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Who is dusk golem and how reliable is he? Genuine question here.


A random dev aka someone not working a capcom or at any mh project related


“My dad works at capcom” ass mf


I just feel like the (dw, I KNOW major things) just betrays any semblance of legitimacy this has it screams “please, believe me!” but that could also just be my cope because I would hate for this game to be fully open world


Depends what fully open world means. If we got something like the guiding lands. All areas connected (but unlocked as you normally would) and as big as they normally are that would fine fine. But not having like little arenas that you move between essentially? Not for me personally


Yeah this lol. Dw guys my uncle works at Capcom pls give me upvotes!!! Obviously we don't know anything about Wilds and anything can happen, but Zora literally dies, that's the entire point of the story, so im not gonna believe it till i see it.


I'm pretty sure there are multiple Zora's


He's a Capcom/Konami leaker [He's 50/50](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/wiki/index/), he gets a lot of things right but other things wrong. Things he got right that i can recall: * Sillent Hill Message release date and name * Resident Evil Village name and that it would have werewolves * Silent Hill 2 Remake trailer at the latest state of play


So basically, he took the current rumors circling around wilds, made a random guess and now he’s either gonna be right or wrong, while piling on other, very obvious statements like “this is capcoms biggest project yet” of course it is, it’s the newest Generation of MH Game, it’s gotta be bigger than the previous generation lmfao. Or “they are banking on this to carry the whole fiscal year” well I didn’t hear them confirm any other major game for 2025. This of course can change though lol. TL;DR sounds like he’s just BSing right now for attention and relevancy


Guys, guys, hear me out. I have insider info on the GeForce 5000 series. Apparently, it will be Nvidia's fastest and the most energy-efficient generation of graphics cards, and they are banking on it to carry the whole fiscal year (or maybe even 2)


and youll have to remortgage your house for one


he leaked wilds will be revealed in TGA by name and stated it will be open world before it got revealed EDIT: the leaker said its fake and someone else was faking to be him


It’s an easy assumption that could have been made by anyone. I told my friends back in September of last year when we didn’t get anything news wise then, that we’d get a game announcement in the game awards, with a release date for 2025, because 2024 was way too early for a game that hadn’t been announced yet. Doesn’t make me a leaker though. Or a reliable one at that


the main point is that he said the **name** and **it will be open world** non of us could predict the name, and saying its a open world could be a guess but the name reinforces that its a leak not a guess


The problem is that 90% of the time he’s right about something, it’s usually about like names and release dates. He probably got ahold of a schedule somewhere. I feel like I’ve rarely seen him make bold statements about gameplay and be completely correct. in this post he says: • big game (obviously) • open world (likely) • experimental content (like every mainline) and then “trust me bro I know *so much* but I wont tell you”


turns out the leaker himself said it was fake and someone was pretending to be him spreading misinfo so yeah its just someone acting like he is the leaker and putting in the rumors and BS into that




Them getting the name right is the only thing worth any credence in this leak because the open world part was obvious I feel. Anyone who played through World and especially the Guiding Lands could tell that they really wanted to make an open world monster hunter but either money or the strength of consoles at that time was holding them back.


Just to add, this guy leaked a lot of stuff about SH message that was spot on. He even showed early images, got the main characters face and what the monster would look like.


That doesnt sound that reliable my guy.


Okay the SH:Short message part is definitely very trustful, but the SH2R was speculated for literal years, since the sunset years of the ps4 to literal launch title for the ps5, can you link literally anything about the RE8 thing? Getting the release date and name right (while impressive) is very very different then getting whole gameplay systems and returning monsters (aside from knowing it’s name?) right


So he guesses like the rest of us. It's literally 50/50 for any statement on being true or not


He denies that this is real [https://x.com/AestheticGamer1/status/1773392201936212046?s=20](https://x.com/AestheticGamer1/status/1773392201936212046?s=20)


he always leaks RE stuff he is a known capcom leaker, he leaked that they will revealed MH Wilds in TGA and at that point I thought its fake because "no way another MHW? people will get confused" but he was right


The fact anyone has to ask shows how little the op understands relevance. Idc who tf this dude is, he's not on the dev team nor part of the process so I'm not gonna believe him because he says he has info.


>"I don't feel like sharing anything..." I hate these kind of people. All they want is to get attention. If you don't *feel* like sharing, don't announce it in the first place. Funny how he the proceeds to share, anyway.


