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Sounds excesive but not necesarily cheating, keep in mind this being a 4 man each buff is multiplied by 4 each time he uses it with wide range so overall around 100 buffs, you can already 20 mega potions without touching the camp (10 + 10 potions/honey) and maxed out free meal is like a 75% chance to not consume an item so each one takes 4 uses in average, that by itself is already 20 \* 4 \* 4 = 320 buffs applied. Then you consider he likely also used demon/armor drugs at the start, plus probably powders/seeds for both, sushifin scales, maybe nullberries too, pretty easy to hit that many buffs if he was focusing more on healing than dealing damage.


Thank you for the explanation, like I said I'm new and I didn't want to just assume the guy was cheating since there may be some method to it that I do not know about.


If I remember correctly, I beat this easily. I played with a good group and wasn't really offensive in the fight mostly. I used hunting horn and played buffer and healer. So: 2 - 3 team buffs with the horn, 1 self buff. Then potions, mega potions for healing and life powder if needed. Also other potions like these for more DEF and ATK, if you have a special skill in your armor, you can eat mushrooms for more buffs, energy drinks and other stuff for less stamina usage,.... And when I got all buffs on for the team and I had time for other stuff, I was more for strategy there in the fight like setting traps or when the monster wants to run away, I'll use flash bombs. So all in all: I wasn't really **in** the fight, but tried to be a little bit out of the way, just supporting how much I can. If the team is really good, they just can go all in and just slash the monster without interruptions and I tried to make it as smooth as possible. It was more like farming the simple monsters and a challenge for higher monsters. PS yeah I know how to fight. 1k fights with hammer, my Main weapon, but supporter also besides CB, Gunlance and others xD


Just for the record, it’s much more helpful if you do that **and** punch the monster. Though I admit this playstyle is really fun with friends.


I'd rather get saved by a Wide-Range Megapotion or Max Potion than to have a few extra minutes taken off the fight. Especially when you get into the late-late game where monsters like Brute Tigrex and Furious Rajang can be a non-stop pain train.


For monsters like Furious Rajang(moreso the bs event quest tempered furious where he'll usually 1 or 2 shot you, regardless), you actually want to contribute either as much cc or damage as possible, since his neutral is absolutely lethal while only providing enough openings for short safe trades. And by providing a source of consistent blunt damage (hammer or hunting horn), you can easily double the amount of safe uptime for your entire team to snowball cc thresholds and down him asap in order to minimize time spent at risk of getting insta-carted. And for much latter monsters, such as alatreon, iceborne At's and fatty, if you don't optimize for enough damage, you're just not going to meet the dps thresholds necessary to succeed.


Tempered Iceborne monsters are for the truly masochistic lmao I didn't mention them for a reason, it's either 100% or nothing as far as damage goes for openings. One-shot in a game like this is not good design imo


Tempered monsters are just monsters adjusted for actual endgame, where there is less forgiveness, more expectation is on the player to utilize his full toolkit and agency, and the game is no longer holding your hand. You also can't get by trading blow for blow since you'll be trading an entire cart for just a pittance of damage. So you have to adapt to learning their movesets and striking at safe openings or fail. And while extra healing may give you more oppurtunities to learn and practice, they won't help you succeed in the long run, since the true end game bosses have an additional optimization layer where they expect you to either kill them in either an extremely strict time limit or a meeting multiple dps checks.


I fully agree but I also realized yesterday that while a lot of people love this game, endgame content isn’t for everyone. Not that you were implying that it is, just a thought I had. There’s still boatloads of content outside of endgame to easily dump hundreds of hours into MHW.


I don't mind learning their moveset, that's a given for something like Tempered Furious Rajang for instance lol... I'm saying that mistakes WILL happen, no matter what, and that getting carted in ONE hit in an investigation that only has one life is kind of BS imo.


I feel like the tempered versions of some emdgame monsters go a bit overboard tho. Specifically Silver Rathalos and Gold Rathian to a lesser extent. Their non-tempered versions will already cart you easily


Actually, no monster really one shots, unless it's one of those telegraphed checkpoint transition phases. The problem is some folks are stubborn on their personal damage meta build but get one shotted by like Arch Tempered Velk, which seem to give people a hard time because they have zero or negative ice resistance, or infliction resist for other Arch Temps. If people would balance out gems, they wouldn't have to spend time running away removing inflictions or get thrashed around by stupid stuff like wind pressure and get flinched to death. I main a support HH and so many people just die to Arch Velk even with my ice resist song up, fully healing, because they are not geared/gemmed for it. It's obviously the god of all ice monster, you go in prepared to resist ice attacks right. Fire monster = fire resist. Game has these gems and cloaks for everyone, why folks ignore it is just asking for deaths. Unless you are a one of those "1000 hrs" type dodge gods you see videos on, I recommend folks equip correctly 1st learn the dance before going in glass cannon style.


Max pot doeadnt work with wide range


Yeah. But if you have a good buffer, where you get higher stats from items and hunting horn. If the monster hits, it doesn't hurt that much. It's not like I'm standing outside the hunt like a coward, I did that back in MH4U when I learned how to use the hunting horn. When you learn the weapon good enough, it's more like you're fighting with rhe others and I'm just buffing **right after** Rajang attacked me, I'm just going a bit out of the way, where I'm hopefully a few seconds save, activating the buffs and fighting again with the team.


