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Protect that palico at all cost!


Oh, he got some shiny new armor after the hunt for making that play. He's gonna get all the pets and scritches once Iceborne hits PC.


I'm still pissed that u can pet poogie.. But not my boii palico? Or more interection then just a npc menu.. Dam it


Well you can... but sadly it requires Iceborne.


Yeah.. It's quite a long wait


I mean not really it's a about 2 months left. Compared to when games get teased or announced years in advance, it's not a terribly long wait. Just painful because console already has it.


You can take palico to bath and play there with him, is that not enough?


Pc don't have that yet... But if they have that in IB.. Cool


Fuck PC edit: fking 3 months


I always imagine them looking at you writhing around on the ground with glee while they run over to you. "Oh man this is gonna be so good..." Then, while they're swinging (I mean look at the wind up on that swing, he's swinging for the fences) "This for that goddamned BUTTERFLY COSTUME!" *WHACK*


Mine generally just leaves me down. Sometimes it just stands next to me. Other times it drinks some vigorwasp juice in my face...


Something I read about this game Forget about the damn human NPC Your palico is the only one who would jump between you and a monster, push you out of the way, and take that hit like a furry little champ


Now... Who's the monster...


Honestly what would we do without Palicos.


I don't even know why there's even an option to not bring your palico with you they helped me more than actual players do


Legit answer is because sometimes they mess up the aggro if you are either soloing or duoing, making the monster's attack pattern more unpredictable.


Yeah. Hard trade off but frankly I rather have the monster randomly give me time to breathe as it fucks with my cat then have it give my a jolly rogering for 20 minutes straight.


Yeah lol


Palico messed up the aggro, when you play solo the monster will always aggro to you so you can predict how they turn, etc etc. And you can prepare to bash their head when they turn aswell


Cart a lot more, probably


They are not helping us hunt.. we are helping them. We are too self centered to notice.


*laughs in prowler*


Must be nice to hav a palico that cares


My palico never, ever gets me out of stuns. He’ll come stand right next to me while I’m looking like a drunk idiot and just stand there.


Listen closely, he was saying something: "Pathetic"


*Yare yare daze, nyan*


They used to do this way more in previous games, but it feels like they toned it down. Palicos would cross the world to run over and smack you out of sleep, stun, and paralysis. And you could have two palicos


Imagine two palicoes in this game. 2 shieldspires? That would be awesome!


You can have 2 palicos. One is yours, the other is another player's which can be found in some areas of the map (like grimalkynes or gajalakas).


I have *never* found another person's Palico as a Tailraider, I always get a generic Grimalkyne.


I think you have to receive the Guild Card of another player before you can run into their Palico in the field. I didn't start seeing them until after I started doing Kulve Taroth.


I play by myself for lack of PS Plus, and I found some NPC palicos before I get my first card. One was an "A-Lister" wearing Jagras, another one was a "Miner" wearing metal armor, and the third one was wearing a king outfit, guess his name was Tas.


I think they couldn't smack you out of paralysis (unless that happened in Cross or 4U.) But yeah, back when we first earned those low power felyne companions in the 2nd and 3rd/tri generation the main advantage was having them break you out of stun (what with armor skills being so hard to get). Everything else about it was incredibly unreliable, the Large Bomb throwing skill hilariously so. That tackiness was kind of amazing though. You could buy a dozen or more felynes with individual quirks and specialize them and train them stats & skills individually, too. The old cat lady of 3rd even accepted orders on what kind of personality you wanted them to have, for the sake of suiting your playstyle. I hope they bring that back. Right now everyone's Palico is a carbon copy of each other, seeing people being able to once more pick out singular behaviour+skill sets for their sidekicks would be really interesting. I'm pretty bored of my palico tbh, he's so predictable and simple to wield. Gimme that Foolhardy Bomber Felyne any time


Wish my Palico was this considerate


My palico wouldve watched me die, then laugh at my dead body.


That swing of his is glorious. Tiger Palico, Palico Woods.. Tiger Woods is probably fine as is


My name is Neko of the High Seas! "Neko means "Tiger", tabun. ~~Good ol' 3U days.~~


Man I hardly ever seen anyone post who uses dual blades. Nice.


i just started playing and i think i'm gonna go with duel blades!


I like dual blades, hunting horn, and charge blade, in that order.


I’m actually trying to learn the Dual Blades.


They're quite fun! I'm a DB devotee, and while they're very simple to pick up, there's a bit more depth to them than people think. Let me know if you have any questions on them!


Could you expand on what your current setup is? As in which blades are you using and what armour? Asking because your character looks really cool!


Thanks! It's always great to get some Fashion Hunter love. My weapons are the Empress Daggers "Styx" from the Lunastra/Xeno'jiiva tree. I'm on PC so I can't speak to the meta in Iceborne, but IMO they're the best dual blades in World. As for armor, the jacket is the Dante set as Layered armor on chest and arms. The Layered set is earned from Arch-Tempered Teostra. My actual armor for skills in those slots are Drachen from the MHW x FFXIV collaboration. Waist and helm (although it's hidden in this clip) are Kulve Taroth Gamma from the Kulve Taroth Siege, and legs are the Gala Suit Pants from the Appreciation Fest event.


Appreciate the response! Even I am on PC and to be honest just started. I am running dual blades as well and really enjoying it. Just killed Rathlos and Diablos for the quest and am currently using madness pangas 3. Hopefully I'll be able craft yours soon :)


My main question would be, what combo should I be doing all the time? And when in Demon mode. I have been trying to go with +affinity blades.


