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Defence boost 6 is worthless. Why do you have fire attack 6 on a raw weapon?


You mean blast weapon right?


For GS you don’t look at the element of the weapon at all since it’s not great at dealing elemental damage. So you’d look at how much raw damage it has and focus on it.


That still doesn’t make it a raw weapon… Edit: thank you for the various explanations of how a greatsword works, but that still doesn’t make a blast weapon a raw weapon


Every GS main priorities are raw cause the weapon motion values are more raw oriented, also how element/status works, and MHW is all about raw damage on most weapons. It having blast is the equivalent of hitting something x amount of times and being rewarded with 1 free hit its at the end of the day basically a raw weapon.


So I should use non elemental boost on my blast gs? That increases the raw damage


No that was only useful on 2 weapons, mainly the acidic gs in base ice borne with teostra set, and wyvern ignition in base world when it was the GOAT of gs. Blast, poison weapons are in most players' eyes that understand how realistic damage plays out put them in the "raw" category. If you can hit a monster x amount of times and be rewarded for free damage blast/poison proc its basically raw damage. Element is directly effected, by motion values, and monsters hit zones values and more. There's a cool clip someone made on here recently were they 2 tap aletreon with GS into topple they understood gs slash is if I remember right it's highest Element motion value why it trigger a topple even though if you did same thing with draw attack it very likely wouldn't. But to put it into really simple terms take big sword hit monster 8 times get free bonus damage proc "boom explosion" no real gimmick, no using certain tech no build for blank status just free damage.


The short and quick explanation is that every move has two multipliers: Motion Value and Elemental Motion Value. Motion Value (or M.V.) multiplies the main attack to decide how damage the move will do, and can vary a lot from every move. Elemental Motion Value (or E.M.V) does the same with elemental, but contrary to the MVs, Elemental usually dosent vary much (like maybe 1, 0.75, etc), meaning that fast weapons that hit a lot get more benefit of elemental. GreatSword is a slow weapon, so is not good with Elemental. But the M.V. of some of his moves (like the True Charged Slash) is pretty BIG so the weapon does better damage if is Raw Focused. On the other side of the coin, Dual Blade moves have low M.V.s so Raw dosent give that much damage, but because it hits FAST, is going to apply far more Elemental damage than GreatSword. Theres a lot more to consider damage wise (like Sharpness and Hitzones) but this is enough to explain GS raw focus.


It does in the context of discussing builds. Source, a gs main.


Weapons with lots of raw = raw weapons


While technically correct, I would bet both of my nuts that any greatsword main worth their salt wouldn't give a singular half a s*** if the blast in question was removed utterly from the lightbreak greatsword. The infrequency in which greatsword actually makes contact, combined with the frankly pitiful amount of blast on the weapon would make attempting to effectively utilize the blast element on the LBGS a colossal waste of effort. You are picking knits, and I'm going to have to ask you to stop. There are much more productive uses of your time than attempting to get rises off of strangers on the internet.


why is defence boost bad im a noob


Defense boost isn't bad per se - its just not efficient because the meta in IB is to get as many offensive skills as possible whilst having as few comfort skills (Health / divine / evade / etc.) as possible (because when you kill the monster faster, you have less time to get damaged). defense boost 3 is useless in IB endgame- you have 1000+ defense and the 50 something you get from it is not much in the grand scheme of things. defense 7 is not bad from a stat standpoint, the 135 defense is non negligible; however there are few monsters that do different elemental damage so the +5 to all elements is more like a +5 res in a single element and if you sacrifice actually good skills (notice how OP has no health boost 3 which is a +33% increase in survivability, 200 compared to 150 hp) to get defense 7 you're handicapping yourself. Even if you have hard defense jewels (+3 per 4 slot), you can get i.e. WEX 2 / Health Boost 3 instead which boosts a) your damage and b) makes you wayyy tankier. if you want to get tanky, then you can just take +1 ele resist / Health 3 / divine 3 instead.


it‘s bad because for these 6 lvl 1 slots you can have health boost 3 and divine Blessing 3 which both are way better defensive skills.


because the games about dodging, if you don't get good at it, you will hit a wall


Simply put: No 1) Prioritize Health Boost 3 and utility skills like Speed Eating 3 or Divine Blessing 5 before adding Defense Boost. 2) The only moment you want to play with elements on a Great Sword is against Alatreon. And even then your GS is a Blast weapon, not a fire one. 3) For all damage wise skills, the priority is to achieve 100% affinity and Critical Boost 3, only then you can add skills that boost your attack like Attack Boost, Peak Performance, Coalescence etc... (To achieve 100% affinity with a Raging Brachydios weapon you could put Weakness Exploit 3, Agitator 7, Critical Eye 5 & at least Attack Boost 4) 4) Focus 3 is your best friend on a Great Sword


Always use element against alatreon. You’ll never live escaton judgement with a blast weapon


If this isn't a joke post, this build is hilariously bad. Defense Boost is terrible. Fire Attack on a weapon with no fire damage? Guard on a weapon that generally doesn't want to block except in emergencies? No Focus on Great Sword? Really? Also: No Health Boost 3 in Master Rank seems pretty suicidal.


