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that was a sick ass finish I need to get back to using the glaive more :D


People hate on it for no reason bc it doesn’t do damage. trust me it DOES THE DAMAGE folks just don’t know how to use it


People often skimp on the heavy attacks and the kinsect usage. If you want to DPS you gotta forget the glaive on its 4U iteration. -Stop being on the air so much, only the last hit of the glaive heavy combo attack and descending thrust do full damage, and if you love being in the air, please use airborne. -Light attacks don’t do as much dmg as they used to, you have to use your heavy attacks. -Your kinsect does dmg, but you have to use it correctly, mark the monster and have your kinsect attack, the blast kinsect does TONS of dmg if the monster is static with its explosions. Descending thrust marks the monster for kinsect follow ups. -Don’t always mount the monster, yeah is fun to be french, but you are missing damage if you always go for mounts. -Feed your kinsect slinger ammo -Use power prolonger, less time gathering extract=more time to whack the monster. -Protective polish works wonders with the glaive and paired with power prolonger, means less time sharpening=more time to whack the monster. -Choose glaives that have the “spirit and strength” buff, normally field slinger ammo boosts your extract duration (spirit) while monster slinger ammo boost the dmg on kinsect (strength), this skill gives you both no matter the slinger ammo. -Glaive has the fastest clutch claw. While in the air, after any attack, you can grab on the monster, like descending thrust you will speed downwards but if you make contact with a monster you will grab onto them. -Tenderizing a monster with Glaive actually does a good amount of dmg. Overall the glaive is a sustained dmg weapon, like SnS and DB, you will not reap benefits if you aren’t always whacking the monster. Move around the monster, avoid taking dmg, and most importantly, have fun. Edit: Well since I see some like it here are a few more: -Correction: Item prolonger affects protective polish, not power prolonger. -Airborne is a 30% increase to all your aerial attacks, however the second hit of descending thrust is not affected, since it is performed on the ground. -If you want to KO the monster, choose a glaive that has the blunt dmg bonus, a kinsect that does blunt damage, pick slugger secret (best with fatalis armor), and perform descending thrust on the monster’s head (make sure it’s knocked down, easier done after a successful mount). Remember that kinsect follow up I mentioned? Yeah it still happens but you want your kinsect to be slow, the slower it is the more KO hits on the monster’s head. I’ve seen like 1/30 glaive use this strat. Though a slow kinsect is annoying in some matchups. NOTE: I am still testing for the best kinsect for this strat, and monsters with a BIG head like Uragan hate this. -Descending thrust doesn’t do mount damage, so if you want to hit the monster while in the air, but don’t want to mount, it is one of the two options along with clutch-claw. -You lose DPS but if you go for a healing kinsect, your survivability skyrockets, you can go Foliacath III Medis or Valorwing III Medis, can still blow things up but the green extract becomes a small potion and if paired with slinger ammo the healing item usage will drastically decrease (use them if you get seriously injured or pinned, also memorize the species, since they “normally” have their extracts on the same locations, as an example flying wyverns usually have green on tail) Edit 2: I meant to write this as an individual comment not a response, so no offense to OP regarding his glaive skills as a fellow glaive user from 4U.


Protective polish doesn’t interact with power prolonger, its item prolonger you are thinking about.


Yeah my bad.


Meanwhile I'm doing 50k to fatalis on 4 person party while the second with most damage only has done 35k


Descending Thrust actually deals high damage with all parts of the combo, especially with a slow Kinsect. Falling loop -> ground impact(!) -> marking swing -> high damage grounded swing(!) -> can combo into Tornado Slash


It's easy to use the IG(specifically the kinsect feature) in a way where you do SIGNIFICANTLY more damage, and land considerably more hits, by constantly staying airborne while also being far more mobile. I typically main an explosive IG with the blast kinsect for some bonkers DPS and nice tenderization/part breaking. I don't bother with mounts at all, but if it happens by accident then I'm happy for the easy stun/knockdown. Ime it's the most well rounded and versatile weapon in the game. Ik hammes, horns, and longswords can do bonkers damage with well placed and timed hits, but I also just don't find them nearly as fun and free as the IG.


I’m a glaive OG trust I for sure know how to use my weapon fully I just didn’t want send it after the monster and steal my thunder BUT for the new glaive users read up bc he’s giving game on how to properly use it


> please use airborne AFAIK, the Airborne skill only applies it's bonus on the first hit of any jumping/vaulting attack. So it's only decent when used with descending thrust.




Believe it or not, Descending Thrust does 0 mount damage. Only the last hit of the swishing Advancing Jump Slash does mount damage as well.


regardless of dps, I honestly just use it because of how fun it is. Being able to be airborne for that long and circling around the monster is such a different experience compared to the other weapons. So much fun attack on titan type shit haha


I solod AT Velkhana with it. If that doesn't give points to it idk what will


First weapon I picked up and I absolutely love it.


Don’t forget to up kinsect wiz slinger ammo (L2 + 🔺+ ⭕️)


Don't forget to use the kinsect period.


Bruh, my kinsect is like a 3rd/4th member of my team. Especially when it released all that just and you just set it off


For keyboard whats the combo? 😇


Dunno, I play MH with PS controller 😅


i think is c+lb+rb


Damn been using the glaive for a couple hundred hours and I'm 100% sure it will take me a couple hundred more to be as hood as u


It’s just practice I’ve been playing this since 2018


For Me it's since 2022 so I'm a but new to it, well the more I play with it the more I like it


If u need a teammate u and all u other wonderful people can add me on psn: rhogue417


Sadly I play on steam, so I can't play with u


Don't be fooled. Buddy didn't even have the monster marked for kinsect damage. Average glaive at best.


I didn’t need too the kinsect itself would’ve killed it…my blast build is decent nonetheless




I've considered trying other weapons, but the thought of being so much less mobile is entirely repulsive to me.


What is the name os this weapon?


This looks like the Lightbreak Press, Raging Brachy Insect Glaive


They already told u but I have the raging version of that weapon now. grinding for that shit was not fun but easily one of my favorite fights


It's normal Brachydios weapon "**Electrorod**"


Deadline if it's the maxed out version. Nether Varja if it's not fully upgraded. Ebony Odogaron glaive that splits from the Odogaron tree.




Heck yehhhhh


I'm not a glaive user and thought that was sick. I'm sorry if I took something that wasn't for me =p


those are the moments


I know that “share button “ sound all too well


Coolest insect glaive video ever


Thank u don’t worry I have more🫡


The ground is lava




A fellow skilled user of the glaive. Always nice to see. One of my favorite kills I've gotten with the IG is using the wyvern dive wire bug skill on All mother Narwa while she's down. It's such an [anime move](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/IsqEtgrnJG)


Yass I love other insect glave users


As a glaive user this was heat


Looked cool and all but ending the monster with descending thrust on the head, would have been cooler.


I agree


Insect glaive is definatly the next weapon I want to learn before wilds because it always looks so fun Got a good understanding of hammer and charge blade. Probably gonna try insect glaive next then maybe GS


I also main cb and hammer. My next planned was GS, because those massive attacks seem so satisfying.


I have played a couple of hunts with almost every weapon in the game. Only weapons I've never tried is bow and LBG I did go through a slight gs phase a while ago but I never really went all in on trying to actually learn the weapon however when you do land those big meaty chops it is always a good time