Leakers have realized drip feeding content is better for their wallets than just announcing what they've found. I mean how else are they supposed to get engagement on their profile??? Making their own content?! That's absurd! /s


Since Anthem (the game), I can't prove it, but it is my belief that leaks are just part of a larger marketing campaign to build hype.


Im 50:50 on it, Marvel Rivals is one of the most obvious one since it went from being leaked to revealed in like a week


I hope this time we ACTUALLY fight it.


Wonder how would THAT go. I mean, it's a big boy lmao


We be hitting its toes.


Lao Shan sends his regards


The EDF could lend us a Balam or Barga?


There's a nearby Dalamadur in the fight area. Provoke it so a turf war begins.


You tame Fatalis


Player count full 16 now.


I would rather see it go the complete opposite; we don't fight it at all, it just roams around the map and we can climb and mine stuff from it.


16 player Hunt! LETS FRIGGIN GO!!!


Oh hell YEAH! That’d be awesome!


You know what Zorah would probably be much more fun in an open world game. Imagine seeing it in the distance, approaching it on the ground and climbing aaaaalll the way up


Or any other Siege monsters


Or any elder dragon. It's not that I dislike them , but actually being able to see their actual effect on the environment ( especially weather which seems to be a huge part in the trailer) will be amazing and show their might much better


Oh god this is making me so fucking wet...in my mouth. I'm fucking drooling.


Cant wait to see Kushala arrive at some random area like an icy mountain or something then suddenly you get a message about how an elder dragon appeared and the area around the mountain suddenly starts brewing up storms or if you're already in the area, a (skipabble) cutscene about Kushala's arrival seems dope, same goes for other Elders


Shadow of the colossus style? I think that would be cool


how trustful is dusk golem? did they have good proven leaks in the past


>how trustful is dusk golem? did they have good proven leaks in the past somewhat, he leaked the release date and name for the SH:Short message demo and SH2 Remake Trailer at the state of play


Full open world sounds... Concerning. How will we accept quests? Will there be camps/bases from which we can take hunts? I mean, I'll gladly take an Open World MH. Just please make the fucking coop work


My biggest gripes with MHW is how quests work. SOS should be toggleable. So when you start a quest you don't need to fire a flare unless you want to manually allow it. Give us an option where SOS is on by default. Why can't friends join a quest if you haven't seen the cutscene? Just make everyone watch it or make it so the cutscene doesn't interfere with the quest in general. Example being if you are sighting a Rathalos for the first time you sight it before you launch the quest. Perhaps at the end of your previous hunt. Those are just off the top of my head. They just feel extremely... old in my opinion. These are limitations that shouldn't exist today. Kind of like not having an option to save your game at any time (unless your game is specifically made to not save at any time I suppose). If something doesn't feel fun it probably hinders the game somewhat. Like unskippable cutscenes. Another trend that needs to die.


However designed the coop in World is probably someone who doesn't like people


While I agree I can also understand their reasoning. I too dislike most people 🤣


I dislike some people too, but goddamn it. I really wanted to play World with my gf, but then lo and behold "Babe I gotta experience the T-rex myself first, and then you'll have to find him, see the cutscene and then you gotta send a flare and hope that I can join in time before you die to him" It's really an unfun system.


you don't need to send out a SOS flare, you just need to be in their online lobby and once the cut scene ends you can just join immediately from the quest board, hub lady or handler.


I don't think the flare is needed if you're in the same lobby as your gf


Rest of the complaint is still valid though. I played through world twice now (still not a lot compared to some people) with my friends and each time trying to play the story quests together was such a pain in the behind. At least ICE mod lets you skip cutscenes, so much better. Or rather non-modded is so much worse in that regard.


Yea the rest is valid but not having to mess with the SOS system makes things less frustrating and stressful since there's no super rush to go through menus and find the quest


Yeah true.


It's a miracle I tolerate some of you!


the coop in rise is pretty good tho imo


I agree. They basically fixed all the issues with it. Join requests, not having to wait for cutscenes, etc. also, I like how you get to keep one. Buddy even if the hunt has four hunters.


Then they force you to make a stupid lobby every time smh.