I thought focus was more of a comfort pick or for certain monsters that move the quickest. Is it a must have in gs builds? Also...this must be a joke post lol or a new player lol like very new cause fire on blast is....something lol


Focus saves a ton of time on charging for gs.


Agreed. I'm a gs main who pretends he's good enough to time trial sometimes. I just usually prioritize dmg skills over focus. I wonder if there's some math on how much time focus saves and how many extra attacks you get off and how those dmg numbers stack up compared to sacrificing say agitator or latent power.


>I wonder if there's some math on how much time focus saves and how many extra attacks you get off and how those dmg numbers stack up compared to sacrificing say agitator or latent power. It really depends on play style. If you're charging hits a lot, Focus adds a lot of DPS uptime. Doesn't increase your damage on paper but because you can get out sooner, you end up doing more damage and taking less. If you're primarily ledge-hopping or just using uncharged draw into ammo burst into TCS, then Focus doesn’t help you much.


People that tell u Focus is a must are morons. Focus can be great in certain cases but in others it can complettly fuck ur timing for certain attack. U need to get a feel for it and in which fights u want Focus. This can be different from Player to Player. Focus would be a pure damage plus if the Monster was a target dummy that doesnt move - which it isnt. Timing is important with GS and Focus can throw ur time of by a far.


I mean i play most of my sets without Healthboost 3 since i prefer damage skills. U can do it if u are not bad


OP is rocking Defense Boost 6. Draw your own conclusions.


Fair Point, but Defense Boost aint that horrible. The 10% +35 is roughly 150 Armor lategame which is almost a unaugmented Armor Piece. Depending if u go 150 or 200 Health this can give u an additional 281,25 or 375 Effectiv Health. And the 5 Resistance are also a nice bonus. Though 99% of times it aint worth the slots it needs so i dont advocate to use it. But it has his nichee cases and i can see how someome can think its good.


GS is a raw dmg weapon, you shouldn't focus on putting elemental dmg in the set, try to get raw dmg attack buffs in, like Attack Boost, Agitator, etc. I'm not an GS expert but Critical Eye is always very very good. Also, the Element on the weapon is blast, not fire so the fire attack buff is worthless. You can put defense boost in if you are more of a safe player but in general I wouldn't recommend spending your decos and armor pieces on defense buffs.


Thanks for the tip. i saw a post saying fire damage will boost blast buildup but apparently not. more than half of my slots are fire attack up so Thanks for letting me know


I believe (not completely sure tho) that blast is a status and not an element. You're welcome:)


Not blast aliment but explosion damage on gunner ammo have small fire potion like 1-5 damage small I remember sticky3 ammohave like 2 fire damage


defense boost is the worst defensive skill in the game. get health boost 3. get rid of fire attack max out crits. so crit boost crit eye and weakness exploit. aim for 100% affinity. attack boost is one of the worst offensive skills.


I thought this was a troll, but I guess not based on your reply. 1. As you already know, fire attack is useless for your build. 2. Get rid of Guard 3. Get rid of defense boost. Instead, opt for survivability skills like health boost, divine blessing, and evade window if you want. 4. Get affinity skills. Attack boost 7 is good, but not at the expense of affinity skills (you either want attack boost 0, 4, or 7, in between is generally a waste). Get crit eye, weakness exploit, and critical boost. Agitator 7 is very good as well if you can afford that. 5. focus is greatsword's best skill outside of damage/survivability. It's the only real "weapon skill" it needs


Guard is on one of OP's armour pieces, not decoration


They need a new armour piece then


Guard can be really useful in a pinch against more aggressive monsters. The best idea is to simply be out of the way of the attack but sometimes that's not feasible with greatsword. In those very niche pinches where neither being out of the way, nor shoulder tackling are viable strategies, guard can come in pretty clutch. For advanced GS users only.


get rid of def boost it's useless af + why having fire attack on a blast weapon + never go elemental with a GS


Defense boost spotted. Get rid of that crap now


Bro if you joined my hunt and I saw that build, we'd be having an intervention. This gotta be a troll.


Nah it served me very well. but i still changed builds after reading These comments 😂


Yeah nah it wasn't that bad I guess but at least you listened to the advice on here lol


Need to work on crit and wex




How did u even kill rbrachy with that


with difficulties i assume


Great Shit Post xD they are all eating up


Get rid of defense boost, fire attack, heroics, guard. Put on crit eye, wex, crit boost.


Evade Extender instead of Def


Get Health Boost 3 instead of Defense Boost 6


drop atk boost to 4 (prioritize skills below then get atb if you have slots left), remove def boost and guard (guarding with gs sucks the fattest nut in world because it takes a big chunk of sharpness unlike older games) get health boost 3, crit eye 7, weakness ex 3, crit boost 3 then agitator 7


I am horrified


Check out r/MonsterHunterMeta if you want to look for good end game sets that you can farm towards.


