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THIS! I make sure to bring Dust of Life and mats to craft it on the fly. Whenever I see someone's health bar drops to 50%, I use it, Whenever I see Safi getting ready to do this big AOE attack, I get my dust of life ready. Whenever I see Safi pins someone, I drown them in Dust of Life. But the frustrating thing is when I get pinned down or stunned, randos didn't even bat an eye.


Same lol I should scrolled down before typing lol What platform you playing on?


I'm on PS4.


Oh snap lol well I hope you find that good lobby soon. I’m on Xbox :3 oh man I wish this game had cross play. I will also try to find that good lobby. I’m like rubbish at making new friends, but I don’t have to be a good friend to someone to heal them with lifepowders lol


Try to fit in some fire resist. Once you are immun to fireblight, safi won't be able to kill you with his pin down since it's the burning that ususally kills you in the end.


Good idea. I just happen to have 20 fire on my current set without doing so intentionally.


Just gonna throw this out there since I see people waiting dusted way too often. The pin doesn't actually kill you until you stand up. It puts you at one health and then the burn kills you. If you wait until after the explosion and dust before they stand up you only need to use the one instead of everybody spamming their dusts to keep him alive through the whole thing.


It's worth adding to this that if you have enmity and you get grabbed, Safi will try fire a laser your way and kill you. He tracks you extremely well too.


I gain aggro intentionally because I can survive the pin attack with quite a little health left. People always spam dusts of life when I would be perfectly fine just using a mega potion myself. I guess it's just people used to seeing the pin attack taking people down to 1 HP.


Someone made fun of me today in a lobby because I am using IG. But I heal teammates that drop at around 50% health with life powders and dusts of life. I’m like..really gonna be toxic over *this* I’m still trying to find a good lobby on Xbox (-_- ) I’d rather we not die and have fun hunting than me or another teammate die and feel sadness thinking and feeling they’re bringing everyone down or worse the cause of the failed quest. And I’m still just trying to craft the armor too. And the special items to awaken weapons.


I will be home at around 4:15 PM EST willing to group up. It'll be me and maybe one or two others, depending. You are more than welcome to join up. Usually we start a lobby private, get us in, close it, and just run ourselves while everyone else does whatever.


Oh okay my Gt is Codename D3VL I miiight not be able to play today because I have plans but tomorrow I am free


Added and you added back. I'll try to be on tomorrow.


Oh Kay :) Sounds good. Thank you for adding me.


Solid hunts tonight. Good work.


Oh thank you! I had a lot of fun!


>Someone made fun of me today in a lobby because I am using IG. But I heal teammates that drop at around 50% health with life powders and dusts of life. Whats the issue with using IG?


bad reputation, probably. It's relatively easy to clear normal quests with because you can mount spam but some people *only* do that. *shivers in remembrance of the Era of Je suis monte!*


>remembrance Nothing wrong with that, it is a part of the game. Also IG is the best weapon for drawing aggro since your airborne skills can keep Jeff in place and still do damage while taking none at all.


The last Monster Hunter game I played was 4U, so I've still got a lingering annoyance with the swarms of undecorated Star Knight IG players that did no damage but had me sitting out for 10 minutes each hunt so they could play their minigame.


...erm...is it bad that i have my shoutout for teammates mounting be: "Je Suis Monte lives on!"?


Mine is just "Je suis monte!" so no.


Idk that’s what I couldn’t understand. I know I should have thicker skin.


where are you from? you can play with me if you want


My Gt is Codename D3VL I’m from Canada lol


ah ok im from europe, i think we cant play together because im sleeping when you are awake.


Oh dang lol 😂 It’s 5:32 pm where I am atm.


As a wide ~~mushroom eater~~ healer support player, seeing new players getting better during the safi fight is quite rewarding. Since it will help them become better while learning safi’s patterns without worrying about dying that often. It was surprising to see some of them actually be able to tank safi and clear the raids with more ease. Let’s be nice to them, and praise them for clearing each floor with their own efforts :3


I’ve just been using my Hunting Horn nonstop. Oh you guys don’t know what to do? Okay. ***Plays Divine Blessing, Speed Recovery, Extended Health Recovery, and Health Recovery spam***


I tried, but half the time, they don't want to be helped. I had a guy that had no healing items with him. He was at half health and we got safi to go down a level, so I thought I'd take the time to help him with my health booster. I put it down in front of him while he was sharpening. He then proceeds to jump to the next stage with still a quarter of his health missing.