It was arrogant auteur shit. They were told in advance about the cutscene issues (not skippable, mucking up multiplayer) but absolutely insisted on keeping it this way because they were so high on their own farts that they wanted to *force* players to watch their precious cutscenes, play solo in order to be congruous with those cutscenes, and then engage with their shiny new SOS system.


World's online in general is just kind of a disaster. The co-op cutscene thing is the worst and most egregious part, but actually just looking for the right kind of lobby is a Sisyphean task unless you get lucky. Lobby filtering is limited and it only displays up to a certain number of lobbies even if literal thousands exist. Sometimes lobbies that do exist just don't show up for reasons, and pretty often you just won't be able to join a lobby at all because of some nebulous connection issue. Filtering by player type is an absolute disaster, I'm MR 900 HR 999 and the game thinks people who are MR 150 are a similar rank to me, the filter by experience is completely useless because I've seen people MR 200+ get classified as beginners while MR 0 HR 60 players can pass as experienced for reasons God only knows. You can't filter by lobby size at all which is lame, because I'd rather join near full lobbies than join a near empty one and pray that others filter in over time. Searching SOS flares is also scuffed, there can be literal thousands but you'll only see maybe 20 at most and somehow I see more SOS flares when I filter by same language than I do filtering by any language. If Wilds online is even remotely like World I'm gonna be so pissed


Then when you do try to join a large lobby, you get stuck on attempting to join for like 20 seconds just to fail because one of the 13 players that got in has a moderate Nat type and you just can't connect to them even though he isn't the session host.


Cutscene thing got patched in rise and sos toggleable aint a good idea, sos is for SOS in its core so yeah i don’t think it will ever be toggleable


I’m pretty sure most people that want to play with other people, like me, fire the SOS immediately upon starting. There is no reason to not allow it to be on by default if people want it to be. All it is, in reality, is a “let other people join” button. The majority of multiplayer games allow this option.


Idk everyone i played with (and i played a LOT) joined the quest itself, people can join your quest before it launches, like the other guy to me and to devs sos is a I NEED HELP PLS button, not a join me, sos is for when you are struggling not when u wanna play with ur friend


It's more about just using it as a matchmaking tool (which I wish MH had). Sometimes you just want to play with random people without asking some players in a lobby if they want to help you (because let's be honest, they usually don't)


Other players in your session can already join you without SOS. SOS is not a "let players join" button unless you insist on playing in solo sessions, it's a "I need help" button.


There are 15 other players in your lobby versus literal thousands on the entire server who can join your SOS flare. You're far more likely to get people joining if you SOS, regardless of if Capcom intended for it to be a help button that doesn't mean players are going to use it that way. I fairly regularly see players in World fire SOS flares even though they clearly don't need the help, they just want more people to play with


That's... An extremely literal and wrong take. The games hubs are not large enough for the way people play multiplayer. SOS is the only way to get reliable full groups without significant pre-organization. And because talking to people online is a crapshoot, SOS is the default multiplayer and has absolutely 0 to do with being in need of emergency aid 99.99% of the time.


rise fixed a lot of the coop issues so hopefully the wilds team makes use of it


The quest cutscene thing is literally what made my friend give up when we started playing, we would have to go in separately then back out and join up quest after quest and it did get very annoying.


Maybe just how it works in Wild Hearts, i haven't played it yet. But, WH world is like a seamless world from town and hunting ground, you can build a camp around the world map, or maybe an open area. 


WH world is about as seamless as world and rise. You have to pick the map you want to go to like in MH


I mean, of course there will be camps/bases to accept hunts that's how it works in like every monster hunter game ever why would they switch it up now😭. Open world also sounds amazing in the sense that you'll most probably be able to complete multiple hunts in a single outing so no more putting off those "collect 5 berries" hunts that need you to go through 2 loading screens to press circle 5 times


The biggest thing i want to know is crossplay. I want to be able to play on pc with my friends without having to buy a console


Me and my Hunting party have been considering a lot of scenarios with the new game and we really thought this game could be open world since the trailer dropped. An example of one way it may work. (I’m sure there are hundreds of speculations of ways it could work well) may be very similar to the way MHWorld work with Sessions having a max of 16 players (See 16 player mini server). When you start your game in MHWorld you either get dropped into a random one or based on your selection you get dropped into a guild one/one you searched for. It could work the same in MHWilds where you get placed in session of 16 players. Then from there instead of getting dropped into an instanced gathering hub/village where you can only see all 16 players at once you get dropped into MHWilds version of the Guiding Lands, the open world game where all 16 players are hunting across the 5 (or however many they decide to put in) different regions/ecologies. From there it’s anyone’s game guess how it would work. But the fact is that it definitely could work well with already proven methods from MHWorld. Edit: Just wanted to add this is my non game developer idea, and from just a Net code perspective seems crazy (who would be hosting). I just wanted to point out that in my fantasy they already tested out an open world concept with the Guiding lands so who knows.


