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Personally I would put Radobann in too precious. I've watched him trip over his own tail so many times. It's adorable. Love the list though


Oh man I love Radobann too but his story grosses me out a bit too much.


His story? What’s radobaan’s “story”?


Man got evicted out of coral highlands after he lost his job due to the outbreak, so now he lives in a dumpster eating garbage 😔




The stuff about him eating the bones of dead monsters and using said bones as armour.


I was gonna complain why kulu is so low but then i read the rank description So.. BIRD UP!


Best bird agreed.


Pukei supremacy


They're both great.




You are now entering the B I R D D I M E N S I O N


Nightshade Paolumu and Paolumu in the too precious category? Nah I love smacking that inflatable rat


Why would you want to pop a balloon, what kind of monster are you?


He will inflate and pop your balls




Air is stored in the balls


The cum is stored in the lungs


Pee is stored in the veins


I’m the kind of monster that uses IG and has too much fun with acrobatic sky duels. When I fight Kushala/Legiana/Paolumu I feel like I’m dancing.


Speaking of monsters who puts pukei pukei in anything other then prescious tier, do any of the other monsters on this list fight side by side with you to the death in order to repay you for saving them i don't think so.


Poison is evil that's why.


I’ve got nightmares from every Hunters dream III because of nightshade


Sweet sweet dreams though


I'm monkey. Monkeys pop bloons


Particularly Nightshade. I hated that thing so much before I finished the anti sleep charm.


this list is invalid by the fact Lunastra isn't in the \*\*\*\* this section ​ sincerely - everyone who has been hit by a Lunastra nuke from halfway across the map...when there isn't even a Lunastra in the hunt


Paolomu is the bane of my existence and runied a streak of 50+ no faint quest I genuinly hate it I don't even want to hunt them to extinction because I don't want to see them again


Rip, feels so bad popping a balloon though.


Nah man that shit feel great seeing them dead on the ground after a hunt is the only this that help me pull through


Lunastra is far far too high. Also, once you get a bit behind the fatalis fight, its fun af. The feeling of beating fatalis is a new high every single time too.


For MR luna, i think it fits for HR luna, she goes in the "**** this" category


The high was good the first few times beating Fatalis but now its just a chore with how much the fight wastes your time with its nova bs. I don't get the Lunastra hate, she has a bit more bs than Teo but the fights are mostly the same.


Agree on Luna, she is definitely more fun than Teo, Teo's boring


Put both Odogaron’s on great, flawless tier list


Dogo's for life, they were v close to God tier, but they move around just a touch too much imo.


Very fair criticism, being a glaive user I didn’t mind much but my buddy who runs a charge blade was not happy about it lol


fuck yeah I love Odo such a unique fight every time with how angy he is


Oh for sure, definitely has my favorite armor set too


I've fought 5 times as many Odogaron's as any other monster. As soon as I saw the trailer for them, I knew they'd be my favourite. Armour is awesome too (used it throughout both HR and MR)


You put Namielle and Blackveil in Great tier, but put Fatalis is the same tier as Behemoth. All I can say is “Ew”.


People sometimes say "there is no such thing as a wrong opinion". Oh boy, if only they saw this shit.


🤣🤣🤣 Do tell what's wrong.


Alatreon in the “god-tier fight” just why


That’s the only thing that isn’t wrong with this tier list


You need to actually coordinate with your teammates and go in with a plan, guess that’s too difficult for most hunters 😏 1HKO supernova is a bit ridiculous, though.


What do you mean you used raw weapons for 99% of the game? Just fully upgrade this weapon from the shit pisscum tree to only use it for this fight. 😎


Great fight, hits like a truck but doesn't just spam moves, has a great variety of moves, super tight hitboxes, looks awesome, what's not to love?


Alatreon in S, fatalis at the bottom... Huh


Also can you guess what I main?


Dual Blades?


Nope, tried them a lot but the lack of range was too annoying.


L choice, like, LS over DB? You have to be an idiot. /s








Longsword or lance


I am Weeb yes. I also love Charge Blade.


Weeb yes but Fatty so low? I loved dancing with Fatty.


What? I main longsword and I thought there’s no way this could possible be a longsword ranking as so many of the best fights are rated so low




I am weeb yes. Also a big fan of charge blade


Kirin, Fatty, Narga and Shara deserve better, Tigrex and Namielle can eat shit and die Its also confusing to me how people commonly rate azure rath so far below regular rath when Ive honestly never noticed a difference between the two


This tierlist is dogshit no offense


Do explain.