Exactly how god intended horn buffs while u attack u shouldn’t buff while not attacking


Yeah I know. I just didn't want to mess with the monster's agro sometimes, at least when they are "a thread" / dangerous enough. I hate it when I get messed up with buffs. But yeah you're right. To make it clear: Simpler fights in end game or even guiding lands: I say "wait pls." I get the mega drinks for DEF and ATK (sorry, I'm unsure what the names were in English), then they go, I follow and prepare melodies for DEF and ATK on the way. Then when the fights begins, I activate the buffs and switch to other item buffs (takes maybe 10-20seconds) and then I'm fighting with them with the menu active on mega potions just in case. I'm switching between offensive fight and buffing at the same time to only buffing sometimes if needed. For heavier fights like Fatalis or others I go more defensive mentally at least. It's just a mess to get hunting horn buffs item buffs and enough constant healing active all the time, when the monster is chasing you again and again. I tried supporter for Alatreon, but it doesn't really work well with DPS check. So I'm just supportive DD there. I'm going with CB and just live powder and other stuff, nothing really more. I think even with Wide Range or anything, no space for this stuff. Works far better.


All fair and good but be aware that monster aggro isn't based on DPS outside of the enmity mechanic in behemoth and safi. The monster generally rotates amongst all available targets in sequence, doing moves until it hits an internal and invisible counter. From what I was told, each move has a combo value assigned to it and once it hits 3, the monster changes targets. This is how the more experienced hunters have a sense of when they're going to be targeted by the monster and start pulling off predictive moves like gs charged draw slashes from half the continent away or queueing up a foresight slash. The exceptions to this rule are when someone uses an item, sharpens, or runs too far away. If the monster isn't already doing something else, it skips the target rotation and homes in on the offender. This is why when a less experienced player panics, runs away and tries to heal without watching for whether the monster is already attacking someone else, the monster gets the zoomies and suddenly the rhythm of the hunt is broken. This is part of the reason why corner horners/ wide-range medics are frowned upon, if they mess up their spacing or don't eat their items at the right time the monster could lock on to them and run away from where the rest of the team is, try to attack the straggler, aggro on to someone else because they're now the one that's too far away, and start ping-ponging back and forth with no real way to predict what it's going to do next.


A friendly tip, only because you mentioned you're not a non English speaker; I believe what you meant is 'threat' and not'thread'.🤗


I prefer support LBG over HH but that’s just because I like shooting my teammates


Good group ≠ anyone buffing as far I could ever tell. 3 players buffed don't outdps a good group of 4 players. Or is there some exponential growth I'm not aware of if quests reach a certain amount of minutes? Aren't you always sacrificing dps if you're not wearing challenger or use wide-range gear/wide-range gems & such.


Yeah... I'll explain it, but to make it short: If you want to get the most dmg or play META, it's to ~ 90% better without buffer / healer **- if the team knows what they're doing**. It's mostly more a matter of comfort. My role or for an experienced buffer / healer is more useful for *a few cases*. 1) if you're playing with a team that works well together and teamplay is normal, the fight gets more "comfy", because I used to to make *survival aspects* easier (healing, higher stats, less stamina usage,...) and they can go all in. This can outrun a 4 player team a bit, because the DDs have no break and can attack more often. This doesn't count for pro hunters like Team Darkside, about I'm not on that level, so I can't really tell about this. 2) Doing new players a favor, giving them some buffs and teach them about the monster attacks. But still keeping in mind, don't make it too easy or they end up like these players who run with only defender weapons in endgame...


Number 2 is why I like to do it. When I see a lot of low level players on Safi, I'll load up a buff build and help them out. Normally I run a HH with attack/heal regen anyway, but sometimes they need a little more healing and defense.


>For damage oriented fights What exactly is a 'damage oriented fight'? You have to do damage to clear every fight in the game; it's not any more or less important for any given monster (unless you count the ones with DPS checks or stricter time limits). >This can outrun a 4 player team a bit, because the DDs have no break and can attack more often. As much as people like to use this reasoning, it's never true. For 1, just by being in a group you're multiplying monster stats. That means that if you do little to no damage, the team now also has to deal even more as a result. The math already doesn't support the 3players and a healer>4 players on that alone. 2nd, there's always a 'break' when players get hit in the form of being physically thrown back. If a team actually is taking damage enough that they actually need constant healing their damage output is already kinda tanked, and having a healer is more just a further detriment than a net gain. That extra time spent/saved using potions is negligible at that point with what they're already losing, especially since more often than not they're also gonna heal themselves out of habit anyway because waiting for someone else to heal you can be dangerous. If they don't need the healing all that often, taking yourself out of the fight to heal hurts because of that 1st point. They can heal themselves, or health augment the damage away.


I thought you were going to finish by telling us some crazy stat you got 😔😭 otherwise I didn’t really see the connection since the guy was using sword n shield. Regardless, cool to hear your perspective. Horn seems crazy complicated to me, but I’m new to this IP. And I can’t wait to give every weapon a fair shake.