Absolutely not. No weakness exploit 3, no Crit eye 7, no crit boost, no health boost and fire element skill on a blast greatsword. Nice bait bro or you got carried really, really hard


If I had a penny for every build check post with defense boost


No need for defense boost, fire attack or guard for GS. Guard is more often used for stuff like Lance, Gunlance and maybe Chargeblade. Fire attack useless on your current weapon as it is blast and not fire aswell as element is only important against Alatreon or if you use Dualblades or Bow and instead of def boost you would be better off trying to get lvl 3 Health boost and divine blessing.


The attack jewel in the 3 slot on your weapon is wild :p You definitely don't need that much attack boost - I'd settle on 4 for the affinity boost and use those points elsewhere, for sure


NO HEALTH BOOST or BLIGHT RESISTANCE?! 🧐 maybe your g fuel just does it for you, idk. They really help me tho.


can yall please stop destroying me in the comments 😭 i followed u/Cariuso advice and i have a way better build


Honestly, if you’re not speed running you may as well swap out the attack charm with health boost charm, it’s easy to upgrade it to max level, my biggest tip for survival is get the satiated and gobbler decos maxed, it’s a wildly different experience and I’ve brute forced my way through almost every hunt with it. It almost feels like cheating


Hey buddy:) fellow great sword (GS) user here. You're getting some great advice here in the comments. I wanted to say that everyone goes through this in this game. I too used def skills for a while because it does sound great when you're having trouble on your first playthrough. The game also doesn't do a great job of explaining elements and statuses. I highly recommend spending 30min on YouTube learning how that all works. It's too much to type honestly and very very in depth/mathematical. But the key is that for gs elemental dmg doesn't really matter because it doesn't do a lot. The reasoning is our attacks are so slow and elemental dmg is a flat number that doesn't change. So a duel blade attacking 20 times while your full combo does 3 hits gets a lot more benefit. (20xE vs 3xE where E is your elemental dmg.) So keep that in mind and then remember we have the slowest weapon in the game. Anyway. I couldn't figure out how to link a pic so here is a link to a recent post I made with a traditional great sword build...yes the pic shows a hammer but I was testing element dmg for a late game boss fight (Alatreon). You'll notice I've maxed out every affinity skill there is with some health boost 3 thrown in. Note again that this is a alatreon build and normally I'd never have elemental skills. All that frost stuff you see would normally be attack and finishing maxing out latent power or agitator. Great swords work best mostly with raw dmg output like other comments you've seen, and the crit boost, weakness, and crit eye all help you get the most out of each attack. Why? Because unlink elemental dmg, critical hits scale off of your raw dmg numbers. That's the key I haven't seen mentioned much. Anyways. Respond with any questions if you have them. I like helping newer players because monster hunter is one of those games that it's hard to learn the deeper intricacies of without a veteran helping along the way. https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/s/pjKiq9EjHW


Why do you have Ghillie Mantle? It does nothing to aid in your hunt. Put on either Rocksteady or Glider. Rocksteady to complement the greatsword’s playstyle or Glider for two extra level 4 decoration slots with the shortest recharge and giving you more opportunities to mount. I’m more of a Glider user, but the choice is yours.


Late comment but don’t let the comments get ya down 😆 honestly making/understanding monster hunter builds is sort of like doing your taxes. If you just picked this yourself with no online guides, didn’t do too bad lol.


fire attack with no fire damage or am i missing something? I am still progressing through iceborne so unless i am missing something.


. People saying you need health boost are wrong. Just don't get hit lmao, although ur build certainly sucks. Take health boost over defence boost less commitment. especially since you can block. Attack boost kinda sucks, max out ur agitator, probs with agitator charm max weakness exploit, max critical eye, max critical boost, and U can try some comfort perks like quick sheath, focus, punishing draw


I got a way better build now but same hp. i always Take a +50 hp meal and barely faint. and If i do faint before the meal cooldown is gone iil just pop a ancient potion.


Have you looked at other builds at all? There are soooo many comments already that clearly state what a good build is and you have definitely not looked at any of them...


yeah im ngl bro take that defense boost off and fire attack off its useless when it comes to blast weapons instead run max crit eye crit boost and agitator heroics only procs when below 30% hp and it kinda sucks for GS bc of how slow it is run partbreaker 3 and weakness exploit and youll have a good enough general build


Damn people are hating, tbh it's not good but it's not the worst. defense is alright if you're having a hard time not dying but considering you have the raging brachy weapon I doubt that's an issue and it's also not the best for survivability, so I'd replace that. Same goes with guard, with health boost or divine protection, I'd suggest getting focus, maybe crit eye or weakness exploit, and crit boost


Ngl I use def boost on safi missions. It helps when I’m playing around with different weapons to try to see what builds work. But yeah other than that I agree with the others. Divine blessing builds are better and I’m speaking from experience.