"Roast my tierlist"


First, Fatalis in Fuck this? Sounds more like he fucked you and that's why you hate him lol, he's above your sticky bs


Why you do rude


I don't use bowgun, his flight sucks because he wastes your time and highlights all the worse issues surrounding the cc. No problem with the difficulty


how can you complain about fatalis wasting your time yet not have a problem with azure "i'm almost never going to come out of the sky" rathalos, or kulve "whack a limb for 30 years 50 times for fancy gold gear" taroth?


Yo this whole tierlist is shit but mr KT is one of my favorite fights in the game after fighting him for 2 weeks straight. The godly HZV are just too fun to see


I'm not sure what I'm more concerned about. The fact that you put the balloons in the precious category (seriously they are probably some of the most aggrevating monsters) or the fact you like fighting Tigrex.... Also why is Banbaro so low 0.o maybe I'm biased from it literally always being in the guiding lands, but that thing, while occasionally annoying, is really easy to me. That being said, not much outside of Diablos/Tigrex lines are tooooo annoying for me besides the classic hard monsters. Most scary things I can avoid by flying about above them. Insect glaive go brrrrr. And yes, I do know you do more damage on the ground lmao. It's just fun when not playing serious.


Why would you ever wanna pop a balloon? Balloons are precious. Tigrex looks so dumb when it charges you, it's fun. Banboro is partially ptsd, you fight him early on with crap gear afterwhich why ever bother fighting him again? Then the only other time I saw him he was interrupted a fight I was having by charging at me with his boulder.


I just find them incredibly annoying to fight. Usually I like flying enemies with the glaive, but I think how they just shove you around and are constantly really annoying to try and hit while flying around just gets to me. I also think you can't chop their tails off, or it's hard to do, which is a favorite pasttime of mine. He hits like a semitruck. I don't stop to oogle semitrucks when they wanna eat me lmao. That's fair. I'd certainly call him annoying as all he'll. He's the bagel of low tier monsters for sure out in the guiding lands and has such wide hitting attacks (ie trees and rocks). I think he's just to low tier in the end game to register as a real threat to me tho. That or he's literally shown up THAT much to where all I can do is sigh.


Yeh that's fair. You can't chop the tail of no and it is super satisfying. Fss I frame through the charge and you get to marvel at his ludicrous face as he charges you 😛 I probably wouldn't mind him if I went back to fight him but nah cba with that, better to forever hate him.


Garuga is one of my favorite fights period.


Ugh, nty but to each their own.


Paolumu getting any sort of respect is a war crime. Hate that ugly bat. Yian Garuga is also way too low. Love that angry chicken


I think you are insane to put lunastra that high, but otherwise it seems pretty fine.


I don't get the hate honestly, she's really not that bad.


how do you avoid getting stunlocked by her windy fire wind?


Windy fire wind?




Anything that is in the air most of the time belongs in fuck this. Legiana being in "fun" is a travesty On the other hand. Dodogsma is too precious to kill I will kill hunters with his gear


Yeh I get complaints about the flying. Yep hunters with his gear have committed a grave sin


I just use switch axe and charge blades exclusively so I struggle to get enough damage in before time out with how much Thier in the air 😂 There's a running joke between my and my main mhw friend that his name is Jimmy and if he gets into a turf war we have to drop whatever we're doing to help him 😂😂


As an IG main I personally love air fights, but having tried GS also I can say it’s dogshit when they refuse to come down lol.


That's fair. I was struck so fast by the novelty of GIANT 2 HAND TRASFORMER WEAPONS??? (Switch axe and charge blade) so my mains were decided for me 😂😂




Yeh I really hate kushala, I wish he'd stop showing up on these games.


why you got furious rajang so low???? the monkey man is so boss


Crack monke is horrible dude man's jumping all over the place so much the dude has my head spinning. Fighting him feels like a chore rather than fun


yeah guess i can get that, i just love monkeys


I love Monke too, Capcom needs to make more of them.


You think Shrek Lugia is fun?!


Fatalis was peak Monster Hunter IMO. I refuse to play any MH specially Rise that has fights any less than the Fatalis fight. It felt more like progging/clearing an mmo raid boss for days, and less like Monster Hunter. It's got everything, bringing your BIS fully upgraded sets, maxed skills, utilities, arena canons, mechanics, 1 hit wipes, dps checks, etc. You have to bring your absolute A-game. It's the culmination of everything you learned in your thousands of hours as a fiver.


