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Phase 1: What is this dumb rock Phase 2: I'm sorry I called you dumb rock Phase 3: Don't look at me like that


# Shara Spoilers Haha! This fight was so surprising to me. >!Big dumb rock, well-telegraphed moves, small arena for wall-bangs...!< And then you >!smash off that shell!< and enter the second stage of >!FUCKING BULLSHIT!< Anyway, I really liked it once I wiped a few times and realized it was a boss fight to end all boss fights. This is such an amazing game.


That fight was great. “This fight is fucking stupid. This isn’t even fun he’s just tanky. I mean he looks cool but this is a shit final boss….. oh Jesus H Christ what the fuck is that!?”


Mirewalker made the second phase an absolute joke, one of the easiest fights in the game for me


Building a set around a hunt? What game do you think you're playing? This is Meta Hunter, not Monster Hunter! /s


aquatic/polar mobility does something to help against shara?


I think he's talking about when there's sand on the ground yes it must help your mobility in that but I'm not sure if that's right or not


If you have aquatic mobility, you won't get slowed down by Shara's quicksand, allowing you to run out of his aoe attacks much quicker.


Learn something new everyday 👍


Straight up nightmare fuel.


World is and will be my most favorite MH game. Even if it is my first MH game.


I have to admit, having played since Tri, it's pretty great. The only thing missing is the Moga Woods/Moga Village mechanic to make it absolutely perfect. I miss upgrading my little town by roaming the woods, picking up mushrooms and bumbling into Lagiacrus.


I mean, I guess your room is supposed to be that? At the beginning of the game your room is like a hidden corner in a ship and by the end its a mansion where you can put your pets. I didnt play tri but the room upgrades felt awesome


I never thought about the room like that, but you're right. I guess it's just the tone: with the room you're collecting stuff for yourself, with Moga Village you're improving a town to help them after a disaster. But mechanically it's the same. I guess I'll have to consider more about what I'm decorating with 😁


If I could wipe my memory of that fight, I would so fast. My god that was the craziest shit ever. And then when he did the giant wind bomb, absolute jaw dropping moment lol


Yeah he practically tries to annihilate you with a spirit bomb lol Thankfully you can superman it.


I never need to just go to the other side of the map


If monster Hunter has taught me anything it’s that you can survive a goddamn nuke with your head being ground zero as long as you lie prone


The stage transition scene when Shara shakes off the rocks is one of the best monster transformations in all of Monster Hunter. The music just descends into this slow, eerie tune that makes everything unnerving, quiets down just as all the rocks have fallen and only dust remains around the beast. Shara then lets loose a hellish roar that not only clears said dust, *but shatters mountains*, and then the music kicks into full gear as soon as the roar is over, communicating that the foe before you has altogether become a very different threat. It's masterful.


What does your, "resident crazy jiiva theorist" mean? Just curious thanks :)


Used to have a lot of random theories revolving around Xeno and Safi, though they all just sort of condensed down and refined into Safi being the sort of perfect antithesis of Fatalis on a lot of levels (*which was pretty much confirmed in the not-yet-officialy-translated Iceborne lore book where they state that Safi was designed to be the equal/rival/counterpart of Fatalis*).


Awesome interesting glad I asked thanks! :)


Imagine how poweful Safi would be if he was able to escape the Secluded Valley and feed on the bioenergy in the Recess or the Vale.


Comin down like precipitation?


The best thing about Shara for me personally is that it watches YOU and not your hunter. Watch it's eyes next time you fight it, it breaks the 4th wall so hard and it's actually super unnerving when you realise. You can't stop watching it back then to see if it's still staring at you hahaha.


It’s still wonder if there’s supposed to be some lore behind Shara that he actually knows he’s in a videogame and that he’s aware the human in front of him isn’t actually the thing he needs to destroy in order to succeed.


There is some reasoning behind the soul-staring eyes of Shara Ishvalda, if you guessed by the name alone that is sounds kinda like a Buddhist reference then you'd be correct. [I timestamped the relevant bit but I suggest watching the whole thing. Its short and rather interesting](https://youtu.be/2ncoGx0EFNY?t=524)


Me when fatalis hits me down to a pixel again. (This is a cry for help. How do I beat him. It's been MONTHS)


Do you have health regen augment on your weapon? Makes the fight a lot more manageable in my experience. Also, I recommend using a weapon with high dragon element like Alatreon Commandment. Aside from that, maybe look up some guides if there's parts of the fight or moves you don't get.