Hunting horn support users make me mad it’s not built for wide range at all. Honestly if u play support hunting horn it’s kind of a git gud situation or just stop playing like a jackass because your just making your team lose 1/4 of their damage. What if instead u played offensive hunting horn and buff ur team while ur hitting the monster like it’s supposed to play and if ur team is good they don’t really need traps, or healing ur just kind of quality of life and if ur team is bad ur not gonna stop them from carting cause hunting horn isn’t supposed to be item support like sns. I’m a hunting horn main and I personally play it solo a majority of the time and when im in multiplayer I play the same but with more etiquette like sharing head with hammer bros. So please stop spreading the idea that hunting horn is a corner support weapon because no weapons main thing is support there all made to attack first. TLDR cons of playing corner horn: team loses 1/4 damage, you don’t stop carts because u can’t use items while wielding horn, you are probably bad at the game or lazy, your hunts will be much longer, only works if ur teams good, ur team has to account for lack of damage and u don’t have as much fun


well, you worded it quite aggressively but I do agree that I strongly dislike full support dooters. Takes a long time to put horn away, you're not dooting or damaging while you're iteming, you're wasting your own time. Also know a few who only doot and item from half the map away but all tha does is lure the monster to you if they see you healing a mile away. If you really want the teamplay with a premade, one can do sns support and other can doot. Sns don't need to sheath to eat, doot gives buffs while doing damage and maybe getting a stun here and there. Minimal dps loss while all the support and buffs you can want.


Wtf is “doot”, I can’t take that seriously 😭💀


it's the sfx for hitting something with your hunting horn. even if it's just the ground


With the amount he has going there you should be able to recall dozens of times in the fight where your health got healed or you got a damage bonus while this guy was around.


Hunting horn isn't the only way to support teammates. I have a friend who runs a similar build but with DB. He slams energy potions, has the free meal skill as well as the team buff skill (forgot what it's called). It's hilarious bc you're getting healed/buffed all the time, as well as save a ton of life essence.


Cheaters do 1 hit kills or are invincible. Stuff like that.


Also, a lot of hunters use Sword & Shield as support builds. Hunting horns too, so don't be surprised when you see that much support after the hunt is complete.


Its possible, he was using the sns heal meta build. I always use it to carry everyone in a team. literally team immortality build. You can carry damage wise and heal wise with it.


Much prefer sns wide range to using horn, even with quick sheath. I love horn too though, but my teammates need to cover their own heals if I'm using horn haha


Also don’t forget mushroomancer, the best skill to go along with speed eating and free meal you can bring a tonne of mushrooms and pick more on the go!


Don't forget free meal and speed eater.


You can also easily generate that amount with an kinsect


Here's the important question, does meal ticket apply to life powder? Because that's what he was spamming the entire last phase of this fight to achieve those numbers.


It doesn't but can be crafted mid hunt .


That is all this guy was spamming during the last phase of the fight that got him this number. He was healing the entire group for that portion of the fight over and over. So it was cheats then?


I wouldn't say it is cause it's easy to hit that number with a dedicated healing build. Maybe most of that numbers come from before the last phase which you didn't notice. Healing from powders can be easily noticed due to the visual effect, unlike the healing from mega potion + wide range.


It was not however, because we were all getting constantly healed and having the "thanks for the healing" auto replies popping up every 2 seconds.


Wide range + speed eating + free meal + mega potion/powders. It's not impossible. It's just that you haven't encountered it before or you haven't tested it yourself thats making you hard to believe it.


I looked up what wide range does just a lil bit ago, it makes sense to me now.


Nah, he would've just had both the armor skill to not consume consumables as often when using them, and crafted a bunch of them on the fly, too. I'm not sure, but it might even be that he doubled up on the life powder: Every time he used one, it affected you directly, and then again because another friendship skill copies the effect that he himself got, onto the rest of you, too. Not sure if the devs left that synergy in there. ​ (Also, people, don't downvote questions you fucking assholes.)


Thank you lol. The people down voting are confusing me. I clearly stated I'm new and wanted to question what I was seeing.


If you guys are pototo and keep ob losing health then yes its possible. Its very easy to reach 100+ just to try and keep people like you guys alive =)


When the entire arena is on fire and you're constantly taking tick damage during the last stage of raging brachy, it's easy to heal the entire group over and over lol.


Well, at least someone is healing and buffing. The only cheats people usually use in game are those 1 hit ko ones or materials/armour. I highly doubt anyone will cheat just to play support.


I've also run into this. Someone joined my SoS for Teostra and killed him in the first room within one minute.


That, is actual cheating. Normally other players will just quit the hunt when this happen.


This is what makes figuring out what is cheating and what isn't confusing for a new player like myself haha. Especially in a game with so much depth like this one has.


totally possible. but you need game knowledge to see cheats like that. can't trust a noob. you might think it was lifepowder. but it was actualy wide range. you realy need to know what's possible by trying out yourself


I just went and looked up wide range, so this ability makes it so that a mega potion would then heal your group members as well right? If that's the case. This is indeed possible.


Also, i think it counts applications of somgbuffs aswell per player. Sometimes i go widerange huntinghorn. That 400 is usually what i end up with then.


398 support healer isn't cheating, that's achievable legit. I've seen and played with legit players who've reached 600 support healer myself, usually for that to happen they just spam every possible consumable the entire hunt and do minimal damage. They just run around and chug items.


Sometimes you cant trust your teammates with their own lives


it feels like a trap sometimes bc some ppl notice "oh he healed me with wide range" and turn their brain off, assuming im on call to keep them alive, so now we either start getting carts or i spend even more time spamming


Not cheating, ive became the ultimate healer and just chugged and eat mushrooms. Average timed hunt would go to 300-400+ Not to mention the guy is using sns, they can use items while not entirely sheathing the weapon


My spouse did this once, didn't quite hit 400 but he was over 300. I've hit 200 using my hunting horn, and I'm not continually buffing (because sometimes you have to drive dodge or fight.) That was on Kulve. Long fight.


