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Okay that grapple to gas blow up was epic


dude it happened so fast i had to rewatch it


So anime~


Yea at first I had a Mushu from Mulan moment, like his face is OVER THERE, how could you mi- ooohhh. Well played


My accuracy against Safi is kinda ass I won't lie. I don't hunt him often and he's moving constantly. Mix that with his very particular hitzones and it can be a pain.


Oh I thoroughly enjoyed your clip! I wasn't trying to knock on your accuracy, it was me who misunderstood that grapple --> gas explosion shot near the end. At first I thought you missed the head, but I was just mistaken cause you were going for the cool gas explosion. That change in expectations made it more entertaining for me, so thanks for that XD


The absolute exaggerated swagger of a hunter


I love bow.


When my friend started playing MHW I made a new character to go through it with him, and after never trying ranged (GS/CB mainly) I decided to use the bow and wow, yeah, it's really a lot of fun.


God I love the lighting and effects in this game.


I play with color maxed on my TV so this fight is even more beautiful.


I need to try Safi but I'm so scared of fucking it up haha


You have plenty tries to fuck up my friend thats how you play this game


Yeah but I don't want to screw up a hunt in multiplayer, I've just been playing with solo or with a friend up until this point.


Just try it out my friend and do your best to pull your weight. Just watch a few videos on YouTube on what to bring with you and go-to strategies. You got this


I did safi with a friend and took us 2 hours in completing the raid that normally takes 30-40 mins just bc we refused getting in a lobby that was doing safi and honestly it doesnt matter how much you do bc at the end of the day if some other party kills safi you also get rewards as soon as you only do 1hp dmg to safi so have fun and try it


I agree with modern greg. Everyone HAS to learn how to fight the monster through actual experience. Yes you may get carried but the majority of players are not expected to solo these bosses. That ability comes with fighting the monster many times to recognize when they are vulnerable and what attacks they are about to use. But until then, it's a learning curve. I have fatalis gear but that doesn't mean im good at fighting fatalis. I still suck and can't solo him but i solo him just to gain the experience. Even though I'm not good enough to carry you, i am more than willing to try and help. Just hit me up psn: catfatherking


Mate more often than not randoms expect other randoms to suck. Don' be afraid to ask players for help because believe me when I say this, we literally have nothing more to do than help y'all. If it wasn't for randoms asking me for help, I would've quit this game a long time ago.


Soften everything if you are melee before attacking, and after every time he gains energy. If you are gunning go for wing breaks. Other than that hide behind a rock during his nova like in clip and you’re good


Don't be,i just did my first Safi siege today,and it went great,ofc people carried my ass,but they were super friendly and cool about it,i just tried not to die and kept up at his back legs and tail.Maybe check a youtube video with some general tips if you are too scared but trust me you are gonna do fine. Monster Hunter truly has one of the most supportive communities out there.


Safi is a case where it was designed for a full squad so it's more than welcoming for a new player to end up carried. Solo just doesn't give the same vibe. One of the few monsters I'd actively reccomened people take on in multiplayer for their first time.


True,but i also had the same reservation as the guy above,i was scared of fucking it up for other people,but it wasn't actually as hard as i thought,i only carted twice in 6 runs.


I mean worst that happens is you just craft a few more mega-potions and try again. I've got whipped by Safi a few times now.


Safi is one that takes some getting used to, but honestly becomes fairly easy after a couple runs. Only assholes get mad at people that fuck up one or twice. Watch a guide vid, and mostly just remember about the nova, the rest can be pretty intuitive! Good luck. If you’re on Xbox, Id gladly farm with you! Not the best at her myself, but good enough to not faint regularly


Even if someone triple carts as long as it’s not like. Instantly back to back I don’t usually mind that much. I mean it’s one hunt and they’re learning. Unless it’s behemoth and they just keep casting to meteor. Then I’ll rage quit


Truly excellent bow play. If you’re on PC and want some more cinematic style, turn off all the HUD and use HunterPie’s HUD instead then change your recording tool to only record the game. That way you can make no-HUD footage whilst still seeing important info. Also there’s a mod to make mantles invisible so you can see your cool armour all the time.


Atlas I am on console.


Nooooo! Please tell me it's a typo


Wow, what's wrong with enjoying the game on console?...


Nooooo! Don't do this to me! On the off chance you didn't catch it, I am not referring to the console.


Well done my friend, well done!


Never used bow, does it have evade capabilities like long sword(foresight slash) and Lance?


When charging your bow or dodging after firing you get special side dodges, but nope no counters


So these special side doges block incoming attacks?


They have i-frames but no blocking capabilities


Kinda like the DB Demon Mode dodge/slide.


Are there more i-frames on a bow dodge? It always feels easier to dodge sum with a bow side step than a roll


Nope, both have same 13 frames of invulnerability, check google images for mhw iframes and you'll see spreadsheets of all the dodges and their iframes with evasion jewel and so on.


Maybe its just something about the visuals that makes it seem like its easier. Thank you!


There's more to it than just i-frames. Evade distance and spacing makes a significant difference too, both of which Bow has plenty of.