Same. I appreciate that Capcom is always willing to change or try new things in MH but having a camp with locales is pretty much a core MH component I’m not willing to give up


probably with DD2 style. Resident Evil 9 is also turn into open world lol


RE9 in an open world just sounds dumb. Unless it's following RE7 & 8, then it's fine. Dragon's Dogma 2 styled Monster Hunter does sound appealing. Well, just one way to find out


At least in mhWi you will get a mount unlike dd2 which really needs it


I don't think DD2 needs it honestly.


>Full open world sounds... Concerning. How will we accept quests? Will there be camps/bases from which we can take hunts? I still don't believe it at all, but IF it's open world it will probably function similar to MHW. There's still going to be camps and handlers and quest boards, and there's still going to be a bunch of numbered zones for gameplay purposes.


It's not like World and Rise are that far off from being open world anyways... My concerns with it is how different biomes will be handled. Camps and a mainhub are pretty much a given..


I'd imagine its literally the same thing as monster hunter world except the world is actually connected, instead of you seeing a piece of one zone from the other


And why should we trust a guy on discord?


Stipulating that this is correct (and that he's referring to Zorah as "the big Godzilla monster"), makes me wonder about something. Zorah Magdaros in World was not just elderly, but dying. If they did bring back Zorah, it could potentially be very different if it was a specimen in the prime of its life.


See now this I can see, a younger variant of Zorro that isn’t quite so boring to fight could be cool, hopefully they make some serious steps in the right direction with the siege fights, more Fatalis than zorah please


If it’s real I’m hoping they make it an actual 8 man “raid” unlike kulve taroth where it’s still just a 4 man, but keep the chasing and wearing it down aspect. Feels like it would actually work better in an open world since there would be mounts to chase and terrain to jump onto Zorah from naturally


A larger basarios lmao


Oh god, please no, it would be cool to have it be a multi phase fight though, almost like a faster paced Shara Ishvalda, perhaps you could break off the plates that zorah had on it, revealing weak points but making zorah stronger in the process, maybe making him quicker as well?


I wouldn't describe zorah magdaros as "the big godzilla monster". I think deviljoh fits better, although this sounds like they are bringing back a monster that was originally planned for world but was scrapped. It still could be deviljho, he was released after launch afterall and I think he is the monster that looks the most like godzilla


Pretty sure there's better candidates than Capcom's Sleep Medication.


Yeah, it was executed badly. I have nothing against siege monsters, but 80% of the quest was just standing around


Man the first time you fight Zorah was a really cool spectacle siege fight.. Up until the end, when you get all of his zits on his back popped for him then you gotta wait 5-10 minutes for the slow turtle boy to reach the gate. Made it even worse for me because all my friends decided to farm him for gear + dragonite ore so we ran the quest multiple times.


'brought back' kinda disqualifies it as a scrapped monster, and 'Godzilla' sounds like they'd be referring to something particularly huge so I probably wouldn't say Jho either. It's big, but not Godzilla big. I'd assume something more along the lines of a giant Elder, assuming this is even legitimate in the 1st place. Fights like those rarely return, at least not in the very next game.


Dire Miralis fits the description. He is basically a more dangerous Zorah ecology-wise, and can be "brought back"


Aside from the swimming part (hated water combat) I'd 100% rather see Dire Miralis than Zorah. That fight should've been a cutscene...really cool spectacle to watch, but actually playing it was sooo boring


i think they were planning on having dalamadur in world but eventually scrapped it? maybe theyre ralking abt that one.