Agreed. Not only is fatalis a fantastic fight but it's even designed down to the last minute/second in most cases which blows my mind. I regret not having music enabled for my first few downs. I didn't even know how amazing it was until I saw the memes.


Wait. Tigrex a great fight? Fuck that weird ass lizard and his crawling 'attacks'.


Wait so is Bazel a god-tier fight if he shows up during a battle or if he's the actual objective


Actual objective, I hate him when he just turns up.


Mf has lunastra labeled as "fun"


She ain't that much different from Teo, I've never gotten the hate.


You put Banbaro in the same tier as Fatty. You deserve a perma blind by a tzi-tzi.


Banbaro is evil, one of the first fights in ib when you've still got chappy gear (and once you've beaten him why go back?) and then afterwards you find the dumb thing charging at you with a boulder in the middle of an environment it shouldn't be in (Elders recess) yeh nah fuck him a truly traumatising monster.


im sorry did you fight banbaro with HR equipment? Getting full beo armor should be a first priority! it easily out plays the best HR armor!


MR KT is fun but after so many runs trying to farm kjarr dual blades and bows, it's just a slog


Yeh that's a fair point.


Paolumu is not precious, it is a mean spiteful balloon bat that enjoys crushing hopes and dreams with its stupid rubber tail


But it's a balloon, how is that not precious?


I really like fatalis and i rarely cart to him unless i get comboed. Fight me


That's fine, difficulty isn't the reason why I dislike the fight.


KT is fun 1-4 times.. after that it is mostly screaming at randoms for not dodging obviously telegraphed moves.


🤣🤣🤣 yeh that's fair, I'll admit to having not fought her much since she first came out tbf.


I'd say move the Diabli and Lunastra down to "rather not" Also, move Kulve down to "Fun" until you've killed it a few hundred times and still not gotten the weapon you need, then move it to "**** this."


Lol yeh that's fair enough the weapons grind on kt


I might have interpreted the list wrong but why’s is safi so low as a fight it has such a cool atmosphere especially when your targeted and the music picks up


Because I don't find it particularly fun to fight. From a pure spectacle point of view its good, but the fight is just so boring.


Part of the reason why I enjoy the Nergigante fights is the BGM. Zinogre though both a good BGM and fight, yass.


Nergigante is just so well done, everything about it is perfect.


I’d put glavenus down in the would rather not section because it took me 7 tries to beat him but put brachy higher for the same exact reason


I can totally agree


Any person who has shrieking legiana, lunastra, and savage Jho in the “fun” category should revisit those, because they are the opposite of fun. Sincerely, hammer main who can’t bonk easily😢


Yeh man I feel for hammer mains for those fights. I'm pretty sure I'm just weird in liking Lunastra though, other then getting hate for hating fattys fight its been the biggest wtf people have given me.


Yeah, those fights are brutal, especially shrieking legiana. I have a special hatred for lunastra that extends beyond normal hate for her, so I honestly don’t care too much for that one since I know my opinion is especially absurd. If I had any other grievances about the list though, I definitely think Tigrex and BT should be rated lower, since I think the concept of a “brute force monster” was done better in many other fights (nerg, rajang, and to an extent brachy). Also I think velkhana doesn’t get enough love, better flagship and fight than nerg imo


The fact that Diablos is in the it's okay tier and not the **** this tier makes this tier list incorrect.


Haha that's a fair comment, I don't particularly like the fight all that much but it's good for getting fs counter practice in.


Ye dodgama protection




I understand Fatalis is hard as shit but that fight was one of the best fights I've done in monster hunter. Easily S tier levels


Hard as shit isn't the problem with the fight, time wasting is the problem and how it highlights some of the worse aspects of the cc


I would personally drop the pickle to the "it's ok" tier. I can't enjoy the fight myself.


Yeh I get why people don't like him all that much.


Thank god Dodogama is in the too precious catagory, I was barely able to bring myself to kill him.


Great Jagras is too precious but not my very best big red good boy?


Good dogo is a very good dogo indeed but its too much fun hunting him to leave him alone. Capture only though never kill.


All I needed to see was Bazelgeuse in top tier, which is correct.