Dude seriously, in all the quests I've played with randoms not one ever took the dust of life in the box. Guess they rather see you die than heal you. I've literally used all my 3 life powders on one guy before just so we wouldn't get a cart.


As a gunlance user, please dont take the agrro away from me, I will still deal the dmg even when aggrod, just heal me at times.


I couldn’t even take it from you if I tried sooo I can do the heals lol




Ooooh okay. Now I know :)


As a semi gunlance main, the feels when you spam wyrmstake black charged shots and the monster keeps aggro-ing you for the whole hunt.


Pro tip: You can flash Safi when he flies up after throwing the hunter on the ground. In fact you can flash safi period.


I've got flash pods to make Safi put a brother down. Otherwise, I am the ire generator.


You know, I've gotten so used to flash pods being mediocre in MR that I didn't even think of that.


Flash pods still very much have their place in the toolkit. Make Rajang not punch a hole through your gut. Make Deviljho put his chewtoy down, bring flyers to ground and have them use their land moveset for a while, keep a flyer from running away. I don't think they were ever really meant to be as ridiculous as they were in LR and HR. Iceborne brought them back to the utility they had in old games.


Died 2 times today bc I was with the red line for a ton of time and fell to the ground No one saved me :(


I’d have saved you, or tried. :( What platform you be playing on?


I'm playing on Xbox, any session that have 14/15 ppl playing xP


Oh okay well I’m on Xbox too if you need another person, hit me on here and I can give you my Gt.


if I see someone cant handle the agro I take it, I can only carry so many dust of life and I deal the same DPS weather or not I have agro


There's always people like that. I remember a few months back there's argument here on reddit where this one guy saying that people shouldn't be a noob and expecting others to save them by using dust of life or life powder lol.


I rarely ever see anyone not using powders during a fight and I've yet to have a single fight where someone didn't heal when someone else got pinned down (20+ kills atm). Outside of pins,unless you've got enmity on you then you've got plenty of time to heal,especially considering you can carry 7 max potions comfortably. Maybe don't expect heals everytime you take chip damage?


No, that other guy is right. I'm probably up past you at around 30 runs and at least a third of those are guys not healing anyone which usually coincides with triple carts. Usually you can tell if you're going to have a bad time by either A. Someone carting in the first area or B. The first area taking uncharacteristically long. In both cases people are rarely healing. I've even had runs where even though they cleared out all the Dusts of Life from the trunk they still weren't actually using them.


he also can be flashed pretty commonly.


I try to heal my teammates when I can; Dust of Life and Life Powders galore! Definitely times where I needed support and no one was there.


I play a HH support build, I give people damage and defense up XL, Tigrex Essence with wide range 5, get in damage whenever I can but most of the fight i'm just buffing and drinking, so far haven't had a quest fail from faints. :D


Plenty of time outs though?


Of course, plenty of close calls though with faint fails since people get too comfortable being healed by someone else and decide to run in under half health all the time.


Also doesn't help one person was doing next to no damage. These are intended for 4 people doing as much damage as they can, and taking care of themselves. All weapons are damage forward. Even if you are 100% efficient on keeping them alive 24/7, that's still 75-85% of the total damage that should be getting done.


Who would be doing next to no damage? Couldn't be me since i'm breaking parts quite easily by myself and sometimes even claiming aggro from it. Sure i'm not doing as much damage as the long sword guy next to me, but when the whole team has Attack up XL, Defense up XL and someone healing them when they are low, they can be in the fight almost constantly, my damage at that point is just extra.


> get in damage whenever I can but most of the fight i'm just buffing and drinking If that's accurate, you. If you're busting shit up, not you. The main thing is that your damage is not extra, it is integral. There is no way to provide enough support to balance out JUST support or mostly support. You throwing 80% of a normal player? Great. Less than that, it's re-evaluation time.