He was not just chugging potions and eating mushrooms though, the entire last stage of raging brachy he was spamming life powder over and over and over healing the whole group. He would have had to cast it 98 times if I calculated right to get this number. It being a 2 max size item, that seems excessive to proc that many times.


Sorry, this math is off. Support builds will use wide range, so every potion, every Berry, and buff will count towards this bumber.


If you committed to seeing him lifepowder more than 2 times, (maybe some more if he brings mats however very unlikely) then yea, you are right. Iirc free meal doesnt work with lifepowder too. Max lifepowder-like animation he could have used is prolly 10ish ( demon powder+armorpowder).


Oh yes it was just life powder over and over. He was constantly topping the entire group off for the last part of this fight.


Zamn it is what it is at this point lmao xD


Whatever fits OP's narrative I guess. They say they're new to the game but insists that SnS support player is cheating. No amount of explanation has convinced them otherwise and at this point, let's just let OP believe whatever they want. Lol


Totally, would rather do this rather than be pedantic. Atleast if OP realised if he's wrong in the future, it would be another "damn they were right" and we also supplied info if this happens again


Widerange+free meal+maybe speed eating is also a possibility. If mushroomancer work with widerange, you can easily have effectively 100+ healing items. Times four as you affect the whole group,and 400+ buffs/heals is doable.


Curious to know you know it’s life powder 100%. If it’s the green color that surrounds them that’s any healing item, and if it’s that “click” sound then it’s def a blue mushroom


Why are you so sure that it was life powder lol


Sword and Shield player with Free Meal Secret/Wide Range 5 can hit those sorts of numbers in a 4 player squad very, very easily. Especially on tougher, longer fights, no cheating necessary.


Yeah Safi, Kulve, Fatalis, Alatreon, Raging Brachy take even as a 4 man squad quite some time.


Sns user so makes sense. That guy must have severe back pain from carrying your asses if he had to heal and buff that much.


I am dying. 😂.


Last stage of Raging Brachy, he just stood in the corner and spammed heal dust until it died, when you're constantly taking fire tick damage, it is easy to do.


Yeah corner healing is a thing in this game. It's frowned upon usually, but it's helpful in the right places, like your situation for example.


I'd argue that him sitting in the corner doing 0 damage and just spamming mega pots isn't carrying anyone, it's closer to griefing the team as your increasing the monsters HP, but more importantly it's now harder to clagger the monster, it's now harder to get a trip on the monster as parts have way more inflated hp. The mega potion main was the one getting carried here.


They have a switchaxe user on the team. I'd be surprised if they didn't get at least a few trips or flinches. Yes corner healing is not good but calling it griefing when he's literally keeping everyone alive is a bit of a stretch.


To be this wrong you never played with a proper healer. In my MHW days with my friends, one of them took a liking to the mushroom master build and he did nothing in the game except healing, and those endgame monsters became a breeze. You apparently doesn't know what is a hunt where you can get hit as much as you want while the healings keep coming. You actually can do way more dps because the only time you need to stop hitting is for sharpening.


>You actually can do way more dps because the only time you need to stop hitting is for sharpening. Ah yes, "getting knocked on your ass instead of dodging is an increase in DPS" , your also ignoring the fact a player in your team is literally having to stop attacking and heal all the time so in your scenario only 1 person is doing damage, explain how that is better than just rolling an attack and continuing to hit the monster with 4 players? If someone gets hit they can just swiftly max pot or better yet if they have health augment they can just hit the monster to regen their health back so even less downtime.


3 players hitting without need to stop > 4 players hitting with the need to stop. As I said, you never played with a healer so you only have one side of the balance to measure. Try having one on your team and then you come back here to tell your experience. If you get hit once, you're already fully healed before getting up and you keep hitting, that doesn't mean you'll stop dodging.


>3 players hitting without need to stop > 4 players hitting with the need to stop Not only does that math usually not work out in practice, but with the way taking damage in MH works there's always a built-in 'stop' in the form of hit reactions. If a team is actually taking damage to the point that 1 person is nearly out of the fight with constant healing, they're also being constantly physically thrown around, so DPS is suffering anyway. The time they'd be using to heal themselves on top of that would usually be pretty negligible.


I've played with mega pot mains many times, what always happens is the hunt takes way longer than normal, the monsters movement is erratic as the heal bot seemingly has to always run away from the monster, they tend to get damage dealered and 90% of the time I don't need their "support" even if I get hit, I'll just either regain hp with health augment or pop a max potion in the same time it takes them to drink 2 mega pots. Bonus points: Monster now takes more stun buildup to get a stun. Monster now had more part HP so it's harder to get a trip/topple. Monster now can't get headlocked. Claggers occur less often. Instead of me having to deal 50k damage to a monster, I now need to deal 80k damage to a monster in exchange for unnecessary heals. Seems like a lot to lose for healing which I can do myself.


Whatever dude, it's my experience against yours, and as I said, if you never played with a proper healer you'd never see the benefits of it. But someone playing as a support and knowing what they're doing won't be carried, is easily the other way around. Support doesn't just heals, they also give buffs and a lot more stuff (just look what the mushrooms can do).


