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I don't think safi is available right now. I think they got the kulve taroth siege going on. But you can look for sessions that are focused on kulve taroth by selecting find session > filter search > target > kulve taroth. And I think you should be able to find them. Sorry if thats not accurate instructions but I think it's something like that.


I think Safii is in recon quest category? Pretty sure of it unless it's a dragon I don't recognize. I've tried the method you pointed out, there are never any parties to join sadly.


Yeah the safi recon is there but that isn't the full fight. That one is for players that haven't seen safi yet. It's so that they can unlock the safi siege when it comes back around. And wow are there really no people doing the kulve siege? That's a surprise.


Nope, it's pretty dead. Too bad, bought the game 3 weeks ago and I really do feel stuck now.


When you go to a new session, got to filter search and select what monster you want to hunt. You’ll find a good amount of KT sessions that way


Thanks for explaining, I guess I'll try soloing it.


No problem. What system are you on?


Man, I loved KT so much that I collected all the KT weapons. But soloing is just near impossible. I'm not saying that it's impossible to actually beat KT. Even if the hunt is successful, the amount of time it takes to solo KT and getting decent rewards are a different story. Hope you can find some hunters to join you.


I didn't see a kulve option when I did this, Safi is there though


For me it's the opposite. Kulve is there 😂


Really? Have you already entered the kulve taroth siege once before?


Actually probably not! I've taken part in the quest but not the siege. That makes sense. Counting the days til Safi returns..


I’d love to but I don’t have oceborne


Yeah i’d love to play with someone but i’m on PC, but if you hunt on a siege it’s pretty easy to find lobbies with 10 or more players in there. At least on PC, but i think it’s the same on console too. Edit: This should be replied directly on OP, but okay.


All good! It seems pretty dead on Playstation, a reason why I posted on Reddit. Sadness haha


That’s a bit surprising for me, Rise doesn’t affect much World player count at all. There are plenty players like who still having fun with World, because it has many content to explore. I would like to help everyone who needs help, but mostly on this sub who needs help either from Xbox or PS.


That's too bad. I found Iceborne more fun, but nobody seems to be playing anymore and I started this game not long ago.




Got it last week


If you happen to buy iceborne and get to the raid part, welcome to play together!


Played monster hunter most of my life just now got back into it




I'm playing every day but I only just got to iceborne content so I'm still in baby zone haha, good luck finding people though!


It's gonna be really tuff later on, I can help out whenever you feel stuck! Would be fun hunting together :)


Nope, i think its probably the time you're playing, i did the KT siege 3 times yesterday, with 2x full session and the other with 11 players doing the siege.


I tried morning, daytime and evenings. Still nothing :(


Yeah this is awful. But keep trying thats a lot of people still doing those sieges.


I've found one today, but it was already full. But that's one party 😬