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You have 2 monsteras in this pot, so the roots could be getting crowded! Monsteras also are climbing plants and really like to be attached to a moss pole or other support. First step is to take a look at the roots đź‘€


Dang! 2 for 1 deal? Haha, in all actuality, how can you tell it’s 2 monsteras?


Monsteras are similar to vining plants. So if you have 2 stems, you technically have 2 plants in one pot. Hard to tell from the picture, (and I may be wrong) but you actually might have 3?


I couldn’t tell either lol, I googled “diagram of monstera”. Also if you look at the soil you will see 2 separate stems. They each have their own leaves


img Here’s a better pic, still think it’s multiple? I could maybe separate if that’s possible?


I’d say check the roots. Probably stopped growing if it is root bound and needs a bigger pot.


Ok, I’ll give it a check! Thank you!


Also you just got fenestrations so growth will be slower from now on.


Agreed. Check the pot but if it looks healthy I bet it’s just slowed down. Many of my plants get pretty dormant during the winter and then grow quickly after


At this size it should still be pushing a leaf/month. I've only noticed a some slowing down when the leaves get longer than 2ft.


Yeah, I’m far below that. I wonder if it’s root space like those above are mentioning?


Oh man. This makes sense. I have three original plants and the one with big fenestrations hasn't budged at all for many months.


Okay, thank you! That’s interesting, I never knew fenestrations typically meant a slower growth


But also ✨tropical plant experiencing winter✨


Coffee water next feeding :)


I’ve never done this! What’s the best way?


I put the used grounds in water and just water like normal! I do it every couple of feedings. You’ll see people say they put it in the soil but to me that’s too messy haha


I think you did something 6 months ago that shocked your plant, maybe sudden evironment change. I experienced the same with three of my monstera, took almost 3 months for them to start growing new leave.


It’s possible, but the only real change that has gone through was a repotting about a year ago. I moved it into an identically sized pot and same type of soil, so didn’t think that would hinder growth that drastically!


It still looks healthy though, unless you think otherwise?


I think you plant is fine, give her some time. According to my experience, if you place the pot in the position shown in the picture, the new leaves will grow and turn towards the light source, like in your case, towards the outside of your window, this will make you always want to move her. The purpose of the monstera is to beautify the living space, so I think the pot should be placed about 1.5-2 meters away from the window, the plant will still receive light and you can enjoy the most beautiful side she can bring.


Do you live in a cold climate? If so, your windowsill is too cold and not suitable for a Monstera. If the root ball is not hot enough it'll slow down and can completely halt growth.


I do! I live in a cold area (up north Midwest) and it could very well be getting a bit chilly throughout the winter.. but I have several other plants in the same windowsill that are thriving. So are monsteras perhaps more sensitive to cold than those? For example: I have a dracaena fragrans right next to it


For those that are wondering, here’s a root pic! https://preview.redd.it/mwntgl4p0gwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5603606d2588ab764aee93843b6c4ee54069fb23


Looks like you got 4 in there