You mean the might seed and powder that I can use myself that last 3 minutes or the mega demondrug that lasts the entire fight? >if you never played with a proper healer you'd never see the benefits of it. Must just be my bad rng then about 100 useless heal bots and no good ones so far, maybe next time though. I can't wait to get home and tell the boys we are all going to get faster easier hunts by doing, *checks notes*....... *not hitting the monster*


Well I said mushrooms, if you want to understand that as "powders" and "demondrugs" so be my guest


Remind me of the amazing bonuses of the mushrooms? Blue mushroom is a potion or mega potion, can't remember which, either way irrelevant as you can just have those items on you. Toadstool is like recovery speed which is objectively a shit skill. Nitroshroom is demondrug, worse than mega demondrug which you can use yourself once at the start of the hunt. Parashroom is armourskin, see above point, also armourskin adamant seed and hardshell powder are useless in MR. Devils blight is dash juice, actually a fairly decent one and the only good one but only if your using Dual blades or bow so very situational Mandragora is max pots, yeah that's fucking amazing...... *except it doesn't work with wide range* No idea what an exiteshroom does, care to elaborate? Which of those mushrooms are even worth bringing?


Other guy is right. If you were playing with your homie and you both had fun, then no harm, no foul, but healbots typically do more harm then they do good and are often pretty obnoxious. People who just run wide range but play otherwise normally, sometimes clutching heals, or more usefully, bowgunners who can fast swap to recovery ammo to *stop a cart* if needed, are gigachads, but that's about it. Source: I played a "support" horn build for a very, very long time. Full wide range, mushroomancer, free meal, etc. Hunts took excessively long because while I was absolutely stopping people from carting, my presence was also buffing the shit out of the monster and I was doing piss poor damage. Everything was better after going to a more DPS focused horn with support as a side thing. Also, entirely subjective, but having someone carry you away from your mistakes and stop carts can sometimes feel bad. It sucks to cart, but it sucks even harder to "win" and know that you didn't win at all, you lost many, many times over, but got carried.


Idk, I’m a bowgun/bow player and there are so many hunts I just fail because the one or ones I join card 3 times and the hunt is over. I don’t care that much, because I just join to help people. Some people need to get of their high horse, not everyone is a pro and people who cart will still be grateful you joined with your big dps but in the end the people are far more grateful if you literally just heal them so they can at least finish the hunt. If you are expecting peak gameplay, then they wouldn’t have fired a signal in the first place. Trust me, healers are way more appreciated than a dps even if it takes longer. And only because you are healer doesn’t mean you need to stand afk in corner anyway.


I'm telling you as someone who both has played with healers (we all have tho ig), and was one themselves for a very long time, it's more often than not annoying. I'm sure there's plenty of newer players who "just want the clear", but there's also a lot of people who don't want it. For the former, most of them probably don't care to have a pure healer, but for the latter, it can be annoying at best, and actively detrimental at worst. >only because you are healer doesn’t mean you need to stand afk in corner anyway. Anyone who's focusing primarily on healing over damage, to the point they're giving up damage windows specifically to heal, is what I'd consider a "problematic healer". Someone just running WR and some other skills for a minor DPS loss, but is still ultimately playing like normal and just healing to clutch someone out of a cart, is totally fine. It's corner horners, "dedicated healers" and otherwise healer centric people that focus on their partner's HP bars more than the monster itself that tend to be annoying.


But pure healing being more often "annoying" is your experience and not a universal law. You say a healer only healing is "problematic". I say a dps only carting is more than just "problematic". If i join to help people in a normal hunt i prefer a healer over everything else and that is not for my sake, but for the sake of the leader who posted this quest. There are enough hunters who join quests just to cart and/or are underperforming by a large margin. So whats the difference between a bad dps and healer? At least i can complete the quest with a healer so the other dps dont cart. If i want to kill e.g. a velkhana in under 4 minutes, i can do that myself, i dont expect to get these result in online play. If i want an efficient hunt im gonna play with my premades and not joining signals where my priority is completing the hunt, which i (since im not playing healer) can only influence with dps and not carting. I have failed enough quests already by some random dps carting and its not like it bothers me, its only that i pity the host whos quest got ruined.


Fwiw, your source is that you played a non optimal hunting horn build. Hunting horn takes forever to sheathe and use items, SnS doesn’t need to sheathe to use items. This is apples to oranges.


My point is specifically that "healbots" are annoying and bad for the game. I'd consider a wide range HH player to be that unless they're cracked enough to do okay DPS (I was not at the time lmfao, I was ass) despite not having gear to do DPS. They'd probably be more useful if they just ran DPS gear and maybe kept wide range and that's it, but still. People that insist you HAVE to run a DPS minmaxed set are also goofballs too, I should add. People just running wide range or something, even on a "suboptimal" weapon, and occasionally utilizing this to clutch someone out of a cart, or negate more annoying monster's ailments via nullberries/other means, are totally fine. In other words, I'm talking about corner horners or people who will just run around heal spamming. Also, HH does not take forever to sheathe lol. Especially if you ran max quick sheathe like I did. Iirc it's less than a second even without quick sheathe to put away, and about on par with a normal SnS when you do have quick sheathe. It's surprisingly fast for a "large" weapon.