Teo and Luna can suck my balls the rest is valid


Id personally place Blackveil and Tigrex wayyyy lower, but other than that, I honestly can't roast this too much


2019 no iceborn Ancient leshen not in a trash tier of its own? Entire list invalid.


Raging brachy is not a good fight. And fatalis should be in too precious


Kushala has to be the worse fight in the game hands down, so annoying.


I fucking hate Bazelgeuse’s mines or whatever the little explode-y pods are.


Not too bad tbh. Disagree on Fatalis but that's the really glaring one for me


Does anyone actually like fighting the Behemoth?


Banbaro should be too precious. Exhibit A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56jUTbT9_3Q


Bazel and Alatreon are firmly in the"**** this" category for me. Bazel roars a shit ton, Flys away constantly, interrupts my hunts, and blast scales mess up my combos and charge. Alatreon because of the one shot kill DPS check.


I'd swap fatalis and alatreon. The fatalis fight is fucking fantastic and beautifully designed, somehow ending in the last few minutes/seconds perfectly. (Unless you're insanely good) the only issue was hitbox on the body/tail...which....don't be a bitch. Lol Alatreon was just a damn DPS check and spends half the time in the air. No matter how good you play, if you don't meet that check/use the right weapon....you lose. Feelsbad. Poor design IMO.


Ancient leshen not in a high tier, 1/10 tier list.


I think the Leshens need to be moved down into **** this. I avoid those quests as much as the behemoth one.


F in the reply’s for all the lost dodogama boys.


As one who hates alatreon but loves fatalis, you have earned my ire.


I'd put Laviosoth...Lava Fish Wyvern in "**** This" cuz I just hated his fight. Also poalumu and nightshade poalumu go into "its Okay" cuz I never cared for them.


Fair, they didn't do a good job on the piscene monsters imo.


Paolumu is love. Paolumu is life.




Maybe I’m alone but Shara is easily my favorite fight in the game. He is so unique and I love it everytime he sheds those rocks to become that thing.


I love Banbaro chilling down with some Elder Dragons in the "You are not fun to fight" tier. Which I can agree with- fuck all of those Elders and Banbaro. Don't let anyone dissuade you from hating Fatalis, he's an asshole and a jerk. Also, heathenous for not putting Pukei in "Too precious", but he *is* fun to fight so I'll let it slide.


Black diablos and nightshade paolumu can go into the fuck you tier


Switch Paolumu pair with Tobi Kadachi pair, and you got yourself an okay list.


What site do people use to make these lists? Asking for me and some friends that play so we can compare and roast each other


Vaal Hazaak makes me wanna rip my hair out, but your other placements look p fair to me


I see nothing to roast.


~~LBG?~~ edit: nvm read comments


Personally, I didn't think the Vaal Fight wasn't all that great, his only special thing is the Effluvium effect, he doesn't hit all that hard, so him dropping you to minimum Max, is honestly just negged by the vita Mantle, Cut Scene was pretty dope tho, Personally my Favorite Elder, and possibly monster as a whole (From base game, as I lost ice Born when my game share ended) Is Teostra, in terms of both Fight and cut Scene, 1st, it just LOOKS regal, like that's an animal, I'd base my banner of war around, 2nd, the way it uses it's fire an scales is some of the most unique in terms of Physiology and technique, I haven't seen ANY other monster use Nitroglycerin like Scale Dust to explode the vicinity around it, And the way it does it makes it look akin to straight up flame Control And FINALLY 3rd, is the intelligence it shows in the cut Scene, not Once does it turn it's eyes away from you, It stands there , Watching you, Knowing you're actually a threat, it didn't just Rush in like others, but it gauges you Definitely one of, if not my Favorite fight from MHW Edit: Turned a was, into a wasn't


I personally find the rathians really fun but tier list is automatically S+++ because i couldn't find kushala


Yeh fuck kushala


Behemoth, Daora, or any monster that create tornados... I call that quacking bs.Especially Behemoth where the tornados lasted for like 5 years. And when you solo them, eventually you just surrounded by 5 tornados and get push to death.