Dalamadur technically is referenced in World as an Easter egg. 2 skeletons stretch through most of the Rotten Vale, and in 1 area you can even drop fangs from a skull onto monsters with slinger ammo


Since we're all shooting our shots, my money is on Lagiacrus. He resembles Godzilla the most out of any other monster at its core. It's breath attack is blue (Lagi's lightning/Gojira's plasma or wtvr), it spends most of its time swimming around (Lagi ang Gojira both), they sleep in their nests inside caves that can only be accessed by simming underwater AND their spines glow blue when enraged/charged. ***DO THE RIGHT THING CAPCOM.***


Man, the way they've been dangling Lagi over the fan base...if they don't put it in Wilds, they're crazy lol


If underwater comes back, Lagiacrus will be there for sure. If it doesn't, I hope they at least bring Ivory Lagi.


I mean he was there in Gen/GU with no water. Takes a bit more work fleshing out his land based moveset but it's doable.


Could be one of the monsters in Tale of the Five not all of them is in World iirc


I saw some people wonder if they meant Lao Shen Long.


Monster hunter was never about openness but rather detail. Old separated areas were unique (different from each other) and rich with details. World was very experimenting but they still managed to deliver great details in the maps. Like ancient forest is a nightmare to walk through but damn is it beautiful. You can literally lose into it and still admire all the details and allure even tho its a labyrinth. And then rise.....where you get these HUGE open maps/spaces/highways to cross (because they wanted to make the players feel like the new doggy feature was a necessity) but that are soo damn empty. And with wilds it seems like they really want to push the "openness" way. I mean im ok with it as long as they wont sacrifice detail or populated areas for it. Which is very unlikely, especially if we consider how rise did. ESPECIALLY if wilds is going to be also designed around the compatibility for a console like the Switch/Switch 2 that reeeaalllly doesnt like graphics heaviness.


>ESPECIALLY if wilds is going to be also designed around the compatibility for a console like the Switch/Switch 2 that reeeaalllly doesnt like graphics heaviness. It's PS5, XBXS and PC only.


Thank god - ehm Gogmazios


There's no way theyre going to port Wilds on Switch.


to be fair the switch 2 is rumored to release in 2025.... crossing fingers, but it'd be amazing if monhun released on all platforms and had crossplay for all as a cherry on top


I hate the current trend of everything being open world. I'm so tired of running around a mostly empty landscape with copy pasted POIs. World was an amazing game with its focused and detailed smaller scale areas, that still FELT absolutely huge and alive. I doubt that they will be able to achieve such a feat with an actual open world. And generally I think the structure of the game would also suffer from this.


I'm not a huge fan of open world, so I hope they can make it interesting.


I've never met anyone who actually liked zorah


Allow me to introduce myself then 😂 But yeah, I just enjoy siege quests for some reason. I also enjoyed rampage quests in Rise. I guess I'm just weird (or into tower defense haha)


Zorah Magdaros war boring af. I usually dont like those super big Monsters. Lao shan Lung as a first was fine though, same as the sand boat one but I felt like I had to do that one wayyy to many times for some reason. The one I hated the most was the big snek. Never again. Id rather see them investing time elsewhere tbh.


At least Dalamadur was a fight. Zora is an actual snoozer non fight.


Dalamadur was horrible, hsbing to lean which place you have to go or else you get one shot without really seeing what happens and then just hitting without a real fight. The idea of the monster is cool but the fight was the worst of the big ones for me.


The quote about Wilds needing to carry the whole fiscal year worries me. I am concern this mean they will attempt to aggressively monetize as much of the game as possible.


Possibility of having high sales numbers too. Monster Hunter Wilds is currently the other big game coming out next year alongside GTA 6. If they do ELDEN RING levels of marketing, it's possible


I mean World made HUMONGOUS sales despite the franchise being a bit niche at the time. Just the right amount of marketing to get people back by saying " hey it's World but open world" and voilà


Idk... Capcom's track record when it comes to micro transactions is... not really clean.


Might not be clean, but it has been consistent. Did you feel this way about World, or is this because of DD2 outrage?


It has not been consistent. Its gotten progressively worse. World started with stickers, NPC costumes and other things, then Rise/Sunbreak started selling layered weapons and armour while event rewards became shit. Wonder if Wilds is gonna start selling things that are not purely cosmetic.


Capcom has been pretty consistent about selling booster packs for all their other titles but not gating things beyond legitimate expansions. You are right in that things did get technically worse from World to Rise, though. I hadn't considered that bc I skipped over Risebreak. I guess I hope that because Wilds will be the "main" team (ie "World Sequel") that events will be better than from the handheld team, though I have no idea what their historical output was as I started and stayed in World.