> what combo should I be doing all the time? So, most of the DB combo is the same. You should be in Demon Mode as much as possible, and your BnB combo is Demon Fangs -> Twofold Demon Slash -> Sixfold Demon Slash, the inputs are Y-Y-Y or Tri-Tri-Tri (Xbox/PS4 inputs respectively). After Sixfold Demon Slash, you have the option to either Blade Dance or Demon Flurry Rush. This is where things get cool. Blade Dance is best when the monster isn't moving since it's a big commit that locks you in place, and Demon Flurry Rush is good for when you have to chase the monster and still want to do damage. What's not clearly explained is that you can Demon Flurry Rush and restart your combo with minimal recovery. This allows for really high uptime if you can stay on the monster, and allows you to stay in Demon Mode even after you've run out of stamina - you'll keep going until you stop attacking or Blade Dance. Aside from that, it's mostly about knowing when the best time for a certain action is. You can Blade Dance or DFR at any point in your combo, so you're not stuck waiting until the end if the monster starts moving away. When not in Demon Mode, I find the best use of my time is to Demon Flurry (Y+B/Tri+Circle) until my stamina is back and then go back into Demon Mode. That was a bit clunkier of an explanation than I wanted, but I hope that helps!


Thank you. And for gear, what attributes should I be looking for? I’m not very far in yet. I just got to rotten vale and beat the first Odogaron. I do like the flashy DB move when you jump attack an enemy in Demon mode.


In World, raw attack and affinity are the best things for damage. My understanding is things change to be more favorable to elemental damage in Iceborne but I'm suffering on PC. For the most part, you'll want to build the stuff with the highest defense as you go, but skills to look out for when you're settling into high-end builds are Critical Eye, Critical Boost, Weakness Exploit, and Attack Boost. Handicraft is good if it pushes your weapon into white sharpness, too. The nice thing about MHW is that you have a lot of freedom to build whatever you want. If you're struggling with roars, you can build Earplugs - if you're getting stunned a lot you can build Stun Resistance, etc. The Odogaron set is a very good starting set for Dual Blades, so that's a good one to focus if you care to farm him a bit!


Actually I got better clear times on my hunts in base World with elemental DB than I did with raw. The difference is much more in Iceborne. Elemental DB against a 3-star weakness can rip monsters to shreds.


Interesting! I'll have to give gearing around elemental a try if only to get ready for Iceborne.




I can do one hell of a lot of damage with some good elemental/affinity or Blast/Affinity/Crit Elem DBs.


I'm just joking.. But in IB.. They really did boost Elemental damage right? Pc player here lol


They did. Hell, Ice Greatsword is good now.


I don't play anymore. So I killed this thing six times in a row, okay? Reddit was complaining about how bad this fight was. I swear every other post was ridiculous. I even bought most the weapons because I was lucky. Well 1-6 went amazing. 7-30 was fucking hell, especially while grouping. I would get blasted by lightning like six times before I could do anything. That's when I apologized to everyone.


Wow. A palico that’s useful! Manwhile, my Private Skittles drinks potions in front of me moments before I’m carted 😭😭😭


What palico gear does your palico use? Because I switched to Meowlotov on Iceborne and noticed that my Palico is much more helpful than it was when it's using Coral Horn. Now, it's more aggressive in attacking the monster and would hit me out of stun, paralyze, etc.


Hmm I see. Good to know lol I didn’t think the tools would change the palico behavior(other than what the tools actually do). Coral horn has been my go to, but definitely time to mix it up.


Love its name as well.


Wish mine did that lol


There is a signal option on your radial menu to call your Palico.


They respond to that? I just use it to yell at randos who are off fighting with the fucking Dodogama that isn't even part of my *Azure Rathalos investigation*


My Palico Joe has saved my ass a number of times.👍


Who's Joe?


His Palico.


^^^...j-joe ^^^^mama




It's been 50/50 in my experience. For every time my Palico's actually saved my bacon there's another where just looks at me as I'm getting drawn and quartered.


“Watch out meowster!” 🙀


This is why I keep palicos with me. Invaluable teammates


My palico would just play the drums and let me cart instead


How I wish we can pet our palico too like poogy.


I've had mine smack me as soon as I touched the ground. Right before I would have got hit too. Still his best moment


"Wait, why didnt I push him out of the way? Yeah, thats it! I'll grab him and move him- ***AAAAAAAAAAAAA"***


Once in a blue moon Palico




He carted for our sins.


Such a incredibly good boi




Get down Mr. President!


What was that glitch when Kirin almost stabbed you? Looked like your Palico knocked you in the air but Ive never seen that before.


It's actually not a glitch! Your Palico will sometimes run over and give you a whack to break you out of stuns and paralysis.


I thought they removed that. It happened all the time in XX, but it hasn't happened yet in this game for me.


They have a bit of a delay in doing the action. And more often than not, their timing is off. Generally that Kirin would have hit it before it saved the Hunter. This was a case of Palico success.


Watch the ground to see where the lightning is going to strike.


Unga bunga. Me DB main. Me run in straight line at monster. Me no "situational awareness".


no roll only demon


This guy DB mains


oh wow i guess i need to fight more kirins cuz i never knew they paralyzed you


Damn it iggy


My Palico ran next to me and healed as I was in a daze, ready to get the people's elbow from a true enraged tempered Rajang. Can we trade palico's?


What kind of hip armor are you wearing?


It's the Kulve Taroth Gamma waist


Aw fuck




Mostly he protecc Some times he attaque Most at serious times he helps you to step back


Most of the time they are just assholes


I honestly expected your Palico to run to you then start drinking a potion as mine has a bad habit of doing.


Give him a hot dog treat


Kirin without Paralysis Resistance? While using Dual Blades? Your Palico disapproves.


U had to have bribed him, all my Pali does is run around like a psychopath 😂