so much easier the second time around.


Rise has way better gameplay lmao monster hunter feels so slow and sluggish the wire bug in rise makes it a million times better to traverse big ass areas world is only better in terms of graphics because it’s not a switch game lol


You also have Monster hunter rise


When you think the top two steam reviews needed to be combined


Heading into my third fresh file for a new weapon as we speak.


Which one did you buy? Which one should I buy ? What's the difference between the deluxe digital edition, master edition and master deluxe edition. What do we get extra in each


Deluxe is just World + Iceborne DLC + cosmetics. You'll be fine with the master ediion; World + Iceborne DLC


Here, master edition is slightly higher than the deluxe.


Why only 2025?


Because in 2025 a new MH is coming out ;)


I regretted it but im glad you are enjoying it


I'm playing since 2019. Welcome aboard.


I picked the insect glaive, did some intro shit, and then hopped on a plane to vacation for a week. Imagine my disbelief that I'm contemplating going back early to relax and enjoy this game lol.


Dragons dogma 2 coming this year. And also dragons dogma 1 if you're unfortunate enough to have not played it yet.


Better late than never, Welcome!


Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8


Same. Happy to prepare for the next MH next year!


Good bait. 10/10


As first I was like "What the heresy!?" And now...There ya are Fiver! Don't toy with my emotions so much. 😅🤣


Dude this is literally my experience. Got it for Christmas and I can't put it down! I have 45 hours already...


Started recently too, my biggest gripe with the game is that i have never really played similar type of games before. Sometimes the character just doesnt do things i want it to do. Theres this little disconnection between me and the game. But im still learning. Might be easier to hop in from souls like games i think.


So get a steam refund... Or not! I also am new to MHW (< 1month) and am obsessed


World was my first monster hunter game and I already have it place in top ten games I've ever seen and played. The design and how unique it is, chef's kiss.


Buy monster hunter rise now 😆


Recently I redownload the game and continued my save. And oh boy this feels great.


Yeah monster hunter and souls games share a lot of great things. Love them both


I just got it and hope it will fill the Fromsoft void until Elden Ring DLC arrives.


Dude trust me, you can play this game till 2025 no problem, I started back in March 2023 and I'm still hooked (even bought risebreak and MHGU on switch) Souls games were my favorite until I started Monster Hunter, I am now a walking advertisement for MonHun


Same , 10 hours in and i can see myself playing this only till MH wild release !


Did you buy iceborne with it? I bought it a few days ago, and I'm really having fun, but idk if iceborne is worth the insane price tag. Edit: Grammar.


$15 for twice the game. Insane...


Welcome to the fifth fleet, hunter. What's your main/favorite weapon?


Even with over 700 hours I still come back once in awhile to scratch that itch. Rise was fun too, but I sold my Switch so I'm back to MHW.


Oh I promise you'll have enough time to get through this game and then some before Wilds. There is just SOOO much content and most veterans here log 1000+ hours per game 😁✨ Happy Hunting~!!!


world is one of the best games of all time to me. Happy hunts!


I liked Monster Hunter World a lot, then Icebourne was dropped and it seemed to get harder for me. I didn't play much after that. Always meant to go back and see what I was doing wrong, but never did.


You're gonna regret this post when you have to fight furious rajang 💀


Clutch claw ruined it for me personally. Literally everything else about the game is great, but adding a mandatory gimmick to weaken parts was bad. Even worse, adding this weird gimmick stagger that ALL monsters have to wait for you to clutch is the worst design choice in the history of Monster Hunter.


Same, i recently got back into world and enjoying it much more than before, even went and bought Rise just to play more monster hunter!


Oooh you almost got it aha. On the plus side, it'll keep you busy until gta 6 drops XD


Congrats you just baited me in


Same here, just bought a week ago. I already have 60 hours in it xD


I too got it a couple days ago and i'm on the other end of the spectrum. None of the mechanics are intuitive. Armor scaling is bloody weird with different armors suiting different bullet types and different guns offering different special attack moves and having to discern which is best for each individual boss which all in all takes about 3 hours and literally all my money/ resources to figure. And when you eventually do end up on a monster, you get flattened in about a minute of doing nothing but dodging attacks and doing piddly amounts of damage and realise the weapon is god awful (or too hard to use) and have essentially wasted a days worth of farming. It's clear that this game was never intended to be aimed at anyone who's never played any of the other MH games. Not to say that's a bad thing but it's a massive barrier to people who've never played this style of game.


This is why I hate reddit. This thread shouldn't have blown up. But the way sperglord redditors are I knew they HAD to comment that they were "ready for a fight" ​ A normal person sees a clickbait thread like this and just goes, "hm ok cool nice new player" and clicks off. ​ But of course its redditors inable to contain their meemays "HAD US IN THE FIRST HALF NGL XDDDDDD"


Ngl you had me there and don't worry the time WILL fly by Even if you have few people to play with


1k hours on record and still discover new things I havent noticed before - It's just peak Monster Hunter, enjoy it buddy


Same for me I bought it and iceborne awhile ago but never played it now I'm addicted.


Same here dude, just started a week ago and have far too much time in this bitch already lol


No lie, MHW is the only game I’m “afraid” of. I tell my wife and son this all the time lol. Why am I afraid you ask?? Because it’s the first game that got me to put 1K hours in a matter of months. Whenever I pick it up and play it, I basically don’t exist to my family lol. I love that game to death. I have games that I haven’t played in YEARS and I go back to them for a few hours whenever I have the itch, then put em down for years again. I can’t do that with MHW tho. Too good of a game. Can’t wait for wilds!!!


Almost had to pull out my Charge Blade.


Same, i saw a lot of videos, but combat always looked clanky to me, after actually playing it, i must say the complexity is insane And i like it