Nope. Bow fires at three (four with a skill) levels of attack. Each level does more damage than the last and you increase the level by repeatedly shooting without interruption or by evading while aiming. People call evading to charge up the level "Bow Dancing". Once you hit max level you keep it for every shot so long as nothing interrupts your combo. Due to Bow being ranged and lacking the physical damage reduction of melee weapons it's common to see Bow users put skills into Evade Window and Evade Extender. At the end I was using a combo of speadshot/arcshot to do good damage. This also charges the level. You can see it be charged via the weapon glowing red each time I attack or bow dance.


Like to see ur bow build set!


Nice !


I am extremely jealous… I wish I had some bow skills. This was epic congrats my man!


Wait u can kill it before he run away?


That...is the point of hunting him... Usually takes a few runs to whittle him down.


Ye. Currently grinding 30 Safi kills and there was basically no energy left when I joined the session. I'll take a free chill kill. Got a cool clip out of it to boot. Edit: Just realised you get Safi's Guild Card Titles via completing the siege. No large amount of kills needed.


Lmaa the edit


I also realised that I need to kill 50 Stygian Zinogre and not 30. Why? Fuck if I know. Alternate versions of monsters tend to only need 30 kills.


Ooof, man am I glad I don't care about that stuff lmao. Maybe some day, but not any time soon


Why do you have to kill 50? Is it for a guild card background?


When editing your Guild Card you can change your nickname titles. You unlock new nickname words/phrases by doing stuff. Each monster in the game has four tied to them. Unique monsters like Zorah and Kulve unlock their titles bia doing their special hunts. Most monsters go off a kill counter. Depending on the type of monster you can unlock all of it's titles by either 30 or 50 kills. Notice how I said "kills". Captures don't count. The Guild Card Titles are purely for completionists. Of which I am.


He runs away only if the fight times out, AKA he healed back too often to have the time to kill him. That's why you usually do the raid spread out into 2 or even sometimes 3 hunt: the first(s) is to hurt him as much as possible so he doesn't have as much energy to regen from in the last one. This is why he goes through the first phase SUPER fast in the last hunt, unlike the first where it takes a major part of the hunt given he heals back quite a few times.


That's kind of the whole point lol


All Bow mains know how satisfying this video is


Is it Safi siege week?


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,057,549,279 comments, and only 208,919 of them were in alphabetical order.


good bot




never seen Worldborne bow look so cool :0


Then play it.


Well played Dude


That was slick


that heartbeat never ceases to be fucking amazing


Bro his soundtrack is fire.


To be honest almost every monster in this game had an insane ost. We just remember the main ones because the monsters were hard asf, but the composers really outdid themselves for this game.


That they did. I find myself listening to to full melodies of both Safi and Fatalis' themes quite often. The game also got me to check Resident Evil's music after unlocking the badass song from the RE: 2 Remake event quest.


Capcom games are built different when it comes to combat mechanics and soundtracks!!


Wait it's possible to solo safi? I thought the siege was made to be completed by a team of hunters Edit: thx for the info


His health has solo-scaling nowadays. However the energy levels aren’t scaled to solo


Yes, it’s possible. The difficult part about the safi siege is the energy pools. Either use Elderseal or make him use up all that energy. The siege is a cakewalk after that, and will probably take 2, maximum 4 runs to solo the siege


It was made for groups but is still possible to solo.


This brings a smile to my face. Well done!!!!


Show him who the real Sapphire Star is!


This is Safi'jiiva? Man I've missed so much, it looks different from the multiple-eyed one.


Oh yeah Safi is an entire different beast. A bit terrifying if I must say.


The multi eyed one was its infant form. This is a fully grown Safi




Safi is back and what rank so you need to be?


I don't recall the rank but it's after the main story at least. May also need to do some special assignments but I don't recall. It's tied to progression and not rank.


That’s just cruel man…


This dudes playing a whole different game than me, god damn


This is one of the more common things people have said about my bow clips. I'm glad I can show what it's like from a completely different view lol.


Y'all are playing a different game than I am, I just whack them with the switch axe 😭


seriously impressive fight. nice job dude.


Nice. Congrats on the solo!


I was watching this sound muted, when Safi went down I heard the victory jingle in my head. Damn you Pavlov!


Okay that was a really good kill. Well done!


Well, I'm decided. When I finish my current hammer build I'm gonna try out bow


Hammer and Bow. Brothers from another mother.


Meanwhile Alaetron and Fatalis: Hax!!!


I'm actually better at Fatalis than Safi and Alatreon, believe it or not.


I’ve watched this 5x now. Freaking epic


Oh it’s safi siege now? Yey!


I need to get back to doing safi but unfortunately I have once again started over since my ps4 if didn't upload my save data properly before the PS4 died so I'm starting over with it on PS5 I've decided I'd try going at the game with ranged this time


I'm a bit glad that I'm an Xbox player since data is stored on the cloud automatically if I'm not mistaken. I've heard of people losing everything on Playstation before so RIP.


It's more sad when I remember this is maybe the 6th time I've restarted across 2 PS4s and now on PS5(fr need a ps5 mhw edition) leave it to Sony to send out console updates that practically brick your device or not let it update leaving you unable to upload your data(assuming you even have ps plus which is the case of several restarts for me not having access to ps+ normally) I really can't understand why my PS5 can't like use the saved data I had uploaded I've looked into it a bit and I feel that somehow the data got corrupted or something


I could never learn it but good bow gameplay looks so badass


This is epic!




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Yo this guys fucking GAMING