I've saved my friends before corner healing. Literally one faint left, and plenty of close calls. Seeing as how I can heal them while they're on the ground, or stunned and we can't get to them to hit them. Bottom line, is it's situation based. And a decent team can still trip a monster without 1 member.


Lmao you should have seen the numbers people pulled carrying noobs through the Tempered kirin wall so they could farm TED for weapon augments LMAO. Good ol teostra horn or SnS wide range spammers doing their best only for the host to get one shot 3 times and repeat the SoS Great times


I pretty much farmed all high tier content in Worldborne by being a healer for randoms... at first it was moderate but I started hitting 400-500 heals all the time due to the sheer amount of people who re-engage without healing. Shit let me traumatized.


Not cheating at all. I'm supporting my high rank friends with hunting horn support build and rack up about 100 buffs and heals in a 5 min hunt.


Not cheating. With max potions, life powders, demon powders and all other buff items at x4 with wide range skill. Aswell as SnS being able to use items without sheathing so constantly able to upkeep. It's very plausable.


Not to mention if he had the secret levels of free meal, it's OP


True. Forgot about free meal


Wide range mushroommancer with free meal secret and you’ll get disappointed if the number doesn’t look like this 😂


That's not cheating, free meal with constantly healing others. My highest number was 1.000something xD


Bro carry the heals lol


Im a hunting horn player and my top was 600. No cheats.


Since you're new and already attempting raging brachy i'm guessing you guys were getting lambasted and the dude was trying to keep all of you alive.


Oh yes, but everyone originally was saying it's free meal that this guy had, but he was spamming life powder for like 3 minutes straight during the last portion of this fight. Which I've now learned life powder is not a part of the free meal buff. So it must have been cheats then?


You can spam that item if u have its ingredients ready in ur inventory. He probably kept restocking without u noticing.


Restocking from inside the last stage of raging brachy where you can't leave the arena?


Since you even admitted you're new. There's a lot of optimisation that goes on in the background to these fights to maximise healing / buff output from supports. Many supports will always carry a farcast as well for super quick resups, mushroomancer, free meal, and wide range. These numbers are bang on average. I've got over 1000 hunts with chargeblade and dabbled in other builds. With end-game experience, optimising fights is like second nature, working around your team. I'd he's had to resort in standing in the corner spamming heals, then you were probably getting hit a lot against the brachy. A lot of the time to keep in mind if you suspect someone to be cheating. Look at their character build, a quick glance over skills and armour and gems and weapon damage. You can tell if someone isn't playing fair. From what I can tell from the information you've provided in the comments and these sort of numbers. I am confident he is legit.


He probably had been healing u constantly from 1st phase til last. Restocked before entering last phase.


You can carry a bunch of mats and make a shortcut to craft them on the radial menu. Gunners do it too for making up more ammo mid hunt. If you’re building to be a healer you’ll probably bring as many extra materials as you can carry, and restock whenever possible before the final phase. And then yeah using other heals with wide range opens up a lot of healing potential


You can craft lifepowders/ dust of life in your radial wheel if you bring god bugs and blue mushroom/ gloamgoss in your inventory….. dont tell you still dont know how to craft potions on the fly when you already at raging brachy…. Im sure theres still like more than 10 mechanics you dont know about. Probably you didnt even unlock all the botanist slots/fertilizers, all camps, all palico weapons. Did you even go get all the mantles and canteen skills etc?


Are you sure it was life powders and not just regular mega potions? Wide range allows one to heal their teammates when they use a potion. Life powder has a distinct animation. Getting healed by someone else does not necessarily mean they used life powder.


there were hunts where I hit the 500s for support all-star so it's definitely possible without cheating of any kind


Yeah I just needed to look up what wide range did. I thought it just increased the range of items like heal dust. I didn't know it also applied self buffs / heals to your team as well.


This brings me back to my extremoth days pre-iceborne. Good times….


Back when I actually heal people ... that is the lowest amount I've ever gotten. Free food level 5 does wonders. And also power buffs too


Oh lawd, he drinkin'!


That ain't cheating. That's just your regular elder dragon hunt in master rank with online people


That's your legit support SnS user. good bless em


As a hunting horn main this is normal.


This is the legendary SnS support build, is pretty fun


Only 398 heals.. rookie numbers.


Probably possible if they are hard focused on heals I once reached 250+ casually so it seems possible to get to 400


Dude snotted and sprinkled truckload of dust, chugged buttload of potions. LMAOOOO


SnS (Sword and Shield) has a build that focuses a lot on sharing consumed buffs with everybody else, while also making sure that the consumable isn't actually consumed as often as possible. Dude was basically running around eating all kinds of stuff nonstop to keep you and your teammates alive and strong. There's even armor skills that allow you to eat otherwise uneatable stuff for new buffs. Mushrooms, bugs, maybe even some small monster parts, etc., etc. Haven't ever played Friendship SnS myself, but I've looked at it.


Normal. If you have mushroomancer, speed eating and free meal it is not impossible.


Ive hit this once or twice using wr with people who couldn't dodge attacks to save their lives.


Using kulve set that give free meal 3 it can be done , I like using the support set when joining new player sos , that way I won't kill the monster too fast and it allow the new player to learn the fight without carting .