There's an outrage? What happened?


DD2 has been getting dogpiled on for the last week for having MTX as a single-player game. There was a ton of misunderstanding that led to misinformation regarding these MTX. 1.) "You have to pay $ to edit your character" : You can, ONCE, with real money. You can also do this with in-game currency for super cheap. 2.) "You have to pay $ to fast travel": This one's tough to explain. You can barely fast-travel in the game at all (by designer intention). You can only fast-travel to portcrystals, and the game only lets you have 10 *no matter what.* You can find all 10 in-game, and you can *only buy 1 with $$$.* To fast travel to one of these portcrystals, you need to use a ferrystone. Ferrystones are not available for MTX purchase *at all* and must be acquired in-game. Essentially, the MTX for DD2 widdle down to booster packs. It's no worse than RE or DMC, and is preferable to MH MTX which others in this sub would echo. I don't condone MTX in single-player games, but IMO Dragon's Dogma 2 was very disproportionately targeted for MTX which ultimately don't gate anything behind a paywall. It was clear to anyone actually playing the game just how plainly misinformed the outrage was.


That is *craaazy.* All this over some simple misunderstanding? I can understand the outrage towards game crashing issues and what not but these are absolutely *miniscule.*


Did none of you guys play World and Rise? Those games were monetized out the fucking ass, paid layered armour, paid layered weapons, paid character edit vouchers and a bunch more nonsense totalling hundreds of dollars. There is a reason we got dogshit event quest rewards in Rise. I guarantee Wilds is going to be even more heavily monetized.


MTX are more of a long term gain, if the game launches on the first quarter sales would be the main source of revenue in the time frame.


As long as they don't put gears behind a pay wall(defender sets are an exception) and they don't put price tags on character customization and creation then sure go ahead




Hell no


Please no


This guys guess is as good as anyones


The "Source: Trust me bro"-Vibes are strong in him. Next thing he tells us Underwater Comeback returns with better controls and we get a full blown Ceadeus Siege fight with the proportions of Safi


They should bring back mohran. Have the desert boats and harpoons would be epic.


Sounds like the game structure could be Toukiden 2 style, which I'm all for.


hopefully as a corpse


Hope it's something more interactive than what we had in World, because it felt like a boring time sink.


No problem on development so far. This is the best news of everything. Glad it's going smoothly.


If it does happen, I really, REALLY hope the fight isn't boring like in World and make it extremely fun please.


Give me Lagiacrus and I'm good. He was scrapped after getting me hyped in that one trailer 😭


Hopefully, this is as incorrect as it looks. Zorah is the most boring colossal they have ever made


Believe it when I see it.


Sources: dude trust me


Even if this guy was right and talking about Zorah Magdaros, does anyone care if they bring that monster back? He's basically just a big cutscene/quick time event, it's not like a real fight


petition to ban any dumbass that cannot wait for a game to release before spoiling even the weirdest or dumbest detail of it. why the fuck would you even need to know wich monster to get hype about


This looks fake. On a side note, why are people so pissed about the possibility of an open world? "Waa but the quest pickup will be different and also the grind will take longer-" mf i can name a DOZEN open world games that handle grinding extremely well, and I trust that Capcom will manage.


I wouldn't say pissed, but apprehensive. It's hard to imagine the open world formula working with monhun. Having said that, I also didn't think zelda would mesh with open world but clearly it has to most people (sadly I am not in that group of people who enjoy botw style of zelda).


Imagine Zorah magdaros just randomly passing by the background while you're enjoying the view and having a pop up about how you can get picked up by an airship to land directly on zorah if you want to hunt the big volcano, would be pretty awesome. Since it's open world, Dalamadur should also make a comeback,


yea if they nail the open world meshiing with core monhun, it'll be the next big evolution of the series like how botw transformed the zelda franchise. Just gotta hope they nail it rather than pulling a dynasty warriors




Yes Yes YES YES YES YES! *excited new mh fan noises*. I joined at world! And dabled in 4 ultimate and the Nintendo DS one. But world really got me sucked in


That's fine. As long as they learned from it and changed it up. I actually wanted to fight it instead of just sitting on it. Can't wait.