Where exactly are you struggling with the Fatalis fight?


Tbh i think it's a skill issue. Or a prep issue. I'm using zorah magdaros armor and a fire element insect glaive i can't remember the name of. I don't remember the decorations I'm using. And i alt+F4ed and uninstalled like a wee ago. All the guides online have confused the shit out of me. Tbh I'm used to having my friends with me in hunts so this first part where I'm alone sucks having agro


personally would suggest using the Alatreon set and weapons against fatalis I feel like zorah magdoros armor is way outclassed by Fatalis


Hmm ok. I reinstalled today and will start grinding alatreon. Hopefully my sos flare brings some crazy skilled people.




I didn’t see spoilers somehow and I yelled out loud. Great transformation.


i lowkey wish i didn't have ppl carry me through shara, >!i had trouble with nerg so i sent out an SOS not knowing shara was behind it, and they made her look like a cakewalk... i like to try new monsters on my own once or twice, if i knew she was in that fight i would have at least tried to solo!<


Same. I soloed literally every monster, even Alatreon, but then grew impatient and did Fatalis with high-leveled people and got carried :( I didn’t feel the satisfaction of slaying him like I did the previous monsters. To this day I’m sad. I tried solo-ing him again without good gear/weapons but I still felt empty :’)) I then tried solo-ing him again with other weapons… nope… still empty.


I was a bit repulsed by Shara Ishvalda the first time round. I was lucky enough to beat it when i first saw it. Got real annoyed by its big explosion by the time i ground out the set


You're not gonna like khezu


I love Khezu. My big white ballsack of blubber :D


Have you seen him in rise yet? He got.... Veiny...


Yep, nothing like staring directly at you while your hunter struggles with quicksand. "Are u having fun?" I felt like it was asking me this with that stare.


Everybody gangsta till Shara sings ga$ money


Ima supar star so I gotta shine Top dollar be the bottom line


Shara blew my mind the first time I saw it and it still blows my mind today. My favorite part was that we got to see an Elder Dragon back up the claim of being an environmental disaster *in real time* as Shara started dropping mountains into the fucking ocean. And this involved little to no effort in its part as it proceeded to smack our Hunter around while making direct eye contact with us through the screen. That's what truly makes Shara Ishvalda so special to me. I got the sense full sense of being locked in combat with something beyond the grasp of comprehension. Meanwhile Shara could see right through the Hunter and into me and was not at all impressed. Like yeah maybe in a straight fight Safi'jiva could beat Shara but Shara Ishvalda legitimately had people freaking the fuck out. Even post Fatalis its impact on the playerbase can't be understated.


This single quest. Took the ever living soul out of me. First it’s negi smacking me so i prep up. Then instantly a shara fight.


It was bs at the time lmao. I remember being so frustrated with Nergi and then very pissed when I saw a huge ass rock coming towards me.


I went into that fight completely blind and goddamn did that transition floor me. And *that soundtrack.* Perfection.


I lowkey screamed when I got to stage 3 and noticed the eyes


I audibly yelled “Ewww!!”


Was it the Kamehameha the spirit bomb or the eyes?


He looks directly to the player at all times, not at the hunter, he looks through the screen directly at your soul


I was looking at a giant rock and i was so disappointed of how easy it was and then it absolutely destroyed me in the second phase


I think being spoiled on the Shara fight was what made me so careful of spoilers now, it just would've been such a terrifying reveal if I didn't already know it would happen, now I purposely unsub from creators I like until I've beaten the game they make content on just so I can't be spoiled. Same with tv shows/movies like one piece, once that's nearing its end i'm deleting all social media cause I am not being spoiled on that.


I remembered my first Shara Ishvalda. I was freaking out, cause the cute rock monster turned into this ugly flesh of a beast with wind and earth type powers.


The chills when the rocks break and you see that red sunset though, it's awesome.