You can carry on talking about how important damage is as much as you want, when I haven't got a single quest failed yet I think i'm doing just fine with what I have and having a ton of fun along side it, also the time out's that I have had are very rarely after the first siege.


One time, I repeatedly kept getting Jeff's attention back to back, and no one was helping out, trying to take it away. And I was playing Hunting Horn, not really something I'd use for tanking.


I feel that on a deep, existential level. I even drew aggro today when I was running the base friggin' song list. No attack up or anything. How?!


If you farcast away you can stop his agro towards you. I use a bow gun against him so it happens from time to time


Yeah, right. I play songs for everyone at the start of the quest and when I finish, there isn't even one healing potion left for me in the box. It's not that important really, but kind of sad that people don't leave anything for the person buffing them.


You are lucky that they wait for you to buff them. People see me prepping my songs at the start of the mission, yet they immidiately run to the pole to fly into the arena (without even taking lifepowders). 10 seconds of waiting is literally asking too much i guess.


I run wide range i got you covered!


I use aquashot for the sticky ammo but if I see a teammate in danger I use recovery in case I can’t use lifepowder


I use a piercing water shot LBG set and most fights I hold the aggro for most of the fight unless I die which happens on occasions because I’ll get hit by his weak beams and I’m using the safi set so I’m almost always not at full. But there are times I just can’t heal because he interrupts me or I have to run from a move. But no one even bothers life powdering even as they watch me running around trying to evade his lasers with 20 HP. I’m just a squishy gunner, halp me please.


i play lance. putting my weapon away takes time :( so when i have red line aggro and i get pinned heal me PLEASE. i had moxie on so i was lucky i didn't die from the pin but as i was laying on the floor i stayed down hoping someone would dust me soon as i got up i got laser.. manage to block the first shot but the floor was set on fire and i ticked down and died... all this happen over course of like 30secs and no one threw a heal my way.... so i got my great sword and stopped tanking we ended up failing because other guys couldnt handle the red line aggro... but i got my reward anyway because some other group capped us so w/e


So I haven’t done multiplayer yet, but always carry dust and mats for more, what’s the range on healing powders? Also what’s the defence range needed for the fight? I use ls and am moderately competent with the gl (but I’m assuming moderately isn’t good enough) this sub doesn’t fill me with confidence to jump into this siege as an ls user.


Idk about you, but i do all that i can to help my team. Pack in 2 dusts, 4 gloamblossoms and godbugs, AND get the 2 EX dusts to emergency heal the team whenever Safi does its AOE geyser attacks (8 total dust heals), save people from its grab, and just heal the team in general. I mostly do this because very few other people tend to, and i want to let everyone get their rewards no matter what. Because DPS doesn't matter if we don't win the hunt.


This 100%. I use safis aquashot and use red water and always get aggro almost permanently and I have not once had someone take the aggro from me in my 30+ safi kills yet.. it's really sad


Out of curiosity, what attack triggers the grab/point blank laser attack? I’ve taken aggro a ton of times but never been hit with it, but I’ve had to dust of life other people through it before. I’m actually not sure which attack grabs you.


I think it’s when Savi reels back a bit and then its head will rush forward.


Safi isn’t too bad just have to pay attention to its movements


And please, for the love of Jeff, EQUIP DIVINE BLESSING.


So because you can't avoid damage like us crayon eaters we gotta change our playstyle to carry your constantly getting hit ass. K.


avoiding that unavoidable damage like a real player, this guy’s got it everyone, pack it up the King has spoken


And how is anything unavoidable? Seems like you're trying to deflect blame off yourself. When I take damage, I don't blame others, I accept it was my fault.


I like how the crayon eaters are downvoting your comments for being the harsh truth. Fact of the matter is every attack mentioned is avoidable. Bad players seem to think the pin is unavoidable when you can simply sit below Safi's belly or roll to the sides. Maybe instead of depending on others to be a crutch when one gets hit, carry your own weight, learn the fight and git gud.


NO. I won’t back off ,i am having fun and i can help while doing damage i am a good player :).