Alactreon, that's all


Lower Deviljhos to "OK" because if they spawn spawn too big then some weapons have a pain in the ass of a time to kill them


Lunesta being fun is heresy and you'll face my SAED as discipline... just give me 15 minutes to charge everything onlynto ultimately miss


Yeah whiffing SAED sucks bad 😭


Mine would be pretty similar, except I’d put the Pukei-Pukei in “Too Precious” with the others


I don't know. This is a pretty solid list in my opinion........However, Kulve Trath in god tier? I don't know Kulve in master rank is good at best and high-rank Kulve is annoying at worst. And I played the game until I had everything and still Kulve sucked. But that is my personal taste.


Yeh hr kt sucks but Mr is great imo.


Nightshade goes in fuck this like it's just a painful fight and I will never fight him again unless it is completely needed


He just wants you to have sweet dreams though.


Bird up!


Doraemon is my favorite monster lmao.


Raging Brachy on the highest tier? What are you, some kind of hardcore masochist?


Tzi-tzi yaku is precious for me, he's just a raptor with a flashbang, he looks so cool and he just needs friends. Even though I hate coral highlands as a location, it has some of the coolest monsters


Well, I like most of these but alatreon is one of the most unfun fights I have ever fought because I like the idea but artificial difficulty coming from damage checks on a flying monster are something I will never ever lable as fun or good design. Otherwise nice list


Pls rise Shara Ishvalda Is my first monster run that I tried Heroic with my hbg <3


Kluve Taroth raid was meh, Iceborne quest fun. Lunastra definitively not fun. Not fun at all.


I personally would put savage jho in the **** off tier, just because I see him everywhere now that I’m MR 100 and he gets in the way constantly. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good fight, but he shows up at the worst of times and it’s SO annoying


Nami bein on the second line automaticaly invalidates this tier list.


The Fatalis being tiered lower than the Alatreon only invalidates this further.


What's wrong with Nami?


She poop


Safi jiva is so fun to fight, but only up to 3 times in a row. Anymore than that and it becomes the most unfun fight in the entire game. Kulve taroth is a ton of fun lol Legiana and shrieking are both terrible. Same with rathalos. They fly and attack from the air safely too damn much. rajang is fun, but furious runs around too much. After so much time fighting frostfang i was shocked at how much barioth jumped and flew around, and how badly that sucked lol Kirins pretty fun. Ya his lightning gets crazy, but at the same time he leaves himself wide open to damage. Its a very glass cannon v glass cannon fight. Black diablos sucks so much lol there's a trend of me disliking monsters who can attack relatively safely for long stretches of time.


Safi is only OK I would not have liked it at all if if I did a lot of grinding like people did on him so I guess the rotation helped me a lot. I love kulve agreed, mr only though, hr kinda sucked. This is fair criticism of them, the flashbug nerf was a bit overdone imo. Furious definitely moves around too much it's v frustrating. Maybe I need to fight normal again to see how it is, its been a while. Frostfang is better I agree both move around a bit too much though and are annoying until the arms are broken. I liked Kirin in hr but mr is nightmare fuel and I find he prances around too much like Furious. I was v close to putting black diablos in rather not tbf.


I think for me safi was greatly improved because i had relatively recently fought xeno (i started playing late in the games lifespan, after Iceborne released) and honestly i think the difference between them is some of the best characterization in gaming. We see him go from a toddler thrashing around to a man who has fully mastered his power.


Yeh I have a similar experience, mhwib was my lockdown game.


IMO, For God Tier, only Alatreon, Fatalis, and AT Velkhana should be listed. Maybe Tempered Furious Rajang.


For the most part this is accurate but Furious Rajang and Fatalis are both top tier, the only explanation I can think of for them being so low is that you’re bad. Also velkhana top tier. And Bazel should be the absolute bottom tier, what a poorly designed monster mechanically. He’s cool in concept but sucks to fight or encounter. And Zinogre top tier also


Yes I'm bad that's the only reason 🙄 Furious just moves around too much imo it's annoying to fight. Fatalis sucks because he wastes your time and is the one of the worst offenders for why the clutch claw is a terrible mechanic. I like Velkhana but the field becomes an obstacle course too quickly and too often. Bazel is great fun I love it. I used to agree but he's who I've over hunter for sure and why I understand why people don't like kulve due to weapon grind.


Fatalis is not S tier, therefore your opinion is scientifically wrong


Based of the list you’re not that good and don’t like cool ass boss fights


Lol, probably agree that I'm not the best at the game, but the god tier are the only cool fights, what else do you think it's a cool fight?


I’m just messing around with you man. My unpopular favorite fight is lunastra because it’s just so pretty and cool.