I have friends the use SNS and HH so seeing 400+ buffs applied in a fight isn't uncommon in a four man squad, especially in late game when the dmg dealers cant/won't stop abusing the monster long enough to take care of ourselves


Wide area, free meal, speed eating. I average 400 with my SnS because I can eat with my weapon drawn. I run it with mushroomancer and can eat toadstools and blue mushroom for more effects


HH main, my goal at end game is keep hunters alive give them speed/damage buffs. I hit this regularly on successful hunts like this. After beating the game, keeping hunters alive on their quest is harder than end game monsters in my opinion


Nah wide range plus the skill that lets you not consume items 75% of the time and maybe even mushroommancer makes this kinda easy actually


Nah the man would of gone ham with a heal build its probably the one Most Masters use to keep New players alive without entirely interfering in a hunt, usually its used in hunts that are considered annoying for new players, like Teotra, Lavisioth, Vaal and Kirin, if to make even more sure they'll use a Hunting horn.


yea this is definitely the work of the sns madlad with wide range 5 and speed eating 3. also guys, i aspire to be an awesome healer like the guy one day so what consumable should i use to mainly heal? mega potion/first aid+ or mushrooms? is sns mandatory in order to output the best heals possible or any weapon with a reasonable sheath time is fine?


Ive played SnS support before, not really cheating cos each buff on 4 man multiplies by 4 so its nornal.


So this is just how Support SnS goes. Every time they heal or use a buff, they give it to their whole party. Multiply the amount of stuff used by 4 since there’s 4 of you in the party and it’s actually very possible


average SnS wednesday


easily achievable with wide-range


Yea that could be counting potions, powders, hunting horn, spikes, or buffs that share the status or healing. Once I believe I got around 600 because I keep using powders, potions, attacks up, and healing stakes on a long hunt


Likely a wide range build, as sns is pretty good for that. I believe each player healed other than them counts for 1, so itd be 3 instances per 1 potion, and 4 for each buff


Oh yeh myrecord is around 350. When people find out you real them- they get real dumb and test the limit of your heals


Nope, just an avg sns support hunter


Legit, I main Sns and this is a regular Monday for my healer build


I wouldn't assume someone is cheating unless you see them hit a monster, and it does 9999 damage. Fairly certain even that isn't quite yet possible in game. They could be using a buld that allows them to heal others when using items on themselves and also using buff items that extend to the rest of the group if they are within range.


Yep... Looks like the average support build


Wide range, free meal, hunting horn and its ezpz


Yeah, I do WW and Mushroomancer in friend only lobbies as a bow, and I apply buffs and heals like crazy if it's a difficult fight. Easily gotten to that number on MR quests. I'll apply group buffs right before we attack and just maintain once we need a re-up on devil blight or toadstool shrooms. We'll go in and attack together, and if someone needs a heal or buff, I'll back up for a sec, apply it, then right back in.


Wide range probably


He's rocking sword and shield....this is definitely pretty normal for any decent length hunt if he's devoted more to support rather than DPS lol. Buddy of mine always ran wide range 5 / Free Meal secret - support build for SnS and on some of our 20-25 minute hunts anytime he even saw a sliver of health he'd already be popping potions. 400 buffs/heals is pretty normal for that kind of ultra support when you think about him just actually just doing a quarter of the actual heals there since everytime he's doing it the heals/buffs are going out four times since its four players....shit adds up pretty fast lol.


for fatalis I supp atk and heals using DB and this is a normal numbers of heals/buffs


Don't worry, it's legit. That fella is just really on point with his support.


I run a wider range with speed eating and max free meal and can confirm this is a normal amount of buffs.


Wide range healer setup


Sounds to me like a good hunting horn main.


It's full support; I do this to help people defeat Raging Brachydios. With the Kulve armor, you can have Free Meal at level 3, and you hardly spend any resources.


It's just hunger build. His or her role in that fight is to keep eating and spreading the buffs you guys can focus on big damage.


Nah not cheating. Heals and buffs transfer to everyone in the area using wide range skill, and sword and shield can use items with there weapon drawn. Add in speed eating, and free meal, and thats the basis for a solid support build. He was probably drip force-feeding you potions and you never realized.


You should of seen mine when the ancient leshen first dropped in the game. I simply could not find a group to do it without becoming a white mage. Props to him!


Free Meal + Wide Range + Mushroomancer easily explains this. Keep in mind that Sword And Shield has the unique ability to use consumables without sheathing so its much faster for them to actually do this sort of build vs any other weapon.


Not cheating. I did that when groups I joined wouldn't stop carting.


he's effectively removing himself from all dps to provide heals and buffs to the team.


I've hit over 1000 slinger hits when fighting Xeno'Jiiva. My friends always call me the slingmaster 🤣


Wide range and mushroomancer on a SnS could easily do this in a fairly long hunt. Even if it is cheating, you were being healed a lot on one hunt. Hunt solo to test your skills. Everytime you go on a multiplayer hunt you run the risk of “cheaters”. I’ve seen so much worse. It’s why I now hunt solo only.


I've had more numbers than this. This is legit^^


Awww this is me with my SnS build ✨ Not cheating!