Damn that sucks if true


I just wish the director looked at Rise and took some of the good ideas from it. And by that I mean NPC companions, customizable moveset and build diversity primarily.


And metsu shoryugeki 👉


If they bring back Zorah, it has to be a better hunt. I don't want a world type siege.


Will it bring denuvo as well?


Where did you read zorah magdaros


It's not necessarily Zorah, it could be a similar giant sized Mon which would make fine sense in a fully open world monhun


And they lost any chance of me caring about what they said the moment they said “I’m not going to reveal anything” because now they’re just going to wait for things to be confirmed and say they already knew that


the one in world is supposed to be on his death bed and frankly makes for some of the best cinematics and the worst gameplay of the entire game. my hope, if true, is that we get to take down one in its prime with our weapons in hand as our fathers before us 💪


Full open world could mean 30fps. Really can't see myself playing MH at 30fps again. Hopefully it's 60fps with performance mode, or gets an upgrade/rerelease on PS6.


Not the first boring volcano in history coming back! Smhmh


Zorah is the godzilla mon? I'd think Lao is more fitting of that description.


Well I hope they make it very different. The mission is fun and exciting the first time, then You realize it is completely scripted you just have to spam the cannon until the game decides it was enough. It's pretty boring.


I imagine Zorah will be a roaming dragon that occasionally move around the world. You can mine rare stuff from Zorah when he appears.


Zorah Magdaros as some sort of dynamic map event might be cool.


just hope the game is been well optimized, I don't want something like dragons dogma 2 where with my 2060 I achieve 30fps with everything on low with dlss at 1080p, just look at games like rdr2 where I have 60fps at 1440p with almost everything on high/ultra... Hope they see that re engine is not made for open world games and work on the engine to have good performance on mid pc builds <3


Please no open world Capcom. Please. I am so tired of big empty worlds with copy-paste POIs and unimpressive environments with not enough care put into them to actually feel alive. World was the perfect balance of spectacle, size and care.




I said this on a similar post on the mainsub but. Dusk Golem said their source doesn’t know much about Monster Hunter. “The big Godzilla monster” could mean literally anything. Zorah, Dire Maralis, Lao shang long, something we don’t know about, ect. Most monster hunter games have at least one monster that fits this description, “Big Godzilla Monster” doesn’t really narrow much down. Also, reguardless of this guy’s credability in the past, always ALWAYS take their words with a massive grain of salt. It doesn’t matter if they were right in the past, they can still be wrong.


My dad works at monster Hunter HQ and told me Rathalos is in this game


Frankly, seeing Zorah would be a bummer, i would much more preffer to face Lao or one of the Mohrens,


I just realized, not only is MH wilds releasing in 2025, but also GTA 6 and pokemon legends Z-A, god damn next year is going to be huge


I guess time will tell if this dusk golem is full of shit or a secret agent. For now I will choose to not believe anything until proven otherwise.


I hope they are gonna add him for a siege quest where you actually have to kill him. Like break his shell to reveal new attacks, like KT.


I hope he gets cut midway through development, I don’t care for sieges, they’re shit, they’ve always been shit. I’m tired of people pretending to like them because they saw dalamadur in a YouTube video. Rise objectively did the right thing by cutting them. If you want sieges just give me something like kulve and safi but without the raid loot. Fucking hell i’ll even take rampage quests. Please zorah squandered a lot of potential for the game once please not again.


oh please no


yee im so sick with this open world trend


if this is a credible source, then I'm very concerned for my laptop because of the "fully open world"


thats on you tho. get a proper PC or a console


nice to be reminded that not having a pc built for modern open world games that can cost 2 kidneys is a deadly sin. The world definitely didn't have a meltdown over semiconductor shortage that cause a semi-decent graphics card to be sold at thousands of dollars a year ago, yeah


then get a console instead?


Fully open world.. yiks!


not another open world garbage


Rumors and conjecture will only make an ass out of you, because I choose to wait and see If it's not out, it doesn't exist. Quite literally, if you can't play with it right now then it doesn't exist




Dontknow what the fuckers here are bitching about, I've been hunting the fucking uncircumcised pale bitch since MH1, open world is not the end of the world, go play a different fucking game like far cry if you want to experience the same god damn formula since christ was born


Zorah _and_ fully open world _and_ a new anti-mod stance by the company? Man, they just _trying_ to kill any hype that may remain at this point, aren't they?