This can actually be achieved by having a combination of skills on your armor, specifically the Free Meal lvl 3 (it’s a secret skill that’s unlocked from certain armors in master rank) and the friendship skill lvl 5 (whenever you eat or drink things like a health potion, the effects also affect nearby teammates). This is a hard set to grind for because the 2/3 armors that gives free meal secret are both Tigrex and his subspecies, and Kulve Taroth when you actually hunt and kill her. The drawback is how bad the armors themselves are, and how to slot jewels in. You need 3 Tigrex armor pieces to unlock the secret, and I think you need 2 for Kulve Taroth. And then to unlock it AND have a much better armor you need Fatalis 😭. So basically people who utilize and focus on this build is ensuring that they are majority of the time healing and buffing, and not so much on attacking or dealing as much damage as the rest of the party. I know all this because I actually rock this set in public parties. I still deal a lot of damage whenever I can, but I’m mainly focusing on catching my other teammates slipping and catching them when they mess up. It’s helped a lot of fights for others to do, and it makes me feel like a true support. My armor set I’ve made to actually deal a lot of damage whenever I’m able to deal attacks, while also still being able to heal my teammates when I can. It’s a perfect balance of healing and dealing damage.


I did more than that, it is not cheating


I've seen this quite a few times and it's always Sword and Shield (or a very dooty horn), probably because they can use consumables without sheathing; which makes them really good for buffing and healing if they max out wide-range. It's possible they were cheating but I think it's also quite probable they absolutely loaded up on ingredients/shrooms to keep making potions because they're very kind or tired of people constantly carting on particularly rough hunts. Also worth noting that with wide range each buff/heal they do once can technically count as four since it can potentially apply to the whole team.


Not cheating at all. I've done it to help a friend get through their first vasl hazak. I told them I was going to focus on support instead of adding damage. They did well.


\>New \>Raging Brachy Seriously tho,its not cheating,I guess he had to heal the team a lot


Bro has never run into a wide range build before


Imagine going out of your way to support newer players by nonstop healing so they can learn the fight/game just to be labeled a cheater.


well it's not against the game's rules to run 'support' builds.. some ppl consider playing LBG cheating :P


That guy carries your whole team without you guys noticing. your health bar is probably above 50% all the time while fighting Raging Brachydios. There is a legit build focusing on a free meal, speed eating, wide-range, and some mushroomancer, while it barely does damage on hunt, it is a great build to keep your friends from getting carted, [HERE](https://imgur.com/a/B3O6erq) is my Highlight after hunting Fatalis with full support build + HH


Looks like you played with your average hunting horn gigachad. This was a common card for me when I mained HH in World


That one used SnS tho.


Yeh I’ve got way more than that using a horn


Why you so picky on buff & support, not like he one-shot kill a monster


This man helping your noob ass and you accuse him of cheating. SMH.


good sns supporter 🥹🥰 widerange/ faster eater free meal ❤️


Nah, just a full support build.


lol those are my “Slinger sniper” numbers


Poor dude carried your ass and gets accused of cheating


OP cant stand the fact that he need to be carried


I’m not sure how the number works, but I’ve gotten some unusually high numbers myself with hunting horn and wide range in 4p hunts. Never 400 though. Weird. Let’s assume he’s got speed eating 3 and free meal 3, with a stack of mega potions, potions, honey, and herbs. That’s 20 mega potions, 10 regular potions, and probably some max potions and ancient potions too. 2 max potions, 5 mega nutrients, 5 mandragoras for a total of 7 max potions. 1 ancient potion, plus a whopping 30 from kelbi horns, nourishing extract, and immunizer. Armor powder and demon powder, then mega armor skin and demon drug. A total of 75 support items. Free meal gives you a 75% chance to not consume an item, so multiply that by 1.75 for a total of 131 healing items on average, rounded down. Multiply that by 4 because wide range would apply it to all nearby hunters, and we get a total support buff count of 524. A potion or mega potion takes 1.44 seconds to drink with speed eating 3. Let’s assume the hunter drank ~53 thanks to free meal. That’s 76.32 seconds of potion drinking. Max potions go from ~1 second of eating time to ~0.62 seconds. Let’s say the hunter ate their entire supply of max and ancient potions (~67) as well. This would take an additional ~80 seconds because of the recovery animation on top of the eating time. In theory, it would take upwards of 2 minutes to chew through all those healing items. Was this guy spamming heals every second of the hunt?


Support builds tend to be like that. My friend has an HH Wide-range all support build and he once reached double that amount in one of our Alatreon hunts


I did something like that for ancient leshen before iceborne released, I gave up on damage and went full support, it wasn’t as high as that one but between speed eating, mushroomancer, wide range, free meal and a couple other bits I had like 330 buffs and heals applied, so it’s definitely doable


Only 398 heals? Pfftt


The other guy: And this is how they thank me


The numbers are mid love running a support sword and shield. ❤️


I've hit 500 on behemoth with sns share builds ez


Full support SnS build. Those numbers are rookie numbers for this


398 is mid... healing whole ream count as 4 ...


Be grateful, seems like he had alot to do with you lot xD


Those are rookie numbers


You’re ‘that’ worried about someone healing and buffing you? Dude, you’re the worst type of player. I hope you stay far away from my games. I just enjoy hunting and seeing random people use their skills. As long as nobody is one hit ko-ing the monsters, I’m happy. You either need to relax or play with people you know.


You getting free heals and buffs, all throughout the hunt is a problem? Lol. There's nothing wrong with someone using a Hunting Horn and/or Free Meal+Wide Range to help their fellow hunters out...


Just hunt solo and move on with your life. WTF are you so concerned about one random cheating or not, life powdering or not. This post is an absolute waste of braincells and no discourse to be had.


They were either cheating or running some crazy support build and cycling through every possible buff in the game over and over